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MEDICAL. DR. CEAWKOKD, Consulting Surgeon and, K-,r* to intimate thm lie may be iXjiioultcU in nil il lu Brji.etie* of bis Prol<v»ivK>. at bis Medical laboratory, Princes street, oupoaitc Uio Criterion Hotel. Dr. U. has great, existence of tho following diseases)) Tlz :— Discucs jwrnliiur to women and children Dl«Mf*-.s oi the luv.rt and lungs Disease* of the digrslivu nyau-ta Diseasci, of tho nervous syitcin. Diseases of thu eye Disease* of the skill Ditmscs of the blood. Advico gratis from 0 to 12 a.m., and from 6 to 10 p.m. TRUSTEES OF HENRY YOUNGMAN, FRENCH, KE.MPTHORNE, and Co., WHOLESALE RDVUUI.STS. and Importers ef Uonuiuo drugs rom their original sources, chemicals from tho hw< Vvglish manufacturers; English, Foreign, and Auviricuu patent medicines and porrumcry from ttiol luroodctors; druggists' ""'"lrl^. P"0 * tographic cheuii.-ul painters' <jil>, French polish, dyo stuffs, corkp, aid manufacturers' goods; dental, vcturiiuiry, ur. sa.-gical instruments, and medical appliances of or try Kind, which they offer on liberal and advantages terms — wholesale only — selected from their cxtoiMire open ttovk, or many articles at reduced rates in orlgitr.vl packages. Their nmncrooa European Agencies, wi-.h their arrangement.; for outlining supplies direct 1:->m England, and their established business throughout th« Colony of New Zealand, with thu ready means of communlcatioti. five t:iem peculiar facilities for flUing all demands as Uiey arise, and doing business to the satisfaction of the purchaser. CUKIIIBTH and UllUuuitiT^, besides every ordinary requirement, can procure of F., X., and Co. all novelties conuecttd with tlio trade, and can select on tuoir premise* uU i-i»entials to comuicncc or extend busineaa —including window carboys, specie jars of new and elaborate bottles, and general furnishings, at a more satisfactory rule than if imported by themselves ; an assortment of tlrst-closs surgical instruments, trusses of every size and make, elastic stockings, belu, 6ic., magnetic machine*, (ceding bottle* (rom evory maker, Turkey and bath sponges, Eurgtcal ana pharniaceutic glass and earthenware, chemicivl and pbanuwx-utUal apparatus, ccciiteJ soups from tho best manufacturers ; with goods for presentation, suah ai toilet bottles, GosucU's cut-glass pint perfume*, silvercapped smelling bottler, and every other requisite. (Shortly expected, the now British l'harmacopujin remedic.i.) STOHKKKKPfins' goods imported and always on sale. Holloway's pills and ointment, Terry Davis s painkiller ; TowiiM-nd'B, Bristol's, and AVer's K.irsapanlla (which may be had duty paid or in bond), Taylor a cocoa, extract of meat, assorted culinary essences, cayenne pepi«r in bottles, jujubes mid pustilles, liqimncc, gcUilinc, s»lt|jvlro, sulphur, salad and vaster oils, fluid magnesia, ticidlctx powders, Epsom salts in pftCKose, 4iC.; and Countuy Stokkkkei-khk aro Invited to select from their stock on visiting Dunedin, or their correspondence will meet with prompt attention. In localities where the drug business may bu unrepresented, a largo and protluiblu addition may bo unido to tha storekeepiMg uuainess by vending various urtlc'es connected with the trade, which arc in demand whurovcr there is a poiiuUiliou. FiIKNCH, KIIMI'THOUNIS. and Co. have been appointed llio wholv^Uu agents for New Zealand for the following :— Keating'« cuugh kizongcs, inbocticklo, ftud worm tablets. Biahoii'i granulatixl citrate of magnesia. Dr CoUis Urowno'b chlcrodyuc. The only genaiao, prepared by Davenport. O'Neill's oxide of copper pomade, for removing baldUCBS. GrlmaulL'H French miilicul preparations. Ur CliureliiU'H upociflo rnuedieri for consumption, prepared by 11. ttwiuin, l'aris. Blair's gwul jiill-s, and Frampton's pill. For full |.«rliciiliir n of itll the, w LI in various proprietary aavertisciiieuW, In this and the other £.uw Zeahmd ii:i]w.i'rf. They axe ulso Kule apenta for N. '/.. for :— Dr De Jwhjii'i light bmwn eoi hvrr oil, tho uniform purity and rflicucy of wiiiurli inuk.i it the most reliable kn.iwn. A lug..- sto;:k in original <MBeH—half-pint*, |NiiU, and (jmiru - a!«ay:« on hand. Cooj*r's binapine iwu.i, for immediate mustard poultice*. How's embrocation, or firmer*' friend. Jmltwm's mmple ilyi-s for the }»'<iple, in H colon, which will dye uiiTlfung, and which anjotio cau ua« riuwc tuul Lubin's ]wrfuuiery, " (rom every flowatt that breathes *. fmgrancu." Ex Ctttharina, Wurrmr yni-cn, Su:. :— Towiiseiid-»s;ir..ap.krilla, Dr C. J. Ayer « medicine* Barry's iricoplien^, Honda waU-r ; c.»l^a, olive, boiloa and raw liumvU oil, spirits, tar, blue; Mom-, ttir|)entmo heuii) rui-, and canury ~'eii, .S<th*)lin's pastilles, puro whiw sugar candy, tail ». ; ,p ; Ceklc'H, l'arr'H and pills, KppVs «x:.,a, ln-u.v.i and lotoni corn Hour, Lielxig's lo<jil, Dv Harry « rcv.iloutii, NelBon'B gtlatii:.!, iwrfinued Kuai'i-, llurr.iy's magnesia, li.dcxi.ail s.lvcr 8....p, new BriLi.h ph:irm,.coi«ias, RichardMjn's nn.L-.thftic apparatus, Uimmel« Hum juice and K lyc«rine, combs, brt^hwaru, (Josnells tau do coLxtne ; b mii+'nilietnt a.vortmu.t ol m>--Uil puS boxes, with K.Jivli»..-l«, Heir's, UinimeUV, UosncUs, AtkiiuMjn'a, aiidUrie.leiiljai-!.'KM'iiia guwls. Cuiujiai. iiAui'.H.s' ooolis. cjinprisinK O.u. and B.W. bottles, Kuglish and Spanish <:i.t U.u. uml CW. Corks, whiting, g.i.ger, oils, aods, .-s.-*.'iic.«, cmlnine, brandy colouring, reclille.l spirit, (.1 i>. -r v. bond), capsuli.-s, h-.wnini; twine, cut l,jb.-1.-. tinned and cop|«r wire, (it..! all other nrlicl. s ru.iuire.l in Uioir buniness ; uk.., uuloi! for!-W use, wine corks and Urttluwax for wine merehani.-. brewers' bungs, inlngliifw, and bruwcw' and lKjttlera' sundries. By pur cluuiing the«j g.j.»t-i in .i.-.aiituy, thuy can oiler ot a lower rate than tno consujmrr can import. A large »u*-k of the leading i'HOTOOIIAPUIC Anrici.K.-i :— Re-crysUj nitrate stiver, i.'i.loride of gold, Maws&n S, Kcfii'n, aisd l'ontiig's collodioiw, iiibiimei.i:-od paper. Solmoi Frere'u varnmli, <tc. 'I'lit.ic gowla in oriKinal cases at a marginal reduction. . Sodium aii.Klgii'u, quicluilver, and crucibles. Depot for K. nw.l i,. l'erry and Co'u London medtcijies. Importers ol leeches. Agents rur utngo for the yuKl'.N Insuhasce COM-I-ANV. Lifu j.,,1 .-.■■=. graui.J on thu most liberal terma raUa the l.jwi--I i:i Hie Colonies.; and Fire ri.->ks takoa at the lowcit c;ineiit rutc.-.. l'rwi^etuws on appKca tion to the Trustee* of ilenrv Youiiginan, hitu FRENCH, KEMITIIOUNE, and Co.. Duncdin. DR. J. COLLIS BItOWNE'S CIIKOIWDYNK.—Vice-chancellor Kir W. PuR9 Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr J. Colin Browne was undoubtedly the Invcnlor of CMorodyne ; and that the wholi- story of the Julc.ndaiit Frceunui wan deliberately unuu.j. and lv. r. -relt-d to Bay it had been sworn to.—See t.'.e Timri, July l;», ls'il. Dr J. CollY i;rown.!'s Uhlnro-lyu'.-.- 'Hie Right Hon. Earl Hu^eUf.iuimiiii;t-;.;n] to i\,i OA\> ;;<-i.f riiysicmns and J. T. Davenport that he Imd received infonnatiou to the effect the only rtmulj of any rerviou m Cholera was Chloroilyr.e.—Soo iMnttl, Decvuiber 31, Dr J. ColJis Browne** Cliloro.lyne.-Extrnct from. Medical Times, January 12. IbliC.—'lH prescribed by ucores of orthodox medical practitioners. Ofcouno it would not be tlum Hingularly poi«ilar did it not ' supply a want and fill a phu.-e.''" Dr J. CollU lii-.n-.uc-h C'hloro.lyne in tho l«st and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, a-thma, conbumjitiou, neuralgia, rhuuumtinHi, i:c. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.— Extract from Uio General B<j.trd of llcilth, '..uudon, it? to iIK uOicucy. in Cholera :—•• S<j strongly uru we convinced of t!.<; immense value of this remedy, that we cuuuol too forcibly urge the nwtrsity of adopting it in all cases." From A. Montgomery. Esq., late Jusijcclor o( llqs~ pltabi, Bombay : — " ChloruCyiic i.t a m'/-t valn:i)>l<> remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I (airly owe my restoration to health after eighteen months1 BC-vere suffering, and when all other medicinc-3 had tailed." Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is a certain euro in Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrho-u, Uolics, fee. Dr. J. Collis Browne's Uhlorodyue.--Caution.—Nona genuine without tho woplh •■ Dr. J. Coilis lirowjw'a Chlorodyno" on the Government btAinp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each Ijottle. Solo manufacturer—J. 'f. Davenport, i)i', (Jreat Uiuacll street, BloomMjury, London. Thu immense- demand enables the proprieUjrs to reduce the price. It in novr sold in bottles, Is lf,<i. 'is !)d, -is ud, nad 11s. Agents for Slelljourue : Taylor and Co., CulUnß street West; Messrs Kelton, Griniw:ule, and Co. Wholesale agents : Messrs Elliott Urulhers, 181 PittBtreet, Sydney. Agents for Adelaide: Messrs F. If. Foulding and Co. Wholesale agentfl for New Zealand : Meaarii FKENCII, KEJIITHOKNE, and Co., DunedLn.

DR. DE JONOH'S (Knight of the, Onler of Leopold of Belgium) Light Brown Cod Liver Oil, Prescribed by tlic most eminent Mcnoathasafest, speediest, and uiok;. effectual remndy for Consumption, Chronic ISrunubitis, Asthma, Jthcuma ti-sm, General Debility, Weakness of Children, . and all Scrofulous Affections. Dr do Jongh's Oil is convincingly proved, by tho, highest incdicul testimony, und by the practical test 01, successful experience for twenty yearn in air ]>:irtn of the world, to U:, beyond all question, the purest, thamost efficacious, the most jialiitable, and from iLi rapid. curative effects, the mo*t economical of all kinds. Hence its univcrtuil celebrity, nnd the iuuiiense da- - mand for this unrivalled Oil. Select Medical Opinions. Sir Henry Marsh, Bart., M.1)., Physician in Ordinaryto the Queen iri Ireland: "I consider Drde Jonah'sLlght Brown God Liver Oil to be v very pure oil, now likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great, value." Sir Joseph Olliffe, M.D., Physician to tho British Bmbiuwy at Paris : " I have every reason to be wuistled with the beneficial and isilutary effects of Dr de Jwrigh'« oil. Dr Edward Smith, F.R.S., Ifedical Officer to tb Poor Law Board of Great Britain, in his work on " ConmnipdoH," writes : "We think it a great ml vantage that there is ono kind of Cod Liver Oil which ia universally admitted to bo genuine—the light brown Oil BDppUcd by Dr dc Jongh." Dr Lankeetur, F..1.5., Coroner /or Mlddlcwx : " deem tho Cod Liver Oil sold under Dr do Jough's guarantee to bo preferable to any other kind o» rcganla genuineness and medicinal clllctcy." Dr do Jongh's Liglit Brown Coil Liver Oil to sold only In capsuled " Imperial" halr-plnt, pint, and quart botUca, labelled with hia tittitup and signature, " without which nuuo can ixwaibly bo genuine," by ' Chemists, Druggistu, and Sturvkuepors tliroughbut Ua» world. Sole Conrignccs: . - Ansar, llarford.' find Co.. 77, Strand, London, W.C. Wholesale Aleuts: New Zealand—TrHsttea of Ifcnry Yonngman, lat» French, Kcinpthorne, anil Co., Dnnediu. Now South Wale*—Elliot Brothers, Sydney. Vlctorta—Feltou, Grimwade. and Co.. Sielbourn*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2121, 21 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2121, 21 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2121, 21 November 1868, Page 4


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