■. ,;11»ORT CHALMEES.-—Maech 17.,:- ---' WiniMf.B., Jitifi breew, ll!j?b water m 18tb ■'MtttPU; «Uli9 Hoarfa, 1 at Port Obai men, 6,35 p.m.; at Dnnedio, 720 p-ni, '■:. Atttttrivi. ■■ . .'' -: '■ • Julte Hevn, ba'qw?, 318 lonj», HITI, (on AdelaWe, -via Willttngis. 58il» February, floorDal«*ty. Ei*ttray, a*i Co, uaaatM. Airedale # .*., Forgn*on, from Manakau and iatcrmetiikto jwrtir, 3t "paeiecgew. "<3- 8. Brrtdrick,, agent.. Fawn brte, 515 ion», How. fmra Maurilia*, SOib jr»!mary, aogar. DclJteiy, KAtiray acd Co., agt»t4. • : ■ ' ■ • '' a. W, Ptevcne. bsrqn«» Browse, from Jfew<ja>t'«. c>e!. Mns'er, «tisnK Bffort. cattOT, from the <-oant; pa»«ed np. Arni« t tcbcMwer. from Oatnara ; pas»e«l op. Affiitw, *»nr(juo, Bimp«oii, fm Hewcaatle, coal. A. M'Kiisrton, sgeivt. OXP4RTVBKO. AH'ambrs, r.utUr, 0 tonu, Peters, for OkiUki, 3 piM-^nif r«. lonl A»Wfy, «», Ermdall^for Ljttelloa, 100 passer: ftera. MSSEBaKR ttßf. Per Lord *»Wev for LyHelton: Mr Wayinoath ; ami 09 in the*tcerage Per A{r<d<l«, f'/wn (.yttolton: Mr« Thom'on, Mr» Wren*baw, Mm Warrlnatott, Mr» Harp»r nnd c'iM, Culotrel Warrf?. Captain M'lenuan, Meisw* Sot.iiis. K!lfa«, Batfon, Pitt. Fplcer. JJa!e«, ' uslwr. Nfc-il, (iiHi"«. Vao DxmTfw, Kirk■wooii, Ooy', Clark ; ami 12 in tbo steerage. Per John Hullock. for kitikh Mw Derby«l)ire, Mf,i* ,Ju>"n D(-rby*bir«, Mi« A i'frbyrfiire, Mifl* t*. Per bra ir<", Sir? Podrf*, Mcsra fico. Wit hart, Bobetfc Green; and 1-54 ia the steerage. KXVF.trtKTi 'ARRIVALS. Fkom I.OMX'K-Kfimok, Dec. 10 Ko. 8790, 3rd »imp; <Je»enil Wyndtiaru, Dec. 15, tio. 1607, 3rl <H«. p. Fft-tK MtetnoußNK—Trailer, Marco 4. Fhom Qim<i ay -St. Vin«tnt, l.'cc. 0, Xo. 501, 2nd t?i". p. Fnox Bostok. TT.S.—I-u^ira. Fkcm f ypuKS—Jano Lockhart, March 2. j
€clacno, for London, early. Bobert. nendercoD, for London, Match. John Rullock. for OkitiVi, thla day. (3la«Row, f r Okitiki, this day. Albion, for Melbourne, thU day. Bella Vi*fa, for Ukitiki, UOtit Inst Sir F. D-ak<*. for Okitiki, 20th inst. Travellr-.' B We. for Okitiki, thi* day. Alb&mbra, lor Okiilkl, this day. Hrro, for L;!tcH<'ii, ihtsdny. AireriaI*, for tiw Bluff, JOthiDßt. Ya'-ia. fnr okitiki. 21st icat Brothtiß, for Okitiki, 22nd inst. VM3iiiit,'l IB I'DU'S, f/fiacno, ship, from London. Kobert Heni>eiaon, ship, from Qlatgovr* Bu'iy, b.»., from Invciairtt'lt. Kdwart) anii ( lirlftopber, from Waikuva, E«ther, fchconer, Iro-a I.jttoiton. Eleanor, b-jrq-tc, from Si. John's, N.B. Annie, ec.-'"nner, Sroin Oannru. Dt&nnce, rchooncr. f;om Molyncuv. jßrilliant. bn'T|ue, from Valparaiso. Doli>hii>, nchionftt, Wftika»a ; (JJarendou, brix. from Adelaide Bell i Viita. bs'qao, fro'ii Rtfiwart'fl Ifilnnd. Jofcn Bullock, 3 raaatcd schooner, from Slewart's Inland. Wm Mi-kin, f.h., frmn Pott Molyneux. Cjmrsps. fcbo'iiicr, from Canto bury. Tnivi tiei'/t Urldp, from Cbaibnms. Htorra Bir.l, 3 masted a.-liooner, from castleLnrfy *nn ship, from London. ' Sit P. Drake, 3-ioaited sjhooner, from Mauritius. Mi'Hothian, ketch from •Hiast. Albion,, from LytUlton. AlhamlT >, n B-, from Melbourne. Gothenburg, m, from Ly'.tel'on. Julie Ilcyn, barque, from Adelaide. Aired-de. ii a,, from Northern Porte. Fawn, brtj/, Irom Affiuritiu«t. A. W. Sttv•««. barque, from Newoistle. UfTorf, cutler, from ("oa«t Affiaocr, t*a rjiio. from Newcastle.
CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDSMarch 17—AlhmnVa, 407 t"ns. M'Lean, master, from Mtlb"urnp, wlih car^o and pa--s nßers. Uoyp". Mit'l'e arnlOo., ogent". March 17 -Julio ll«yn, 318 twin, Hill, ranter, from Adflaulo, with flour. Dalgety, Kattray and Co., agent?. OUTWARDS. March 17.-Nil. I NW t H!>»—flOAßTßTimi. Mttrnh 17—D.fiance, 57 fons, Taylor, master, from Wiiikitva, witii (imter. 11. Houghtun and (it, agentß. March 17~Gothcnl".nr,r, 4"9 tomr, Mnckie, master, from i yttelton, with cargo. fioyse, Mudie and Co,, nuenia. Marrh 17—Airedale, 283 tons, F*rf?usoii, master, from Ijyit*lio«, wi h oargo and paißengers. G. 8. Bro'l.icl', neent. March 17-Pioneer, 2J loin, Donnelly, master, from the itlulyncux, with cargo. Master, agent. iI|]TWAtII)»—O'»A"TWrB«. March 17~Jo'in Bullock, 147 tons, Tonge. waster, for Mkitiki, with 101 passengers. Henry "Wurm, nprfit March 17 - Lord Ashley, 203 ton», RanJa'l, maßter, for Lyttetton, with 100 pawengers. <i. 8. Brodrick, flgent IMPORTS. Per Pawn, from Port Louis: 4687 baas EURtir, Dftlgety, Bnitray and Co. Per A W Stevens, I'rom Nowenstlc : 675 tons coal, Dunedin Gm and Coke Oompaay ; iO pig*, Browne. Per Affimce, from Newcwtte: 574 tons coal, A M'Kinnon Po: Aindalo, from LyUciton : 1 box, J N Mnrsliall; t ews apples, Henson : 1 bundte beddint;, Mm I.oalsou ; 1 box pea.ita, I case. Matthew Holmes ; 1 lieik sped, Dougtag, Alderson an.! Ct>; 1 pnrcal, C G «milh. Per IJefi.nfiD, from Waikiva: 21,503 ft tim ber, Bell, Hue and Co. Per Pioieer, from the Mblynenx: 1"27 biigs oats Moßfly ; 00 do do, Piltana; 3'J do p-jtatoes Blythe;|'JO do do, order; 1 chest, Bin'dll; 0 lings oats, Miller; M do do, crJer; 13i bales wool, Lrii'er, M'l.ean and Co. Per Juli> Uevn, trom Adelaide: 130 tons, 1200 bags flour, 717 bags bran, Dalgety, Rattray and Co.
The barque which awivec! at tbe Heals on Thursday eveninir, pTovcd to Vms the Julie Hey> from Adelaide, not the A. W. Stevens, thouzfa that vessel subsequently repirted by the 4ircdaloto be on the coant, and bat since arrived The Julio Heyne BnSfad from Ado fli'lo on P^bxu.' ry 26th ; from Port Wilunga on the 28th; *»kn -*d Capo Willonpby on the evening of the 3nt .Inrch. Sijthfced tha Sotander oa the 14th ; pa^ed through Fovenux Straits oa the 15tb, ami reached Otngo Hearts at 4 p.m. on the 16th, making the passugn in eleven days from land to land, and in thirieen t'ays from Onpo I Wiliouß[ht>y, Kangaroo Inland, to Otazo Head". Had strong eoutherly winda between Tasmania ond the Solander. Captuin HIH rf ports the brlp Australia an having svlad from Adelaide for Wanganni, on February 20ih. On the 14th instaat. previous to the veßsel making the Soiander, B^e was Cicd bj a steamer, pr>bab)y the Albambra, ad throuch Fove««x Straite,
Tho brig Katvn, Captain Hos», has had a p_a'eaßeof forty -t-is duy» from Port Louis, havins Bailed on Jaiiimry 30. She experienced Homo very rough wonthcr; )ind in the meridian of Cape Leirwin, s!jo rUSp|M3J avory heavy sea. which filled the cnbin, b-oke the akylight, poop rnll, and tiirco stanchion*, wanhed away the hencoops, moat safe, with nitniiar articles on «teck, and did other damage. 'Fi» «oloa!al-bound vessels at Port Louis, when.tha Fawn Miiled, were the Lord WolaOßi originally intended for Corli, bat which bad her destination afterwards altered to
Adelaide; theXsneßell, aiw bound for Adelaide; *nri lbs .-"orate, which had be«a ,char!««d, tat fia<J sot coam<>Beecl to load.-' 'V ■■.. ■■■ ':' " -"' ■■'•' ■'" Tlw steamship Airedale, Captain B. H. Ferfitison, arrived nt T*ort Chntmcn at 0.16 on tlie lith. She left; the Manafcau on the Btti, at 3 p.m., and arrived at Taronoki at 6 fl.Jni oo the Ollij left again at 3.40 p.m.; encountered a MverG jrale from )he B.K. In croseing the Strait.*, anil arrived ttt N,efc»n at 8.30 p.m. on. the lOlh j Itft Neton at 10 30 a.m. on the 12Ui, and arrived nt Picton at 6,W p.m.; left Picton at 9 a.m. on the I3Hi. and arrival at' Wellington at L^p-m;; left Wellington at 12 nosn on "the 14th, arid arrivird at LytlelJon at 8 a-m-on the loth; k-fe Lytlelton on ibe 10th, and arrived at Port Chalmers as above. ' *a a'iveni««u« crew and three passenger*: took th<?ir dfjtarturc to-day from Fort Cbajuieu j J'Uy In a deekerHwafc of vtry tiny p ©portions, in which few would be inclined to proceed ontalde the Heads hut'which wag duty entire*! at tba i'vHioto hon*e'a* tljo wsl-fnjjf »hlp/<»llj«nibrft» of 9 t«n<i register, under c&mmand of Capttin Petere, »ml bound for dkitlkl. lie owner of her ban ••een in the bait of o ui-ing aboat Stewart» Islnnd and oihtr psrte of tbc coast with hid small craft, and hs f>elocoi.fiJent otmaking a« cntnf a p=jssage a« meoy other larger and better found rtiwih- '' , . Th" Atnerfcn bnrqoe A. T5- flerenF, by eomfoj? viai'Oik'e Strait*, and encounfennj? tlie late •evero srile* which prevailed on tbiu coast, hw bail a hager (wnafre th ;n bor rwent aversge, liavioj; Iftt Ncw&wt'e on !kc 25tb uU. Sue hai iii,rbt easter'y and soulb ea>t wind* to the North Gape, awl elf tbat p"int experienwd a heavy gale, in tfMnh *lie lobi j b-booru. jtb. and topsiil. The Affiance e.ilfd four itayn After, and came by Powiax with fas'sriy winds. Tlje CoUinnwood, <;>'pUln Qor'on M'Kinnon, was [ nbout to leave Hydtey for A'ewcaatle, to load for th'npnr'. , By tbo Fawn, we bare received Mannthi* paptru to 2Htb Jannarj ; by the Jaite H'yne, .-oath Au-tralian papera to.KebVuary 26 ; am by the A. W. X'« Fens, HyJney and Newcastle journal* to F. b. 25 Captain Taylor, of tlse Beiiance, from Walk^va, report* b-ivi'g seen tlie ccfaooner JUart, for Oki-ikt. off Long l'oint, about 15 mSles psatthe Nnffgßts. m
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1013, 18 March 1865, Page 4
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1,400SHIPPIN. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1013, 18 March 1865, Page 4
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