WEDNESDAY, Jonr 3rd. The Speaker (Mr W. H. Reynolds, M.H.It.) took the chair at two o'cloelc
Mr MTNDOE presented a petition from Alexander George Allen, o£ Green Island, having relation to a question as to a survey.
Tho petition was received; and Mr M'lndoe gavo notice to move that it be referred to tho Government for consideration. Mr M'INDOE^ brought up—Final Ro}»rt from the Select Committee on the Itoads Ordiiuuice. Tho Comnuttto reported as to why they would be unable to have an Amendment Bill ready to bo submitted to the House this session ; and they recommended certain resolutions for adoption by the Council.
Mr M'ludoe £;;ivo notice to move tho resolutions, on Friday next.
Mr REID uskvd the .Secretary for Land and Works, " Whether the Government intend to reduce the rate of toll charged mi bridges, under the liridge Ordinance, 18S4, iv so far as to make the rate of toll on britlgesaimilnr to that charged on roada under the Turnpiki*s Ordinance, 1800 i"
The SECRETARY for LAND and WORKS (Mr (Jeorgo Duncan) said that, until very lately, the fact of a difference existing was not brought under the notice of the Government; and they then agreed, at ouco, that the tolls on bridges sli-mld bo made th« same aa those on roads. There w;ia now only one bridge— East Taieri—on which tho different charge existed ; but it had applied to the West Tfiieri, until trnilic over thnt bridgo was stopped by tbo flood. Tho Government quite agreed that a charigo should be made.
Mr SIIAND asked the Secretary for Land an.l Works, "When the West Taieri P.ridgo will be open for traffic 1 also, wind i» thu dato of acoeptiincc of tho contract for the supply of tho timber for the bridge, anil tho date when said timber in to bo delivered on tho ground V
The SECRETARY for LAND and WORKS said that the Government had endeavored to havo the bridge repaired and opened as soon aa possible. They called for tenders, to do tho work in four months ; and tho lowest tender waa L2BBS. As tho approximate estimate of the Engineer was LISOO, it waa felt that the contract ought not to bo accepted. Ho consulted the Eng" .^er, who said that he could get tho work done, within tho time specified and tho cost mentioned. He (tho Secretary) hoped that the bridge would be opened in a month. The Engineer was going out to-morrow to make some inquiries respecting tho contract to deliver timber for the work.
The SECRETARY for LAND and WORKS moved, that tho Orders of tho D.iybo postponed, bo aa to allow Notices of Motion to be taken up ; and this was agreed to.
Tho discussion on thu following motion by Mr Mitchell, was resumed :—" That leave bo granted to briny in a, Bill providing for an additional member for each of the Electoral Districts of Waikouaiti and Oamaru Country."
Mr THOMSON supported the motion. It liad been suggested that tho Clutha 'liatrict should lose one of its members ; which, would, probably, not quite satisfy him. But ho thought that tho honorable member for Waikouaiti had made outagood cane; and as there was now plenty of room in the Hall for ten or a dozen more memb jrs, he saw no reason why tho two additional members should not bo given.
Mr M'INDOE considered tho prenent number of members of tho Council to bo too large : with a less number, lie bolieved, tho buaineKS of the House would be sooner, and perhaps more satisfactorily, got through than it was at present. If additional members were given to Waikotiaiti and Oamaru, almost every other district would prefer similar claims. What was wanted w:is, a Te-:irrangeinent of the whole of tho districts ; if that was undertaken, there having been previously a resolution by the House as to tho total number of tho members, they could bo easily and fairly distributed. Mr MQSLEY supported tho motion. Mr BURNS would vote for the motion ; but ho mns'i see the proposed Bill, beforo expressing any opinion as to how ho would vote on it. He thought, at prosent, that a good case had been made out; but the discussion on the Bill should be taken on tho second reading. i
Mr HUTCH ESON was glad to nee the general approval given to tho motion.
Mi*MAIN, while admitting tho justice of the claim made, knew that there were great inequalities throughout tho representation, which deserved attention without delay. If the Government would, oven now, would bring down a short Bill to remedy tho inequalities—or the most striding of them—ho was sure the House would give it a most cordial support. Tho motion was agreed to.
Mr MITCHELL brought in hia Bill; it was read a first lime :md ordered to bo printed; and the second reading was appointed for Friday. Notices were given to move, on the recond reading of the Bill, as follows :— Mr Hanghton, for an additional member to.each of the districts, Tuapcka, Dimstan, and The Lakes; Mr Burns, one for the Peninsula ; Mr Main, one for Maimherikia; ,Mr Tnrnbull, three for Dunedin; Mr Taylor, one for Port Clialmers. THE HIGH SCUOOT* The House went into Committee to consider the resolutions standing in the name of Mr TurnbulJ, aa to the High School.
In Committee (Mr C. E. Haughton in the chair), Mr TVRWSXJhJj moved, "That the salaries of the Rector and Masters bo something like the following scale :—Eeotor, L4OO to LSOO per annum, and real* dence, with LSS for every scholar up to 100, and LI for, all over that number; two Masters, I*4oo to L 450 per annum, with-1 out residence, with LI for every Scholar, tip to 100, and 10a for all over that number ; one Master, L3OO per annum, withont residence, with 15a for every Scholar up to 100, and 7» 0d for all over
that number; one Master, L 250 per annum, without residence, with 10a for every Scholar up to 100, and 5s for all over that number.". It would not bo necessary for him to go into details ; for there was a lengthened discussion on tho subject, before the Committee was appointed; and tho resolutions had been bo long before members, that they must have made iip their minds on the different (questions involved. The Committee started with three principles — 1. That the salary of the Hector should be such as to enable a thoroughly competent man to bo obtained ;2. Tliat all the teachers should have a pecuniary interest in the success of the School. As to these, the Committee were unanimous. As to tho third principle, that there should be a Boarding Establishment, Chore was a considerable difference of opinion ; about onethird of the Committee objecting to any such establishment being connected with the School.
There was a great deal of discussion on tho several resolutions, but it was almost wholly of a conversational character, and referred to numorous amendments, to detail all of which woald be tedious, and could- not easily be made clear.
Mr HAY moved, as an amendment, "That the salaries of tho Rector and Masters be something like the following scale :—Hector, T.3QO per annum, and reBidunce, with L 2 for every scholar up to 100, and LI for all over that number; two Masters, L3OO each per annum, without residence, with LI for every scholar up to 100, and 10h for all over that number ; one Master, L 250 per annum, without residence, with Ifis for every scholar up to 100, and and 7s G.I for all over that number; one Master, L2OO pur annum, without residence, with 10s for every scholar up to JOO, and os for all over that
This was negatived,
Mr BURNS moved an amendment, which was accepted by Mr Turnbull, after some modifications; and it then rend thiw :—" Thai, the salaries of the Rector aii'l Masters bo Bometliinic like the following scnlo—l lector, LUX) to LSOO per annum, and residence, with LI for every scholar tip to 100, and L 2 for all over that number ; two Meters, L4ooto L4iH) pur annum, without residence, with I 0;» for every scholar up to 100, and LI for all over that number ; one Master, L3OO per annum, without residence, with 7s <kl For every suhrlar up to 100, and I'm for all over that number; one Master, L 2. r»i} per annum, without residence, with 5a for every stcholar up to 100, and 10s for all over that number.'*
This amendment was adopted
Mr TURN BULL moved, "That tho house apartments attached to tho High School be put in such a position as to make tlu>m capable of accommodating Boarders ; and as soon as they are fully occupied, that Park House or some other mutable place should be made available for the same purpose."
Mr MOSLKY moved to add, "and that tho charge for board, lodging, and washing, shall not exceed L4O per annum, for O.ich scholar."
This was agreed to,
Mr riUTOITESON moved, to strike out tho words, " I'ark House, or."
Mr TUUNTiULL and other members agreed with the amendment; and it was adopted.
Mr SFBUALD moved, to Btriko out all the words after " accommodating boarders."
This aniendmr-rit was negatived ; and the motion, as amended, was adopted. It stood thus:—"That the house apartmuiite attached to tho High School bo put in such :i position as to make them capable of accommodating boarders, and or soon aa they nrn fully occupied, that some other mutable place should be made available for the same purpose , and that tho charge for board, lodging, and washimr, iihall not exceed L4O pnr annum for each scholar."
The next resolution was adopted, without discussion :—" That the Rector or one of tho Masters should live at, and havo charge of, tho boarders at the High School ; and the oUier establishment, aa soon as it is required to bo used, should be occupied by one of tho other masters."
Mr TURNBULL moved, "That in addition to their salaries, the Rector and Masters be paid L~> per head for each boarder under their charge." Upon this, there was a division, and the motion was adopted ; there voting— Ayeh, 14: Messrs Hums, Driver, Duncan, Fraser, Henderson, M'lndow, Mitchell, Reid, Reynolds, Robertson, Hoaton, Shepherd, Turnbull, Vogel. Nobh, KJ : Mes-srs Brown, f»reon, Hay, Hughes, Hiitclicson, Main, M'Dermid, Mollison, Muir, Murray, Shand, Sibbald, Taylor.
The House resumed; and tho resolutions were reported.
Mr TURNBULL moved tho adoption of the resolutions.
Mr ROBERTSON seconded tho motion. *
Mr M'INDOE moved, as an amendment, that the resolutions bo recommitted, with a view to his moving that in the first of them the figures 7s 6d and os b« altered to 10a and 7a Gd.
The amendment was negatived; and the resolutions wero adopted.
Mr FAY moved, " Tliat, in tho opinion of this Council, it is desirable that all main roads to bo mado in this Province should be by contract only." He did not moan the motion to apply to ordinary surface ■work, but he altogether objected to having tho roada made by day-labor, or without sufficiently advertised specifications and tenders, the day-labor system proving both expensive and inefficient.
Mr SHAND seconded the motion,
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY suggested that tho words " as far as practicable " should be inserted in tho motion. There were exceptional and urgent oases, where it would he unwise to incur the delay of entering into contracts.
Mr HAY adopted the suggestion ; and the motion was adopted.
Mr TURNBULL moved, " That ihere be laid on the table a Return, showing the amount of license fees and assessments received from parties depasturing stock on the various Hundreds through' out tho Province, under the 108 th and 100 th.clauses ol the Waste tandg Act;
showing, also, the particulars of the sums raised in each Hundred, and how tho same have been disposed of."
Tho SECRETARY for LAND and. WORKS seconded the motion, and stated that the Government would have no objections to furnish tho return.
Tho motion was agreed to. GOAT NUrSAXCE.
Mr DRIVER, having obtained leave, brought in "A Bill to abate the Goafc Nuisance."
Tho Bill was read a firat time, and the second reading was made an Order of the Day for Friday.
Mr MITCHELL moved, " That the Petition of certain Settlers in the Waikonaiti Hundred bo referred to a Select Committee, consisting of Mr Speaker (with, his consent), Mr Mount, Mr Clark, M Dun cm, Mr Thomson, Mr Frascr, and the Mover."
Mr MUflfc seconded the motion
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY thought it rather late in tho session to appoint a Committee ; hut if the Committee could see their way to bring up a report, he had no objections. The motion was agreed to. KOUKRT VINLAY'S I'ETITION".
Mr ERASER moved, " That thtt petition of Robert Finlay be referred to tho Government for their favorablu consideration." The petition, though received as from Robert Finlay, was one from a number of settlers, who were desirous of getting a number of blocks of land for agricultural purposes. It was meant to bo dealt with by tho Committee on Wakatip Runs, but it was now preferable that the matter should bo loft to the'consideration of tho Government.
The motion was seconded, and agreed, to.
MrTTAUGHTON moved, " That the Petition of certain residents at Hyde, requesting that a block of Laud be set apart for agricultural purposes, be referred to the Government for their favorable consideration." Thoro were curtain, circumstances in connection with this matter which entitled it to houio further inquiry. Thoro seemed to be a diOerence of opinion aa to particular blocks of land ta bo selected, and tho Government tvoujd be able to make tho inquiry necessary without any expanse.
Tho motion was agreed to. The Speaker left the chair at half-past five o'clock.
EVENING SITTIXH. Tho Speaker resumed the chair at seven o'clock.
Mr HAUGHTON prt-Hented a petition from Hubert Wilkin, of the Province of Canterbury.
The suspension of Standing Orders was agreed to.
Mr HAUOHTON moved that the petition bo referred to a Select Committee consisting of Mr Speaker (with his consent), Measra Thomson, Sib aid, Tun.-' bull, Taylor, Hughes, and Mr liaughtoa [the late Private Grievances Committee, except that Mr Hmighton's name ia substituted for that of Mr Mitchell]. Tho petition related to an important mutter ; and if it was referred, any discussion would conic properJy when the report was brought up.
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY said that tho honorable member for Tho Lakes ought to have explained to tho House thut this pr'titioii referred to » question dealt with but Bes»on. Mr Wilkin was then declared to be onUtled to receive L2OOO compensation; but the amount was made juiyaMo contingent on tho sale of the Wakatip runs. Tho House had this session resolved that the runs, should not bo Bold ; consequently, the money could not be paid, unlcaa upon :v direct authorisation by the Council. Ho (tho Secretary) supported the prayer o£ tho petition, but he would bo no party to ita hoing brought 1 eforo tho House,, and referred to a Committee, without a proper explanation of what was involved.
Mr HAUGHTON and others gavo explanations ; and tho motion was there, agreed to. EVI'VLV. Tho House wont into Committee of" Supply ; Mr Hanghton in iho chair.
District GaoJs : Nine g.-wlors, L 1020; rations, stores, &c., LOSO.
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY explained to tho honorable member for Waikouaiti (Mr Mitchell), that there waa some doubt as to who had authority over those Gaolers; hit that the matter was tinder consideration by the Government.
Mr MITCHELL was satisfied with, ffio explanation.
Sheki- Tjf«rnirroi».'B Dkimrtmbn't: Safaries, LK000; contingencies, Lf>3o.
Imm/oration : tingencies, L2BO.
Salaries, L 70 0; con—
Education : Secretary and Inspector, LSOO ; Olork, 1.100 ; Music Master, L4(K>.
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY (in reply to Mr Shepherd) Baid that he believed the Master iiol. only ♦might thyboys, but put the Masters, where neccE---sary, in tho way of teaching. The experiment was, as tho Government understood, ho far most successful.
Mr M'INDOE opposed this itemlohtr session, and he was more than ever satisfied that a Music Master could not ov«i~ take all tho District Schools. As, after tho resolution from the Itetrer.chiaenfc Committee, there, was a moral, it not a. legal, right, to this year's salary, he (Mr M'lndoe) woulilnot now attempt to-intor-ferc with the vote.
Shorthand Writer, L3OO.
The PROVINCIAL SECBETART said that Mr Diack had been teaching m some of the.Sbhools very successful); ; and he had such: a love for his art [Pnonography], that ho had bo labored grata:— tously. The School Committee had strongly recommended an, extension o£ the teaching ; and what was proposed was rather to meet the expenaua of travelling, &#., than as a salary. Apart frontal! question of tho value of a knowledge, of Shorthand, in relation to reporting* he? thought there was scarcely anything that could be taught which would be moro I likely to be constantly useful to boys, i than Shorthand,
Mr MOSLEY opposed the vote, TJ» Province had really not tho money to sparo—(laughter) ; and there were many thingq of more Jmr>ori:?,nc« to bo attondwi to.
the item was affirmed, there voting— Aykb 1W ' Messrs. Burns, Driver, Duncan, Frauer, Hay, Hughes, Main, M'Bcrnnd, 31'lndoe, Mitchell, Mollison, Kcid Reynolds. Seaton, Shand, Sibbald, Tayler, TurnbulJ, Vogel. Nora, : Messrs. Barr, Green, Henderson, Hulcheson, Mosley, Muir, Murray, Shepherd, Thomson. Pair : For > Mr "&*%&& > against, Mr Brown. Drawing Master, L4OO. Mr Muir, Mr Shepherd, Mr Hutcheson, Mr il'lndoe, and others, opposed tho item. The PROVINCIAL SECRETARY eaid that the resolution to appoint a Drawing Master was almost unanimously acrced to last session, on the motion of the honora' lo member for tho Taieri (Mr JUrid), only a sum was not voted. Last session, tho Committee appeared to be strongly impressed with the advantage of appointing a Drawing Master. After a long discussion,
Mr .REID hoped that the Committee were not going to reverse the vote of last session ; and ho also hoped that a B0 «({o»tion that tho vote should be regarded as a yearly one, would not he acted on. It wan worth continuing the vote for several years, for tho great good which he believed would result. There was a division, and tho item was adopted, the voting being— Aybs, 14 : Messrs Burns, Driver, Duncan, Fraser, Main, M'Dermid, Mollison, Reid, Reynolds, Seaton, Sibbald, Tayler, Turn Lull, Vogel. Nock, VZ: Messrs Jiarr, Green, Hendcißon, Jlutcheson, M'lndoo, Mitchell, 31osley, Muir, Murray, Shand, Shepherd, Thomson. Paths : For, Mr Haggitt and Mr Robertson ; against, Mr Brown and MiHay. District Schools. —Teachers' Salaries, LB3OO ; contingencies, L 3635.
Mr DRIVER repeated a question which he had asked early in tho session—whether it was the intention of the Government to give effect to the resolution of the Council that the fees collected in tho Duncdin schools should appertain to each school in which they wero received.
Tho PROVINCIAL SECIIETAIIY explained that the Government could do no more in tlio matter than recommend tlic resolution of tho Council to the adoption of the School Committee. That was the only course, unless they could divide tho city into three districts, with a Committee for each. He would deprecate any great interference, as tho schools were working excellently.
Mr TURNBULL had no doubt the schools were working excellently, but, if tho resolution could bo enforced, he thought the Hooner it was done tho. better, if tho resolutions of the Council wero to bo of any value whatever. Had the Cornraitteo refused to give effect to the resolution ?
Mr "REYNOLDS said tho only way to give effect to the resolution was to bring in an Ordinance, dividing tho present district into three. Ho did not think that would bo desirable Ho believed tho School Committee wero doing their duty, and he did not think tho Council should interfere, unless it was absolutely necessary, or ao long as tho citizens are satisfied.
Tho PROVINCIAL SECRETARY, in reply to Mr Turnbull, said that, through Homo oversight, tho resolution had not yet been sent to tho Committee.
Mr 11ETD thought that if tho citizens wero not BatisGed with, the present management, they could easily have gentlemen appointed who would carry out their wishes.
Tho items wero agreed to. Hkjh Scnooi,.—Salaries, L2OBO. Contingencies, L 550.
The PROVINCIAL SECRETARY advised the Committee to pass the items as •on tho Estimates, although it would bo the duty;of tho Government to give effect to the recommendation nmde by the Committee that afternoon. The arrangement proposed could not be mndo immediately. Ho could not say that the Masters would accede to the proposed arrangement., and some notice would require to hogiven. If the items wcrepiwsed, it would be on theclear understanding that the Government would give effect to the resolutions of the House.
The items wore agreed to,
High School for Girls, LIOOO.
The PROVINCIAL SECRETARY said lie was not prepared to enter into tho details of tho proposal as to a High School for Girls. Tho subject would not only require a great deal of consideration ; but tlic Government must understand, first, whether it, was intended to give effect to tho proposal. If the Council voted the money, the Government would endeavor to form the institution as far in accordance with the wishes of the Council as it was possible to do. He did not think it would bo necessnry to go to the expense of erecting a separate building. Ho thought iirraiiKenients might be made by which a High School for Girls might bo established, with Government assistance, and under Government supervision, without t]w expormo of a building. If the Committee pnased the vote, it would be the desire of tho Government to carry out the object as faithfully as it could possibly bo done.
Mr REYNOLDS heartily nffpported tlie vote, and he hoped that the. recommendation of the Committee would be adopted, and that a portion of the Hospital Reserve would bo reserved for such an institution. Ho had objected to the reserve being handed over to the City Corporation, and he hoped a part of it would yet be retained for tliis purpose.
Mr SHEPHERD opposed tho vote, on tlio {rroimds that it was only needlessly increasing the facilities for education in tlio City, to tho detriment of the wholo country.
Mr HUTGTIESON, while sympathising with tlio object, thought it might well be deferred, By the lapso of leases of Education Reserves, there would soon be n sufficient sum availablo for such an institution. He quite approved of a sum being paid for the engagement of lady teachers throughout the Province, but he objected to Dunedin being constantly mistaken for the Province.
Mr MUIR opposed the voto, and he thought that the accumulation of amounts for educational purposes exclusively in
Duncdin was sufficient to justify him in doing so.
Mr MOLLISON and Mr SIBBAIiD supported tho vote.
Mr MOSLEY opposed it on the grounds that the proposal made was too crude. There was no plan stated, and he believed that the employment of lady teachers in the District Schools would be preferable, and productive of a Provincial good.
Mr THOMSON considered that circumstances had changed since the proposal was first made, tf, as he was told, there were several Ladies' Seminaries in the City working well, there was not the same necessity for the proposed institution. There was also a crudeness about the proposal, and he advised that it should be allowed to stand over.
On a division, there voted— A\eh, G : Messrs M'Dermid, M'lndoe, Mollison, Reynolds, Sibbald, Vogel. Noeh, 9: Messrs Green, Hutcheson, Mosley, Murray, Reid, Shand, Shepherd, Tayler, Thomson.
Pair : For, Mr Haggitt; against, Mr Brown.
Hokpitat. : Salaries, L2SCO : contingencies, L 4460.
Mr SHEPHERD said that ho found that the L 3 to LI subsidy for Goldfiekls Hospitals was to be reduced to L 2 to LI ; but there was no attempt to interfere with the old system of providing all that was needed for maintaining the Dunedin Hospital. Hospitals on the Goldfields were more required than the one in Dunedin, both being, however, necessary. As he could not move to increase tho subsidy to the Goldfields Hospitals, at present, "he would, at tho proper time, with a view to the Supplementary Estimates, refer at length to the subject.
Mr REYNOLDS said that the Dunedin Hospital was not a Dnnedin institution. A few sessions ago, ho inquired, and he found that eight out of nine patients came from country districts. There were no special votes asked for Dunedin—if there were, he would oppose them. The people of Dunedin only wanted the interests of the Province to be properly attended to; but, as a matter of fact, there being in Dunedin one-fourth of the taxpaying population, Dunedin was quite entitled to a largo proportion of tho expenditure. He should be rpiito content to see Dunedin patients in tho Hospital, supported by private subscriptions and a subsidy.
Mr PHASER knew that if patients wero sent from tho country to Dunodin, they were only sent ' ecause the country hospitals were full. The counti-y residents had subscribed very largely and liberally for their Hospitals; and he knew, from experience, that those Hospitals would fall into great difficulties if the subsidy was not to bo continued at tho rato of L 3 to LI.
There wero complaints that the discussions were becoming most desultory; and the Chairman s^iid that if every subject waa to bo discussed on each item, the discussions in Committee of Supply would never end.
The items were agreed to,
Luxatjc Asylum : Salaries, JL1550 ; rations, medicines, &c., L 3540.
MihckMjAxkouh : Inspector of Weights and Measures, LOOO.
Mr SHEPHERD moved to reduce the salary to L3OO.
Tho amendment was negatived. Mr SHEPHERD moved that tho Balnry be reduced to L4OO.
On a division, this amendment wan a^o negatived—Ayes, 4; Noes, 21 ; and tho item was passed.
Cattle Inspector, LIGO.
Mr MUIJR, opposed tho i*em. He thought it would bo more natisfactory if the Inspector wero paid by fees, and that tho Government should appoint a qualified veterinary surgeon.
The PROVINCIAL SECRETARY believed tho present plan worked extremely well.
The item was agreed to.
Messengers, L 47 0,; Keeper of Quarantine Hospital, L 530 ; Toll-keepers (13), LllOO ; Meteorological Observer, LSO ; Incidental Expenses for Tolls, L2OO.
Crown Lands : tingencios, LI 145.
Salaries, L 214 0; con-
Chief Commissioner, LGOO. Mr HAY moved that the sum stand a LSOO.
The amendment was negatived,
Survey Department : Salaries, L 8115; contingencies, L10,77G (including L47GB for laborers' wages). Roads and Works : Salaries, L 2576 ; contingencies, LG7O. TETiEORAMis : Salaries, LT2SO ; contingencies, L 450. Generaißoad "Hoard : Salaries, L 1040; contingencies, L 590. At five minutes after midnight, progress was reported, and leave was obtained to sit again. Tho Houbo was adjourned until two o'clock to-day (Thursday).
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2006, 4 June 1868, Page 4
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4,480PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2006, 4 June 1868, Page 4
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