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MEDICAL. DR. CRAWFORD, Consulting Surgeon and Aocouuhvur, be.;* to inttiuatu thai he may be ■ cunsuluvl m all the Branches oi his Profi.vlon, al his Medical Laboratory, Prince* struct, oopusi.« thu Criterion Hotel. Dr. C. has great experience of tho following diseasea, vU : Diseases peculiar to women ar.d children Dio-.-a-ws of the heart ar.d lu::^ Diseases ot the digestive sysw-ra Diseases of the nervous sytlcm Diseases of the eye Disov*.\» of tin. skin Di.lcl.-aa> Of tllO blood. r.^.i. Advice gratis trom 0 to 12 a.m., and from 6 to 10 P.m. .. TRUSTEES OF HENRY YOUNGMAN, Lute - T?REXCn, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., 12 WHOLESALE RUUGGISTS, and Importers ef Genuine drugs rem their original MHirces, chemical* fruin the b*t' Uxglish manufacturers; hnguan, Foreign, and Am-.-rw-u patent medicines and pcrlomery from thci nirounetors; druggists sundries, pnotogruphic e!ieiui-;-il painters' oils, French polish, dye stuffs. corkß, sid manufacturers' goods; dental, veterinary, at. sarxu-al instruments, and medical appliances of ori-ry Kind, which they offer on liberal ami adviiutagcoa terms — wholesale only — selected frum their cxtcusico oih.ii stock, or many articles at reduced rates in original packages. Their numerous Enrol oan Agencies, with their arrangement* fur oouiuung wippltcs direct from England, and ilieir established business throughout tha Colony of New Zealand, with the ready means ot communication, give tnem peculiar facilities for tilling aU demand.-, as they arise, and doing business to the satlafaction of the purchaser. Cliuins-rs and DUUiiOISTS, besides every ordinary, requirement, can piouure of F., X., and Co. all novelties connected with the tnule, und cm select ou their premises all essentials to oommenco or extend business —including window carboys, specie jars of new ana elaborate designs, shop bottles, aud general furnishings, at a more satisfactory rate than if imported by tltetnselves; an assortment of flrst-closß surgical instrument*, trusses or every size and make, elastic stocKlngß, belts, fee. musuL-tic machines, feeding bottles from every maker, Turkey and bath sponges, surgical and pharmaceutic gloss and earthenware, chemical ana plmrmaceutivnl apparatus, Beei.ted soaps from mo oeet manufacturers ; with goods for presentation, such as toilet bottles, GosneU's cut-glass pint perfumes, silvercapped smelling bottles, and every other requisite. (Shortly expected, tho new British Pharmacopeia remedies.) , , ,„ STOHEKEKI'KHH* gooils imported and always on sale. Holloway's lulls and ointment, Perry Davis s painkiller ; Towi!.<'iid'», Bristol's, and Ayer's sareaparilla (wliich may be had duty paid or in bond), lay lor* a cocoa, extract of meat, assorted culinary essences, cay- ■ wine pepper in bottles, jujubes and pastilles, liquorice, gelatine, sali|x.tre, sulphur, salad and castor oils, ntua . magnesia, fcoidlcU powders, Epsom salts in pactoie, CotJXTUY broitr.Kr.Ki'irn.s aro Invited to select from their stock on visiting Dunedin, or their <*""«- pondence will meet with prompt attention. In wcautica where tho drug business may lw unrepresented, a large and prolitablo addition may bo made to tha BtorekeepiHg business by vending various articles connected with the trade, which are in demand where\C7 there Li a ponulation. FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE. nnd Co. liave Ix-eu appointed tlio wholesale agents for New Zealand for the following : — Keatiiigs cough lozenges, Insecticide, and worm tablets. Bishop's gramilutcd citrate of magm-Bin. Dr Collis Urownu's cldorodyno. The only genuine, prepaid by Davenport, . ~ O'NcUl's oxide of copper pomade, for removing baldUCfS. Grimault's French medical preparations. Dr Churchill's s l «.-i!ic rciuudioi for cua.umpUon, prepared by li. Swaiui, Paris, Blair's gout jiiiU, and Frampton's pill. For lull particiihirii of all the abovo, see tho variOM • proprietary udvci-tibcuieuUi, in tins and the other Now Zealand piiji-r,). Tbev tire also : mle agenLs for Is. /.. for:— Dr De Jongu's lignt brown col liver oil, the nnl- ' form purity and elhcioj of which make it tlio most reliable preparation kiiova. A large stock in origiiud cases—half-pints, plnu, and (HiarU— always ou hand. Cuoix.-rs biiiapnie tissue, lor immediate miuiUurd 3 poultices. . Row's embrocation, or farmers friend. Judson's simple dyes for the people, m 1-1 colore, c which will dye anything, and whicli anyone can use; r and „ '' Plesrre and Liibin's iwrfmuery, "from every ttowaS n that breathes a tragraiice." Ex Cathariim, Warrior Queen, Ac :— Townsuud*s sarsaparilla, Ur C. J.Ayers mcdicinos . Barry's Uicopm-nis, Florida water ; col/.u, olive, boilod and raw limeed oil. spirits, tar,, liirjwiitino hemp, rnjß;, und canary seed, tkrhooliii's pastillirs, puro * white sugar candy, soap; Cockle's, parr s, and Frampton's pills, Kpps's cocoa. Brown and lolsor.o corn hour, LicUrg's lu'id, Uu Barry's rovalenta, kelson's gelatine, i.-riuiuwl soaps, .Murray . magnesia, Indexical silver soap, new British , ; l v iniiacopieuifl, 7 Ricliard*i!i*s auuniliutlc apparatus. Riiuuie! s lime ; juice ami glycerine, combs, brushware. 00-Nells Baa dv cologne ; a magnilieeiit assortment ol metal puff boxes, with Rowland's, 11. ; ig.-r*s, Riiumell fl, OosncUs, » Atkinson's, and Brleileubocirs .elect goods. r ColiuiAL .MaKirli.-.' Goods, comprising■ G.B. and c SW. bottles. En_k!,ti arid .Spimi.fh cut «...«. and S.W. • Corks, wmung, ginger, oiLs, acids, <ym;y. quinr Ine, brandy colouring, rt-.-tillwl spirit, (d p. or in »w"d), ' calnuto, _i'_,mng twine, cut tsmoil lalk.-Is, tinned aiid copper wire, and all other articles re-p-.J-ed. In their ? business ; ul-o, tinfoil for tobaeconiKts' use. wine corks ' iu-iI bottle wax for wine merchauL-, brevers bungß, isinglass and brewers' and bottlera' siiinlriw. By pur • chasing tli-ro in .iiiaiuiiy, they can oiler at a. r lower rate iliuii the consumer can import. A largo stock of the leading MIOTOUIIAWUC 5 Anriiri.i-r.s :— Re-crystal nitrate silver, Ciilerlde of geld, Mawsen a. > Keen's, and Poiiting's collislloiis, album" w.*zl pi>l«r, Bohnee 1-rcres varnish. Arc. The.-c go«U m original * cases ut a marginal reduction. .Solium amalgam, quicksilver, and crucibles. Depot ror K. and L. Ferry aud Co's Loudon modiclues. ImporUTs ol li-eclics. »,«.. ' Agents (~,- Utago lor the Qfl'.lrN INWJIIANCF.COM- " 1-A.M-. Life pol.eics grai.tcl on the mos-t liberal terma rates the lowe.-t in the Colonies; and Fire risks tuKoa at the lowest curreiit rates, l'rospccturcs on applica,, tion to the Trustees of ilciirv Youngman, l.ito FRKNCU, KEiIITHORNK. and Co., Dunodin.. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOiIODYNK.—Vico-Cliimcellor.Sir W. i'ago Woisl HUi-.c-l pnbllclv in Court that Ur J. Collis i Browne w.w undoubtedly the iuvciiloi- of Chlorodyno; , nii'l lhat the whole story of the defendant Freeman wan . del.l-rratHy untrue, and ho ri-grctted io say it liad Uxa. . sworn to.-Sd-the ZV/u*. July l::. 180-1. „.,,„„ Di- .1. Coll.s Browne's Chlororlyiic.— Ihc Bight Hon. FJirl Itii'sell eoiiimuuieated to the College ol l'hysiciiuia ! and J. 'I. Davenport that lie had received information to the elb-ct tliat the only remedy of any rervico in Cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Aanorf, December 31, '. IHM. Dr .1. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Lxtract from , T„H,t, January VI, igiiii.—"ls presenile! by scores of ortlicslox meilical practltiouorn. Of courso it would not be thus singularly popular did it not 'supply a want and 111 l a place.'' Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyno is the licst and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, u-stliuia, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, Arc. Dr J. Collis Urowne's Chlorodyne.—Bxtroct from tho General Board of Heilth, London, aa to its elllcooy inCholera :—- So strongly nro we convince! of the immense value of this remedy, that we connot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in nil caws." From A. Montgomery, Bwp, late Inspector or Hospitals, Bombay : — •• Clilorodyno Is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia. Asthma, and Dysentery. Io iti. I fairly owe my restoration to health after eighteen months* severe suffering, and when uU other medicines hail failed." , . , Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyno Is a certain euro ■ in Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrlnea, Colics, Ac Dr. J. Collis Browne's Clilorolyne.—Caution.—_»ona - genuinu without the words - Dr. J. Collis Browne a Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompaniedi each l»ttIO. Sole manufacturer—J. T. Davenport, ri'-', Oreat I.iuscll street, Bloomsbury, London. The uumense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price. It is now. sold in bottles. Is l.Jd, t'n thi, -Is Cd. aud 1 Is. Agents for Melbourne : Taylor and Co., Collins street West; Messrs Fulton, Grimwade, and Co. Wholesale nge.-its : Messrs Elliott Brothers, 181 Pittstreet, Sydney. ...... ~. , „ Agents for Adelaide: Messrs F. 11. Moulding and Co. Wholesale agents for New Zealand: Messrs FRENCH, KEMITHORNE, and Co., Dunedin. DR. DE JONIJH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) Light Brown Cod Liver Oil, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as tho safest, speediest, and remedy for Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, illicurna tisin, General Debility, Weakness of Children,, and all Scrofulous Aflivtiona. Dr de Jongh's Oil Is convincingly proved, by the highest medical testimony, and by tho practical test of successful experience for twenty years In all parts ol tho world, to be, beyond all epilation, tiie purest, the most efficacious, the most palatable, and from iw rapid curative effects, the most economical of all kinds. Henco it« universal celebrity, and tho iuunenao demand for this unrivalled OiL Select Medical Opinions. Sir Henry Marsh, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordinaryto the Queen in Ireland : " I consider Dr dc Jongh » Light Brown Cod Liver Oil to be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of groat value." ~ ~ ... . Sir Joseph Olliffe, M.D., Physician to the British, Embassy at Paris: " 1 have every reason to be satisfied, with the beneficial and salutary effects of Dr de Jongh a ° Dr Edward Smith, F.R.S., Officer to th Poor Law Board of Great Britain, to his work oa. " Coiummption." writes: "We think it a gnst MS, vantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil whlcn. is universally admitted to Ik genuine—tho light brown Oil supplied by Dr do Jongh." Dr Lonkca-ter, F.R.S., Coroner tor Middlesex : " deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under Dr de Jongh s guarantee to be preferable to any other kind as regard* genuineness and medicinal etlleacy." Dr do Jongh's Light Brown Cod Livor Oil is sold only In capsuled "Imperial" half-pint, pint, and rituirt bottles, labelled with his stamp and ingnature, " without which none can po&mbly be genuine, by Chemists, Druggists, and Storekeepers throughout tha world. Solo Consignees: Ansar, Harford, and Co.. 77, Strand, Loudon, W.C. Wholesale Agents: New Zealand—Trustees of Henry Youngman, Into French, Kempthorne, and Cj., Dunedin. New South Wales—Elliot Brothers, Sydney. Victoria—Felton, Grimwade, and Co.. Melbourne

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2120, 20 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2120, 20 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2120, 20 November 1868, Page 4


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