I The children of the Dunedm District Schools were yesterday dismissed for the holidays* Previously; it has been .customary, to have a public examination in each school,-extending over a couple of days, and concluding with the delivery of speeches and the distribution of prizes. These formalities were yesterday considerably abridged. Prizes were, however, awarded, the Dunedin School Committee having voted the sum of L3O, for the purpose, and ■which amount was apportioned among the four, sc^iqolsy in accordance with' the number of pupils in attendance. We append some particulars in regard to the different schools; and also the prize list of each.
. SOUTH, DISTRICT SCHOOL. Matters passed off as quietly as satisfactorily at the South.District School, the old display, except so far as class-sinking was concerned, being_ absent;- The following are some particulars in regard to the! attendance, which aggregates 426 :—The infant... room, under Miss Nicholls (matron), assisted by the Misses Stewart, M'lntosh, and Coull, 211 schslars ; second class, Misa Adams, 66 j third class, Miss Smith, 54; fourth class, Miss Spedding, 48 ; senior class, Mr Menzies. Mr Park, besides having the general management of the schoolj instructs the senior class in the advanced branches. There was a very fine show of plain sewing at this school, no less' than 160 pieces being exhibited. We append the prize lut. Sixth Cl«ss.—lst Division.—Boys : Highest marks. Allied Dryden ; 2nd, James Park; mental arithnetLv John Bevia. Girls: Highest marks, Martha M'lntosh; honourable mention, Isabella M'lntosh. Note.—This clits being too Jew in number, no second prize was awarded. ■ 2nd Division.—Boys : Highest marks, Joseph Sargent>' 2nd, H. Cimpbell and H. Cook equal. Girls: Highest marks, Margaret E. Adams; 2nd, Elizabeth Smith; honourable mention, Finlay Cameron and Kezia Thomas. Fifth Class. —Ist Division. — Highest number of marks—Girls: Ist prize, Ina Musk^r; 2nd, Annie Frarer and Maggie Cumeron equal. Boys : Ist prize, Robert Watson ; 2nd, Samuel Jenkins. Honourable mention—Emily Coull, Eliza Nimmo, Maggie Russell, James Nimnio, Alex. Moss, James Al'latosh. 2nd Division.—Girls: Ist. prize, Maggie Johnson. Boys: Ist priz», Alfred Hellyer; 2nd, Allan M'Naughton. Honourao'.e mention—Joseph Moss, 'ViHie Lind, David Low. Fourth Class.—2nd division.—Boys: Ist prize, W. C. Christensen. Girls: Ist. S. Williamson; 2nd, B. MoVison; hon. mention, Rose lane, W. West. Note.— No second prize in the 3rd class, Wing too few boy*. Ist Division.—Boys : Ist prize. • Willie Simpson; 2ud, Herbert George. Girls: Ist, F. Wilkinßon ; 2nd, A; M-Donald; hon. mention, Edith Coull, C.M'Leish, David Cooke. . . No. of pupils- Boys, 23; girls, 31. Third Class.—2nd division.—Boys: l«t- prize, John Fraser; 2nd, Thomas Coull. Girls: Ist, Elizabeth 1 Roberts; 2nd, Edith M'Neil (equal); hon. mention, Robert Isaacs, Frank Jfredilksen, Elizabeth Aitken, Elizabeth Eskett. lßt Division.—Boys: Ist prize, James Bevan; 2nd, John D&vi3. Girl 3 :Ist, Sarah Sargent; 2nd, Caroline Walla; hon. mention, Charles Farra, Elizabeth Watson. ... : ■ . •■ ••■■..■ ■".;■ No. of pupils—Boya, 23 ; girls, 28. Second Book. — 2nd Division;— Girls: Ist prize, Lizzie Bird;- 2nd, Laura Stephenson. Boys : Ist, John Hamel. Ist Division.—Girls: Annie M'Naughtonand Lillian Inßley, equal. Boys : Ist, Benjamin Metz. Sequel, Second Book.—Girls : lat. Mai/ Cameron. Boys : Ist, Henry Williamson; 2nd, James H-nham. ' First Class.—lst Division. —lßt prize, Mary Ann Owen ; 2nd, Alice Oswald. 2nd Division.—lst, Lizzie Lind; 2nd, Emily Ceull. Second Claas. — Ist, Jane Lindsay ; 2nd, Bella Simpson. Third Class.—lst, Ellen Jenkins ; 2nd, Bella Malcolm. ■...-■■-. Fourth Class.—lst, Christina Stewart; 2nd, Lydia Booker. Knitting Prize.—lst, Maggie Cameron; hon. mention, Harriet Williamson. MIDDLE DISTRICT SCHOOL. The children at this School assembled in their I rooms, and gave recitations to the satisfaction of a large number of visitors, who appeared to take great interest in the procsedings. The mental arithmetic was remarkable for the ready and correct way in which the children answered the questions put to them. There was ody one prize, and the boy who won it, gallantly gave the book—a handsomely bound volume of Scott's poetry—to a clever little girl wao was second in the competition. Mr Robin, in presenting the prize to Jane Oi»-, complimented the hoy for waiving his right in favour of the girl. In Miss Hay's room was to be seen a pleasing exhibition of useful and ornamental needlework.
Mr Eobin, Chairman of the Dunedin School Committee, was present and spoke in high terms of the good conduct of the children, and said that he hoped they would return to the School on the loth of Januaiy, determined to work in good earnest. Three cheers were then given by the boys for Mr Eobin and the Dunedin School Committee. The following is the prize list: —
6th Royal Reader Class.—Girls: lat prize, Annie Bennett; 2nd. Annie Stansfield. Boys: Ist, Kichard James Bennett; 2nd, Frederick Charles Flexmau. sth Royal Reader.—Girls : Ist prize, Margaret Anderson ; 2nd, Jane Crow. Boys : Ist, .Edwin F. Palmer ; 2nd, Alexander Scott. 4th Royal Reader.-Girls: Ist prize, Agnes Tee 3 ; 2nd, Annie M'Leod. Boys: Ist, Robt. M'Laren; 2nd, Robt. Stansfield.
3rd Royal Reader.—Girls: Ist prizs, Jane Ure; 2nd, Jessie Greenslade. Boys: Ist, James Matthews ; 2nd, John H. Hamilton.
2nd Royal Reader. —Girls: Ist prize, Ada Howison;. 2nd, Christina Masterton. Boya : Ist, Samuel Crow ; 2nd, Robert Fraser. l9t Royal Reader.—Girls : Ist prize, Elizibeth M'lnlyro Greenslade ; 2nd, Annie Field. Boys: Ist, James Melville; 2nd, George Bannatjixo. Sewing.— Ist p.'ize, Jessie Robertson; 2nd, Fanny Whitwell.
The total number of boys and girls in each class is as follows: —
lßt Royal Reader Class—Teacher,. Miss Hay, assisted by Miss Lowry 75 2nd Royal Header Class—Teacher, (Miss J. Kinvig 28 3rd Royal Clas3—Teacher, Miss B. Gallo-
way .. ... •• .• •• •• •• 4th Royal Reader Class—Teacher, Miss S. Halli-
well 39 6th Royal Reader Class—Teacher, Mr J. H. Chapman 42 6th IRoyallßeaderi Class—Teacher, Mr A. Barrett 19
The number of children attending the_ school during the second quarter was 160 ; during the third quarter, 199 ; and during the quarter just closed, 235. The school has been particulatly healthy— onlytwocasesofscarletfeverduringthe half year. Carbolic acid, as a disinfectant, has been very generally used for the last two months, since which there has been no sickness among the children attending.the school.
The annual distribution of the prizes took place yesterday afternoon, in tlie presence of a large number of visitors. In accordance with the expressed resolution of the School Committee, there was no exhibition other than class-singing and industrial work. The children being assembled, Mr Sherwin, member of the School Committee, addressed tb.9m. He was especially pleased with the class-singing and the orderly appearance ot the pupils. He thought they were a credit to their teachers and parents. Children nowa-days had advantages which children 50 years ago did not enjoy. He was gratified at seeing so many present, and at tne good feeling displayed by teachers and taught. They would be glad to know that the Committee had decided to give then a picnic, and he hoped to see them all there. Mr Stewart said that we had got at the end of another year's work. This was the first time there had been no public exhibition, the Committee having disallowed the usual display. The examination of the school was conducted by Messrs Petrie and Taylor on the 7th September, and four following days. Th© report was very satisfactory in regard of instruction and discipline. Two prizes were given to each class on the certificate of the teacher, the awards being given to those obtaining the highest number of marks over all subjects. Before dismissing the pupils, he expressed his hearty thanks to the various teachers for their hearty co operation during the year. He announced that the school would re-open on the 15th January. The industrial work was exhibited in the matron's room. There was a great display of articles redounding alike to the industry of the pupils and the superintendence of the teachers. The followitg is the prize list :—
Boyal Keader, No. VI., Mr Stewart's class. JS To. on the roll—boys, 16 : girls, 14; total, 30.—Boys: Ist prize, Bbcnezer Gibson; 2nd, Benjamin Myers; hon. mention, John Dagger, Hugh M'lntyre, Hugh Cunningham, Andrew Campbell. Girls: Ist prize, Jane Monteith; 2nd, Mary Gibson ; hou. mention, Mory Agnes Robertson, Emily M'Quaid, Marion J. Powell. Boyal Revlor, No. V., Mr Murray's o!n.ss. No. on the roll—boys, 19; girls, 24; total, 43.—80ys : Ist prize, Peter Walker; 2nd, Walter Wright aid Joseph Hendry, equal; hon. mention, Peter Gibson. Girls: Ist prize, Edith Jago; 2nd, Magdalene Walker and Susannah Powell; hon. mention, flelon Russell. Royal Reader, No. V., Juniors, Mr White's class, assisted by Miss Haig. No. on roll—boys, 56 ; girls, 19 ; tot.il, 75. Ist Division.—Boys : Ist .prize, George Summerell; 2nd, John Darling and Alexander Wilson, equal; hon. mention, Robert A. Haig, William Anderson, Jihn Colville, William Aitken, Hamilton Scott. Girls: let prize, Alexandria Stewart; 2nd, Jane Waugh; hon. mention, Agnes Roger. 2nd Division.
—Boys: Ist prize, John Burton; 2nd, George Wright ;; hop. mention, John'Pitsl->rd and William Strong: Girls: Ist-prize, Lizzie Johmton; 2nd, Kate Crawford; hon.? mention, Agnes Thomson. ;-Bequ e rtd, Royal Reader,-No. IV.; Mr BalsllEe's«Uss; No. on roll—boys,36; fcirls, 84; total, 70.— Boys: i ß t prize, Thomas. Jenldns ; 2nd, Fr*nk Battson ; hon. mention, John Carson and James Torrance. Girls: Ist,; Grace M-Nalr; 2nd, Margaret Dippie; hon. mention, Miriam Packer. Eoyal Reader, No. IV.—Boy*: lit piize, Charles Sliraehan : 2nd, Alexander J. Stewart; hon. men--tion, David Leighton. Girls : Ist, Margaret M'Donald ; 2nd, Goorgiua Hislop ; hon. mention, Annie Darling, Margaret Leask. .Sequel to No. 111. Royal Header; Mis* Miller'Selass; No. on roll—boys, 38; girls, 28 ; total, 66.— Boys: Ist prize, WalteT Walker ; 2nd, John Wilson ; hon. montion, David Donovan, Peter Thomson, andAlexsnder Wikon. Girls: l»t prize, Jemima Thomson ; 2nd, Alie Begg ; hon. mention, Maria Scott »ndMaggie Comrie. ■;.---.•■.■ ' -
No 111. Eoyal Header.—Boys: Ist prize, Thomas^ Jopson ; 2ad, Alexandar Brooks ;~ hon. mention, Joseph Haig and Robert Daggar. Girls : Ist, Maggie Stevenson ; 2nd, Georgin* Gibson: hon. mention,. Annie Wright, Eliza Waugh, and Eliza Stewart. ;Sequel to Roy»l Reader No. II.; Misa White's. cliis3 ; No. on roll—boys, 10;' girls, 27; total, «.— rßoyg : Ist prize, Archibald Hunter and WiUtam Burton, equal; 2nd, James Murdach ; hon.;mention, .■ Robert Mitchell and James. F»rreUV Girl*: Ist, Mai/Ann Jeffs; 2ud, Alice Douglas; hon. mention,.. Maggie Scott, Maude Morgan, and Agnes Douglas. ■ -;' ■' '- • mikst ROOM. "■' '•> ■'■■ :• ' ■■• :'- ---' Jfo. on roll—Boys, 92; girls;~B6: total, 178. MissHay, matron, assisted, by, Miwes Spr»U r Donald, and. Aleiandor. '•' C- '" ■"■ •'■-' ■"■' r-' ;. '■ ~-■"'. .'■'.,- Soya! Reader, No. ll.—Boysi: Ist prize,. George; \ Weitzel; 2nd, Alexander Harris. Girls: lst.jßarbaraFletcher; 2nd, Cecilia"Haig. '■■: f.-iixzr, ... , . Sequel to No. I, Royal Reader, Ist division.—Boy* i let priza, Davii Mitchell; 2nd, Archibald Allan. . Girls: let, Annie Wilson; 2ml,.lsabellaHftrlow. 2nd Division.—Boys: Ist prize, James Chiaholm;.... 2nd, James Black. Girls: "Ist, Mary Russell; 2nd, Minnie Crawford. , , . ~'*:•' MyTfaird BooE—Boys: Ist prize, 'WilUam John--- , ston; 2nd,'Duncan Niven, Girls: Ist prize, Mary- ". Simpsou; 2nd, Matilda Jone3. ;' , ' ■ My Second Book.—Boys:'. Ist !pritß,'NeiH Sum.morell; 2nd, Francis Haig. .Girls: Ist, Ellen 'Hay : 2nd, Edith'Vorrath and Louisa Bees.
First class —Boys ; lat prizs, Thomas Walker; 2nd,. Robert Pollock and Robert Roger, equal; Girls: Ist, .Ellen Hislbp; 2nd, Grace Hardie.':.. " ; . Industrial' Work. — First 'class—lst1 prize, Mary" Whit". Second class—lst prizß;Macy Douglas; 2nd, Magdalene Walker. I'hird class,. knitting—lat prize, Jaiae Waugh; 2nd, Jessie Dippie. Fourth .class, sewing—Ist prize, Jemima Matthews.
Total attendance —Boys, "276; girls, 2321----total, 508. '■■"■■ ■'••■•- : " -•■ ' ■•■- '-
At the Albany street School, perhaps' morethftn at any other of the district schools, things • - were more in harmony with ; what was to be ... seen in former years., The^ork of the senior. ...'.' class—including maps,- specimens of writing, and also arithmetical and- algebraical — were displayed bti the -walls, and bore ampletestimony to the.diligence of teachers md. pupils during the' past year. The maps wer6 veiy. neatly done, the. following being well -, worthy of mention:^- "Europe,".' by Elsi* 1 " MfLennan; " The World," by Charles'Davies £.."■. "Africa," by William Rutherford;, "Newv ; ; Zealand, "-by James Marchbanks; "Africa,'*"by. Mary Ellery; .".The United States'" by .William Rpbertsorii . The exhibition of needlework was really good. It was.-.," well laid out, and a cursory, glance. was- . j sufficient to show anyone that though the fancy ■•:. work was conspicuous the plain hadnot beeaJ ; neglected. The total huihber of pupils attend- 7 . ing the school is 330, of .whom 171 are' boys, atiA ' 159 girls. The teaching staff consists of Mr- f Ferguson, head master; ;;Mr A.' "Kyle, secondL ■ master; Mr Henry, third master; and the=-; matron of the school, Miss' Adams, There are- ■ also several pupilieacheru... The infant.classes: „ met. at 12.15, had some : music, aad received. * their prizes, and were dismissed. • The senior - t classes assembled in the long room, and... haying gone through :a well selected: pro- ' gramme of music, under the leadership of Mr Ferguson, dispersed shortl/befor&f our o'clock. The Revs. Dr Stuart, Dr Roseby, Upton. Davis, Johnson, and Mr Robin, were in. attend- ■ ._ ance, and a number of addresses were delivered. •: There; were also nbout; 150 present. We may also add that during the day MissMoUison, who,leaves for the purpose of finish- ■ ing the course laid down by the Education., Board, was presented by the heads master with, a gold locket, as a recognition of the services. • which she has rendered^jj^^c&ool during herconnection with it. is the prize- -. list:—" .- '"' ;< V ' Class II.—Boys: Elliot; 2nd. William Moves; ho^^^^^^^^Kr M'Dougall, Joshua Tennant. Gi^^^^^^^^Bjgpbertson^. £nd, Mary Mant. Class 111 (J unior).—Boj^^^^^^^^^^wvford ; , 2nd, Thomas Forsyth; hoi^^^^^^^^^R Johnatone, John Christie. Qirla^V^^^^^^^^^^^s. Class 111 (Senior).— Boys: l^^^^^^^^Kiot and William Robertson; 2nd, j^^^^^^^^^^t. mention, Kichard Holt, Alexanden^^^^^^^A--. heard, Francis Grig?. Girls: Ist, H^^^^^^^A 2nd, M. J. Rollinshavr; hon. mention^^^^^^^^^L can, Emma Thomson, Ellen Mant, Jane JeM^^^^^^^^ Class IV. (Junior)— Boys:' Ist prize, Coverlej^^^^^^ 2nd, Frederick Hall; hon. mention, Thomam^^^^f William M'Dougall, "Robert Anderson, Andrew Selby^^^B Girls: Ist, Florence Newman ; 2nd, Mary Carrie t^. Hon. mention, Agnes Allen; Mary Sparrow, Mary' Allen. "■■" -' ' :;>: ■; ' ■"■ Class IV. (Senior)— Boys: Ist-prize, James Aber--nethy; 2nd, Jolm Tennant;, hon. mention, James - Mullinger, Andrew Swan, Ciiarleß Mo&s. Girls: Ist,. Margaret M'Dougall ; 2nd, Nelly Webster; hon. mention, Maggie Blackie, Amelia Ramsay, Kitty Mitchell, Rebecca Lumb. ■- :..:..,.. Class V.—Boys: Ist prize, William Aitken ; 2nd, . James Robertson; hon. mention, John Thomson,. Peter Forbes. Girls: Ist, Mary Ann Cameron; 2nd,. Helen Alexander; hon. mention, Jano Caldwell, Annie Thomson. Class Vl.—Boys: Ist prize, James Marchbanks;.. 2nd, Geo. Stewart; hon. mention—James Mur'ey, Henry Davis, Win. Wilson, Fmnnnuel Bardsley, Johrt Caldwell. Girls: Ist prize, Jessie Johnstone; 2nd, Elizabeth Mackis; hon. mention—Jane Wilson, Mary ■; Ellery. - - - CERTIFICATES. Euclid.—Senior: Ist prize, George Stewart; 2nd,. James Marchbanks; 3rd, Henry Davis. Junior: lstprize, John CaldwdU ; 2nd, John_Munro; 3rd, Kobert. Runciman. ;•-.'■ Algebra.—Senior: Ist prize, Jane Wilson ; 2nd, . JauiesMarchbanks; 3rd, Henry Davis. Junior: Ist prize, William Rutherford; 2nd. John Caldwell; 3rd,. Georfre Stewart; 4th, Mary Ellery. Mental .Arithmetic—l, Henry Davis (nrizc); hon. mention—John Thomson, James Marchbauks, Ucorge Stewart, Robert hunciman. Industrial Work.— Mary Ellery, Jano Caldwell, Mary J. Cameron, Ellen Webster, Maggie M'Dougallr: Annie Cooper.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4627, 14 December 1876, Page 2
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2,414DUNEDIN DISTRICT SCHOOLS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4627, 14 December 1876, Page 2
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