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I'Oi'f nfKiM EKS.— Octobkb 2. Wind, N. 8.,: moderate breczo, with rain." High water oa October.3 i-rAt, tho Head*, ]J8 p.m.; it ' f>n '"Chalmers, iS p.m.; ot Duiiediri, 2,53 p.m. '; E ; ' .'.'XltWyALf.•..;'; "i ■- ; Emma, brig, 2.19 tons; Wlch,! from Tome, Cliilian flour ifod nuts. Bright Bros and Co, agent*. ■■'■' ' • .'.... Mary Jane, schooner, William*, from Port Molymux; produce. Wong* -■■ Wongaj s.b., Seymour, frojn Northern Poris. Seven passenger?. . lioyd, Taggart anu**Cs^ ag«"l8. ? " " ■' DKi»AKTrrrtR3. Hero, ejt.,< Irftgan, for Ilokitika ? 170 pas•engetf. [ ; !&M¥' r< B nnii C°> agents. , Per Wonjra Worfei, from the Jforth : Mr Kirkpatrick, Mr "tLMng'j Mii#. Hamilton ; ■* in £teen>Ke. ■■■',- ■ , , : Per Emma, from Chili—Mr Wakt-St-Id:" RxvKcrao aukivam. '■■•■- ---WRtm; G laboow.'—-Ti mam, 3nr.& 10.i Fjioh llokitik.v — William Misfcin y Maid of the Ynrrn. Fiiost NKwcAsttn—AmAn«J. l"no»i Meujokbnk—Albion.s ri«»jKcrßo, DBi.F<vitTnnKß. Alhnmbra, for U*est'.Co»«t, 4th inst. Egropnt, fur Hckilika, this day. : Kt-dar, ior Nt-wci stU', early. Snrah Ann, for Wvliingtoa; early: Elizabeth Curk*. for W< at Coast, sth inst. Aurorfl, for Hokitibn, 7lh ii^t. Storm Bird, for Hokilika, sth irißt. VEBSEW IW I'OitT. .1 leonor, bartpie, fcoin St. John's, W.B. Thracitin, chip, from London. '■ Peter Dcs m.fhip, from Glasgow. Kcdar, barque, trom l.oiidon . Gcclot'g, p.f.,fraii» Lytttlton Yarn.' fcl.-ociu-r, from Iltathcote River Lloyd'fi Iltrnlo', stli'cMH-r,' frotii ITokitika Wi'fl Wsivp, schooner, in m HoUitikrv Snuih Ann, mli- om r, in in Melbourne Brother!', (•chnoncr, from Coat-t . Thoniftd Brnwu, bi.njue, from NnwcastJe Ixuiy TJarliufr, 0.5.. fr«.ii) II .kitiica. Pioneer, tc'i'iom-r, fruin Grey Uiver. : Hn(>lund,"*lii!>,''.fro'nv.London. ' i:Uzih<'th Curie, Bfhoouyr, from Grey. Eiiti rj>ri!-c, j>.«., Vro'tn Ljttt-lUm. Prospi-ft.-n-, bi!i;qin- f Inmi S.m Francisco. TValtaet', '«:ho,'»nyr, jfoinlloltitika J£fsmuht, b.k., from JI Barontsn, slii)>, from Vulpariiisp. Alhurnhr-i, hs , (r>m Hokitika,. Amycut. t>irq i-, fr.rn riydn-y. ISinnic, btiv,1 frc-tn T«iinc, Chili. - ' Mary Ja>x.\ fiuhonner. fmni Count Wonga, Wongi, s.D., from North.


October;2 —Emilia. 259 tons, Wick, master, from .Viiliwriiiso, with fl -ur. Brigti and Co, agents. Octob'r 2—Amycu.", 218 tons, Wickstrom, roaster, from Sydney, witu fljur. It. B. Martin and Co, agents. oyrvrAitDi. October 2—Nil. . IKWAKDS —COASTWISE. October 2-Nil. OtJTWA Hl)'' COASTWISE. October 2—Hero, 700 tons, Ljgan, master, for Hokitilcn, with passengers.' B:ightT3ros and Co, ag'-nts. ;/ , :: October a—Hope;, 20 tons, Mutheson master, for Wuikouiiiti, with cargo. Dalryjnp'e, jun, and Co, agents. . ■ • ■ . : Octobi-r 2 — Yarn, G3 tons, .M'Callum, masttr, f>f ll6lsi;ik«, wit:icarg>. 11. Ilougliton and Co, agent?. IMPORTS. Per Emma, from . Vnlj,arais.'»: 8400 bags flour, 101 do nuts. Bright, Brothers and Co. '■' Per Wong* Wonga, from Wellington : 4 cases butter, Field ; 1 cas?, De Carle. EXPORTS. Per Yurra, for llokkika : Under', bond— I 100 cases whisky, Culemun :ind Co ; 50 coses geneva, C«rj;iU nni Co ; 30 do do, Morris : iitvy. Froennd duty p;ii<l goods—2l,Gs9 feet tirabar, R B Murtin :iinl Co ; 4 crate* bottle?, 4 cases mnoriiiicty, 1 fly wheel, Buetnent Brothers ; 2 bale* bUnlwt*, M A North ; 7 casks paint, &c., Scntikni Brothers ; 50 bijis oats*. X YViis'm mid Co j 5 cixcs bacon, 10 bans oats, Whittinphnm Brothers ; 8 fasos cofteP, J Chuichcß iuiA C>>; CO b;i[»s flimr, 5 halfbarrels pork, iu'C:illism,}>(jill anrl Co ;28 baigs potatoes, 'H bal. s 'chaff. '28 Imps iiotituCH, A Boyle and Coj I4c:isisiroii, II Hiiugli'on and Cj ; f>7 ba^s {i:itutoi-s. 4 oasta clietsc, Fruncis Ci>C'kc ; 5 lasei drug*, 2 kt-gs Hci'i, I esitk treacle, 2 bali-a corks, 24 plcgs drugs, &c., U p.nd E Yoiingnum tuid <>> ; 4 cases cofll-e, W Gregg Co ; 3 casks, 4 cases crockery. M Calvtrt ; 3 casks'gksswnre, Culvert and Co ; 10 cases nalvuni--id iron, GG liasiell and Co; 10,000 feet of tiuibur, liovae, Mudie and Co. . . . • ■ . ,' •:.:• • • :.'

The New Zca'and Straw Navigation Oni-, pnr.y's stt:uner Wonnu Wonga arrived ut 10.30 p.m., bringing Wdi'.nwtouand Lyttclton mails. >'hn left" WiHington ou Saturday eveninrr, the Q-ieen not having arrived ironi Auckland up to that hour. The oausn ftf-tijcr detention is noi known. Leaving Wellington .at -1.'13 p.m.. on Saturdny, she urrivM oi "TJvUelion oh; Sunday at 5. p.m ," and sailed two hours afterwards". Up to that tune tt'v? fct/;»mtr La4y,Bifd, which k-ft this port'on TTiiday, had nor made her appearance at XytteHon. F.oin .Lyttrlton tlio Wonga Woriga, .c-xjicri^nuid a 'Strong N.W. wiinJ, follow d by fresh brei z?« from the southward. The Won pa Wo!;gsi7Vhich"has lately reet-ired a most txt^nsive ovftrliuuij and haa .made successful trips to'Wfinjjanili and Tnr'niVnki since sl.e resumed trade; is to W despatched from this port fi-T'llolfiiika,'the Queen being cxpicU-d to come on to tnke ut> her., regular trip. On the arrival, of the.Wonga Woaga, tho water-police, iicting on i .formation;received by tdigr-iin liom Cluwtchurch, appre- , bended one o£ ilio steerage passengers. ' The vessel is now commanded-by Otpt. Seymour. - , The Alhambrv is>-iiow. nnnouiiced to proceed to Bruce 'Buy as- well as tc Jackson's Bay and Ilokitika. -' The Eguont is also on the berth for Hokitika, processing via Cook's Straits. .''".' , . ■ The barque Thomas Brown, bound for Newcastle, ss ready for pea, and sails with the first fair wind. The Ktdar follows in a few days for the same destination.- . The steamer Lu'iy Darling is still in har- . bor. Her destination is not fixed, but it is not improbable that she will be laid on for Hokitika, and tlie-:ce to Newcastle.. It seems likely that an extensive cattlcj trade wiU arise between Queensland and Melbourne, and for such a trade, the. Jjiiiy.Ddrliug is eminently suited. By fortuitous: circumstances she found emplo) mtnt in; the pas-enger trade on' tbi3 coait for Si.veral months, but with greatly increased competition, to retain a vessel of her dimensions in such a trade can scarcely be profitable. , ■ . ,-. ■ The'brig Emma, Henrique Wich, master, ".' arriyed latu" on Sun.iay evening from Tome, ■witK 300 tons fljtir, and one passenger. Be-i .pprts twa vessels ' loading for Melbourne; , siocks low" j flour firm at 5J dollars; ' :.,'.■ There are now lour flour-indeh vessels in - ■'. port—the ■ 'Prospector, from Valparaiso, via "'- '■ Saa Francisco: the Baronesa, from Val- .■; .^BtttMip'}1" 'the Arnicas,: with a cargo - tran-•;'-,^B!tip<id.-al;fSjrttnoyj! ,iuidr.tljo'"^!mina, from

Tome. .Eulk has not been broken, nor fa ii Jcn/.trn whether jjl tho. cargoes arc tp be discharged here. '' " ■"_'_'". ■■ ~ Wu are informed by ,Captain Beveridge, late of tlle'tc(iooner Tiger, that on? Thursday' 'week, when off the Grey, he spoke the brignutirie Dart, from Duhedin, bound for Hokitjka. She had encountered heavy weather, bad lost two men overboard, and was then leaking conndtmhlyi An we have heard no farther news of the Dart, and the weather having proved titi boisterous lately,we havereason tobealarnred for her «afety.—-" West Coast Times," Sep* tember23. ■"■'.' .

Tho schooner Tijjer, from Neleon, which has befcri Jyin& oil the port for the past week, was wrecked yesterday on the North Spit, in trying to enter the riv«f. She was lightering the b.b. Alliambra last Saturday, when uhe was so violently struck by the steamer as to start her starboard sides fore and aft. .She lias been leaking considerably erer since, her puinpa scarcely keeping her afloat, and her preservation during the rough weather that prevailed at the early part of the week is miraculous; had the wind blown off shore, there can be no doubt she would have gone down bodily with nil hands. Yesterday the captiun'tried to enter the river, as he must have other* ise beached her, when she wus thrown on to the north npit. The cargo is very seriously <daiiiaged by salt water. —Ibid.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1171, 3 October 1865, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1171, 3 October 1865, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1171, 3 October 1865, Page 4