We publish the following information con - cerning the gold fields for the benefit of new arrivals:— The principal gold fields of Otago are those Tuapeka, 'Waitahuua, Waipori, Woolshed Creek, Mount High lay, the newly discovered Dunstan and iNokomai Diggings, and several minor fields, as Coal Creek, Lindis, the Dunstan River, Shag River, and Moeralti Beach.
Tuapeka, although not the oldest, is the best known and most extensively worked gold field.
It comuriscs a lar^e extent of probably au iferous country, but hitherto mining operations have j mainly been limited to Gabriel's Gully, the i scene of Mr Head's early discoveries, Wetherstone's and Monroe's Gullies, ami the banks of ! the Tuapeka Itiver. From these localities [ alone, 386,409 ounces of gold have already , been transmitted by escort to Bnneciiu. Miners are doing well on this field. Scat- ; tered parties of prospectors are found in the ' adjacent- cullies, where they are quietly and steadily working. If surface indications are to be trusted, there are hundreds cf these gullies which present the appearance.of being , equally rich with those originall}' opened, and no doubt many parties are now making their piles in the recesses of the surrounding ranges, unheard of and unnoted. The workings at Tuapeka are shallow, averaging from live to forty feet, rarely di-eper. | At Yfetlierstone's a large portion of the ground remains quite untorclieil, all attempts to botoni having been defeated by the influx of water: As the Government have, however," consented to form a storm water channel for i the purpost' of draining the flat, we may exI pectthat this part of. the field will shortly be rendered accessible to the miners. The wash dirt is gravelly, and therefore easily worked. Sluicing is generally adopted. The supply of water is moat ample, and races, some of them many milc3 in extent have been formed for this purpose. The gullies and the points of the bills are the favorite sites, but along the Tuapek-v hill workings have { been resorted to with very great success. | Wood is scarce in the immediate vicinity of ,• the diggings. At the head? of the gullies there are patches of scrub for firewood, and near the confluence of the Tuapeka with trie Chit ha, there is timber available for slabbing, ] &c i Lignite for fuel is abundant, nnd, as it is found near the surface, is in great request. At Wetherstone's and near the Junction township, at the foot of' Gabriel's Gully, some Surge and valuable deposits have been discovered.
The route to Tuapekre from Dunedin is by ■ the Main South Koad, via East Taieri and Lake Waihola to Tokomairiro, thence by the Woobheu and Wailahuna. Distance, 70 miles by the travelled road ; but from Cameron's Hotel, on Tokomairiro Plains, there is a short cut over the ranges by the Woolshed diggings, which reduces the distance to sixty mites. The population is now estimated. 1,700 persons, of whom only 700 are mineFd. ■» Waitahuna. —This field is on the river o that name. At "Wnitanuna only a few gullies i have yet been worked; from these the gross ] yield of gold to present date, as per escort returns, has been 78,640 ounces. All around is what are termed likely looking iiiils and gullies. The workings are similar to those at Gabriel's and Wethcrstone's, already described. Timber is scarce, but there is plenty of lignite in the neighborhood. The route from Dunedin is that by the main South Road to Tokomairiro —thence by the short road already referred to through the Woolshed. Distance by dray-road over Mount Stuart, .59 miles— via Woolslisd and the ranges, 50 miles. Present population, 1,500. The Woolp'iH-d. is a comparatively new field, the workings having gradually extended down I the creek (where they were first discovered) I to the south branch of the Tokomairiro River, where sonic very rich ground ha; been opened ; up. Some of the auriferous lands in this ; locality are private roperty, buf in every in--1 stance" the proprietors have dealt with the j miners in a lair and liberal spirit: and a Go- | vernuient road, upon which a payable lead was 1 recently struck, lias been thrown open tor | mining purpose?, on condition of surface \ damages being made good. There is also a i la* a;e"extent of Crown lands available for the : prospector, and parties are known to he workins with success in the neighbourhood. A quartz reef was some time since discovered in v..ans.d«i bush on the adjacent plains, between the branches of the Tokomairiro, hut we have no farther information on this subject. , Since May last an escort has been dl - -■ patched from the Woolshed, the amount oS f> gold sent down by which, prescuts a total of : 3,883 ounces. The population is estimated at about 450 . persons. Distance from Dunedin by East ; Taieri and Tokomairiro, 45 miles. J The Wuipovi field is on the Waipori river and its branches. -The workings consist principally ot creek workings and hill sluicing. - The population —never very large—is now x estimated at 300. Since the first escort in ? February last, 6,155 ounces have been sent I down by that mode Situated ; higher up in the spurs of the Lammerl^w mountains, tne ciim.Ue is more severe than I that of Tunpeka and Waitahuna, hut Waipori > presents an excellent and comparatively un- ' tried' field for operations during the summer months, Growing timber is very scarce in the vicinity,' but beds of large trees in a state of good preservation exist immediately under j the soil, and these are stated to be available not only for fuel, but'for slabbing and oth^r purposes. The gold found at Waipori is •course and nuggetty, and frequently intermixed with fragments of quartz. Isear the township a reef showing promising T auriferous indications, was lately discovered - by some qunrtz-miners from Bendigo, whe y purpose erecting machinery to fairly test Its " value. The route from Dunedin is by We3t Taier a and the Maungatua ranges. Distance, fort} n miies f Not far from the Waipori river to the east- * ward is the Lee stream, hitherto neglected ® except by a few straggling parties, but or S the banks of which gold in payable quantitiei ie was long since discovered. All these fields continue to yield remunera \ jvc employment to the miners engaged upoi 3{ them, and there is ample room for manj w more. , The Mount Highlay diggings are situate* in the. valley of the Upper Taieri, and thi main workings are at Timbrel's Gully, and a Deep Dell and Filly Burn—tributaries of th - Taieri River, but several parties of miners axis scattered over the surrounding country i of every direction. rrihe population of this fiel ■*."■ tias never been large—and at presen H tne number is eetiniated at 500 miner; n_ When it was discovered, in Jun r- last. the mciesnency of the weathti is tended to prevent the rush whic L 7 otherwise would, in all probability, hay ,„[ i'occurred. The diggings are situated at a con | riderabie elevation above the sea level and ar
consequently subject to heavy falls of snow during the winter. There is sufficient timber c ntar Timbrel's lor moderate use and scrub, t for ihewood is found on the margins of the I streams, and in the hollows of the ranges Lignite is. as usual, procurable in the fiats, and the neighboring mosses yield gaodi peat. Water is plentiful; aud sluicing is in consequence, the favorite mode of mining. Although the Mount Highiay field has been so scantily prospected, the existence of nuvifcrous deposits, over a very large area, has been ascertained beyond a doubt. There is no escort thence, but the quantities of gold brought down by private hsnd are very considerable, when the spareness of the population is taken into account. The gold at Timbrel's is rough and heavy, greatly resembling the Waipori gold. Thar from Deep Dell is finer, and more waterwern. A quartz reef, in the stone of which fine gold is apparent, was discovered at Mount High lay, snd a prospecting claim granted to the discoverer, but no steps have yet been taken to test its value. The route generally preferred is by steamboat to Waikouaiii; thuice by Mount Pleasant, the Shag Kiver, and Hamilton's and Wayne's station (No. 109) to Sexton's Run, (No. 210), on which the diggings are situated. The distance from Waikouaiti by this route is estimated at 55 miles. There is another road overland from Dunedin, by way of Blue-skin; but it is exceedingly bleak, rugged, and difficult, and impeded by dangerous morasses, both on the margins of the numerous intersecting streams, and on the tops of the ranges. In rending Visitors to this iield will therefore do weil to take the sea-route. Murphy's Gully is on Hamilton and "Wayne's station, about seven miles from Highlay. Gold in fair quantities has been obtained there. Several of the creeks at the head of the Waikouaiti Kiver, and the branches of the Shag Kiver, ore also known to he auriferous ; but so few are the miners in the locality that this promising field may be said to be as yet untried, and consequently undeveloped. Coal Creek, about twenty miies above Mount Highlay in a northerly direction, is one of the head branches of the Shag River. Sluicing operations are being conducted in the bed, and on the banks of the creek with remunerative results. The mining population is very small, but will probably increase during the summer months. Lignite of a very superior description crops out on the banks. There are no hotels, and but little: accommodation, on this road at present. Travellers have mainly to rely on the stations along the line for provisions. It is therefore advisable to carry as large a supply «i 3 possible of flour, tea, and sugar. Beef and mutton, are, of course, to be obtained everywhere. The Lindis was the earliest discovered, and : is one of the least-worked of the Otago gold . fields Shortly after it was first rushed, the more brilliant attractions of Vjabriel's Gully • drew off the few miners—about 300—then on I the field, and there has not 3 ret been any re- ; action in its favor. A few men are still at ) work there, and the locality presents all the . appearance of a large and rich gold fiukl. i The Lindis diggings are on the run of Mr. I M'Lean (No. 216). They are confr.ed to one t or tv;o small gullies, near the Liridis Pass on the head-waters of the river of that name. i The gold is heavy and nuggetty. The climate is somewhat inclement in winter, and snow 3 lies on the ranges till the summer is far ad--3 vp.nced. The gullies being sheltered enjoy a - milder atmosphere. . s There is a well-supplied store in the 1 vicinity. The usual road to the Lindis »old field is via Waikouaiti, thence by Shag - Valley and the Upper Taieri Plains, across I. the ranges to the head of the Manuherikia Val- - ley; thence, following up the main-branch oi the Manuherikia River, past Mount St. Bathan's c to the Lindis Pass. Distance about 160 miles, y Another road is by way of Oamaru, and a c third over the Lsuntnermoor Ranges. and Hough-ridge. But the first-named route is cont, sidereel the best, as it is also the road to High--0 lay, Coal Creek, and the Dunstan gold fields— and consequently more travelled than anj 1, other. a Dunstnn River is another pariially-deve- ) loped field. A few miners have been digging :, there for some months, with what measure o d success is best known to themselves. Th< is precise locality of 'heir operations is 'at tht .- confluence of the Dumtan with the Mam:----e herikia River. i- At Moeraki Beach, gold of a very fine de is scripfiou is found in the sands of the sea' >r shore, mixed with iron-sand and fragmentarj :e gems Washing operations are now carried or a opposite the town of llampden, between tin ie Big Kauri and Little Kauri streams. But thi :- entire beach, as far as Shag Pointy appears V, A. consist of similar deposits. Gold, at the rat< n of 100 ounces to the ton, hr«s been obtainec ■n from the clean-washed sand, and it wonk re seem that if science and capital were brough to bear, a magnificent yield would be the resul 3- The Dunstan gold-field is situated on th< A Cl'utha Iliver, at the south-western base of th< 3f Dunstan mountains, and includes the spurs o the Carrick ranges on the opposite bank o 10 the river, which has here worn a passag* st through the solid rocks. The workings an principally confined to the shallow beac'ne ;r and river bars, where line gold is found inter i- mix-.d with magnetic iron sand. The meltin; g. of the snow has lately caused a "fresh " inth w river, in a great degree preventing the pur in suance of the mode of operations. But th at adjacent valley of the Manuherikia present x! fihundant indications of being highly auri w fen his, consisting as it does of extensiv in "flats," with v made hills" and terraces. Th< ri sinking would be through loose gravel, re i- quiring timber fr slabbing. But the depth i sr not great, and timber is now being rafted fron in " the Lake country at the head of the rivei te Parties have commenced tunnelling from th sr banks, on a very limited scale, and large goli le has been found. It is b.lieved that, "if pro perly worked, a rich harvest will be th'
result. There are about 4,000 miners on this field. These appear to have dune well. Six thousand ounces have been brought down by escort, 2 000 ounces have reached town by private hand, and it is estimated that an equal quantity has been sent to Tuapeka, making an aggregate of 10,000 ounces. Large quantities still remain in the hands of the miners owing to the want of cash on the field for purchasing. A fortnightly escort service has now been established. There are patches of bush along the river, but the only timber available for mining purposes is found near the lakes at the head of the Clutha, where there is an extensive forest of black birch. Coal, or rather lignite, abounds; there is a fine seam of good quality cropping out on the east banks of the river near the junction of the Manuherikia. The climate of this district is described as mild, and dry in the winter, although snow covers the surrounding mountains. Hartley and lleilly state that whilst they were reaping their golden harvest, from May to August, rain rarely fell, and on three days only were they prevented from working by stormy weather. In winter nlso the waters of the Giutha are at their lowest, and a larger extent of the rocky bed, in the ledges of which r.he gold is retained, is within reach- of the miners. ' '.'. Punts and boats have been placed on the river by private enterprise, so -that, miners and their drays may cross at various points.
Stores of all kind* are becoming more easily btainable on the ground than they were at he-, first rush. Cartage, however, still rules ligli, and provisions are consequently very iear; ''miners are therefore recommended to ake a supply with them. There are several routes to the Dunstan. )ne ss via Tuapeka, and thence by Gardiner's, dilier's, and Baldwin's stations; and from the atler by a well-defined track over the Knohhy ianges to the junction of the Manuherikia vith the Molyneux. Distance from Ttiapeka, r0 miles. This road is represented as being mpassable for drays, and in places difficult, for )a< Another track, to the eastward >i the former is somewhat more practicable, .ut one part is intersected by the Toviot stream, which, when swollen, presents a foruidable obstacle to further progress. Another route is from Dunedin by West i'aieri, over the Lammermoor ranges to the ralley of the Manuherikia ; distance, about 110 miles. After leaving West Taieri there ire" no hotels or accommodation houses on. the ■oad, but the track passes several stations, a ist of which, together with their relative did:anees we subjoin : —lletiley's station, distant from West l'aieri 10 miles; thence to Thompson V, 12 miles; thence to Valpy's, 35 miles; thence to Murison's, 5 miles ; thence to Newton's, 14 miles; thence to Lowe's, 12 miles ; thence to the Clutha, 5 miles. That portion af the road which is situated between Thompson's and Valpy's, winds across the elevated region of the Lammermoors, upwards of 3,000 feet above the level of the sea. It is consequently bleak, and at certain seasons not without danger to persons unacquainted with the country, being liable to heavy falls ot snow. Beyond this the road is fair F.nd easy A third route i 3 via Waikouaiti and Shag Valley, distance from Waikouaiti about 120 miles. This road ia much in favour with pedestrians, as it passes through a series of valleys, where the climate is proportionably milder. A party of Government surveyors are now employed in finding or constructing a better and more direct road—a work which it is to be hoped will be efFected before the approach of next winter. The miners have extended their operations along the Kawarnu for nearly eight miles. They are pjbo working on the Earnscleugh and other tributaries of the Upper Clutha towards the Lindis Elver. The Manuherikia River is also being successfully prospected. At the junction of the latter with the Ciutha, the Government prospecting party have secured a, claim, in what they have ascertained to ,be a payable god field. On the Teviot stream and other creeks intersecting the route from Tuapeka, several parties of miners have set in and continue working. There is now a continuous chain of diggings from the Tokomairiro Iliver to the upper Clutha Valley, for many of the mincr3 have penetrated beyond the junction of the Kawarau, into the untried but richly promising district beyond. Gold ha 3 been found as far north as Quartz Creek, a tributary of the Clutha. having its source in the ranges which divide Lake Wanaka from Lake Hawea. In many s sheltered nook of the mountains, and on the unfrequented portions of the riv«.r, prospectors are snugly nestled, secretly gathering the golden spoils which nature has so abundant!) scattered over the province. The Nokomai diggings are the last discovered. The only gully at present opened* ii on Moa Creek—a branch of the Nokoma River—having its source under the remarka ble conical hill known as the Steeple, in tin Rocky Mountains. This gully—named Vie toria gully by the prospectors —is about fou miles in length, end in breadth generally about a quarter of a mile, but contracting iii some places to 20 or 30 yards. The gold i l:irge, heavy, and waterworn. There is pJentj of scrub in the guliy, and about 20 acres o timber, principally birch, at the head. The route to the Nokomai from Dunedii is via the main South Road and Tokomairin to the Molyneux Ferry—thence to the Lon; Ford on the Mataura river, which is then crossed. The road then continues along th west bank of the river to within three mile oi' McKe'l'.ar's station, where the Mataura i again croest-d, and the east bank is followed b the junction of the Nokonvii River. The dis taiice from Dunediu is about 170 inile3. Th folio whig are the main points on the line c route, with their relative distances:— Molyneux Ferry, distant from 'Dunedin 5 miles; thence to the Waiwera, 16 miles thence to the Waruna, 12 miles ; thence t the Waipshi 6 miles; thence to the Wai kaka, 15 nsiies; thence to the Mataura G miles thence to McKellar's, 32 railes; thence to th Nokomai, 25 miles. There is an inn at the Molyneux Ferry, an an accommodation house at the Wa: wera. Between the Waipahi and th Waikaka, the station of .Roberts an Begree"is passed, and on the Nokonii itself is Mr. Cameron's station. Ston are not yet on the ground, in su'licier quantities to supply a large population, an miner 3 arc, therefore, strongly advised not t start for the Nokomai without provisions. The prc-scnt population is estimated r alont 300, but a great number of miners ar scattered over the surrounding country pros peeling in every direction. From a recent report it would appear th; the Nokomai is not turning out so rich as wt at first expected. But it is only fair to' sa that except in the upper part of Victor Gully the ground has not been tested, owin to the heavy influx of water, and the waut < proper appliances to keep it clear. The depj of linking- to the bed-rock is about 20 to i feet, through loose shingle, and the slate bo torn dips'rapidly from the head of the gul] where only lias it been reached at a depth < from 2 to 5 feet. The claims of the prospectors and thos immediately adjoining, have "averaged aboi half an ounce a day per man. Mining operations on the Nokomai hai bce;i attempted in several places, but tl depth, loose nature of sinking, and quantity water, has hitherto rendered prospectir mpossible. On the Waikaia River, to the S.E. of tl Steeple Hill, irom:which it is distant about miles, payable - ground has recently bee struck. The prospectors' claim has be( proved to yield about half a pennyweight the pan of coarse gold, with 2 feet of was dirt, and a soft slaty bottom The Waika is nearer to Dunedin, whence it is reached I following the iNokomai road to Roberts station, midway between which and tl Waikaka, there is a track which crosses th river near the east branch leading direct ■ the Wakaia. The road this way is about U miles. From'Moa Creek to the Waikaia 10 miles Ti.e road by the Long Ford is passable f< drays. There is also another track—pra licable only for packhorses—which diver f from the first track about half-way betwee v Roberts's station and the Waikaka, crossiu y that river near the east branch, passing betwee g Wakaia and Pyramid "Hills, then crossing tl: t, Wakaia river, and following the east bank < c the Mataura. This road; is about 15 or. 2 ;-miles shorter than the other. '. ". . a Th'-re is also a track about 25 miles i c lenatb, connecting Nokomai with the Dunsta is gold-field. It is, however, little used,'-runriin . over snow-covered mountains, and it will I c ?afer for those who desire to cross from eith< d locality to take-the longer but more praticab i route indicated above.
For the information of those ignorant of our Gold-fields regulations, we subjoin so much of them as will serve as a general guide, and prevent a new arrival from committing any serums breach of the law. Every person residing on a gold-field and engngcd in mining for gold, shall take out a minor's right; such miner's right to be carried on the person, and produced for inspection when demanded by the Warden or other officer, or b\ r any person duly authorised in that behalf in writing by the Warden. Claims shall be classified thus : — 1. Ordinary claims, i.e., alluvial claims ■worked without the aid of sluices or machines. 2. Sluice and machine claims, i p.., alluvial claims worked with the aid of sluices or puddling machines. 3. Wet claims, i.e., alluvial claims in • flooded ground which cannot bo wrought without the aid of appliances for drainage. 4. Creek or river claims, i.e., alluvial claims in the beds of creeks or rivers. 5. Quartz claims. 1. Ordinary claims shall not exceed 30 feet by 30 feet for each person, unless the depth of sinking exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claim may be extended to 35 feet by 35 feet. 2. For sluice and machine claims in worked and abandoned ground, the Warden may grant an extent of ground not exceeding treble the above area. 3. Wet claims shall not exceed 40 feet by 40 feet for each person. 4. Creek or river claims shall not exceed 50 feet for each man employed thereon, nor be more than 300 feet in length, in the whole, to be measured in the direction of the course of the stream, by a width not exceeding the boundaries of the hed of the creek or river, ag defined by the Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf. 5. Quartz claims shall not exceed 30 feet in length along the course of the lode or vein, by a width not exceeding 100 feet upon each side of the course, for each person ; and no claim, shall exceed in the whole 120 feet in length by 200 feet in width. The number of single claims that may ba occupied in one block by any party of miners shall be as follows : — 1. In ordinary claims, not more than four single clauuw 2. In sluice and machine claims, not more than five single claims 3. In wet claims, not more than six single t c aims Claims shall be marked by pegs standing at t least two feet above the surface of the groupd, . or by trend es at each corner thereof; \ and such pegs or trenches shall be maintained } during the occupancy of the ground: Pro- [ vided, that when any corner ca not be so marked on account of the nature of the ground, such peg or trench may be placed at the nearest practicable point. 3 No person shall be deemed to possess a valid title to any claim, unless the same shall be \ fairly worked during the entire period of ocx cupancy; and any claim unworked beyond 3 the space of twenty-four hours, shall be deemed s to be forfeited, unless sufficient reason, such as ~ sickness or other urgent cause, shall be proved " to the satisfaction of the Warden. Any person discovering new gold workings, and being desirous of obtaining an increased g area thereon, must immediately report sucli j discovery, with full •particulars thereof, to the Warden or other proper authority. c Discoverers of new gold workings, distant not less than half a mile from existing workr ings, may have allotted-to them an extent of ground not exceeding treble the area ol an -ordinary claim; and the discoverers of new 8 gold workings distant not less than ten mile* from existing workings, may have allotted f them an extent of g; onud not exceeding quadruple the area of an ordinary claim : Provided, thut the increased grant shall not be given to I more than four persons composing any partyl d The discoverer of an auriferous quarts ■5 reef may have allotted to him an area not exceeding in the whole 200 feet in length, c measured along the course ot the lode or vein, ;8 by a width of 100 feet upon each side of the 8 course. 0 Superiority of right to a supply of water " shall hi determine Aby priority of occupation, \ the earlier occupant having the superior X right. In all cases, when the occupier claim?, under a certificate, or other authority, in _ writing, granted by a Warden or Commissioner, occupation shall be taken »o have :° commenced at the date of such certificate or l" authority. l' The cutting and formation of races must be ie commenced within one calendar month from , . the date of registration, and the occupiers shall \ continue cutting'and forming the same until x" the work is completed, otherwise any supeXQ riority of right to which they may be entitled . by virtue of such registration shall be deeaied f to be forfeited. Z3 If any race is abandoned for the 3pace of one calendar month, at a time when water was available for it, occupation of the right shall '° be deemed to httve commenced at the last reoccupation thereof. All right to any race shall become forfeited, if c abandoned for the space of one calendar month, 3" unless in cases of sickness or unavoidable absence, or in consequence of failure of water; II but it shall be lawful for the Warden, in his ■^ discretion, upon sufficient cause being shown, W. to suspend the operation of this regulation ia for a further period of one month, and such lS suspension shall be given in writing to the °* occupiers. -] All races that may hereafter be cut/shall i 0 have a point speciiied at which they shall be j" taken from the creek or river. In races already % cut, the point shall be taken to be the spot 01 from which the race now heads Kb person shall shift or alter the head of any race withs^ out the written sanction of the Warden, nor at to the prejudice of any existing right. The alteration or extension of a race at any time shah not in any way affect any right or 1Q privilege attached to such race; and the 01 holders thereof shall, during such alteration or *& extension, be deemed to be in occupation oi all the rights and privileges attached to such 1® race. o —. • in V. Dams and Puudmng Machines. 2n 1.-—Dams and Puddling Machines. to Any person intending to ibrm a darn, or to. sh erect a puddling machine, shall give notice ;ia thereof in writing to the Warden, in the jy form hereinafter* prescribed, and shall post j's and maintain for a period of seven clear days, ie copies of s-.-ch notice upon the intended site of at such dam or machine, and at intervals not exto ceeding 100 yards aloijg the course of any 10 proposed sludge-drains'* connected therewith. i 8 And if no valid objection be entered within seven days from the posting and service of or such notice, the Warden may grant a Gerties ficate of Registration to the applicant. Tg roR« on notice. " .-•.-.. . (District and date.) m To the Warden at ■■'.-, ig I hereby give notice that I intend to (fora ;n a dam^ojr^recfc apuddling-machiue, as the case raaj ie beVat( " * ' ). o f (Signature and address in full of applicant)— >.;* Here.-describe the locality, and ia the case of a puMJinK-rvmicbiue,state, the propped course ef the in s^dge.Uraius...^..". .. , • m ' 'No "person khall take possession of any ig claim, race, .darn, ..machine, or any other right 3e or privilege, whatsoever (unless the same snail er have been absolutely relinquished) without ]c first obtaining the consent of the owners, 9 ; he authority of the Warden.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 10 (Supplement)
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5,085THE GOLD FIELDS MANUAL FOR NEW ARRIVALS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 10 (Supplement)
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