progress; o;f'the war, I - I
GUERILLA WARFARE: We take the>Howinjr latent telegraphic news from the seat of war in America.from the Alta, California of August Oth, received per Alice Thoi-ndike. It will be seen that the news, id to the oth August, which i? fa'ly a fortnight later than the intelligence previously to hand.
August Ist.-lt is rumored aud.believed Lere, that the new Merrimac has come clown, the James river: as far as Fort Da ling. The Federal gunboats have passed up the river beyond Hainsoa.s Landing. Last night, hetw«:eu 12 and 1 0 clock* the rfebtls opened tire on McOiellan's centre for about an hour and a half, with four batteries of flying arullery, opposite the Lanoiag soraY ftbov* | and some below. Not one-third of their shells exploded. Several ,ves3ekwere struck by fragments of shells, but not one of the fl^ct was itmired. Nine soUliers were killed or wounded/ A«lev half an hour's ftsa^ fir<v aad in forty rainutes Memphis, August Ist,—Deserters from Viekabur" confirm the reports that another rebel gunboat is beinl built. up. the; Yazoo river, and also say there are a number of rams nearly completed. ~.r? KEWB OFJUJGUST 2nd. ... MEuvms, August 2. - The enemy are reported to be m iorce esghtmiles from here, under Brag<>- Two regiments of infantry and some cayalrv and artillery wem out a tew miles to-day us advance pickets, and have not yet returned. It ia expected that they will engage the enemy's pickets, . ~ V, v ■ .news of august sib.. •Little, Washixgio.v, Va., Aug. 3.—The reconnoitenug column under Gen. Crawford crossed the rapids and pushed forward to Orange Court House yesterday. an>i took possession of the town, which was occupied by two regiments ~of the enemy's cavalry uuderOrenieralßobertson. Eleven of the enemy were killed, and fifty-two taken. prisoners. Ainong^the latter are one major, two captains, and two lieutenants. Our loss was two killed and three wounded. The enemy retired in such tireat haste as to leave - their wounded ia oiir hands. : • ■ . ; Hudson, Mo., 3rd August.—Porter's band of guerrillas crossed the mouth of the Mississippi river on \\ ednesday last, and on Thursday nfalit crossed the Hannibal and St. John Railroad, on their way to :the,aorthem.: counties,, pursued by Guitar's force. rovtzv had between six and seven hundred men. i Bands numbering ten, twenty and fifty' were- constantly joining. Another notorious marauder, with an equal number, was parching- on Glasgow yesterday,* where ; there are. k»s3 than 200 Federals. The guerrillas in nurdi-eastem Missouri probably number 2000,. but it is confidently believed then- operations mil be epeedily brought to a do<e by the powerful an i efficient measures adopted by our forces. Porter a md _f >oilsdexteii' -profess to 'have come from Ihe Confederate Government to raise recruits and then join the Confederate forces, which are expected will soon bs in the State again. . . Washington, Aug. 3.—Special dispatches to the ISew York papers, say that after a tull conference between the deputation from Ohio, who came to Washington to repre?out condition of the , borders of that s stute, and the Navy Department; the latter promised the committee; as many gunboats for service exclusively on the Ohio River as they wanted. Ten small boats drawing ten feet of water, have been already selected und inspected by the agent for the Department, each boat calculated to cany two guns. It is beiieved, when they are placed on the river, all dangers from aruerilla warfare will .be at an end. It is wiid in well-informed circles that direct and decisive; action will be taken in the'prosecution of the war, and that a perfect agreement exists between tiie principal generate and the Executive branch of the Government. < < - ;; r
Niiw York, Aug1. 3.-—The British steamer, Memphis arrived' as a prize of" war. She was captured after having* run the blockade out of: Charleston, and had a cargo of' 1,575 bales of cotton, eri route to Liverpooh (The sloop iilizabeth,^ fur Havana, to Sabine Vass, wit assorted cargo, has been captured by the gunboat Hattems. The English schooner Orion, for Jamaica, Ut Sabine Pass, with salt,4lrugs, &c., was also captured. ' Nassau advices say the gunboat Adirondack chased ; tlie■'British' steamer JElerald into that port. She had run the blbckadeof the: tity of Charleston.: ; ; ' Wa-sbiigtom, Aug. B,—Colonel Robinson, Provost Marshal, lias arrested; between sixty and ssventy citizens of llappahannockiGounty, who refused to take the oath of allegiance. Three days grace have been allowed them, on the expiration of wJudi time, if they will notswear,- ; they \viU be seno beyond the lines. Two iutelligeut Geraian deserter^ trom the rebel army; came, within our lines last eyenihg. They left Richmond two weeks a^o, and state that great distress prevails in the rebei camp/and the'"soldiers are liviug-ui>bn hothirig but fresh beef* ilonf, an-lsalt, sugar and cdffee; that" the" rebel regiments will not average move than a hundred men; th^y also pretend to have overheard rebel officers say their condition was more desperate thati at aav time during the war. •;•■ FpßTaEsa Monroe, August ; 3.— The following - advices f J from Speneervilie have been received to-night: 4uite;a staong IJnion sentiment has manifested. by many citizens, and the wives: of -several wealthy plantei's yl?it'our, sick soldiers in the 'h'aspitals alicho3t daily, an 3. send "them luxuries. Aboxit four huudred bitikensj residing within the lines of Qertenil Sigel's corps;: had taken the oath of allegiance. Seventy had beea arrested, and are now in charge of the Provost Marshal; Twenty rebel piisonei's, taken by si'duririg parties within the past two weeks, were paroled tdrtlay.-; A brisk skirmish took > place jesterctay, :at: a short distance beyond Madison Gourfe.House. :Sever4 of jthe enemy were^^ wounded, but only one one of our men. Bepprls are current amonfi the rebel sympathizers, .that ihe enemy have evacuated, Richmond...'. '." ', ',;' . ■ rj:
.Jackson, Q?emi., August S.--TheCavalry which "has bjjdn in pursuit of the Rebel Jackson and force. returned amf reDorted that itfal! their fights they y only had three killed and eight mis<»in#n Jackson is '? now south of Hatckie river, and being pursued by the the*cas&lry from Bolivar. /These Rebel raids, of which probably the last,-are supposed to in- ? tend ta coyer; the real: movements ofsthejuain body of ; r rebe] trppps^ n ItJs f tiiought'that ihe^object of the ■'■ [latter Isto attack, Sue!!;?" conceni tpated-pnthf souoline^of^aM J'inid to b^ in > mptipnani the direction<of SteVenson and Ctiattanooge,; ;att'J; M<s;r* Keb^l.;' cavalry* which has"•*■ beem ■ .making' *a''-. Ademon^rafcioh in Kentucky' and is believed now? to be majsingfbr tM^ & Tio*ji\v^m&^^.ca^tm^^\oa betweenGrantarid' i Buell, all^ them beirig-sent " via-Cairo, V. 'H A. T 1 1. ■?/.•;•■'■.: '."■■ ". ■ ''i^-^il j.:? ;* Fortk^iSj M^okuojb, Aug. 3.— One divisibnof Gen/ Burnside's; c6rp^fParmee has Mt the Hoatls, and: a action 1 quj^tip^ ft Harrison's Landing*; Other divisions are embarking,' and will sail very Boon. ' Great secrecy has been observed in making th-.Be movements. y NEWS OF AtTGrjST,4TH, ■ m WASHiNG^ONpAug. 4.—the following order has just been issued*by the \Var 'Department:—lt is ordered': First—That a draft of 300,000 militia be imjnijdiately made, into'the of the United States, to serve nine months, unless sooner discharged. The Secretary '-of War'will assijm the qnotasof the States and establish regulations for the draft. [ Second—That if any State shall 'not, by the l^th' of August, furnish its quota of the additional ,300,Q0Q volunteers,*,as authorised'by law,"its deficiency 'in th« volunteersooff f that State shall also be Tmade up-by special draft from the militiai .The Secretary of War will establishj.regulations for this purpose.* 1 The regulations will be pr^pared^ by the War Department, and presented to' the President, 4 with the object j>f securing the promotion ofbfficerr of tne army and volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services,' ajid providing; for 'nomination and , appoiJjteient. KegulaUons>j(l also be. provided For ' mfding sth,e service, pf suclt mcompetenfc personß as nQvrljol4<*mm«B.iaiMr. 1; -, \ a * tf Thesvecjal di£patehes f tojhe Kew Tork "Tribune, sayVthe Governmsat is tiov fully prepared* for>tW border whether inlndiana-' or,'Keatucky,£n;twol Cnstautlv crush any attempt atf treason. Governor < Afaguffin. of^erifcuclcy, !»'• watched, .Ohio, f Indiana t and Kefchicky MuLVbe formed into independent in; * iGeaefal -BuelPg, department,* >i-E, a Cfomtmpsaiy , Kead-^Twrj»n» wiU
r *??cI mK > .6th ABRUBfc.--The steamer Mrthevn 'Z? 9*:? 011* AspmwaU-liaa.arrive^. ..Th© »ew«sfront, tlie,lsth»us and South America is ttnimportaiaC Panama was still excited.^ The Bishop had, Amoved £ i.w ?^ irei 1.P r0P erty to a safe place to pteveut it w J-^n^ |iand? of Mosqueiw., ■ The military ! had seized an the muskets and ammunitiott Iwlonrfiir to tha police force, and the Panama Republic sooS be under the General Government -. Nev Yoek,'August 4th.—A letter to theSeratd from Hilton Head'of the 31st, says : _The rebel ram which, for a long time, has beeu hi process of construction afc Savannah, is complete, aud armed ready for service. All accounts which come to us represent* her as very formidable. She is of light draught and great \ ower, and has very heavy aimament. Already the rebels are making the necessary soundings, preparatory to bringing her down the river. Two .steamers, carrying the rebel flag, engaged iv the performance of this service, came within range of Fort Pulaski's guns, on Tuesday, but were compelled to retreat. Commodore Dupont is making every preparation to recei* c the monster. St. Louis, Aug. 4.—The order releasine; prisoners' irom enrollment on payment of ten dollars, has been revoked. Another order has been'issued directing the enrolment of all loyal citizens into companies. Secessionists are not permitted to enter the militia, but are required to give up all arms to the nearest military post.
„ New. Yobk, Aug. stn.—A letter to the Tribunt says General McClellan sent a;< large force across the James River on Saturday—mostly from Fitzjohn Porter's command. The number is said to be; 15,000. WjisniNGTOir, August sth.—A despatch fr6raGen. Pope's headquarters, yesterday, says thatlnfoL-mation frora.varioussojrces tend to confirm the belief that the enemy hasreally evacuated Richmond, anil taken up the south bank of the J ame3 river as a line of de-' fence. , The rebel cavalry, under General Koberison, is believed to have been withdrawn from the Shenandoah Valley, leaving that part of the country to the defence of the guerrillas alone. ■ It has been believed here in some quarters for several days, that the enemy have been evacuating Richmond, there being a reasonable suspicion that a pestilence has broken out in that city. __Cairo, Avqvst s.—The steamer Victoria, from Helena, has arrived. She left there on Sunday. On her way irom Memphis she was fired on seveaartimes by the guerrillas, from the shore, receiving several cannon shots in her upyer-works. Three shells also biust m the cook house, and one ball p*sed through four state-rooms. It is remarkable. I as may seem, that no one wasTaurt. The Grenada Appeal, of the 31st, has the following dispatches from Mobile of the same date: A dispatch "J from Jupelo, yesterday, says that information has! been received at headquarters that the Confederate I cavalry had taken Courtland, Alabama, capturing 109 prisonern, with a loss of two killed and eMit wounded. Reliable information states that 15,000 federals had passed Tuscumbia last week, destination supposed to be Chattauooga. m CnARLESTONJ S. C.,, Julyi29—The British steamer lubal Cam, with a cargo of general merchandise and a few cases of arms, was probably captured by tlie Federals. : * • J
Chattanooga, July 29.—Morgan's whole1 force had returned to Tennessee safely. Part arrived at Knoxville yesterday, having taken a thousand pri-soners.—-[True, except the prisoners.- Kepobter.] Humphrey ; Marshall, is said to be marching on the norlh-easterri section of Kentucky. BuelPs forces are marching up Sequatchie Valley towards Pikeville.
. St. Louis, Aug. s.—Dispatches received at Headquarters, say the rebels attack on Bloo.t.field, a few days since was unsuccessful. An informant from Glasgow, Mo., places a hundred and fifty Federal troops at that pla^e in danger from a large band of guerrillos under Poindexter, and should the report prove .true of a strong rebel force in that vicinitv, the garrison will probably retire on the othei* side of the river on the uorth-eastern part of the State. The town of Newark.was attacked by a large force of guerrillas on Friday evening last. Only two compomes ot State troop 3 werestationeil on the outskirts, who weredriven into town by superior numbers. A rcgnlar skirmisfi took place, the i*tate troops firing from behind houses and fences. At dark they were compelled to capitulate. The Federal ios3 was 4 killed and 4 wounded. The rebel lo«3, according to their own statement, was,73 killed and a number wounded. The Missouri river steamboat owners have signed i a memorial asking for light draught gunboats to keep the river open. Nearly every steamer, up and down, now is tired upon. . _ PuoviDSNCB, It. 1., Aug. 6th.—Governor Sprague' has call don the colored citizens to form a regiment, as part of the quota of the State/and promises to accompany them to.the field aud share the perils with them. ; ;
Washington, Aug. sth.—A dispatch from headquarters of the army of the Potomac, to-day, says that Iticbraond papers of the 2nd, in*giving an account of the night engagement opposite the mail boat; landing, acknowledge one man killed and six wounded. A large force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, left cemp last night for Malvem Hill. About four thoujand sick belonging to the United States have arrived here tsince the army, came to James river. ;About three thousand rebel prisoners also arrived, froth different,points, for exchange. Boston, Aug. s.—The recruiting for old and »ew regiments is going on rapidly,' and it is now thought the State's quota will be rnised without a draft. The call for the second three hundred thousand nine months' men is received with enthusiasm, as mdi eating speedy work oa the part of the Government for the suppression of the rebellion. New Yokk,. Aug. s.—Special dispatches to; the tNevy York, Times, Jiom Washington, say, there is a report in that city that M'CleUan's* army i«| packing on transports for the purpose of changing the place of advance upon Richmond. This rumor was startling to the general public, but gratifying to the more thoughtful,'who think the successful perform^ ance of such a change would greatly, improve the situation. The origin of the rumour is probably in the expedition ttint'.has just effected an important movement on the James River.
.Ltoianapous, Aug. 5.-—Private advices from General Curtis'/ army state our forces now shoot and .Uaag. every guerrilla caught, and take, every negro they can find and put him. to W>rk./ They subsist the army on the enemy as much as possible, and confisca;e all rebel lioraes^ and cattle wherever found. Orflers have been received to prepare the complete rolls of rebel prisoners, n6w confined in Camp Nortoni with the view of a general exchangei Near 4,300 are here, among whom are 200 Tennc!sseeans who frefuse to be. exchanged, arid desire jfco t*tke the oath of allegiance; ;in fact they prefer, to reniatn prisoners to being excbanged, claiming to be citizen of the United ftitei«.
Wi^niNoyoN, August 5. -The Secretary of War has issued ordera exemptiug from military duty all persons actually employed in constructing and operating telefflrayk liner, iii consequence of the lines being required for military purposes. ; : ! St. JoHifS, N. **.',. Auguss 9: —The steamer Arabia, from Xiverjpbol, the 26th, and; Queenstown, 27th, has- arrived. The question of putting Canada in a ,state of defence, haa been delbated in the House of Commons.; It -was generally contended there1 was no .danger, to be-. apprehehded from "the United States. Ltord Palmereton' said* Englandjiad' sent all the troops to' CanadaI she;^couldi and it rested with the CSanadigns; to sitpply /whatever else was- re!qinst^ v :r.\lV': w.aß>epbr^,.:bufc' denied, f hat Garibaldi , contempiates.^another, 'expedition?.'' ConsoU! 92^to |.; ',;". Ca.iro,- : AubosT 51—pom.:payis aftdGfjenerai Curtis,; wi tit p^rt'ofh^^ta^^rriyeiber^ Tjbeir object is supposea to be withvthe? authorities at ;;mentsV,.-:.:: ;..v ;:''■.":.r ; ,v;- s -"^ fU.!:%'-'-*'K r '-, ,:-U-i^i I ?i (-Hffil^YorkV l«change,-126Jij :GoldrCoin,'l4^;tb^4|^ i Cteld' Bars, v lS^ifff-7* frW vTreasurv Notes, 102.V; Gfbvernniient Stocks a- degree? firnner;'C;Bof 1881*^38^tov99^ 5*3 bf 1874, 85|;: ~p>ci^Mja 4 ;i^^.j;;*j;;f; cfyZs:^ \^^^
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 260, 20 October 1862, Page 6
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2,666LATER FROM AMERIA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 260, 20 October 1862, Page 6
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