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PUBLIC COMPANIES. KU^AI. I.NSOKAN'CE OJUPANIi. KUli. AND LtFK. Capital £3,000.(X«-AccuuiuliiU-d Funds in tmli4 1,.',i»0,W* Annual Incouie 8«U,OO0 LIKK UKPAIITILKNT. "VTEW INSURANCES under tho ParX\ ticlp:ition Tiibles are now entitled to an Increased Uluurc ot l'roliu, in mxoniiuiu) with tbo rcsolnClou paaeed at tho liut aunuiU uiuctitig o[ Uie shareholders. The bouusuj hitherto dvcUred »rs Urn largwtever continuously dt>cljir«d by nuy Couijiany. FIKK DIiI'AKTMEXT. Goods and buildings in town and country Insured at current rutcs. AU cluimn are vuttlcd In tho Colony. HEXUiiIIbOX, LAW, and Co.,"Dunodln, Agvuts lor OUvgo and Southland. rpHE LIVERPOOL and LONDON X and ULUIJK INSURAN'CK COMPANY. Full Klllt, Lll-'K, and AN.NUIIIB.-S. Capital SuU.-cnlx-d £'^,000,900 Isvkstkd Funds. paid up £400,«0* Reserve mrplun fund I,UOO,OOft Life De|*ixmt!iit reserve 1,4ju,000 Uubkucuuf undivitk-d protitM VU«,W» (Three million and ufty thousand pounds).. 3,050,0o» | Hevenub. i Fir* prcminms .'. £580,000 Life premiums '.'IO,OOO | lutcrcHtßti investments ICU.OOt (Kino hundrod and fifty thousand pounds) .. £250,006 Medical Referee—A. ECCLBS, lisq. All claims are settled in tho Colony. Tublut oi rutos lor Firu mid Lite Insurance in all ita br&hctiN, and uvcry inTormation, may bo obtained front 0. S. BHOUHICK, Uaitray street. MAUINH INSUKANCK. rpHE PACIFIC FIRE and MABINK IMSUKA^CK COMPANY issue IVlicies at Lowest Current Riitej. Losiiv* payablo in Sydney, Melbourne, or London. BRIGHT BROS, and Co., Airents. KG US BUILUINU AND INVESXUiiM' &JCIKIY A.VI> BAVIKG3 INSTITUTE, Shares. £.W each ; Entrance Fee, 2a Gd por Bhare; Sulncripiiou, lus pur uliaie per inonUv. This Society Is a BuiUing Society, t» bn conducted on the i>ciin.ii>t'iit pnnc:plu. Tin; ni\catiii^ mcinbcn will bo ri^mrioi to pay thrir gubrcriptious f>ir K-venty-ttve luontiia (Li >e.n»). arid no more. lJorrowing members umy ouuiiu Ui;m« for periods not t'-xeccding ten yairK, repayable by lixed muhtlily intnaluienbt. Jlembcrs will be ablu to join at imy time, without payment nl bark itubwTipUiiiis ; and no premium nor comni uution will by cuurgtxl to borrowers. Prosiwctusea and forma of appli<mtlnna for share* and every information, umy Iw obwiued from tU Secretory. M. W. HAWKINS, tkx:ret»rv. Telegraph Chamber*. Stallord street NKW ZEALAND TRUHT AND LOAN COMPAKT tLlilllED). rpiUS COMPANY Continues to Make JL Ai'.viuiC'S upon Freehold Svcurit-y, iv sums of Jt4»o and upwards. Kvery itifuriuution given on application to DALULTY, XIATHtAV, and Co., Ag-nU.

• M^DICAIi. DR. CRAWFORD, Consulting Surgooa lllli] Au'OlK.'liwllr. bei,-* to iutllliaui lU.»t. lie tuay IjO cuuxiiltMl in all th« Uranctie* ol liv IVulcmioii, at, big Medical Ljit>or.iujry, I'riucea Ktrect, oppuaite t—« Criterion Hotel. Dr. C. has great experience of tho following disease*, vi* :— Diwnxe* |»JCiiliar t<> women and children _isc.l-ui« of Hit he.irt iliiU lung* Vi«ujL*u> o> Hit dit;e»uvc »y=nria Vim-**-* of the nervous sjdtuu Dlse.i-*-« hi tliu eyo IM^wn of ihv akin bi-c.o-es of tlie blucxl. Advleu grails (roiu a Co 12 a.m., and from C U£lt p.m. ________________ TRUSTEIM OK UKSHY YOUNUMA-N, T7IRENCH, IvE.MI'niURNE, and Co., JD WIIUL_£>AI.K KU-UUI.-jT-.unu Importers. »fUcnuiuu drug* r"m tfi«*tr ordinal wjuaw, cljMjiicala from ttio bw' -v.xl.iitt iiianuiacliircr»; English, Foreign, and AuiMri-j*!! patent inedimi—i and perfumery frum the' lorwrlr-nri.; ilrii^Kix-)' «unilri<», pHoU>grß)iliic chcmrjil iuuiiUiih oil,, k'runvli ik>li-I>, Uyo stutfH, curkn, »»U iimnuliuUiicrß' good a; dunt—l,, vtleriiiarj, ut. tjrgicul insiriiuiDiits, and medico! npj)liaiicea of of try Kimt, wlncli Ihuy offer on lilxirU an 4 iulviui_iKi.sja turum — wlmluiutle only — nelectal from their vxumtive o|vii nt.^jK, or umny articles at redm«d ml<irt in unKnu'l l).u:k_*;es. Their uu_ior..i« Kuruiieau Agoncfcs, with their arTiuitfeinuiiltt lor -iiCairiinx bu]i))lio» iliroct Irom Englnnd, and their i>Uuliat>e<l liu«iiiciui tliroi^liout tho Colony of New Zuiiiiinl. w.tti Hi« re_lj iikui.h ol cotuinuniciitioii, pvc uieiii jKvulnir lucihticH for lining all demunUu .ix lliey urine, and dying bunincn<i vo the iuitisfactytii of tlic |iurul><uiLT. CilKMl.-'i'S und UituiioiHT.s, bc»iUc« evory ordinary rcqiilremcht, cun pitn;ure of k\, _~ »nd Co. nil novelticjf counecu-d u-aii Hie tr.ule. and cun .-<ele<:t ou thulr pruiuwei) all cvtentiula to coniinencu or extend Uubliiu—l —including window carboys. i*|hjcio jait* ol now and cluliortiU! de»ii > -u«..i-lioi/ botileii. undKcnerul lurmitliingij, at ix more K.amfiicuiry mte if mipurtoil l)J' tlieui" «elve«; an an.sortuient of llrut-clttM Mtrgiutl mutruinunts, U-u.SHCu ol every h'vm mid inuke, elju-t.c ntockinija, beltn, lie, magnetic luauhniuit. feeding UutUutf from every miker, Turkey mid biittt Bpongen, musical and pharmaci-mic gliiM* unii eui'UieiiWiire, clicmuMl mill liliaruiacttuiiviil Hj)|«iiitus. wvnUxl noiipit from llio best maiiuincturer» ; wall quo.i« for j>ro<eiiuitiuii, nueh as. to.let uoltlej, U'Miiull'B cutglasa j<im purliiuius, silvcrcappeJ mnellins Ijottlen, und every oclier requiatto. (Snort)y e-|<ucuxl, the new llrill»li l'luu:uuux>pu:i_ n>> medics.J STOitKiCEKi'MHS' goods imj>ort«l and alu-aya on Bal«. HoUowuy'B i>,ll» and ointinelit, I'erry Davbt's \i&inkiller; Townrumra. Uristol «, and A>ec°» Btirßap;irill_.. (which may \iu had duty paid or in bond;, Taylor*J cocoa, exviucl. ul ineiit, i_aoiu«l culinary eeitences, cayenne pepj>cr In IxJdlei. jujnben and p;u-ulles, liqnwrico, gcUtiuu, oullir.tre, niilpuur, u.Uitd und (alsUjr 01—. livid miu^neiiia, Uuidlei— powders, Kpuoui sails iv packet-, iiu.; and

CouxiitY Stoiikkkki-kiis aro Invited to Bclect from tlmir sUjclc oil vimtmg Uunoiliii, or tlioir e»rra»pondcuut) will iiiojl with pruuipt :ati'iiuuu. In io>--Ali-tii» whuru thu drug buHiuu^w limy Ui imroprchuiiuxl, a> lrtrgo nud prolitablo lula.tion mny ba muile t» tho Btorukcc'iJini; bus in tin i>y veudni); various urttcica coanocUxi with llie trmlf, wlncti uic ia uoiuuud whutuvor tlicro is a potmhiuon. FHE.VCH. KEMI'TIIOUNH. and Co. hAvo boeu Hpjui.iiUAi tnu wliulua<iiu I}Ul<* 'or Xew Zea« land for the lullowiiiK :— KmniiiK'ii cuutfh luzeugos, lnHccticido, and worm. tablets. liiahop'n granulated citrnta of magnolia. ifrUolliM Jiiowi.uo olikruiiyiio. The only Bonaino, prepared by Uuvcnj»ort. O'NeUl°B oxidu of cop|>er pomutle, for removing haU-. uese. "Orimanlt's French niolicnl prcpnrntlonH, Dr CtiurciiLH'H ttj*xuiic tcuiuiiui ior coustunptioii> prepftrod by if. dwunii, l'nri«. Blairs gout pillx, uml Framj.ton'B pill, i'or full piirticulura ul all tiiu abuvu, nee the various proprietor/ ud vurttiMiuicnu, iv tliu und tlio othur JKew Zdiliiiid pa|H.TH. They arc also sale ngenta for N. Z. for :— l>r X)u Jouku'h l'.gnt brown t(«l lirer oil, the nniforui purity and ullicttcy oi which inuk.) It) tile most rcliublo pruiiurutiuu kuown. A lurgu bKx;k in original. casu« —linlf-pint«. pmt«, and quaru—alwnjß on hand. Cooper's ginupaio tisHuu, for lunnoJuito musturd poultice*. Kow's embrocation, or fnrmerß" friend. Judfton'a simple dyes for the mjujilb, In 14 colors, which will dye unjriliutg, and which unyuue can use; and l'U*6o and Lubiu'a perfumery, " from OTory Howm that breiUhcH v fmuraiu-«." ' lix CutharliiK, Warrior (juncn, &c.: — Towiusund's Kitnuipunllu, t>r C. J. Aycr's medicines Barry's tricopherus, Fluridn nti:r; culza, olive, boiled . uiiil raw liiueul od. xpir.tH, uir, bli;u»U>ne, tiirpeiitiito lietup, rajic, and cnuiu'y we'd, Scliixihu's pa«wli«i, pars) whito candy, tvufi. soap ; Uucklu'v, l'arr'n. and PrampUiu's plllit. Kppis's cucou, Urown und I'ub-on'a earn Hour, LicU-'ga lo«d, Ifu L!arr/'» revuluntii. Kelson's golutme, pcrli4un.-U scjajM, Murray's iintgnuaia, indexical silver ixxip, new liritinh ptiaruiucoiiKias, Hichardson's anuaiimitK: Apparatus, Hnnluura lima juice and slyceriue, couittf, b.'unliwiLrc. UutiuiU's £»a de cologne ; a uiagiilucetit uK-oruiiuiit of luctul j>uS bolcca, with Uo\vltin<l ». lu>igar'v. Uiiumvll'ii, Goai.ulls, Atkinson's, und lirittluiibiicirH scluvt f^uods. C»UDIAL ilAkUu' Guok.i, miiipriHiHg O.K. arul S.^f. boulelt, Kuglmll mid bpaniHh cut and S.W. Corks, whiting, Ki"K<-'r, oil.-, acido, tswniw, <juti»ii;e. brandy colouring. n*.-t:i)ixi npirit. (d p. or in bond), cupiwles, scanting twine, cut tinioil lalxiln, tiuued and vop<iur wire, and all ottiur uniclcs ruquircd lit their biutiiiejut; also, tinfoil for iobsiccoti:i>t«' uw, wine corks and bottle wax for wine luurcluuita, brewers' bun^it, isUigla**,' aud brewer*' mid buctlors' sundries. By pnr chaiiiug tticw Koftdit in qimnt.ty, t!iey caa offer at a. lower rutu linn: tlie coubumur an import. A large stock of - the -laulmg ruoTOOXAMIK - Aktiui.Kj.:— Be-cryaua n'trate wilvur, CUlorido of gold, Hnwsan'a -eau's,' and routing's cuUudiotu, ulUu.-ucuUcd paper. > Sohiie* rVere's raniiyh, tic Thew goads is original cases at a margin*! reduction. KodJum wniUtfitni, quicludvcr, and crucible*. Dejwt for K. and L. I'crry and Co's London mcdl* clues, linporturs of leeches. ' Agotita fur Übigo fur the QITKKX iNSUBAJfCK COMr\ixv. Ufa polices grantod on Uuvmott libenu torma rate* the lowest in tltu Colouieti; tuid Fire rink* bikes at the lowe»t current raU». I'roßpcctuses on applica] Uom to tiie 'IVuhuxmi of iierirv Youiinmau, late KIiKNCU. KKiHI'liOltNK. and Co.. Duuedin,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2092, 19 October 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2092, 19 October 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2092, 19 October 1868, Page 4


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