"We publish the following information concerning the gold fields for the benefit of" new arrivals,:— - . '-.- ■ '/'■■' .r: ~'-J. ■■ ■-'*■':■■ '■■-■•.» --."*■
The principal gold fields of Otago are those at Tuapeka, Waitahuna 3 Waipori, Woolsbed
Creek, Mount Highlay, the newly discovered Dunstan ■ and Nokomai > Diggings, und several minor fields, as Coal Creek, Lindi-s, the Dunstan River, Shag River, and Moeraki Beach. _„-.—.
• Tuapeka, although not the oldest, is the best known and most extensively worked gold field. It comprises a large extent of probably au* iferous country, but hitherto mining operations have mainly been limited to Gabriel's Gully, the scene of Mr. Read's early discoveries, Wetherstone's and Monroe's Gullies, and "the banks of the Tuapeka River. From these localities alone, 332,476.0unces of gold have already been transmitted by escort to Dunedin. Scattered parties of prospectors are found in the adjacent sullies, where they are quietly and steadily working. If surface indications are to be trusted, there are hundreds of these gullies which present the appearance of being equally rich with those originally opened, and no doubt many parties are now making their piles in the recesses of the surrounding] anges, unheard of andunnottd
The workings at Tuapeka are shallow, averaging from five to forty feet, rarely deeper. At Wetherstone's a large portion of the ground remains quite untouched, all attempts to bottom having been defeated by the influx of water. As the Government have, however, consented to form a storm water channel for the purpose of draining the flat, -we may expect that this part of the field will shortly be rendered accessible to the miners.
The washdirt is gravelly, and thereforeensily worked. Sluicing is generally adopted. The supply of water is most ample, and races, some of them many miles in extent, have been formed for thi* purpose. The gullies and the points of'the-hills are the favorite sites, but along the Tuapeka, hill workings have been resorted to .with very great success. Wood is scarce in the immediate vicinity of the diggings. At the heads of the gullies there are patches of scrub for firewood, and near the confluence of the Tuapeka with the Clutha, there is timber available for slabbing Or . O) cCC.
Lignite, for fuel is abundant, and, as it is found near the, is in great request. At Wetherstone's and near the Junction township, at the foot of Gabriel's Gully, some large aud valuable deposits have been discovered.
The route to Tuapeka from Dunedin is by the r<£ain South Koad, via Bust Taieri and Lake Waihola to Tokomairiro, thence by the Woolshed and Waitahuna." Distance, 70 miles by the travelled road ; but from Cameron's Hotel, on Tokomairiro Plains, there is a short cut over the ranges by the Woolshed .diggings, which reduces the distance to sixty miles. The population (reduced by the last rush to the Dunstan) is now estimated at 1,700 persons, of whom only 700 are miners. Waitahuna.—This field is on the river of that name. At Waitahuna only a few gullies have yet been worked; from these the gross yield of gold to present date, as per escort returns, has been 78,640 ounces. All around is ■what are termed likely looking hills and gullies.
The workings are similar to those at Gabriel's and Wetberstone's, already described. Timber is scarce, but there is plenty of lignite in the neighborhood. *• °
The route from Duftedin is that by the main South Road to Tokomairiro—thence by the short road already referred to through the Woolshed.
Distance by dray-road over Mount Stuart, 59 miles— via Woolshed and the ranges, 50 miles. Present population, 1,250. The Woolshed is a comparatively new field, the workings having gradually extended down the creek (where they were first discovered) to the south branch of the Tokornairiro River, where some very rich ground has been opened up. Some of the auriferous lands in this locality are private -roperty, but in every instance the proprietors have dealt with the miners in a fair and liberal spirit: and a Government road, upon which a payable lead was recently struck, ha 3 been thrown open lor mining purposes, on condition of surface damages being made good. There is also a large extent of Crown lands available for the prospector, and parties are known to be working with success in the neighbourhood. A quartz reef was some time since discovered in Canada bush on the adjacent plain?, between the branches of the Tokomniriro, but we have no further information on this subject. Since May last an escort has been dispatched from the Woolshed, the amount of gold sent down by which, presents a total of 3,883 ounces. The population is estimated at about 450 persons. Distance from Dunedin by East . Taieri and Tokomairiro, 45 miles.
The Waipori field is on the Waipori river and its branches. The workings consist principally of creek workings and hill sluicing. The population—never very large—is now , ; estimated at 220. Since the first escort in February last, 6,155 ounces have been sent down by that mode of conveyance. Situated higher up in the spurs of the Latnmerlaw
mountains, the climate is more severe than •that of Tuapeka and Waitahuna, but Waipori presents an excellent and comparatively untried field for operations during the summer months. Growing timber is very scarce in the vicinity, but beds of large trees in a state of good preservation exist immediately under the soil, and these are stated to be available not only for fuel, but for slabbing and other purposes. The gold found at Waipori 13 coarse and nuggetty, and frequently intermixed with fragments of quartz. Near the township a reef showing promising auriferous indications, was lately discovered by some quartz-miners from Bendigo, who purpose erecting machinery to fairly test its value. . The route from Dunedin is by West Taieri and the Maungatua ranges. Distance, forty miles. r ■■••...'.■
Kct far from the Waipori river to the eastward 13 the Lee stream, hitherto neglected, except by a few straggling parties, but on the bank 3of which gold in payable quantities was long since discovered. All these fields continue to yield remunerative employment to the miners engaged upon them, and there is ample room for many more. •,; .7, The Mount Highlay diggings are situated in the valley of the Upper Taieri, and the mam workings are at Timbrel's Gully, and at Deep Dell and Filly Burn-tributarie^ of the Taieri Kiver^but several parties of miners are scattered over the surrounding country in every direction. The population of this field Jbas never been large— not hnre than 250 or 300 miners—at any one time, : having been located upon it, and .- at present the number .. is reduced to a minimum of a iew scores. When it was: vered, in June last, the inclemency of the weather tended to prevent the rush whichj otherwise would, in ; all - probability, have occurred. The diggings are situated at a con-
siderable elevation above the sea level, and are consequently subject to heavy falls of snow during the winter. There is sufficient timber near Timbrel's for moderate use, and scrub, for firewood is found on the margins of the streams, and; in the; hollows of the ranges Lignite isvas usual, procurable in the flats, and th^ neighboring mosses good peat. Water is plentiful; and sluicing is in consequence the favorite mode of mining L Although the Mount Highlay field has been so scantily, prospected, the existence of auriferous deposits, over a very large area, has been ascertained beyond a doubt. There is no escort thence, but the quantities of gold brought down by private hand areivery considerable, when the sparseness of the population is taken into account.
The gold at Timbrel's is rough and heavy, greatly resembling the Waipori gold. That from Deep Deli is finer, and more watenvorn.
... A quartz reef, in the stone of which , fine gold is apparent, was discovered at Mount Highlay, and a prospecting claim granted to the discoverer, but no steps have yet been taken to tost its value.
The route generally preferred is by steamboat to Waikouaitu.jhence.Jby-Mount Pleasant, the Shag River, and Hamilton's and Wayne's station (No. 109) to SuxtonV River (No. 210), on which the diggings are situated. The distance from Waikouaiti by this route is estimated at 55 miles. There is another road overland from Bunedin, by way of Blueskin; but it i.s exceedingly bfeak, rugged, ami difficult, and impeded by dangerous morasses, both on the margins of the numerous intersecting streams, and on the tops of the ranges. Intending visitors to this field will therefore do well to take the sea-route.
Murphy's GulJyison Hamilton and Wayne's station, about seven miles from ilighlay. Gold in fair quantities has been obtained there. Several of the creeks at the head of the Waikouaiti River, :>nd the branches of the Shag River, are also known to be auriferous ; but so kvr are the"mTuers in the locality that this promising field may be said to be as yet untried, and consequently undeveloped. Coal Creek, about twenty miles above Mount Highky in a northerly direction, is one of the head branches of the Shag River Sluicing operations are being conducted iv the bed, and on the banks of the creek with remunerative results. The mining population is very snmll, but will probably increase durin" the summer month*. Lignite of a very supe" rior description crops out on the bank* "
I here are no hotels, and but little accommodation, (vi this road at present. Travellers have mainly to rely on the stations along the line for provisions. It is therefore advisable to carry as large a supply as possible oi Hour tea, and sugar. Boef and mutton are, of course, to be obtained everywhere. The Lindis was the earliest discovered, and h one of the least-worked of the Otago gold fields. Shortly after it was first riu-hed^tbc more brilliant attractions of uabriel's Gully drew off the few miners—about 300—then on the.field, and there has_not yet been any reaction in its favor. A few men are still at work there, and the locality presents all the appearance of a large and rich gold field. The Lindis diggings are on the run of Mr M'Lean (No. 218). They are confi-.eil to one or two small gullies, near the Lindis Pass on the head-waters of the river of that name. The gold is heavy and nuggeUy. The climate is somewhat inclement in winter, and snow lies on the ranges till the summer is far advanced. The gullies being sheltered enjoy a milder atmosphere.
There is a large and well-supplied stream j in the vicinity. The usual road to the Lindi3 gold field is via Waikouaiti, thence by Sha"Valley and the Upper Taieri Plains, across the ranges to the head of the Alanuherikia Valley; thence, following up the main-branch of the.Manuherikia River, past Mount St. Kathan's to the Lindis Pass. Distance about 160 miles. Another road k by way of Oamaru, and a third over the Lamraermoor Ranges and Rough-ridge. -But the first-named route is considered the best, as it is also the road to IIi«h----lay, Coal Creek, and the Dunstan gold Gelds— and consequently more travelled than any other. Dunstan River is another partially-deve-loped field. A few miners have been"dig"in<r there for some months, with what measure oi* success is best known to themselves. The precise locality of their operations is at the confluence of the Dunstan with the Mannherikia River. At Moerakt Beach, gold of a very fine description is found in the sands of the seashore, mixed with iron-sand and fragmentary gems. Washing operaiious^ce-now carrie.i on opposite the town of llampden, between the Big Kauri and Little Kauri streams. But the entire beach, as far as Shag Point, appears to consist of similar deposits. Gold, at the rate of 100 ounces to the ton, has been obtained from the clean-washed sand, and it would seem that if science and capital were brought to bear, a magnificent yield would be the result. The Dunstan gold-field is situated on the Clutha ltiver, at the south-western base of the. Dunstan mountains, and includes the spurs of the Carrick ranges on the opposite bank of the river, which has here worn a passage through the solid rocks. The workings are, at present, confined to the bars of the river, where the gold is found intermixed with magnetic iron-sand. The adjoining country is of an auriferious description, consisting of mide hills and terrace* of loose shingly or gravelly soil, which requires timber to work it. There are about 3,000 miners on the field, and these appear to be doing well. The first escort will afford a criterion of the value of the field, some small quantities of gold have reached town already by private hand. There are patches of bush along the river, but the only timber available for mining purposes is found near the lakes at the head of the Clutha, where there is an extensive forest of black birch. Coal, or rather lignite, abounds; there is a fine seam of good quality cropping out on the east banks of the river near the junction of the Mariuherikia.
The climate of this district is described as i mild, aud dry in the winter, although snow covers the, surrounding mountains. Hartley and Eeilly state that whilst they were reaping their golden harvest, from May to Au<nis£ rain rarely fell, and on three days only were they prevented from working by stormy weather. In /winter also the, waters of the Clutha are at their lowest, and a larger extent of the rocky bed, in the ledges of which the gold is retained, is within reach of the miners.
The gold from this field is very fine and scaly, but of very excellent quality. Punts and boats have been placed on the river by private enterprise, so that miners and their drays may cross at various points. Stores of all kinds are becoming more easily obtainable on the ground than they were at the first rush some weeks since. Gartage, however, still rules high, and miners are recommended to take a supply with them. There are several routes to the Dunstan. One is via Tuapeka, and thence by Gardiner's, Miller's, an(U3dWmn^«tationg • and from the latter by a well-defined,track over the Knobby Ranges to i the junction of the Manuherikia with the Molyneus: Distance from Tuapeka, 70 mileß.; 'This road is represented as behv impassible for drays, and in places difficult for pack-horses. Another trackj to the co twardj of the 3c- lis somewhat more practicable, butt,•:• j - 4^intersected by the Teviot
stream, which, when^v&llen^preseiite a iort midable obstacle id furtW?, r progress. .„,'■„■'■ • 'Another route is from Danedin by West Taieri, over the Lumaiermoor ranges to the valley of thcManuherikia; distance, about 110 miles.' After leaving West Taieri there arc no hotelsor accommodation houses on the road, but the track passes several stations, a list of which, together : with their relative distances'we subjoin :—Heatay's station, di<tant from AVe3t Taieri 10 miles; thence to ThompsouV, 12 miles; thence to Valpy's, 35 miles; thence to Alurisoii'B, 5 miles V: thence to Newton's, 14 miles; thence to Lowe's, 12 miles : thence to the Clutha, 5 miles. That portion of the road which is situated between Thompson's and Valpy's, winds across the elevated region of the Lamrnermoora, upwards of 3,000 feet above thf level of the sea. It is conseqnently bleaks and at certain seasons not without danger to persons unacquainted with the country, being liable to heavy falls of snow. Beyond this the road is fair and easy. A third route is via Waikouaiti and Shag Valley, di<tance from Waikouaiti about 120 miles. This road i 3 much in favour with pedestrians, as it passes through a series of valleys, where the climate is pioportionably milder. A party of Government surveyors are now employed in finding or constructing a better and more direct road—a work which it is to be hoped will be ducted before the approach of next winter.
From Tuapeka to the Manuhcrikia Junction parties of miners have set in, at various parts of the route, and just below the junction the Government prospecting party have secured a prospecting claim in what they have ascertained to be a payable gold field. There is now a continuous chain of diggings from the .lokomairiro liiver to the upper Ciuth* valley, for many of the miners have penetrated beyond the junction of the Ktmawu into the untried but richly promising district beyond. Gold has been found as far north as Quartz Creek, a tributary of the Clntha having its source in the ranges which divide S.ake an ika from Lake Hawea. In many a sheltered nook of the mountains, and on the unfrequented portions of therm r, prospectors are snugly nestled, secretly gathering the golden spoils which nature has so abundantly scattered over the province.
Ihe Nokomai diggings are the last discovered. Hie only gully at present opened i on Moi Creek—a branch of the Xokonni lliver—having its source under the remarkable conical lull known a* the Steeple, in the Rocky Mountains. This gully— named Victoria guJly by the pro4pectors~is about four miles in length, and in breadth gcnenlly about a quarter of a mile, but contractin" in some places to '20 or 30 yards. The depth of sinking is from 2 to 6 feet, and the gold is iar-1-, heavy. mn\ wtfenvorn.- Tiicre is plenty ot scrub in the jrully, mid about 20 acres of timber, principally birch, at the head. The present population U probably about 1000. The route to the Nokomni from Duneslin is eta the main South Koid and Tukomairiro to the Alolyneiix Ferry—thence to the Lonbord on the .Uifanra river, which is there crowed. Tffe road then continues alon>' the west hank of the river to within three miles of Mclvdlar's station, where the Mataura is again crossed, and the east bank is followed to the junction of the Xokomai River. The distance from Dunedin is about 170 miles The following are the main points on the line of route, with their relative distances:
Molyneux Ferry, distant from Dunedin .58 nnlea; thence to the Waiivera, 16 milesthence^ to the Warnna, 12 miles • thence to the Watp-ihi (> miles; thence to the Waikaka, 15 miles; thence to the Mataura 6 mile*thence to McKellar's, 32 miles; thence to the Nokomai, 25 miles.
There is an inn at the Molynenx Ferry, and accommodation homes at the Waiweraaml the Mataura. Between the Waipuhi and the WYikaka, the station of Roberts and Begree is pas^d, and on the Nokomai itself is Mr. McLean's station. Stores are not yet on the ground, in sufficient quantities to supply a largo population, anil miners are, therefore, strongly ml vised not to 1 start for the Nokomai without provisions. The road by the Long Ford is piisable for drays. There is also another track—practicable only for packhorseg—which diverges from the first track about half-way between Roberta's station and the Wnikaka, crossin" that river near the east branch, passing between Wakaia and Pyramid Iliils, then croVuif the Waknia river, and following the east bank of the Mntaura. This road is about 1.5 or 20 miles shorter than the other.
There is also a track about 23 miles in length, connecting Nokomai with the Dunstan gold-fk'ld. It is, however, little used, runnin" over snow-covered mountains, and it will be safer for those who desire to cross from either locality U take the longer but more praticable route indicated above.
lor the information of those ignorant of our Gold-fields regulations, we subjoin so much of them as will s^rve as a general guide, and prevent a new arrival from commuting any serious breach of the law. °
Every parson residing on a gold-field and engaged iv mining for gold, shall take out a miner's right; snch miner's right to be enrriedon the person, and prortuceJ for in-moc-Urn when demande;! by the Warden or other officer, or by any person dnlv authorised in that behalf in writing by the' Warden. Claims shall he classified thus :— 1. Ordinary claim*, i.e., alluvial claim* worked without the aiu of sluices or machines. 2. Sluice and ma-mine claims, £*~ alluvial claims worked with the aid of sluices or puddjing machines. • 3. Wet claims, i.e., alluvial claims in flooded ground which cannot be wrought without the aid of appliances for drainage. 4. Creek or river claims, ie., alluvial claims in the beds of creeks or rivers. 5. Quartz claims.
1. Ordinary claims shall not exceed 30 feet by 30 feet for each person, unless the depth of sinking exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claim may ho extended to 35 feet by 35 feet. 2. For sluice and machine claims in worked and abandoned ground, the Warden may grant an extent of ground not exceeding treble the above are:u
3. Wet claims shall not exceed 40 feet by 40 feet for each person. 4. Creek or river claims shall not exceed 50 feet for each man employed thereon, nor be more than 300 feet in length, in the whole, to be measured iv the directiou of the course of the stream, by a width not exceeding the boundaries of the bed of the creek or river, as defined by the Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf.
5. Quartz claims shall not exceed 30 feet in length along the course of the lode or vein, by a width not exceeding 100 feet upon each side of the course, for each person; and no claim shall exceed in the whole 120 feet in length by 200 feet in width. t
The number of single claim 3 that may he occupied in one block by any party of miners shall be as follows •
1. la crdinnry claims, not more than four single claims. 2. In sluice and machine claims, not more than five single claims. 3. In wet claims, not more than six single claims.
* -;-. Claim's shall bei marked W pegs standing at least two feet-above'the surface of the groqpd^ or by. ; trend es at each corner thereof;:' and such pegs cr trenches shall be maintained during the occupancy of the '.-'ground.: Provided, that when any corner ci'ihot, be so marked on account of the nature of the ground, such peg or trench may. be placed at the nearest practicable point No person shall be deemed to possess a-valid title to any claim, unless the same shall be fiirly worked -during the enlire period of occupancy; and any claim unworked beyond the space of twenty-four hours, shall be deemed to be forfeited, unless sufficient reason, such as sickness or other urgent cause, "shall be proved tothe satisfaction of the Warden.
Any person discovering new gold Workings, and being desirous of obtaining an increased area thereon, must immediately report such discovery, with full partieulara thereof, to the Warden or other proper authority. - ■ ■ Discoverers of new gold workings, distant notless than half a mile from existing workings, may have allotted to them an extent of ground not exceeding treble the area ol an ordinary cl lim; and the discoverers of new gold workings distant not less than ten miles from-existing workings, may have allotted them an extent of ground not exceeding quadruple the area of an ordinary claim : Provided, that the increased grant-shall not be given to more than four persons composing any party. The discoverer of an auriferom quartz reef may Imve allotted to him an area not exceeding in the whole 200 feet in length, measured along the course of the lode or rein, by a width of KD feet upon each side of the course.
Superiority of ri»h't to a supply of water shall be determine 1 by priority of occupation, the earlier occupant having the superior right. In all ca*e«, when the occupier claims, uuder a certificate, or other authority, in writing, granted by a Warden or Commissioner, occupation shall be taken to have commenced at tl.e date of such certificate or authority.
The cutting anJ formation of races muit be commenced within one calendar month from the date of registration, and the occupiers shall continue cutting and forming the same until the work h completed, otherwise any superiority oC right to which they may be entitled by virtue of such registration shall be deemed to be forfeited.
If any race is abandoned for the space of one calendar m >nth, at a time when water wa* available lor it, occupation of the ri^ht shall be deemsd to hive commenced at the last reoccupation thereof.
All right to any race shall become forfeiteil, if ah uuloned for the spacs of one calendar month, unless in crises of sickness or unavoidable absence, or in consequence of failure of water; but it shall ha lawful for the Warden, in bis discretion, upon sufficient cause being shown, to suspend the operation of this regulation for a i'urther period of one month, and such suspension .-.hall be given i:i writing to the occupiers.
All races that may hereafter be cut, shall have a point specified at which they shall be taken from the creek or river. In races already I cut, the point shall be taken to be the spot from which the race now heads Xo person shall shift; or alter tha head of any race without the written sanction of the Warden, nor to the prejudice of any existing right. The alteration or extension of a race at any time shul. not in any way aftect any right or privilege attached to such race; and the holders thereof shalif, during such alteration or extension, be deemed to hi in occupation of all the rights and privileges attached to such race. V. Dams and Puddling Machines. I'—Dams and Puddling Machines. Any person intending to form a darn, or to erect a j>uJdlin» machine, shall give notice thereof in wiiting to the Warden, in the form hereinafter prescribed, and shall past and m lintain for a period of seven clear days, copies of s ich notice upon the intended site of sw:h dam or machine, and at intervals not ex eceding 100 yards along the course of any propped sdudije-drain3 connected therewith. And if no valid objection ba entered within seven day 3 from the posting and service of such notice, the Warden may gnnt a Certificate of Registration to the applicant. FOR2I O? NOTICE. t, .. ~r * , (District and data.) To the Warden at I hereby give notice that I intend to (form a (lain, or emit a padJHng-m ichtne, a* the case mnv be) at { * ). J (.Signature and aldre33 in full of applicant)— * , I.! ere <*e«eribe the locality, ami in the eass of a puu Itm^-machiue "state tho prop sseJ course of the sludge drains. So person shall take possession of any claim, race, dam, machine, or any other right or privilege whatsoever (unless the same shall have been absolutely relinquished) without first obtaining the consent of the owners, or I the authority of the Warden. j
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 239, 25 September 1862, Page 6
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4,485THE GOLD FIELDS MANUAL FOR NEW ARRIVALS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 239, 25 September 1862, Page 6
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