THE Otago Daily Times. "Inveniam viam aut faciam." DUNUDIN, WEDNESDAY, DEC 26.
A spc-ii-ii "Gizette" is tbia nr->rniiiA', with tne fvliowinji; no' see:—
His Eke let cy, to Govi'rror;, d!ref.'ls it to ". c lonfid fir i.ubij Inf.irraii; t .,n. that an iJii'Lcu Levif v.ill be held jn the I'roviiicijL th nilrr, on Monday, the 18ib at twelve o* lock.
Fit) » '(iiATom:n, Private Heci-etary. DuiiLinn, i'trirmry 16 h, Ifts7.
Tbe petition on Separation is to be- pteWateiL to His Excellency prior to the. Leva*. / Tba following letter oa tho subject, has bcija received:— I 3 y Dnnedin, Feb. 16, lm7, Rir—l havf; the honor, by direction oi* His Excellency the dovcrnor, to inform yam, _$a_ reply to your letter of tbo Isth instant, thai*-, th* ro i* to be a ievee on .Monday next, which, will r.fford a convenient :ip;wriuaiiy for the* deputation io charge of tne petition oa tbo . subj.Kjt »f Se-par-iiion to present it to thtt Governor, if they desire to do so.— Ibav^&c, Fbbd. TiiAXCiiEK, Pnvato Secretary. Wv, andcrtUnd that Ilia Honor, tbe Sapwio*trendent, is to be one ol the degnl»4o» by
whom the p"*itson is to be present cd. After the Lcvect, If is Excellency will cross, in the Golden Age, to Vauxball Gardens, wliera the Fete of tbe Friendly Societies ia to beheld. An zdJrcuu it to be presented by delegates of the Socfetk-n; nnd His will afterwardr? fee entertained at ts. dejeuner. In the evening, His Fxcedk-ncy .will be present at the Princess Theatre. " The Lady of Lyons," and " A ilo-itl Husband," are to be performed. On Su unlay, tbe Governor visited the- Provincial G jvtrn.'i.'f-nt Duildin-?, the en;rit;e-Is^u-e ti the Volunteer Fire Brigade, the Gaol, the Ur:A.'.:i\. the-Lunatic A»;!um, and tlio Re::evcb-ii*. U's'ittstirn. S-:me particulars i;;s to >:a;:h v>it -aill be tVutid in cur ?.lr:tlY frige. Tho Frkr-dly AAA.A Ft-:", at Vans! .ill Girders, to d.f , will r.r> dou'oi be very mi jnero'tnlya,.t<r-)-ie-.'i.c--'P'<:ia,-l> if the- h"-viiifudy fine weitbcr e.r.finu'H. In it'idi'i''!! t« the pre"Ci)t.>.'tyi e.f r.n nddreiM to the Gov:ni- r, end a d,j, vac, Aa a-e- fo A \ pul ar .yrAA; and tbe K-'r'trti v-ill be A<* s-<m f(f><!> t'1"" GitriTci.'r. Tie: I'Vt'i '.*o:i!'iii:tvc arc re-pie--'', d to meet at the lioyai Carrie, nt 10 o'clock sharp. A numeroti'ly -a-.! ir'.fU-.mSii'.ly signal":: ,v, of • hic'i ■.'. '.opy nji;.«ver>-> in another e:o"u:riri, has b"'-n printed to Mr Vogtl, n.'-kiti" that be wrll r.ll .w Liu-elf to bcnomina-C! a c-.ndid.-ite IV tho r :'re ern-i-------tion of the (,'iy in the Pniviird -.1 '.Vtneil Mr Xog 1 h.-n n'iC'iAl to ii.c r 'luent. Th'.se intending to join tho Friendly Societi.'h' Fete; are aj.p<,i;>tfd to meet en the North Hecreini n Ground this rr.otniog. The Committee v iii at the itoyal Otorgo Hotel. In c-,r.«equerit:e of Mom! y, tie; 18th indnrd, being a Piibl;c H-li-h-.y. Ml civil wa so', down t'.r JscarU,/ on that day will he h.ard on Tueedny, tin.- I'J h in.'Unt. 'llr_ Ke -net -nt .NUaist rate's C-i'irt will lit at ten o'clock o;i '...un li-y, i>r the; .:ivml cl I'o'ricu cr'.f-res. A r-.liear <a', p- pnritory t - the O-.nert ».< "jo «i\eii by tie Du'o.-uirr l'hiiii'irmo ie Society, wi'i tier- pi i*:e 10-n-irro ■■; lv- ?.i:.;f. A co'.Te!v'ii h;.i! 'nfo'in- vi (i i.-vetinic «>£ the elec'- ... v\ \V-M-A3r<. iltntric,- v 3, lv H en ThiirH -y fv-ni'X, lib i''-'t.. A the Srrrui'ih .u»i t' ere. for tlie icr;, :,«_• f', e-'itl^.' addrttsC'l by ~ir li i;'h '■'!•'.: ly.o, -.1 i'me liii!, o.ieol" t', ; i'i.ii-.iit.t'.--i for the r. j.r,.H'.ii- :- {nli'jli of llie-dfstr.'ef, nod -h. : J 0 v:ll :,i7;d"d-'.'.l: io re-;.re.r-rii!. I'd'i'r-i'i i, in the cooiitv^ I'mviii-<;i-t.l (J>Uft<.'i«. He hei b.-rli leqi' l'e ', tlh<i to avail himr.lf <f the o.oporlu dty t-. m-sko known his vl•••■'."; in pu'.lio vi .tt'-rn. Tii.1 r<.c.-t-------in.(» v.'fin a full f'"", th; t-Vro Ihu !>;:• heinjt filled. Mr Ad-.m H-11, of IU.-b.'ti.k, 1 e"n;r invited to tube tl.e ehnir, intro iue-.d Mr
M'Kadyen, vbe> teblr-.-ss"! t;rt'. lifetime, mid replied to s- vvml qi>yl.t<n->. _.1T '.V'ii'.in-ii Ati'l-r-O'i l.ritul Mr J«'urd fiLC.-nfb.-.1, the motion thu'. Mr MI'VJ)i-:i was a ft; aid
proper p.'-rs mio reprisi-nL tho ili=tiie'. 'I he Chi-.itmrn havir »I"Cf.'.ri ! » cd b. ss lhe mcc.iii.', '•'.!• MnScltn M'Nieoi t';.t il t';i.'
lie hail, ti3 conve-if'.- of tl.e Hhi—kin K!...o''
Comnii'.t.'f, ncei'.'ed a toiiirmwilo'i'i'.-r! fr.'in tho ercvcii. r (>■■ tiie Ni.rth-Kut V-.U-iy Committee!, ln.ading a e:o;;y id the riS-lui-i'in parsed at the meeting theiv, to Vrinrr f-.rwunl auiti'.We local emi'lirl A-:. l-.i conv.lirtnewheri;witb, thi-y had f.eeo.-'.lioply rupi.TC-l Mr ,Mn';f.i-h:ii'-. :-'i:.ii;-' Kno-.n^, !<> conic forward, and he having ro-.s^-.ite.l, v.-'.. no ■; pro-ent, te- i-lrrtc liii i.yl on ; 1 ti-ai
sdY-u.-ft an-! r.ply to <\'\.iaa3. 'r r M'..ciarLint,. was then eail .d v;.-.,!!, ai;;! i;.-'."> i ■',', Sir.-flj-addressed tl. c!-- o:so:i the K;Vc:r.i to,-ies of public intercut, an-I rep'.ie I t'» it mi-.ih-i' ot qaeet ne:; Mr vY:ilt-.r Paii; in >'•'■'; -', a-..i v'r M'C-e'g'.r fcrtnn.'h.'d, a mo.'ioi', that l->__ 11-c farl.i.'ie was r. fl' and proper pe'-<"i to iVj.iesent th.- (lit it', e'.'i.ich was ctrrted hy a. lar-; > mnjiiiity of hands.
11.M.':. IJ.i.-k vas opr-n I ..'-p -rt* v yestttdiry iv :ii 12 l(J *> r--»t., fui-l wih at tho : u lu.urs e-i.c.i dny during the week-.
V- B'er'Tiy nirnMin; Charier; 1t.!.?, re cv.ih-r, livii'ipi: G:. 3. Kb ;: street, (-fempte-1 too limit sui.'l.'e by cir:ii:>.r hit tlr-at. He was found hy O -i-stahle Cotf-y lyii.r- ion unti">ai.t;d bore-, aod J.'-'i 1 i.vfboted :i -.7oii-..l tipj'.i himrc'.t . but. a i.i inch. =in bti;;;h. He-
wot nt en ■c- ivim-v^l to tt .'■ 1 1 ■■ ",7i'.3, foi 1 :,l tended to by Dr s liirvH, C)-i", v:"l Yat-s. ■who ka-.e jiriv.ou: cd ike woim-i ir: to he . danfi'.-n.ti-. '!>o Cnirata'i!-. slat .-J th.-.t 2to'.?-. £nd be -..'ii d.i;:k:n.< h-.-avily of late. In cn'.npliiiu.M with a :\q'.i*t:i m fr.rn th-•d-jertors of f.o V,".;krt'ip di-ti-ict, M-11. 1">. Mii<iilock J a' cons-:ii:ed toi.Uow hbn-.eif to be nonii-mt .1 to represent them io tl.e i\e>r hwl-.a C''V.ll:ril. Th;^mre"in-'cf the DiHtrmt Grand L"A: ■ of Ot'i.g ■>, EC, 'tlm*- v.asfo have been he'd em;-, is p-s'por.ed tu.til iur'.hn- notiff. ' Menib'Tsrf the U.U.1.0.0.P., Ot.egi District, or. in.-i'tri to mcc", at; the Olltctlows' Hall, t !>ia nroriiini:. ' In oYu re-.uarlc. upon the cone erf. thi otli';.-cvf-nin:'/, wm omitted to noticr- IA \Ves''-i excellent /coiviuetiii;;, an;! to mention that it vas i«.-iinly t'lrouji'ii bt; exerth.ri the rehok' of the •.ir-raugmi.rot.j «'-. :•„■ .matured. A unvoting o." the i-lee'or-t of the -_\A_ '. r.kri took> oa Erioay cvemnrrta the: rchnnl hou e.^ fir the p.irpvre of hcrrmg Mr Die!-:. There: were vr:7'.Tii aborit A pc-sins ; Mr A-c";.iIMM Todt w.-.s cilbd to the chair. Afife-r Mr Dick a.ldressed the electors', qn-s----tio,>r.s v.'ere ptf. to him which were answorei tA the cmin satuficion of the meeting. It) whs proprre Iby M:' .-'tevens.o, tiv.l jj'/eoniied by Mr J.imvn Told, " i'hac Mr "J^jiek Wits a fit and proper person to bo eltclc 1 ''Supcr'mtcnikin,'' which on b.-ing put to tho n.e.:lit;K was e.i.-ri-j'l unani Loudy. Tne xncciini; ex,.re-fod their en?ire confidence in Mr Dick, and r.^olv.d to u-e their utmost exertions to secure hii triumphant return.
Mr Macandrew met tho inhabitants of Port Chalmers oa Siturlay nftcrftoon, in Ciickmore's Royal Asacmb y Rooms, Dr O'Donoushuc occupied the chair. There were fully two hundred persona present. Mr "Macandraw was li-tened to attentively throughout his address ; and no questions feeing asked, Mr bi'Dermid proposed, wad Mr Toms secon tod—" That Mr Macandrew is a Jit and proper person to fill tbe office of
Superintendent." The proposition wsb carried by acclamation, there beiDg no amendment. A vote of thanks to the chairman, concluded ihe proceedings. Mr Macandrew shorty afterwards started for Blueskin. In the evening, Mr Macandrew met the electors of tho North-East Valley at the School House. The room wa* well filled, and Mr Walter Simpson was elected to the chair. Mr Mtcanlrew's address was a recapitulation of tlie re-a-roiis which induced him to come* forward a-j a candidate, and a statement of thu principles of po'icy win Ji would guide bim if elected. lie re.'erred to the introduction of railways, tho making and maintaining off roads, tho rations between G nral and Provincial Governments, snl other subject's of genc-.-d iiiter«t. !In annw-.-r to questions, he said tbit be did not think th it it was nee ssary to obtab tho Ji-s.'nt of flic General Ai'enib'y to ihe li.v.lway Guarantee J3i!L If clec'ed ii=* would, tin hasss fell in, guard against I in! j be-ing lock'd up and unobt'iifmbl", cxc pt on payment of compensitnn. He dcr.ird tbat the r rnov;..l of He'! Hill Ind bjen a scheme of his Miagestion. He did not op;n«e tbe introduction of Chinee-; but w>oM i;ot expend public money in bringing them lr re. Mr MM'hnd". ci proposed, air! Mr IJurrou.'»hs seconded, thnt Mr M,-u:ari-!r.:w v-w a fit and prop-.-r person for the ofliea of Huperint :n dent. The Chiirrnan put it to the inicing, and declared tin motion to In ca ri rd. Mr f'nnoon protested ;i.-jriin«t tbo con-bict: of the Chairman iv not allowing un amendment to be prop >tel. Tlie Chairm m, rc-nvt-kin-< th it '•it wiw the; nhorte*'. wa;.*," ngiin pot. the motion, which was curried by a large nr.jr>rity. Kotr.c of those present, however, did not vote.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1602, 18 February 1867, Page 4
Word Count
1,530THE Otago Daily Times. "Inveniam viam aut faciam." DUNUDIN, WEDNESDAY, DEC 26. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1602, 18 February 1867, Page 4
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