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{PEOK CC* OW« COKKBftPOaiOJBXT. tfUrwioy, ZJrdi Feb. fh* mnlt of tl]« inquest ca the late destrsetirc flw winch cceum-d in Shoriland end1 Fort utreels a week ftßo. hsa left everybody Jn the aame happy nUte cf colfghtcncipn*. a» to tfce origin, in which tfcey w«« oefure the inquiry tammenctd; thavtloh afhirbting yet ■brondcJ in mjßtsry. Tl»j verUiei r« turned by the jury irsato the following effVct: - " ?hst the f«id fire cr!snai«d la tlie upper portion cf the premise* belonging to ifcc Victoria Hole!, £" bhortfand street; but bo of the oricloaHng csu«^ ■of the said fi'O having been laid before the j jiawrj. it fa i:jj[K«Biti!s fjr them to dcttrraloo whether the itid fire wan accidental or other■wim."

Mr F. Wbitakcr, eat'A fiaroey-General, conducted the examination of tbewtatWß, on bc-Wl of the insurance compiinies intonated. 8Ino» thooscnrrerife of the to under notice, five or bis other* have talcen place in work»hop«, utorev and other business pternweit, feat very (c>rtanatej v b9Te been mfxlard before any serious won* of darosge has been, done. Owing to tiic interference m«t.with by Vie numbers of the Volunteer FSro Bnttwie, ham Cosamtetioncrs of the City Board and oilier small., men in power, the brljji'ie hu cent in its resignation, and we arc now in the bvppy condition of bating no one to rosn the engines, &c, i:bou!d another fseriou* outbreak take place. At the Jato fire tiwre was a Terr great scarcity nf wafer, but it in to be hoped the tanks hare b«cn #inco well Sited by the copious nhowera of rain which have fallen these last few days.

In native matters there Is not nnythiner «f very startling: moment to chronicle. I learn by n communication from Kawbia, that the rebel native* lbmt b»v« atQosuTit them iho bead nf tho soldier ofllie 57ih Hetctacut who wun killed nmd jnntiia'.ej reiaa tittle timo back ftt T&r&D&ici. The Fat Mitrire fanatics are raid to have taken up their qo*rt»-r* at Mokau, on tlio south bead of the KuwMa Hartar. Their priociptl tohunaag or prieat«f're with them, and theirobjeet InUkinpap that petition Js to enable the {>ri<! Bfa to throw a epetl on any veiiwi flttetupting to en'er that port TherfWon they wsiuncd for the F&'coo hclnir slile rccentlvfo enter the port wae, ttmtat (hattiaiethe^ were not prepared u> prr-vnt it Tiieciiief. Hoti Kint'i Topic* of the Pfjaj'.erarigi, who was captured with M other nativen by tbo Arawftg a* JioUiiti, >« now in AitcV.laiul.bnving det-n brouglit np in ihe Fp.k with ef,fjlit oth'Jr of ih« chief r/rtsoscrj. Tupara >« at. r;»"ni at«yiii{j v.-itli !*ir Wm. Mnrtin, nniH hU punr-bment may Skj fixtd opon ; bnt the remaining cizht linvo been cent to Wellington. A d<rotation of 'faurnnga natlvcff waitfr! upon bis l<jcc»llt-u<jy, on Tuesday, for th<: purppie «f r'qoesthig h;m to liberate their cbi'.f. but 1 rim not nwari* vritb what favnr they were jreceived. Tapacn hio)«' If, is «uM to be qolte iready t<* take aiy oah of nilr-Kisnco lliat m%y be considered nectary. Tho Taurau^a corwpondcot of the C'«wr thws wrltei omxrulog fbe prlaoner* nnd th'ir Chief :—''The tiotiveis lire vniwtered from nil <juftrtewof Tfturanpi, lnm«ntSnf{ the lo«uof thvir <;McJ Tujmich. whom, if fhey do not low. tiny Krcally fear bis power and influence, Tupat fiR wn fsamohisst the priwuew broastht over. He i» a very fall. KRDtietaanlylooking yonntf rnsn, '.veil brought up for ft native, tind the whole tribe Mem 10 worship liim as iholr Jatnrp chief. He is waid to bear on excellent character, «nd (a highly upoknn of by the old Sftttlcrfl He ban never been engaged f<g;«iij-t on; hut, on tb<* contrary, ha* licet' u^lnp Im influence with hia father nU>re thf romm"iocetijerif of tH<; war to prevent him from yieklica- to Wililara Thoinßon'ft IriiJiinncG. 'Tapnea is very hi(?tify and worthily rc«p*Cicd by oil theo!d feltlcrs. who »il speak of him In tbo b'fihcat to r»n« of h(F.'ciioi) f r las fatherljh pr tccfion toward* them in thi car'y days ot Ivew Z;aiaml. It Is i« be hoj't'd Utat, liavintr lenrtcrtd his Bnl'raitsutn on SfttunJny !;'»t to the Coionfl. th« Governor will gracion«!y no c«pt it, by which mi-ft1« we fthall havo a frlcn'1 In a Chief who-echaracter wasalwuya sincere, toa-ttlo thio wor. and forever ratablinh pc^ce in thin *H»trict. Wb itbsi!l ftnx'on"!y r-wnit the nnws rf their nicopiion in Aucfclund, mid, if «Hti"f,ictory, there will be an end of the war in T.iur imi;i.

A. Separation meeting las been held at Monguntii, under tho auspice* of the Northwrn .Araociatlon. Cnpfain, M.6.A., prc-Hfd, find the ta**«t.lns was most rwpcntah'y atten'Jpil, nil the dji-tfi'l!" of the far North iieitif* well ropresented. The fallowing resolution was ur;:miraou»iy - adopted: ''Thai, after Hip sckm taken by the njrjirity of tic nrmti-r" of the Gpnernl Awiuhly IpM seisiun, the only course open to protect th« Province of Auckland from Southern mismanngcr'icnt in ti procure tbiSeparation rf the nrtbern frotp the Island, flii't thi;> meeting pledges itt.-lf to wo all Constitutional obtain BU'-h i-'crnriuion." gnbecrlptions wire then ent'ircl into, and the petition for Separation ' numerously signed before the jnertinc di-poJv. rl. Another Auckland member has intTmttcd to his pon&tituert* th"*t lie has mign- ii hi* in tl c General Awembfy—tbh being !Wr. Worrl, tbo Bit-Colonl'd Ti>a-urer—and iruiy Auckland at tns present time c«uM well have op.tretl ft Hettpr man. The rennonn for the rrßifrnntion will ho best given in Mr Wood's own won!« :— '• To the Blot'torsof Parnell. Auckld-jd, February 18ih 1865. Gentlemen —An ft oot.hinrttion lias been formed, by nn overwhehnintr majority of the iwembly, to it-nore the interests of the Province of Auckland, mid to refiw to pay attention to the views of its HepresentatiTC^, I oa>» fee n" coo.i end to ho .obtained by attending the next hwiou at Welllnatou; nud, »* myi atUnilanca tbcre wciald seriously irconyeiilenco me, without nflforlin|r ony ndrantase to you, IJlmvo Ktsltiac't my Seat in the (Junrt'al Amembly. ' Thanking you flncerely fur tho support ydu have given me dortlie four years 1 lifivo lift),'he honor to rdprcpent yon, 1 im. B'ntlpmeo, yiur ohi'dicnt Btrvant, Baato G Wood." Captain Butler, the member for Mf>ris{onu_i, recently annoanccd his intention of rcoianinir l«i» seat in tho Araemblv, in he felt thnt it. w.ia hopele*B under present circuinstnncß for Auckland to contend against the combination of i-'oatbern iaetnher». A requisition has, however, been *et on foot to bo signed by the electors of tha district, requestini; Oiptain Dutler to continue bin ceat in the Assembly, and ho has promiiMid to concede, If the request is eigncd by half the elector of KTon(ronuj. A dlfltrCH«irig Buicido oiourred at si bonrdinsrlionse ia Hobson street, on Satur'iar raoraiiiß lati- ■!' appewu a voanir man, nged .aboot 25 yen.i«, n'tue unknown, Imd obtained lo'lßincs lit the boarding bouse on tho day previous, and some hours afterwards told the landlady tbsthehstl no money- He we early on Saturday morning, and at broikfaflt. nothing w»» observable in his demeanor tn excile suspicion. After being abecnt from the houßO for a short tim*", he returned about eleven o'clock and we«)t direct to his bedroom. Shortly afterward*, in ponsfquence ot a -trtingo nome beins beard upstairs, the servant was sent to dta 'over the cause, when the deceased wiun found lyitig on his bark on the bedroom, floor bis h»n ■« folded scrcss !ii* breast. Be wm hine 'n ft W(l of gm' an'^ hls brnitlß Wfre B'-ntwred nhaut tbo ronm. The piste! with *hioli he bad shot liim^eif Jay done- to the hft cide of the badr Death must have been instantaneous. It. was supposed that the decfosed was a German from t"e fuot of a G'ermau song hook beinjt Rm rme*t the content'! of his travelling hag. The " n i,r nsmo whSeh Could bo found in aay of his boot* *a» tfiat < }f w Thomas, After the Jn'ncest the body lay in tho Morgue ir-r a few days Ynr tho purpose of identification, but although maoy p*1*0"8 i*»pected the toay, no further clue now obtained The Provincial Council Blill continues in Bwdon but if anythinpr U remarkable in their nrMaed'uiSS it in !iow th»y contrivo not to pro ",«i with any busineHs of pabiiciinpwtanco. "Hie VutW>t> i*"l' MunWpa' pollce Bill, and Eural PnUce Bi'lt l>Bva Doen on tno of^er paper lor mT rf*)' 8 P !Wl' >v' a PPear B3 forward as over, Sluf'L joss, however, now appear a probability fh.l something wi 1 olnrtly he done to forward k nttbHc bnßine^as the etniinatea ctme down in Lirntrc yesterday, and como on for con4deraa.ta' mi Friday. I'ho batance <>f tha surplua ™.rai revenue in execaa o( tho p Bths, Is.stated " ki hU 618. ■ MiK(naaß» of sticfct«3 * rc2ict 4«> sa 7« *»" «»'^*e inumeous every' jfauk: scarcely a, °?^!o«B«inK without one or two casca belafrro~ffia to tto nolise. The other eTeaing Mr«

Cot Put, Mr* Col. Chflptnaa, and Mbs Pitt, ■mat proceeding homeward to P«netl, fa • Wk*t or.jase at dunk, »»tl vert utopptd by wren tmre-thoufibt to b» foldlem. Ovrfna u> Ut* Prtt'a |>rmnce «f «aia<>. kowter, bn& the jtiirfietow* spp!ie»t!<m of ikn bnttcod of the homewhip, tho feltowa vcrc b«alca off. Tlie maa MTvant, who wast harOnn tiw. horee at the time of th.» itttack,. was severely ill-u««.J &y the »ronndtih. A !perwa nenitd Smith was robbed la wewton-road i>b Monday Meht, and severely l>«!*ten by « lifc-prfstrvfr; and n pntoa riAtr.eti lJrown, *as robbed cf L 2 5< »nd ts-afh, oa PrWny Bißbt. about half pair tight o'clock, in Princai nrreet, near tli« Unwale Hotel. The frobh«r« were recognitai t» belonging: to the 14th llitftnf-nt. Uofortunnttly the F"Hee appear •iKiroasrhly Incapable of eoptajr with liis new evil whicn Bs* spruns; up so suddenly in ovr mHst; and apprehensions arc very (ew nnd f«r bt-t ween. The depredators eppfar to make them. mVita acqnainTted with the beat of "any pollei;----wbd, and seiza the opportunity to waylay the p*« cftrinna wh«n the guardian of the night Is #at of lif ar!ng. Hfe Kxcfllency t}j« Gov«rnor left Aoekland y»f«ftfrday Jn. H.M.B. K«k, f«r Kawau ; and it i» enrferatood will thence proceed to Wnnsranni and Wellington, where H it'iuid ho haa taperfmnt commnnii-ations i/> tnnko to his Ministry nnd the Oeswal. in ncwriliuco with despatches received by the laat rn»sJ.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1001, 4 March 1865, Page 6

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AUCKLAND. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1001, 4 March 1865, Page 6

AUCKLAND. Otago Daily Times, Issue 1001, 4 March 1865, Page 6


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