THE Otago Daily Times.
w\ tW «i\M iwW» Vw Viw twlxtrtViw \VV^V(W*. <«U> ft iWNvw \>' Irt t\\\x\V Of tl\^ \Ww\\t \^«Wtt' \\\%\ nl\to oi \\o\i\\)\ o\\ tl\o j\\\W tV^A^ vortlil w»t. v^^V1 rt ww^v Vl Y\\W<iAOv t)\o \^o\W\HV\\t \S to WYiHW luV W W^W Vft« 1W O\W o\o mv\\< td \swww \U v\oV>}\wtow» U o^v >IW\O\\ o\, 'V\\v »vv,w»v\ Vimu\ vvi\\yW\ v «\\o W\AOVY»I ftv'OO^flV^ \\\\\ WO VftW )W\\\\ " tl\«W W^rt W(VY WW \W\\OW«tW \W^\ \M\\\H xt \\w\\ \\ \\\\\\\\\* Vi\\\ \\\\]s n\M\\\\\ to \M\\\v "\W>\)\\\\\\\\\\* Of tW'vVthiV^Of t\W \\l.\|\\% »tou\iVtlilon> M'Wlw^ t\wU\ \Wlf \^M«kv ot «t\\»MwW\ \>>w,v >itv\o \ft wiM\Auho|\wv "l«tv\VM>«oftho)\oW wVlh H\\\o )\w« vVaV 'Mvuk^ vMSnww ovovy ow w\\\ v\\v\oi^ \)\* \\U\\\ \M tto w\^ «W»^ 'w flM~iW«,\v;v4 in\Vv\\\\owo\ov lv\\\lv tin «»(W iMtohwo tw\'« www\^,tW o\\l ov \\W\W\\ {\W\W\\\\\\\V tV Ort«UM\of« \l\MhW UoNovwwni1 wowlA \wlm\lA v y \novo « w>nYO\lj \w\\Mwv UK Ui^ \voll, luwvyv^ to «\\\\vY»lnn\l tlv,\t t\\o xtfttOWOttt U\!\t t\\o V> ltf\wtov on tho t^v\\ *M 0« It \\\Ulo \\\\' ibnw.l^il, \\\t \W\wv to tuo M\iov O.M \Yi«l\Mn\\A\O}\l» vo Nvowlvl rtot «.\w\o\Moo\l to Irtlov t\\\\\ \\w\W\w\' \\\ \\w*\w\\ Wrtt a hl\wm, ov ihM tW >\vt\i\vMOcrt w)\o ntMi\\o^ nt \w^m\Avh\ to wowM'iM \\w (\\W\w\-\ w\ o\v inhivWuvwt^ jtowovAlly. Tlw o\\*vVUimwnt Win »\i\>'H wot to thoMrtvofintvttxU'nt hwt <oU\v Mi\|»\vi iw^ YlvwoA \\\ mwH t\ lijO»V^o ono ww oomi^rtirt of \)w OYrttKxt. MhJav hv. v^wortrtl x^wMHlm ttftiWhrtltloi \\\t\\ \\i\u\u\lly x'\\\Wi\»i hlto io rt \rtV ; \V wvoV of 'frlvmV, i\\\A \\.\A \\o \\\\v <>o(\\wMioA WnU t\w \Wiovs yon\ l\Hrt^\,y V.\a u\. i w\lw\ i\\ >vxt\\\ \NvVnA l\o Khx trtUWWu'l^ MoiVi iW Kw\v\f \\li>\ Ws \hmw\M^vV.\\v\\. tA\\tUM^'^ V Wrtrt\xU\A\x\ \W\\ WVIOxMOA \\tilWWl \W i\Vrtt IW « W'\^ lW»toxVW^llM\AV«fti\ \\.yx, |\\\\\\ \0 »W »ft.W x W\ \»WxM\\x\\ A\\\) \\»xW \\\\A \\\ nh.\\x»\wlWft wlrt\\»» fcWHWiWxi W ttrtyl \l\xm\\^-I\v-x \vww\\ w* \i^\\\n\ »\pw\* \\t ftn Ax\wmiM^wft \to* \.i\jx\\ft w m\\\ w \x.Wx\\W\\f\Ww «WVx\KM^\V W \\MW\\xAV \\MV\\fti\xM' t\\x^ iWA-^ttW.^ x^i\\SW\xV x\V \t\v \\«<*Y\\\TOW\rt \\ W JO^ \\\\\\.^ «\ UW M\h\X'. «»# x^^\^lv^ix^\\ x\f \wVrtix v.\\ \\W*. l»V \\\\\\\w tVxM NVVA- ftxWrtV o\x> \\\VA\WxWY WlWvlW^ ttofflW vVrO\w> WY« V.x \\ AWff \<x\i totx%Vx\ \\to\\ Ow wwwx". vxw k\wV^ wvv w \hxx tfV\V WVWIxV W x\\\VV--I,A WOKx'^ « Va^WWv WJ\W\ JO WO\i\^o \IW AWiK^-MW Wx^xMWW^ \YO , [sh\x Am*\ ta«AY t\\o wxwww \>f % ivvly m\sW rt )w!waw i \\\«,\ -wMnvi Vw*\ \* w\m lw», w\\\xU^>\x \\ W;\l\»Y \* UO \\>\\\\ \\® ™\ \b x\rt\x V\\« U\vM\t. 'D\o in;\Oo\ViX,«tO W!\lV x\f xMRW* xW OitX^VVVWa bx ftW V t\VWtV\VxM>W wot»ovwo«t ft tVvitlo w\wi> of xvx«x^»\irtt,\Ylxwx '^YMxAft \\.w in i^ H xM)ft>\ V^Kvv w^i owito mwOx^i to xx\ort«Vx> tlxo V\\*\nxM ihwwnvn to l\h W»K \\ xw\v\nw\>\ xW«X)i;to >owo Mxvixn \vwont\\x\\oo« wlxtolx txx\xx.cmvO in Oih jo\xv\\n\> t\\ftt w n\V\\ttoxxAl ii<\\\\ UxwiNOV Wrt^ ''OW tO I\V> \«ftW W\x\ OW »>v ixvo oilxov »«tvx\Mlnwt<> <xrtWi« wvw «l thx> >wxwmw\\m\ Rxrt.w»xw»)itlw x^rtNvvnmowt >UXV\V-xl X^f W'l\!\t \Y«i VVX\\\UW\ Of tl\W\, v>ms ov xxvo w»xvv WtxxMv^x* wvaV^x\V\y wixwK'A xn OxU \\UMs mxA wtlwlv uUmyxoxl* t)w \ixxvti aborts x>ow\Mi^iiom i«n,vftvW> \\ U o\i\y \uv^«wy t»x tnvw to ft lotiov vljxn^ vv A Mtfto\\" in nnotlwv1 \»oh\m«» to »ot> to wlmt ft i-lnto xxf v\ahixcvMii\W vym\ tlw^ w\xv\* wh\x, iiko ouv ortvivi«i^wx\oftt» \rn\v Ml \w* MflxnttV M»ftV»V.\ hM«\ rtW \Wfl\Wt, RWi v\,lkml, Tlw wxlnw \»h»\ «IU SV Miimw yvmi« of uniMvi^W Ax^j hhxwisM Un> fovM wv\nu> v^wwof o\ ft tfoWoix \wu\ xx\;\Y no v\c«M^ x If wWw 0»l» t vixtMiijiiy www iVxxm Hinx l\>' a laxylv^xxxo^ Uo xft^x^m^ ixwWM^
imttoctton 4 ftv«Ui\hle in \\\^\ hv> whw Ma oxvw right h«iu\ \\\ Wh xWtawo, who caw Mimw him, w vhtx onnwio\tth\Mxt- tho lwWft\\»wt hixtvvHl whloh tlw wftkel of Uw Uov\m\wwni to provide thul oihcf mw«w of itetonvw woHwi H imlMtanU ft* wto \\\\*\\ mnWrt tlw xMm\XMHXtIVx! lUXttllx* of lUv> MUUhI vltrtVWti to j\u<V}u> the fooling or Uw mlrnw. 'Www won Kmvvw aU wmfoM «wl w» Wnt\ .thonv tlwy oxwton Ow lumwl* «f VlvtH«wt\rt«, «\\il with th\> fwwrt «oov»w\vW» imrtMont to w^wt M\ th\\\ v w\» Amy \»t\fttahi> thai t\w tomtovty uwvuuvxl .tanknw wl oltto* xvowhl uhwMov wu 'Vholv ln\v«ll\v* to tho hoixv to ohh\ln »wM% \Ylth \\\\* KvW \W \t\AV tV\V toll O\\ th\M\\;U\ ,;im\nwh\tixwnt «ftw vMn«|Hwtoto\ont» v\w h^iln^ x*\w tvtt#tl\wc. TW«^ thw s wiwt <hoh» t\v\hx>\* \\X\\»t V, XvhotMho \\\\\ MOWOM .\\\\\ tVx \A\wh\\\\\ wtohi'i thiU hnYO NnovvAl tlwin \\\x kvo un\lWA\ Ow }\oUWo ohixNoo U Mw\\ imw \\\M \x\\\\\* \\*\\\n O\v\v mwU\\ to Uwto \\\\h W W \NV ivS \\WW\\lvO i\\\\W\\ \\W\\t\W \\W\\ \\*\)\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ x%\\UWxX. \W\ \t« \\\\\W*\ M\\\ l< W«l\\» iw ww ti\ \x.W|»hx}\V th-vt mwx \\t\v ihvMttlncwwlN tovn \\m\t\\\\\ ti\UMhv \\\\\ toto \\wM own to\n»k 'Ww v\\\i oV ft \v\\\w\ .v A\h\\h\'M\i\tfon ofjwviW of \\w \M \\Anw\\ xo \\\\\ \\\\\\. howvvv \\v\l l\n\\w\o\^ U« vsw\* hwwvwm, to v\wk\\\s vlo:sxWMxVs into t\n v\vW» x\f VWxW\\ »1«V w^ iViIWUt^W <\<\V fIOWW^W hx\>\Jo)< \\\* WW HV W\ fttw ft vW<»\w\^ \KwwUvMW t.y\sw^ 1% V\dW W\\\ftW\\\V\\ U* V\U\VAW \\U\\ \\\\\ \\\M \X\W»- ---\ \\t touwtlvw*ilto«\\W\\\w\\t \\rt\ww h ft \\\..\tK»v rtfWrtovjs W\> riwwW \w\ wv\\v tw »<* , \lw dlww »vm\w\ \w\\\ t«Wttft Uw l\\v \w\\\ Mnm\ \\m\i\ \)\\\ tWa \v\U \wh\\\\\v \w t\w *ft\>\\\ t\»TO W\ll\Wto\l \\NttWttott\ nlv tW j^\A ftAU \vU>\ O\o \\w\w \\w\\\\w \\t u\lnoww\tVv \\\* mwA Vww *\sm\\ ii\\\ \\iwt \\\ xtt\rtlv^\u WNwxVmw A wwwwwwAv^ ftW W H\\>U\VU\Vrt^}\\ WlU\ UW\V VV,\\\\\A 1 'MWtaMWAvd O\vU x Won \\\\\\\\\V.\ \\\M\,V \N< X j »t\vwv\W\\\>>vt\v\\\\ i\vvW \Nmwvm\\yA \\wi>\ i *» \\w\w )\v Mw»« \V\Mnv»\ \w\v to w\ vw\ \\i\v»» I «t\\V tV \\vHVW)\ «f YAW \\V«^ WWWW \W\ «\\\\«WWi w * * / ' N «Mv Uv^M -M\*%\ \A\^«Vv v l « un\\\\\\\\}\- \\ n\\\\w\ \m\\\Xs w\wv\\ \\\ \w& , "MwUv v\\VN\A\\\ft\\ >\\\¥\\ UM\\\ WW\^ \ \\AVO rt WW\\\\Wdv VM\\\ W \W\\\ \W\V M \W \\\W\\\ «W \Vwovwww\\ \\^\\\ Wowv \ m^M\\ \w\M\\\\ "\\\\fi\\\X* \tf WNi %N\ »M' WW\\ « MW^ «\ x 1««ffi»lv« trt wwimw\ Tlw \vww\v U ww^ -■- . M t\\« UV* X w\W u\ W riwtt^v \\w\m* I \\rtv\ v*.\\\\\v\\ \\V \\\\\\ v^\\\^ U\ \\w \\\W I\w vi«uo \m\\ \w\s\\\?\\V'W\ \\v\\ A'^rt ■ \vrt\\W w^MHv\wv\woftWvWw^ }\AW»WWi !u Mkvlv W W v\u^v\l \\\ ftw , \\\VU \\\\p\\\N \\W\\\\A\A \\f U\ U)\\^\ Utt\ .\K\w W.u\wm toM\\\^s \vw t\w ilwmjkil ,\to\WftvW\\rt h\ t>\\\ \v\v\\\\ys ,\\VWU\a\\\\ \l\\v> t\\l«MW tl\\\^\> WWAVVn \\i\VO WMlW\V\\ . \\^\W vV\UWv \\A\\^ WvW ft^v^Wy \NWx\\A\ tW\\\ \,\U \\\\\\ \)\\\m\\ \\\\\ Kwv wf- \A\vw\ \\wiy \)\m\ \\\ Ilft\ vMVA \YA\ta \v\\W\\iv\ V
t.w*>* J^w^. AU*«J*u..^***A
\AW\\V^\ WhH \W \Yh\>A \MW\\V\\\ Wv\Va*.\ \\\ \\ \\A\V \\\Vt \\\W*>. W* M-\\\\V \\>\\i \\W' YAW \\V WV »\n \V,\\^-\^» ft^ \>Wi\\\\N W h\Y\V\W\ ft\\\\ WW: \wAn\ \\\M\vW\y \ Mwa ftMft wNN \w\W \\\\ Xx \\«l\ MV M\\ V\\^\ ViVA\vv \\M\W Wv \V\V^\Yv\\ «'WWM\ft\lftMA\\M W\\\\%MVA^ \\\ \\W\\ MV \\A\hv^^to\^\no\\\ v\\wv>\w «\)\\ Yi»wwi\\\ \VMftH WVW \W\\V\V, vWWVvAy UN \W YVnWY'^V^ W to VW \%^v U\o WftWWAWA \\\\\\V)\ tf\\Yt \\y\\\ \W *\WU\ \M\\\\\ WW»\ W\\\>\ \\\ \\\W
\\w\\\\\WW\ ft)\v wwwWv \\W\^\ \\\W WwwVi\\mVv
Ow> \>\VMlW\ HM*\ *WA |\VftV\A hUMV\ \\w V\W\\^W Oi\w\wV\\ l\\\w*, \\w \« \\\\ MA \W* x^yvj \\\m\\O\v M>wa^v\ww^V.w\vsm\w\AW\^ \wlv WlW^Vv \X\W\VO \\\\'v^\\>)\ \i\M >-\W\\\>\ \ \W \\\XM rttSMww \tf wiWv \\,\i Uw wrt w\ \\\* \*»w ,M Ovo wowv^C \M\w^Mwl i\\\A Mawv Mvov\ x \\\l\\ OW N^V \<\o MW'.VW \^M,\ft\'»'»« Uw> IAWX* WW« \W \Mlw^v \^w«U\n \\\* I^V.^^\\v v v^ 'H\o x\\\i\\ V\\\\\j xvUuow Wnv»vw^wwwoVys \A" U\o \\w \\\\\ \\w\\ m\ UA\Vv \\m\^\«lo», wWol\ Iwwo
\Y\> \yv\wMwu\ tivM tfw \v>\U\> \\\\ %\\n^ «V w\ WWU >M\\ h\\\ i\w\v m\W \wi UA Uw
ViVrtt^ vVmWuWO foV Wu\Wv* VW tt» WWIvuV^VV
WV WvrtW irt \wx ihl»iW«n vm\«\W\*x iW \* *\*\\\\\\\ U m»\o\\ \\VWV., \Un Uo\mw Uw !M\|*
"~\V« viWvw Unit uwWva iVw »\\p\\llw fov tlva iwout Uw tw\w stivlUrtvovl l\\ Un\W\U\\ i\ww» li\ tmttthw twUwm will lw fowwl mlviMtowl Mm tort «l »\mrtlw\Hvw tw Hie ww^VwvVKw «f v\w» low, twftWhw wllU AhwtKMtt ft* Hi© ipWfttttt! «l »W\w 4 rtpvi\ \\v trtwuwn \w^H Ww to »*» WWW »V \>l\\\\\Wft\W WW W»VitW\lW\ft» W«\WW\W\» wlli iw \\s\ww\ \w ow »\\\vw».l*ltt)j w\wm Hi wwkiwit w\y vHw\\\\w\i wpi U\ Ma\\v \tf «\\\x wivto win iw \\\\\ \\\ m \\\\ ftvl» \mi »\\ Xv Wwvw« wv\ U\>\\ Mw Umw\\ UWVk
A \wte \\\ ywumhyv^ JSwtwM WWHWW«»t \\ium> to to M« v#ot tlwrt. ti\w tal vwwvtol tjv Ww\» \\ y\wm Vw\hw\ta\ *\v\ WwK iM\\\ \«\ wwvvvwV w\A ttwW ft\\ \wwiw\wv\wa n\\\\\\ \\w\w \\\\\w\\\\vm to \\wmm\\ \\\\\\\ m yvh \vm\v\\ \wn\\\\U\wU\w\ \m\\m w V»\\\w YW \%\\\)\W\\\K\\\\\b \\W\W \\\M Vtft\\\\*\\\\» vtatt to \Ma«\\ WMw tM \\a\\ft\ft \k\\ww\ WVVWW* ttW WW WWWVV \\\ *M \S\V\HWW\ VA\\\ vmwmm ft hwjw wftl Mta ttjw \\\M\wU\ »\i«N \tfm v#wto \wttw nwwtytaft «? w^ mm \\x\ \\\w u\m\\mw\\\^\* \\mm ; \v\l\ Hw i«Vw\ \\to\ n\\Mwm\ w\\ \\\\\ \\v*v wn* * \kv \\\ -AXbA \\m\m \ XtmW M XK\\\\ \w\\w\ www \V^\\ wm\\\\ w. v\\w\M\ wwwwH W^kw \VW\ww \\\\nwt^\ Vw\v\\ \\\m\ m» \Wm V\w\ M\\\ H^s \vvm\ w» Awm* \\v\\\\\\ss\\ \\wm\ % \\ \\Mmm\\ V%wv \WWi\\\\mtohw\\N\ \>V Maw\ \\\\\ \\w\w\ W\ \\\\bmp \M\ \Vvw\i \V\\\w* wv\ \\\w\w\\ v\M \w\w\\a\\\\\m\ \V\\w\w\y \\w\\\ mm \tf Mwv w\\\m\m \M w\\ \s\\ VM\\\v w \mw\\ \n\ w\ \\wl\v\\w\\lM\wW\W\wlM \V\kv^v\V«a\ 11* v \vtt» www hv«v\hvys. \VU»\ v\ww\ \\\ \\n\ Sw\ \\m \\\* nn\\ \\w\\\ \m \\w\\\w \v\« \»«\ Vw Wwvv^ MY \\& \wm\\- wm\ U nk# to to v\\\\\\\Vy w \&w w V\^\ v « \\\ti \\\\\\\\wn\w\\ ft\vKrt \\wvwA\\\\\\<w \WttUy'ttV \\» vrt«MWw\ w«\wm\W \\\\vlWA «w \\w^vi \w ux\m \w\h w» Mw .\\f\\\v \\w\\ \>\W' \\\x\V\\Hh(\\\\\^WH U\^ WU\YWv\\\\W\\ « \\VW\^\ \m \\\n\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s\\m\ \\\W\\x \\\\V \W \\W WWAW* \W\\\vAVW\U\\\ VWWft W>» \V\W\\\\\»\A\v\y \Vi\\M\ \S\ \V\W\A\Wft\A\ U.WWW \\W\\A\A Alt A \\W\\M\t* WV «\« \^\\\^-MVW\WV \\\\\\ftrtA\ Ai\W WW* ft^ \W WWW\W\W\\VW\U A\\A \v\\\ \\a\\\aVva ft\\\\ MWV \VW\w\a tovw V\\\\. U\\\*\ \\ WWW \W\\v M&v-. M «\.\i \v\\s\ \m\ w\ \\-w-w\v \wv\ K\ \u \a\n\ w aw \\\\^WW\ vM hwM \w «w \«f \\v\ \\\\\\\\Wm\U \w\ vww\ \ww\\wto\iw>\\^\WV \V\W\ VA \\tt \\\\'\H W W \\\« \NW \\\ \\\* Mww\s y^\^\.W\ aa \\W aY». * wv\ \\\^,\' M\V\V\\ HW\\ \WYa^ \\W\\ \MA^.^ '\%\ V?\\\\\WW WWVVWWW* n\\" V\\\^Y\\\\\.Y <\«\ *wv\ M\>\ \\n\\Va ftvw \a \u wswwwnwM \\* i\w\>V \^ x \wa\\\UU\\\a wwv Va \\\MVv \W^\\\^ MwMvVW «* \U\ \v\w\\ \ai^\\ V^h \W ■ ».\ \ \\\\A U\tW\ \» xU 'HW «W»\P ftW■ \M\IV ifltiwvwM \>VOw \Svylww\wUw> \\\ \M\K\\t* vf U^ WAU\ iw\ t\Ml\ UVn<mw\t* wvw \MMw\\ \\W\\\\\\y \\\\W\ \w\\m\\ \\\\\\w\ m\\ \A^^ \ \\\\\\\* >li\ws Wvt»A\vWwUt «\\<\ \^\
In TotVtoiw Irt thi» XVI «w,"SmJih Mmihoro!f:)li Ailtfi Ji.-vr-snys ;—'• Wo understand Mint by the iVionlly mriution of Mr A^plrmU. who hart been rotamed sir rfmnsM tor the defoivl»nr in the KM notion, S tilth p Rlai.-, piwedinss havo >kvu stayc-1, Tho doi>nl>»nt having t»w▼in«sl himself that he had m.vio the allocation against Mr^nithon an o?ronenn< rumour, has 'undertaken to make tho a-urn !e /i.)hdij'«V, which theplamtill', whn. ivc have reason to know, commenced tho action from vindicatory anil not vii:<Uotive motives, has consented to necept, and there tho matter enK The correspondence ■which led to this amicable result will probably he published."
Horses must be almost a drag in Now South Wales. Tho r,oulbtirn Herald says: —" On Tuesday, Mr Finl.iy sold by auction five head o! horses, which bring in rather low condition, were culled from a herd now on their way to Sydney and sent to the yard*. They were- by no means bad horse?, and were all four years old. They realised as follows :-17s, Us, Ss, ss, and 4>, respectively."
We regret to notice that the stagnation of the cotton trade in England has had an injuries efiect on an important hrarch of co' industiy. Tho "Nelson Examiner siys:—"The American "war,"which has caused such frightful distress in England by putting a stop to the supply of cotton, upon which the manufacturing: population 'of Lancashire almost wholly depand for emp'oyment, has jrivcii a great blow, also, to the industry of our own neighbourhood, and for a time has stopped one ot' our clief cxpirts. By the last mail from Bngland tha local directors of the Dm Comp.iny received advices from tlic diTectorsin Knglan.l, th-u. in (be present state of the cotton trade, sales of chroma eonl.l not be •■«;fcelealonny extent, as kwas as n dye for cotton gooii? that this mineral derived its chief valuo. ■ITnder these rho works at tho mine .invc "been snspaniU-.1, and a small body of • iburers only, are to bo kept on for supplying us Vith lime slate, lirowood, posts an-.l rails,'&c. This'will throw out of I'msiloymont upwards of ftiirtysiblc "men. ivhu were in the "receipt, of good "an i convtMtVn^s, n rircumsriinco that cannot "but haYolt by the trriJcsinc-n of the io\vn.'p
V/c'ltifcly ntrniifirc i riint ;ho Oovormnentlinil NJoeMed uprni oxtomiing tlio bMinilarics of ilio rtoM ■?ioW. The following arc tlio Rnicnfioii^>rmf!(i;irii'S, ft-* pnblfgiicil in tlid " (■J:i>ittc" 6t yc>!tonl»y's dito -.—"'Che ■C iliiFioliishnti <MK>nil ami U hereby cXtemioil •otor t!»c ba>in of llio AVnk-itipu, tiuii X Ofcr n\i tin?* SftVinotl'liy (lie fro^o-h. of tlio "Wsifcnitpn al*i' over nil "nfiils iiriiinctVtiy the nftrlhorf1. -t-«sotv cfiWXuxrarjns res tiu- down «s the .jttiv*
M' 4>f- Viulo ft urn-. ii'Ko over "JiH "laiiiiv >Tft>fti» l lstj- Ov-^V, nn 1 i'ftct'.iliiK11'h.'1 kills «5i nJiv>.\
%iti V'WSYWftttjS:''W'wtoml '^S, ,*: i\W^^^v<v^;fH^^^l>?i< s v l; ftw %^\tt>f\>f "*« '!'w£«i"V»fts ml a^tfytfcto of *St l!iftwl^V"<w:^sll'§M.»:tlv 'rMiU'-ot ■■^Ic^Wns ;<w« %'^^fWiW % MS\ tbo :"H >f tfWiiU««il' ft .»^M« >t, »a^,ltirft*^^ :tVftt^''ilii^.'l\a;i ttt\>i l \N>fty^hn'tiulUrinR l \VtU>\i> ih\ s lv>% ;tiir '■!% 'M<\ Vili V»>A
taSSW^ VX* lV^ \>, vf\%\% A n\)V w|)M*' tt ■AS Wwri W-J A lv (^ '*v^ I(M WWW F\X \V '♦ «> X" AIT' 4 .V^V *W ' m 1 w\Vh Nvw >Vn^' *;^ iv v \ \\ ■ I' Wlfl lIk.MV
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 364, 19 February 1863, Page 4
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2,111THE Otago Daily Times. Otago Daily Times, Issue 364, 19 February 1863, Page 4
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