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Wki>nksi>-y, Jn'ovembeu 19 i Mr Justice Gros-on took h;< .;e;it at ten o'clock. El-ri'-rli A3 I'd ti:K DSL'VtBr 0? GOODS Jose-", a;- d js N<rni ■?; r. vv n, • n asd avotiikr.—' Mr <^-;k fov the pl:;h)!;fl\ June-' ami. Vv'i-lit'isi-on, rflJi."c".:tnts; Ms* i cj .ulii ior-llio delV;!:d:ui!s, tl. Joius ami Co, o:vr't1:-.

Th« Ji.-tiou was to recover £GO, as damasks for t'e j 0?! non-tir.'iv-ry o ihe piariiii/s of I<s ca..t-- ;>. of AtaiieH'Bj brandy, vhich it was nl!e;e! ti.u Mir-sr.-* iJuiol. agent:; ':^ for tiio planting, delivered to the defendants as car- ctr tor?. iVr hive. f' u it ■!!']■-ared that amongst a consignment of goods v to the plain! i';':> from Mo!'o'HU"ie in Decctnbe.- "9 Just, per ship Kw.'.'lci, and which were lightered ,' by the Ar?^'!, there v/f-rr; 20 c.T-.ea cf M.-rt- il's brandy p1 Of thff; •, four \v< r<: rr ceived by the piainfcii'fc ; and afl ° to tho v ra-»i:iiiig 10, they pro-incd a rwiptnote ;.-;ivc- c')! to Mfssiv, JJ.'iird, shipping a'rcnJs for tl-r-. p'aintiiis, by Harris. fo;; man to the <k-fe:;d;:;:t3. In iherer.-pl 1>; t.e m-.rk oh .:Jjy fa--.-.* was dom-ib. .1 as 'H. 01 !*b i^ (™ tin; :-;iuic as ;.'-ven in the bill o'" J.'!<'.'ins" for llie iU *"* cases. Those 10 case-1, th»j plaintiffs!, were no; d'j.ivcrcd to ■iiioin ; and tl:.'.y J;;iia-:i to ?_" t a:iy ButL- *; 1 faction whin they applied io th" re:'/ ■n..!i-.ii:s The tJ plaiiuillj Ji-'.'.w, vvouid noi: r/owliil'.-lv sv.cir that (be Ill; bn^dy w-.m never .icave-rd j-.t their .store, hut ho s. t; swore ih;ii he nev; r .<■;y.v thoav-os. Mr 11. Wnml, who lv Kijp'-iif!t»jH''Jc;d ili-'i ■<''•■ hx'ry t:t (he c,"'»ds on the jef.ty, s:l cotil.i not :-wi;;r I'O-itivciV fit-it ihe name '' B. liar r" m," at the foot of tho delivery note, iv liis T e (br.ird's) wvili- t y. w,ia vriUr-n by Harris, th^i do- 'jV font'aiii'a for' i>n.i..b;.'t h^ i flieve>' such to he the ease. <1, 1 ilo h.-!ir;ifi:.'i t at< in 1/V;t'eii[l:er. there was e.rc.--f. cm- *!l in-u:n b:i.~t!e <v.i the wha'f. ?o thai-." although ""' li'.'Aiy, p.-. itvijinai , ha-1 ri<.nv:,\ tor p;oo!s, they mijit IICl lC '■live ! crfi p;.;'■. ti>.'-.ji a liray not ho;run;hue to tlso dc- >n ff'iifh'ictx. 'i'h ?-.j v/erc :>o eor.'ip'ainis r.hout rmv ot';e:- ','.,<>'■'■'<* ?;:•" E-.vald. '.xfopi t7»r: br:i:;dy. " *:i Hob-.;- ? ,'f-i.: r.;'<;, \viio w;;- hU)v- :nnn for the? plain 01 tiffin. DiToiub v iv.r,!:-, E'.iid thut i.h« custfm v.'i-.r! to c:i ci!ii;i;ii'i!;M)v,;.;(!(:!!V('V' , v/itt: ih<; v.oi-; hvoujrlrl hy n( th'icai-tvv. ;.:i-i ii' i'/tr/'i co; j-f-cb, ihs not" v.-as .•ji^cl c" and lisjidcd !»;«c'c. ftw.v/his duty, to do this, a>'d in w his I'b.-cnci; it v/nulii b;.- done byon«of tho rn-niher> of [},(; (inn. Tl>- lind nr-vt.!* s<:<:-ri. tiio 1G car-:c.i or' b ;mly. .Ur V.'i'iruiv^oa hi IJ. that Iv; I:fid sevoval Cf.:ivcis::fi:-)]q v/itli the defcn'iavit Wi!.:on iiboiit 111.'; ir;i;ii"m' sixt: en f-a r;cs 'I'i'o def'-'o-d.'ii.t p;dd Li ;.a he d;d no?, hnow v/h;ifc the carffT t'o;ii(i !i:i.vy (i-'Dif; v,'i'h t'-C-m, liut he Kiii]so?<;d ifc would bet.i!:;:: ; 'u> .'.< ;.^- und bml. at tlif- l Ji^vi-ici:;l Hot-!. tiir•■v,;:{ii •<•. mi-t;u.e ns to th'1 v.;\me. The en-torn of tin1 cM'ter;1. w;i:s io hrir.f/; two rif'tffj. one heftded rr " i';;-.v'-e ref:(-ivH, :> v/h-ich they (th" plaintiffs) kep^ h and iik-l, ;■. -'.t the oth"-r hearfed " Kceivr-i," «.vhi;'-h jj ■^ -ir. •:>■..<\ ami giw.n ir'.i'k. He w;i^ ])0:-iiivo that tie d Jit•.•"■!■ *•..•.;'..•!vet't,V; V) ci)f.'] (•;" hi'rfiidy. When they »i ; v-:r. jienor-ti br..v.:if-:-» they tried to avoid ncfoirnts fr a c;-j-:i!!?r ivy p'yinc? '■;; <!f::iv-:ry; hut the " receivedI'| in■;.«•:-! ho:{.;/ t{iv.-n h:.'.:!•:. cinjinji^tiM^'T^ lorl to the belief ti;:it f-oiaeof ;'i!';iii I;-'.-', by C!'-viei'. r:. b<-rn iuinderl totli-ir '■ as^.'.'J. \v':i!) in l',>:;:'M'!iv,'.' ri \\:>:^<-uV:'\ a^co'intH on t'l'.^i, fo thaU'/'Vi;1::.!!1 ■«*•;!?; fwico p'i.i>!. They tlvrcfoTO '.Inpted ihrf ].!a:i of;< upon the rol'.:-. in irk the word " i'nid," be ion?, /.'iviir/it 'o;ijk to Ilifcnrter. ile h:id r.r-.'irche.l n;)on the fi ■:, hatoou'd ti'-t fir• rI tl;r; '• Pi'Vii-r* j-i.<vive" ?iolf! fir 'ho lb" c':v;?., -n-lik'li Ijr- ir-d ji--> iif>nbt v.-'.'u!d liave been there had the brandy town tle!iv.--red. Tl:r c;irift for the (lofevdwit wf.i, that th^rc v. ras liotiiiis^ iiic' evidr'nee that the ii"T',!i''y vj^h qxo\- djjiivi.:r< ii to tl'-e def-'nclaiifft or iheir servants. Il'.-ceii>!.s or ."cdnjiAvledfunrntfJ !(vrQ-onds rec Iv^.] cor.M v.ev^r b.e <>]>t;<\!'.<:'] i'ldit) the |)l;tir tifli-;'; until after t.'ic dispute aboi'.t tie s:iT.u«iy. t he dci'er.divit re'usv.d to cart m-v znnre fur l;]i, ; i,i \~-1! Ij > 111 ;-.:i alterfitiua in tiie plnn. In tiiirt y.:uiici'Jr.r c;v-c. all ihe record thaf- could bj ioiiui! in t'.« d. ferid.ii't's ho:iks wfrj pnMuent for a lot of ;:■■:(<:; ■, d-.j!iveied on ihe 13th Decs in her ; and it v.';is lu1.-' '.i J.-!;:i;. -.!■;,- bij/oro fj-'iy cynjplauifc v/;t.K rn;:rl» a^nut lin: ]/,.:;'.;'.• bfir-;^ u:i,':.-in^. Alihoi'ii'h ;.he d'i(*l--rat'ioi! Mi-1 T-■:■!'i i!;:\:: ii;r> '!c:ivory by Mnird was on or about ii;c 14' ii 3) -."< i:\lx;-, Iho iWrc'ipf; prohioH, and relied '.'.]'■')■ \\ !!;'.rn'. ihe (:ci'i-;;i'r\:;t'?; iV-r«i/:>:ni. s;.aid that in [Jt'c. i,ib"r !a-t; ili« vo •-.".'is tnvai: buatle on the j-tty. rind ::!i;-- dr:iy thai- ••'nii'd <;hn.s<; !■> (jmidlov bricked in fwr :i !(.■-,:!. f'e'jouh! ii".t tell witeth^r the pi^n-;t.ure to L h" re einl. pYcineed was written by him-;?lf or /•:>' ; hi '/no hurry, liv ei^iicd ii: mimy v/r-y:s oft.e;i r.i"'f, t-.eein;; v.-lint he v/rof-.: in tbo book ■vvhieh'ho he'd in his luind. Ho had no reeoliecKon n^pectiii^ fhe 10 ci'-e-, of br.uidy. Ko never r-a-.v any recvijit for i;oc:ls i"i";iveiTd t:i thf p!r;;ntiils ; jukl he had had K>!:ii' dis' sil.'iw iihoufc (i b<'i<,' or' sugro1 and ko;tio cheese. v.'hi';h they i;:vid h:id not been delivered, rdthouKh he v/;;.", iiViln to prove *i j .-it I bey wn1 .il; the time on the ■piniiitiu'« ptvmis'H Tit - priiC'ice in 7secernber (jis ■jirovi'.-i! by a f.irtci1; waa to t;.'tid flic " Please reo'ive'' iiiid " lir-etiived "' iiutes '.viih the goods, and the f-r----nioi 1 bc'nir kr-vt, <v< a "u:utter of course hy the ]j:rti'.itiiTs, the latter '■.aX also kept, if one <;i thy liebV.disnt's parfc-it-r"; wm in, so as to pay the cnria.'io it b'jint;' oth-.:r\viso handed b:=ck by the Ktoroii'.iin with .111 riniorscmt.-ni, and v/a^ hi;pt by tho <-!ut:'r only until he could |;reKent it for payment L'(i hud «:ct) a leceived note torn up by one of the Ti'jiiritifiV., whe'; .-■■> pr-Bontf-;', ; atiu those notes were j-.ivtu biu',l: lo"tV;!vdii;i<rt or their servants, when o;ice paytnr'.it haii been madf. ]\\i South d.'siinvd a Vfr^ictfor hi" clients, heraupe there waH i;>e ix-a-vst iiiicerifiiuty about dfi'ivery of tiie br-.niiy bavin".- rv.-r been niaih; to the ''efV'iKjMiits ; wli.h; on t;i; other hand, if they (ill ,-eceive, t'.'iere v,t,s not. a .'-had' w of p:oof thai, they had not duly delivoi :.m 'o the i-.iaiiiiiils. iVir 'J. (,k brii-.'ily repliod, cor.toidin^ tltat the evl<ien."e fully inaiiy out tiio yl-M'itiil^s ca^e, .vtd that fc]>.-y n". t'e beyotid <\:\ ;<lio;i enti'iC'.l to ,i. verdict ioi* L 4-1. the value of the brandy to :huia at the wholesale •prico ThoJiv'i," 1, in sunin'in;,' v,]). sniil he thought they Tiii--!,',, li'u-iii-d each of ihc iv. ile.i an oquilly morally j.ii-ccr:;,t. ibr hu rou'u! v.-ell n€i'ie:-fdaii(i tiie bustle and coi.fu;-i-v.-, on ti;.'1 ji-liiy in December la--t, an<\ the coni;oquonr, ocvurn-uce of an jveider.t. }3ut tiie jury were propfrby ("\li'j.d upon in this ;';ise to ray winch nf ihe y-:vtic:i \v,ui legally lirib'e. Verdict i'ur the plaintiff ior the amount cluimeii, L-! 4. « Ttitjusijay, 20th Ivuvi'MnKn. 1-li=i ]I.:-ni-r iook hi-^ :-u;;tat (fn o'clock. ;:i,in! r i'- i.>AMA!jr. r»Ai> :-,ro-sVACi3. j'iiu-'.i-r. i"Ji-:iiii.i-:.i"iiv. Ah- Cook for the \>Wv--i'.ii. v. ho carri" 'd n-i bu:i'i)«; a-, n nicrcl-ani'. under Ihe ihm of .J; un s Kiu-.h and Co ; :ind Mr Gillie; for the {l('fi'u.'i."'!-t \vh> is captiin of the- ship Nelson. Th-,- c-l !«i:i v.:.:, fcr 1.20, Mio \vh.,lcsnl«» value of 80 f{-nlb.)>:-; of whisky (M=» a A;i'!on) nlle.^cd to have been rpoik-d thii.iiii:h n-r ,;li^once in :-to\vi;':-. 'Ii i-.p|K:.'!Vi:.i thr;.t on board the NY.son, viiidi nr-vivr-.l :-.t I'ovt (Jhiilincrs in August last, the nlairitiff had ;i con.-'ji'inntnt o! ;:'oo]h, ii-cludintr a quantity of v,'iii:.-!:y. Un i'no Illli S;-pt-:nnher, lie received notice. tbau (i tb" vvlii-hy, then in hor.-f, t,yo*" darnaaT'l. He vve'it and iu-!d a Kurvcy, and found three casks, poi'tir-ns of the-outside of which wore saturated -wit'< f,-->!ni! oil. The liijiior wsis exariiined. and it war; found that, paraffrui oil, in dini-mie. qu ntities. v,-n.s iloatin.r on the surf-ier1 ; but i>.i^ \V. K. Itoynohis ami .Vir Oeui^e Flepbnrn, who made the survt-y, confirmed the account of tiie pir.uitifi, that the v/hisky in t!i<three en:-l-;s \v.-s rendered wholly unsaleahle. Mr Hovuclds believer; the oil on the outside of the rfiska mur-t h".ve been thero a month or »li week:? when he saw them ; and Mr Hepburn

Ti'o M'k

£vii liiiiv ri'.vrL'fid with this t-j.';ni"n. There was no oviili'Tici* no to tne staff" of tlic csisks -when ihey wee taken out. of the ship's hold, nor c mkl it be sho'vn in ■wiu.t lighter the three iv question were brought-, to .Dui'cUiV; but it was pi-ov^thafc one tin of pavdiino was Ifakitijz so much whin h-iisted out, tliaf tin; owr.ui.-of the Siu-ccsa objected to its being put on boavd that lifter, and that when she-anived at i.'unefliri, '''>iir days afterwards, one fin which was amount the dftcli load, had leaked so much that it Wrtii oiilv liiili" i'uil, and that others had lost, smaller quantities. The, bomU-d pcooils, however, wove locked I \ip below ; and the owner was sure that the oil had I not leaked tdmnprh the liyhtei's deck. Mr Hiliies applied for a non-suit, on the ground thn thtve \v<!3 no evidence of the tins of psraffine leaking v.hiie on hoard tlie Nol-on, with the whisky ; but hU Hor.o!' held that th«! evidence was sufficient to put the defendant on proof of pood and sufficient stowage, so a;-; to keen the oil and the spirit from coinini; into ci>ntact, Leave was uiven to the defendant to°«iove toy a nr-w trial, if necps-ary. Itlv Gillies briefly siattd his ca-«e, and called

(ieorge Thompson, marine surveyor. Port Chalmers, -who said th it he and his p-.irt.uer Captain Dove, went on board tiie Nelson as toon as she arrived. He examined the car#->, awl although pome of it liad shifted, ho wan positive that that was-due to stress of ■weather, and thit the stowage was originally good and •proper in every respect. He did hour that the ship had es!)C ieueed bad wf.aiher ; but he pave his opiuion as to ilie stowage irom what be saw alone.

The Judge s id ho did not see how it possible to contend with such evidence. The plaintiff undertook "to satisfy the.iuvy that the stowage was bad. The evidence, however; was only of the slightest inferential nature; and now came crushing testimony that the stowage was good. H° had doubts whether he ouu'ht not to have granted the nonsuit; but now he did not think that the plaintiff could possibly fiUC*GG'JCI» After a few words from Mr Conk, briefly recapitulated the -points, remarking that the=e was bntoue-detusiou to. wh eh the jury could come that the defendant was not liable. ... The Jury retired U a qur tor of an hour, and then returned .mi-1 gave a verdict for the defendant. _ Borthwiok v. Has- w,.s calle, ; bur as a jury cou d not he found, without tu'O or -liree of the n«mbera of that in consultation, the Judge, after wauint? ienor twelve minutes, said he would not begin the c;se until the next morning. The Coiu-t rose at five minutes to three o clock,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 10 (Supplement)

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SUPREME COURT-CIVIL BUSINESS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 10 (Supplement)

SUPREME COURT-CIVIL BUSINESS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 10 (Supplement)


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