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- > .'. BUSINESS EOTICE& '£ ;- ; 3 ; :^cT,A"r^ li':.b vt.:.". ;'>f^e.'v^e ; ?b . :Stemp;it ouVget rid \ol it, by using CAIVERT'S CARBOLIC ACID in powder or'liquid.' ' This'rnost ;reliable Disinfectant is sold in tins, Jib, lib, and' 21b, with perforated tops.'; Sprinkle freely round, and < the ■ fever will speedily travel. :-Also sold in lib bottles arid gallon tins. Should be in every household; and where used there need be no anxiety. ' - ■••:■:-:" :Sold 'by all Chemists and Storekeepers, and whole^ Bale by1 •■ ;- ■■ ■ '■■■ . ■•'' "• ■ u;.,v ,;■■' KEMPTHOIINE, PROSSER, and; CO., . -Sole Agents for New Zealand. ,' THE? GO^RNMENT; ?SANITAItT ..Vy-il-;-:'..;:;-'.": y COMPANY. ? ~ : ,.-,;V:, ,i/ :■' ■i jWe have 4 stock of; this[Powder on 'Sale cheap,:: Iff 2cwt casks, 3diper;lb ; by 141b parcel, 4d per lb.. ; It a good disinfectant.,:,,-: .■.-.•.■ ■~- ■ I KEMPTHOBNE, : PHOSSER, and'-.CO: X • WILLIAMS'S AUSTRALIAN TEAST ■."■•'■•■. '■•"■■'■<;:..■>: '-, powder.^ ■•.■••■••■/:-: •'•■'>■ -■■■■-' ': This Baking Powder is packed Id halt-pound canis«ra s&ecially.adaptedJor the climate of New Zealand. [* make* light wholesome bread without yeast • also; biscuits cakes, and all kinds of pastry without eggs, and with less than half the. usual quantity of butter; y jWilliams's Yeast Powder win doubtless speedily drive all other baking powders from the. New Zealand markets^and secure for itself that high poDularitv it, throughout fAustralia', whore it is to ie foundm every well regulated household;...■- ; . ;,.'.;:;•.. •:. ■ ! Agents: ;:-■■■<■ ;i:.i ■ •..■:■ KEMPTHORNE/ PRQSSER^ahd ; p6^ BR BUGHAN'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT.OF SARSAPAKILLAoperatesas a mild butetfipacioM alterative and tonic— gives, tone -and vigour to •' the system, renovates the/blood,; andothua affordß';protectiori from attacks' arising from changes of season, climate, arid life; This very agreeable and beneficial beverage will,he found m every respectable hotel bar,,and to those who valua, health and iong life ask for. arid drink this article in lieu^f trashy and ruinous a'coholicliquore::' See you getDrßuchin's sarsaparilla.- .=' ■ ■■■■ <' -'•'• -.■ J 1 Sold by. all druggists^ storekeepers, arid publicans throughout the colony; and whdlesaleby : '■ ■■■■'■■ ..- : ;\ J .'!!.,''."'' •'.'.,'■■■'■''''.-'.'.'"''•.. "-".'"'"'' ,;._Agent3.."'----i ;.: "'■ ' ■■'-';- ' .-' '■' :"-; ."■■;,'■■■,'-.. ; '"';;;■; '"■' V_f^'s. ELijii): magnesia; : ;The.Jnrprs of the itttercolonial.Exhibitioix' ofriß6G and 1867,.awarded the ONLY PRIZE MEDAL lor Fluid Magnesia to.MrKRUSE:;-...;', ~. ; .-...•. ~.. ;'. "-• Accornpariying .their report .is the result of Mr J Cosmo Newberry's analysis, by which it appears that one fluid ounce of '.'Kruse's Magnesia coniairis So per cent, of Carbonate of Magnesia in excess' of any other Magnesia exhibited.. ;;. ■.-*■•.; i-;^'.;i ; i.'/:;;V:: °:- :: I "V'KRUSE's^^ii^M&GirasiAV"1-' '■':':."r'' For upwards of twenty years,'' hasbeen approved and, prescribed by the letdiog members of the medical' profession.- : Itsalmost universatuse affords sufficient" proof of'the ; high : estimatiori'in which itis held by the pubhogenerally.., It iacarefuUy;prepared of:uniform strength. Each,-fluid ounce contains '■. ten grains o pure Carbonatep? Magnesia. ".■: .' :: ■ ™•; JB^itJ^E'S'FLXJip.. MAGNi|SIA possesses ;ali the .properties of the Magnesia in common' use, but being in a dissolved Btate,; and quite iree'from 'any adaltera-' .tion or contamination; its'effects sire more energetic and .reliable; .besides,:it has the 'advantage:of riot forming those dangerous .concretions •■ ini.the'h'oweis Which sometimes have resulted from the.use of dry Oarbonate of Magnesia.'••«,,•. '• - '•.'■".-':".. :-, , '■ \ KRUSE'CFiUID: MAGITESIA promotes^ in a very mild manner, the secretions in the alimentary. canal and";removes :any':disp6sition'.tb;th'e' formation o acidity in the saifle^'aridespecially corrects the tendency of'the chyle to becomeacid.! It is the acidulous condition.of the chyle!which causes not only.tlyspepBia, .•with : -its-troublesome; symptoms,-. Heartburn, Headache,.l\:ausea, Vomiting, Pain atter Eating, &c.. but gives rise yeiy of ten to Spasms in the stomach and bowels, :,vhich in: children often lead to' coriv'ulsions• and-nervous affections. 'The acid !- also' causes Diarrho3a;and Dysentery iaehildreri,^arid prevents'a proper digestion and assimilatliui'6l :tho food.t A frequent use is. consequently,.often-; recommended by medical practitioners, and the antacid and mild aperient qualities; of.Kruse's Fluid Magnesia render it,' therefore, an1 Inestimable reiriedy. In' the following cases of illness :it la found particularlybeneScial as' a! pleasing sedative and a'perieut in 'all'eases'ol irritation1 or acidity of the stomach! (particularly during pregnancy).., . - Febrile complaints, ilnfanti.e ■- Disorders or SeasicVnessV,' ;. "•'..-. ~'. .. ~'■ .'...'. ;' .'.-. .; .; _|The Solution : speedily 'removes 'Heartburn, Acid Eructations, Sourness, br'. Irregular., Digestion, of Females and Children. ••' ■ ,° . -.. • j IT COMPOSES' THE STOMACH'-AFTER1 ANY ] i)!: . rEXCESS OK HAtoj>RINKING,:;-^V,Vv Fluid Magnesia is so'ld^in, bottles, Is 'ed, 2s 6d, and 3s 6d. by Chemists and Storekeepera throughout'the Australia^ Colonies. : : ." ; ■."'.'. ~:. ," J The numerous medical testimonials ,are tod lengthy to insert ■.in/newspaper' advertisement* but "will be! found wrapped rouud.each bott'e:;' ?■ ■; - : >-- : ': .•'■< ;; \ Soidby all Chemists and; Druggists throußhout'the Colony. ,■''■''■•:■ ■ \ ■■- Ti:'i; • '■'•' ' ':'-'ii-iAoentb': !-: •-'■:'f::--*.•■"■'•?'■-;v .! KEMPTHOR3STE, PROSSER. and CO.- ':'-.;'■ !^'RTrSE'S INS'EbTICiDEj ; ~ ... P.eriian Insect Destroying Powder. W-. .-. • Sold by all chemists, in packets at Is, and; in. tins: at : -;;; ~_ls 6d, ss; 10s, 15s, .and 203 each. ■/ :- ; ; ; This; Powder, is unrivalled in destroying fleas,'hugs, ants, : flies, cockroaches, beetles, gnats,, mosquitoes, moths iri furs', and every other jpecies of insects in all :Stages of metamorphosis ;.whilst it has no qualities de-J leterious to human beings,' arid .is quite harmless in its application to dogs, cats, pbuHty, &c. Weraskbnt one trial for. this powder: io. secure confidence, no other; brand wUI be wanted hereafter.;. v; iU-.-'--'-.: ■ ■-, ■.•;•••■• : • Sold by ; all druggists, and storekeepere, and whole-: sale by.-... -:-,.' ... ~■!■.,,•,•:....?■. -i-;*-,. ~.,!'..-.,- -. : '.'-■..'■:" - ■■:■. V Aoents,:.. "'.'". .'" ''.I ..:'■•::. -'!",'■ ; . ; , KEMPTHORNE, PROSSBB^ and CO. .'..'-•..■' '- B LOOK'S -FOOD ;: FOR 'INFANTS ~ ::';'.;:'.'.'/:'and. V:! ; Prepared upon Baron LieWg's 'principle; approved and recommended by; the most eininerit of the Medical Profess'on. •■■•■.•■" •■•■■. -•;■": ;.-■: . -i^ •. . : Surpasses all other substitutes for: the natural- food of infants, and .effectually promotes nuiritibn and health.. \ :,.:.- . ....... > . '... . ■ • ■ "Achild deprived of;its mother's milk can only be fes properly \*h-ri the food given. Is' equivalent iri powertothat of woman's milk. '" ' ~ ' . ; :' i "' '. ' ■■'J: !;''; :;"BAROS LIEBIG." -The great success of this food ia a convincink proof that it perfectly fulfils its object.1 ■ ' '- ' ;; ■ - <. j . , ; W ' ■MEDICAtCEKTIFICATESiV.. '''■'.': .' h • " After a •careful.trial Voit Mra Blobr's Farinaceous Food for Infants and; Invalids, I; feel no little plea-r sure in recommoni ing it as the best substitute'l'nave met withior. the natural feod of infants, from its being ■ highlj; nutritious, easy of: digestion, and: not irritating tho alimentary canal. In my opinion its more general use. would teridr "greitly. to diminish theiexces--sive mortality which has hitherto existed in the Colony.' , ■'• ' .••' •; - -■■•■--■■ ■•-'•■• ■- : ■■:.:■■■■ ■ • ''JOHJTiSUTGtiETOSr, M.D.,; ; • • •'■'■.'"•. " Medical Mission Dispensary, . ■:■''■■■/ ■.'' " Wellington street; Collingwood.' 1 - ! ''-Havingitrlea Mrsßlooi's Food i6rTnfarits;and In! vahda, I ; am justified, ia saying.thatl.eorisider it ari; excellent article in all cases where iniahts'are deprived of their liatnral- food, and invalids su£feriug from dys.pepsia, combined with feeble digestive powerj.- :. '••' -.'..':.' ''GODIREY HOYVITr, M.D., * ', - , ...-.■; ■..',..' "194 Collins street." "Having tried -Mrs Blpor's Victoria Patent Farms'ceous Foocl, lean safely r'ecoinmend it' as being well ■ suited for inf irits, children, and invalids, and as it is manufactured from Colonial grain, it is .fresh,'sweet, and very delicious. -: ; - . v ■■'. . .' ,: ; : ■" JpHS WiLKiXS, F.R;C.S;, -England, : ; ••.■•; ' ";-■ ;- ; "121, Collins street E.!' ■ . ; -:":''-:' :' :."•" ;'Aobnts:*'"",:: "'•''■'■'' i::.;" v'" .'■';■'■ I ''■■; KEMPTHORNE; PfiOSSER^ arid'CG.'; j; ;.'-\' WT'E are Agents in the Colony for .' ¥T- ' the.following- :—. : •■.■''•. . -.-■;. -I::-. Allcock's Porous Plaisters and Brandreth's Pills' Averts Sarsaparilla, Hair Vigor, Cherry Pectoral, arid' Attinson's Infant's Preservative,' Scriveriur's Ainvn- ' ; terion--..<• •■-.•:- ■ • •.■•'■.;■•:';:- ••-'.'•■-■ Bishop's Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia,;Bunter's Dr Collis Broivno's Clilorodyne, Dr Briffht'a Phosoho- ■ dyne - -.- -,r*, ;• ,- /■. - r ~...., :p?> l| ebrated' sy.r «PS-for Consumption, Clarke's Blood Mixture; :B 41 Fills;-and Miraculous ; ! .Salve ; r. ~>-. .;. ,_ .• . -~'.. ...... Condy's Disinfecting -Fluid,- Dinneford'B Fluid MaK--1 -.'.oesia ..■ .. >.. .■%-.;■•...■• -. - Dr Rooke's Solar Elixir, Pills, and Crosbie's Cough Dr De Joiigh's Cod' Liver Oil, Friedrichshall Water ". Gollup's Mexican Hair Rcnewer and Flbriline . •. Gridley.'s;lsinglass, Hockin'sSeidlitz Powders, Hood's Cjrn Solvent, Hofmann's "Washing. Crystals, Hall's Balaam for the Lungs, James's .Blistering Ointment for Horses , ■. . Joy's Asthma Cigars, Judsori's Dyes, Locock's Wafers Holler's Cod Liver: Oi l; Norton's Camomile PUla Powell's Balsam of, Aniseed, • Row's" Embrocation for : -.. Horses (.. n . :. '. : '.'.'.- '..■'' Steedmaii's Soothing Powders, Whelpton's pais'win- , glow's Syrup . . - . . , Weston's Wizard Oil, Ma^ic Pills j Mustang Luiiment,- ---; and Condition Powders; '..;; ~-. Barry's Trieopherous; Marfllina, Safe Hair Dye, and Pearl Cream ... . , . : ; , Pear's well-known Soaps and Perfumery Piesse anil Lubtn's exquisite Toilet requisites and Per ; fame.". .";:.---. '■. :. ; .'.'■■ v' ". -.; ' •■■•'. •■',' KEMPTHORNF., PROSSERj and CO., '.',■ ' Stafford .street, V; .. .'■•'''. u'n c d i"ir" "" "■ "

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 4


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