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PAINTERS & PAPEHHANGERS. A~ N D 11 13 W LEE S, Jt\. I'aiTiwr.Gtocr, vii* raperiiaiiL'tr, liup ir-.T o; i-;ip.'r-h.;-:;.-.i.^. vimiov «:.».>■;, plain and in i-ri'i nl • mips' b; siii'i lit-ci: light-, giaidsluides, rucuiubvr t-J.d i»rup:'.(;atiiie glasses; while lead, oils, wlorfi, gilt uioiildint-s. id cOpposite tho Uoyal George Hotel, (j^iya 'crwl. imnixliii. ILLIAM O1 L C 11111 ST, Importer o' CROWS, SHFET. ANI> VLATE OL.VSS, I'»pcrhajn;i!ie» <»' c^rJ' U«*cripUon, Oils and Colors, &.C., &c. K.B.—Country onlers punctually attended to. Georpu street. —-^-^TjxCAL. Dll. CKAWFOKD, Oousulting Surgeon and Acconrhsur, begs to intimate that ho may_!» coniuluxl in all the Branches of his Profession .at hifl IU-.:ical Laboratory, Princo- Btrcet, oiipo3lt« t. ..nDr. 0. haa'grcat expsrienco of the following disJiseSt Uisoiwes poculitir to women and children Dise.iseH of the he:irt Mid lungs Diseases of the digc.tive nystem DiFejises of tho nervous syaU'iu UiwiUHrt) of the eye , Ul&tiscj of the akin Di3t ases of tho blood. Advice gratis from » to 12 a.m., and from 6 to IQTIIUSTKKS OF IIENKY YOUSUMAN, L.ito TpilENCn, KEMPTHOIINE, and Co., Jj WIIOLK.-SALE B.DUOGISTS, ami Importers of Genuine drugs rum their original Bonn.«, chem calafrom tho be?' Vogliish uumufacturcra; Kuglmh, Foreign, and Aiu-irlTOii patent medicine and pcrlnmery from the! luroorietors ; druggists sundries, photographic chcml-jttl painters' oils, Vrcnch polish, dyo stuffa, corks, ml manufa<-turev»' gc-ods; dental, veterinary at sjr>;i<«l iiibtruments, and medical anpliaucen'of ott'ry Kind, which they ofltr on liberal a!i!l a«lvantageoa terms — wholcdalo only — selected from their cxlctuivc o]«u stock, or many articles at reduced rutcs in original pai-kagi:a. Their nnincrotu liuro]JCivn Atcncles, with tholr urruncrmeuts for ootainin. supplies direct from England, and their established business throughout the Colony of New Zealand, with tho ready means of communic.iUon, give tnem peculiar facilities for tilling all demands as tiiey arise, and doing bunincaa to the satisfaction of the purchaser. UiicmsTS und UiiuoniSTS, bcsiiles every ordlnarj rcciuirciiinnt, can procure o£ F., X., and Co. all noveltie* connected with the trade, and can select on their promises all cwontiabj to commence or extend busineaa —including window carboys, specie jiirß of now and elaborate deriign.s,i>hop bottle", and general furnishings, nt a more s.itisfactory rute than if imported by themselves; an assortment of tli-st-elass surgical instruments, U-ÜB-ses of every size and uuike, clastic Btocldngs, bclta, lc, mugn. ; t:c machines, feeiliug bottles from every maker, Turkey and buth spongys, Burpcal and plmrmuccutio nhiss und earthenware, chemical and pharmaceutical apparatus, fcuuted KJ.ipa from tho beat luauiilucturcrs ; with goods for presentation, such a* toilet bottles, Uii-neU'K cut-glass pint perfumes, silverC4ipp«l fmellini; bottles, and every other rcqnisvto. Irfi.only cxi>cctud, the uew British PhiiriuaoopuMa remedies.) S-i'OUKKr.Ki't'.iis' inii)ortod and always on salo. Holloway'a i>ills mid ointment, Perry Davis's painkiller ; U'owiirfnd-s. Uristol't", und Aycr's Nirßaparillß iwhich may iw h:i.i duly paid or in bond), Ttylor'a coo.i, extract of meat, m&oruxl culinary e«^-ncao, cay-pepr-er in boitlcj, jujulx-s and p;^iilles, liquerice, KcUtinc, wiltj.etr.% liulj.hur, pala-l ni»l < ;^lor oils, fluid umgnesiii, deidletz pjwdcrs, Kj sum salts in i*ackota, A:c. ; and C(.iu:.'i liv BiOHKKi:;:ri-.HH are lnvitod to select from then- ato,-k on virt.ting Dunedii., or their corrcapimdeiic! will meet with ].n.i;ipt att'.-ntit'n. In localities where Hie .Irug busiui.T* m.iy l« ui.ieprescntcd, a largo and prc::a.!,li- mlilitit.-.i may be made to tho storekwpii.g l.i:v.n.-,s by venda.g various articles cou-neoii-d with t!.--..nidi-, which ure iv dem.iad wheruver there isapt«>uhiiun. KKKNCiI. KKMI'TIIOKNK. and Co. have b'cn ajij....i:t/-.: the agents iur New Zealand la,- the liiHowini,: :— Keating1 j couyh lozenge.*, inse.ticido, and worm talil.m. liitl.Dji".- (.•raiuilatt-'.l citrnV- of nHi,;:n-;in. l)r U«illis'lJ.-«-..-!i-'"s chi'.-rudyuo. The only genuine, prepared by Davi:ii;-irt. O'Nciirn oxide »\ •:»nxt ])ouiiidi<, fur removing baldUC(jrii.i.iiilL-!= Yr.-.r'., | il( vi;,.. tt l prppanit;<.:.J. Iji- (Jliur.-ii.n'r. :pcciiic i-ciiiiiiiuH lor consumption, prepar..-: ),j 11. :W. urn, I'.i-is. Hla;i'.-|--<»i pil!-, mid K.-.imi.tous],!!!. Fur lull] .i:c..■■■;.■.! - oi all tin; a1e...-, ft-.- tho varloua projirieiaij a ivci L .-. inert?, in Lnus i.ud tliu oilier I'wH '^'iViey lire al'-'.i ",!.• a/nit:. for N. Z. f.-r:-Dr He .;■.!;■;;.', l.^'n br.,v.T. oiliiw ul, the uniform jmritv m,:i i-,!i. .icy 01 whii.-h iii,.k.' it tho moat reliahle pi.-'j .. '::t:.m kM.Avn. A l.i: a I*■ in original t'.jiijnT'r. i.u-.ij>.ne 1::, .!■-■, iur iimn'-.L.tU! uimtutd poult-.**. or fnriner,1 friviMl. JmLinnV • .-'ij:.- dy.-- l«.r the )■■■■>;>•■:, mil colon', which -.via i:ye in.yti'img, vi.d wi.i- :. tu.y^i can i;«o; '"'i'i-sso uii'l U:l,;ii'k i..-rf,:i:itry, "from every Uowo: tllflt 1ire.1t,!,..- :. ir.ii;r:;ll«r." li* Cithari V, i.rriwr y.n --v. it:. :-- . Towuium d - - ■:• 1" 11 Ha, iJ. t:. .I.Ayerr. mcil;cnic3 UiiriyV tn'.-p^ni,', l--l.,rida w..t-r ; c«i/a, nlivc. boileil and r.r.v l:n-. ji 'J.I, .-iuriu-, u'.-m. ■ i«». viirpenlinu pr!.'mpt h".;: n ",'v-'.'V.j,p!;« ;,:;-;,a, w;.;m,i rio,.^ <:oru Hour, i.;-',,-;^ i,,.«i, lm Iliiirjr i,-y:ti. : nt-u,'"..'llver .-ap. new i:r'll!-:i 1.r.a1-liLU^lJit'llU,. K.aiardv,.:1;- an, ..-thaw i.i.puratiK, Jtimm.-l rt UM boxi-i, w'lta itir.vh.ri.iV, ltu:f;..|- o, i;<l.H.i-il'i., GoiiiicH'B. Aikiiiwn'i.. ..-.d li,-|..d';iil-i.:irMi-clt--t(.'o./.1.>. ! Cul-.IU.M, M.\iw.l-..s' (}ni)l;S, i;.)iiiiir>-iiiK f!.B. ar\'l I K.W. butili", Lii,.l::h and Sp-.n^h cut G.l'-, nuil S.W. Corks'. v..i;i:h^, y.nwr, nils. ac...K f.-..i-.i..>-.., quiu- ! ii.c, bi-iiii>l.;:irin/. ie.-tiiii-.1-jiirit. <<l p. or in Lund). \ cup-ult-H. -■'<■:. :n:u t > tn;.:.:, cut tinfoil lal*-i-, tinu':d ai.d ! copjH-r wire. u:M u!l other an:.:l-s ivquir.-d in tholr I buxiiit-.-'s ; i:I ■•., tinluil t'.r lobaccon.^ts' n-'f, wine corks •and li'ir.:l.: wax forwii.c niei-.Miaul.i, br-iver:," bii:.:^1,, : isingi.ins, an.l brewers- uud bottieiv' K-m.lrif-s. By p>ir I t;h;u:n-' t!::: c v**.i* in qii.iut.iy, they can offer lit a lower rale th.ti. ;.ie cun.-unier ran lini-.n-. A large h'.^ck oi ib« leading J"ilOTOGliAl'nr. A.'vnci.i:^ :— I{.'-i-r\.-t:il i.-s.-Kti- ••:. -.•i..--. (;hl.)i-;<li.-nf goM. J.fawscn's KwnV.'iind Poiitinjr'r <:i.Ht^J'.':i". i.ll.mim.-u::.ul paper, i fcohnfiu l-rei-ea vann-h, v. The.-i gu.,da in original j C" lSt''i-.'.'di''M'!l"J'i'.".''i/: l m',"ii'i.V.- Jk"'lver, :u..l t-nir.l.'.c ■>.. Depot i...-11. mi.: !.. I'eriy uuil (Jo's Uiini-Jii modi-cil.i.-s. liiiporLur.., <■•: i'.t.'Ch. s. A-ciit- i.-rt/ti'n 1..r lli>- tifi:i:N ].v.-:i:iIANCK C'lM--I'AnV. l.i:<: j.oli'-'.-V-. gi-unti.-d on l!i..- m</.t Urrnii n-.tcs t!,i.-10-.if.-t in ti,,- I'oionies; ;.!:>! tiU:ea at tht lov.i t ciii-i-i:ni rules. l':--js,.-,-t:tu^.w ; ii upplica tion U> Mil' Trii-'in •.f llenrv Yi.'rii-.:ii::tu, latu I rit!-:Ni.:H. ICIi.MI-rii'JliXl-i.'n.. J)u:oi!in. [Til J. (J<TIXTr, 17ko \v is T E'.s XJ (;ilLOK'>ljV.\i.:.-Vk--Cliiint : e:i.)rSi.- W. Pago Wood stitu t pni-l;--ly in Court that. Or J. Collis Browne w. ; , i:inl.(iibi,.-.ih- t:i.: Ji.veiiii.r »l Cl.iyr'xJjnc ; and the wii..l- .-:<.rir.i! the v :iu»t;:n J-'n cmvii wiw tlellU.-.i'.-:. :.i:l.i'.|. ■• a::."l hf k|'Ml-J W .'.IV it liati U-C-U swum to.-'.S. eln.- T,,,,.-,. .1...1-. l:., lfto-l. l)r .1. 'diihs l;.-...vni:-.- C!i10:"i)..■.:..-.- Tm: 7!i(;ht Hon. Karl KlV.^.-ll .•<.; !■> ti»- 0.11. ■;'.: t»l" i'nyi' ■'■'i.'S and .1. T. IJ.iV,:.|,',rt t!mt he hirl re.'.ivd inniimution to tiit :i -:l.;.-t -J:at iht- o:.l;. reim-i.: of arty : ervice in Ciioiera wa Chloi-odjiif.—.Set: /..wet, ]j(.'C-.-inljcr VA, INi'l. I)r J. C.,i::s liiowr.u's Cht-.Todyno.—fctr.ict from Mr.lknl y,;,;.-.i. J;-.n1,i:.-V I/, j •■,.,.--•■ I . ply.-C: iU.ll by stores of (/ .-i:.!-«:..x 11.1 -.:ii■a' 1 '■■■ ■<■ tioi: -.-. O! a.nn.e it wcuid , l-i tiiv.- firs-lai-l.v i-upiilar did it not lir j.'coi'ii.s" Kr.!»l'i'<-'h'c'.,oio'i;, 11- is the beat and jn..'.-,t certain n-i.-i'-iiv in fni/iis, col.b:, iiitliuiu, cou-fcu-njition, iieiii-.iii'iii."rhe:ii:i-.ii.-:.;, i.\ Ur J. C.ilii- 8.-0w..i.-v 1.),;,.,.-,, -.;,..;.-- ■ Kxtrsict fro::i tlio Gfiieral 8.-j..;-«i t'f!i, Lv:i■1-<ii, us t'i in t-ilicitcy in Cholera:- -•• S'j >,v. are :.v. oovi;,o d of tlu ;:u----ini-ii»i: value of thi- i-.jn.'.:;,, lint. •« ■ .<:nioit«f» forcibly urge Hi j invc-siiy '>' :u!.i|<tii.g it i;i nil '■■■>■' J--1." l-Vo:n A. M..:itgonn!ry. !•;-<;.. l;i": ins;»-< tor of lloj]iit.ils, li'.Mni' iy :- — '• (Jnpjroiivnir i; a mot vuluiiiilc rutnciv i;i N.-a.-.ih-'ii:. Atliini. mid Jj.. tviiUTy. To it J fairly owe iny'i-i.-Kiur,it.i<i.i to h.■.-.;■ h ilu-r t-ight/.t-n mouths' severe biiilcr.i,;;, and wnen stll o.her tnuuiuiuvj hud failed." Dr. .). Cullis P,ruwm:\< Cliloroiyn" h n c'.Tt:i;.i curu in Cholera, iJjwiiterv, ijan ho a, C./.ie.-, it;. Ur. J. Collis Ci.lortj-lyne.—C.iiiti.m.—None Pennine without tiiu wortis " Dr. .1. Collis Browne's Chlorodyni;" on thu Govirnmi-nt tiuimj). Overwhelming f.-st.uioiiy auconip.inies each U/.tlu. Solu niiiijufiicturer—J. T. I) >venj.orl,:;.', Great Kii'iX-11 Btreot, lilooiiifburi, l.oniio.i. The iinmeusc .ieruand enables the prnpi-'ctors to reduci! thu j>r:c«. Jt is now Bold in bottle.-!, Ir- 1.'.t1. is !id, -Is Ud, and !ls. Agents forlli.-lbounie: Taylor und Co., Collins Btrcet Wt-st; Messrs Felton, Crimv.ude, and Co. Wiiolosale agents : ilossrs i-.!i:ott lirotljeM, ISI Pittstreet, Sydney. Agents for Adel-iidn : McHar* F. 11. Fouldinj; and Co. Wlu/let.-il'j nyenu. fur New Z-:aiiinrl: Messrs FKKKCII, KKMITUOIU.'E, and Co., Limiwiin. YElt7^ II AI li VI G O It, For RESTOEINO The NATURAL VITALITY And COLOUR OK TIIK HAIR. Tliiß elegant preparation nUmiilates tho enfeebled :<lam!s of iho hj.ilji into health; action, (irr.s'jj tho fall of lbs hair, ond prtuno:.t» Its 1-ixuriant grovith, reui!tr»ng it Soft, YouUiful, and Gloshj-. FAIIK D or G HK V IIAIII Is invarUUy RESTORED TO ITS OKIOISAL COLOUR vhen tho Vigor in apjilied- in nccordiince wlih direcliona. It contains neither T> V X nor OIL, ' And will not coil the nioiit d<:licivtc fabric. liny lw had of • All chenti»l& mid tlnigglsta), l'rico It per buttle. Prepared by J. C. Ayer and Co., analytical clicuiistti, xjwell, ilaua. U.S.A.

Wholeßalo Agqnt for Australia and Now Zealand, HENRI J. H AH 1\ tyuwtn street, Melbourne ■ ■ Agents for Otago, P. H.V I'M AN and Co.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2129, 1 December 1868, Page 4


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