Laxcasuikk. —Everyone is aware that Know*lev ia the seat of the house of Derby in Lancashire. The traveller from London to Liverpool liy the Northwestern line can see, when he arrives within a very few milgs of the journey's end, the tree* of Knowsleypark frinsrinyf the landscape to the left. ['/] We are apt to think of Lancashire only as a place fnvarminfr over with factories, the sky above winch is darkened with never fariing-.snioko, the gra<s 'and foliage of which are stunted, withered, and blackened by incessant showers of «>ot. But it would not be ea^y to iind in any part of t!ie country ,1 more beautiful, a more thoroughly K.i^'Uli landscape than that which stretches around Knowsley. The hull itself, with its precious collection of family portraits, making a historical gallery through which the visitor "is led hack, as it uvr.% to the d.ivs before the stricken field of JJoswurth, will ain^ly r^j-ay any traveller for a lunjj liiv.rjrouce from the tra:k of h'n journey. So near to the j^reut modi-rn commercial w?aport, where ftvurythinj? is new, where ali is bustle an<l excitement—the quaint and venerable structure, with its rich historical association*, cannot be looked upon, were it but fur theeifl-ct of the contrast, without feelings of peculiar interest a:.d even emotion. The o! 1 buii-nial <lays of Ksi^taifl Nffm to iiave left tli'.-ir memorial and type- exactly on the spot where it would mo.st strongly iMiitr;ist with lh- forms and. iiio^o;fii-nts of the iu;w life of ooiumorcial projfrei-s of nlKorbimi tra-l«j, of Sml-uil efjiiality up all round. * Mr. Disraeli* in<-iiiona.!': cotitia^t u% Hainan «;u» and Dirlanh'-al ja;iy Ik* nj)j.rt.-'-i;»t-1 v.-itit more e:use by ftuyl'-^iy v.li" in the cour:-" of one day visits for \\\h fiftt time lvno'.v!*!*'*'halJ and Liv«rjh)fil. jjut the n>'w priu^ipli; aSAays triii;n|>ln over the old. livurvthin^ in Lain^isSiir-.* i:; xil'cdvtl to :-/>i!»e oxttnt }jy iliC i-nerii'iii: practioal Hjiirit which L;m oall^l i:.to •'xi>i<'Mt o .mi'h I'ouiniuiiitJcs aa I.iverj) aA a?sd Mini'h'jHter. Nearly all tilt fuiint-nt iiita Lincashio: has ever produced, hrivr b#eu in th'.-ir duparltocfits practicd mcji. We have Hi fLrni'^shiie |)>><;l.>, »r painters or fcculptons —uijiiC at le:i-<t who hive' iij!i>lu any dLtiu;tiw murk. Wt; h-iv.; f.chi.*»!s of Lnn-a-liire zncaut, r.inf.'ishira iiK-ch.Uiifiari-, and Lrnjca.-hire pV.tlitii:!a: s. Although the tT'it timmfsKiturijii: inttnipilis of the north ha.^ v.vui■■.{ to i«; rtpn^entitl by .'tiiy of lite !'?;ulfre of th»* s,-ct, we ;,ha!l always ka.iA* -\ ccil:iiu el:**!* of p ;!iii "i-ins us t'jt; Maiifhcat'-r n:\ity-\. La..*<\'i 4h'm- fnitrjiiiit'.. h to t!io Ilnut-cs of l'arlimiie'jt v gr«Mt'T mnnhvr of .-minent p '!iii.-i:uis thrin any other H:rili-h t-niiuty. Sijij contribute*, hhvih-j; tit** rest, L.nl I^crbv and L -nl Stanley, Mr. (JladaVjir.-. .Mr. Hri^'lit, a.id Mr. Car i-.veli. TJi.rsr ijum;, (Miup.i..^ t).-j4*ii.| :il! ijui-ti'.n iho ici'i:—. ••!* t!u- thivc lv:nii;.;.' P'irli:i:iio:;t."iry d-atorx <>f tin- <\ iV ; .ifid ov.-rv •»«»? of tti'j r.!'-n \r- li'iv jji :ili'ii<-1 i< a mail «pi:ilifi.;-l to ?^> a ii-ariur in liis !>v,n poliiical "ph'-nv ( What p.U'ut H<r«^H? f C'Wir' m, v'*o. ?; -'' A<»/-i/ St'lutfy," i i (Ue Westmim'<r lii-ritic.
I'l.i'.nto-P.M.LMONiA.—Mi*rs, MTjuirin an 1 !i:iv-.- rcoHv-'I a part of if«.-ir ronjjv.rnsitionin<mey f>r t?i»: rnttlir aJ!*.-t:t'«| with lhi<» «ii*c?iw sivl ■«!<-siroy«il on tls«'ir run at Yarra Yarra. WV !>• !i vc that thi* sum i>( £/>.'>*) hat ivi-u p;si i hv th«? New S.mtii \V:i!e-i (r>v.Tinin'ni, U-avinn a h:i!nii<.v of ah..tit iI.iKW >,ii!l ills.-. Thi- ]uh\lr will' hay,- r-i-i, with not alittli' iii-_ru*t, tli- -WV.'f on tbi< nstM'-r in t!i.' A"i«'mlt!y, so«»» of 11t*- mrntl-rs, P.>cli><lin<_' Mr. ilu!»<»rf«>n, Hiai%rn>-_' the Mt-sirs. M'lJiuriii wijfi <*uj{>• 11it<- nc^lijji-uc': in iiitroiiui'HiLr the tii-< t«>' fn»;u Victoria, for^rttiiur that tiii^ f,rn !ia! (tin- if tl;.- l>«--.t ln-i.-il h"itl<» in rli.'cuj.niv, ami lU'if th.- ni'ih- <1.->»ruyi\l vv->ulii liavf p-nH-<->l. when f-it, tii-t-.- or fr.-.r Jim.-*" as i«U*'}i inuucy a^i ivrii uiv^u f.-r «v«:i!;)-'a-ation. Since writing tlic nbw w«> b«.-r.r, from Mc,-,rs. M'Laurin, Unit Ui-y litiv*- ni'.-ivril the '.vls-i,- oi the riiom _v, and hI-mi, thru tbi' iirin {ifirjMr>..H (Miiinii;:.c!iii; lijd j.roci .'flinuTri niraiii.-.! >>n.- of tlic M.L.A.'s f-T .-l.tn 1.-r — Pn*fi,rni Timtf, Julyiij.
.jjjvtrt-'tnty -,f i«("}•-• ti'u', at Mr! «'<>! l.••.-'« i.lii..-.-, rs
■ bri'f i'&ll'-c'tou ni «.)!■• ■!•!!■ :i< s>i" nruiw c >;.[) r from th-j Matt.-i M;»tt.-'- -Miuc, it Wh'!u-m. M,u,v «,.t't:u-;:s j.;---seiiU1 1 r.M :iri«ir..- • -ut ;;'.j.".!r,i:>;-», .ii. i i!i;.iu i,riv,• Jfca fi'u-n for ■■■in1' is.ii thr_. i>'---ti nf n (lirFfri-.'n •• ■! ir. Tin- TiHtivt- '■•■•|'ji t at W-il'i:!!..'. is j:.-ri'r:.!:v ; > ;ji i at •x:\ti r-!<:Vi-!. an>l itUiiivli tt.-!y ov-tlvhi,* t!i • cn-i i.rf :!:!j'hi!r. wiiicii u-'iuHv <i-:ur nt tie: t*-rniiji:itj.»» of tin- rsrii■ njfit--.--. It appoai-s t<» tii>t tijc-.- iti mii-h !arK«-r 'iMintiui-s than in anvotln-r mm. rul <ii-itri'.-t '..f.th.; c.ii.iiy yt <bvi«l.p-.|. ' T!,.- Wo.fJ^.t.? asi-.l th,: V ii-'tr ot luiv uro now iiviin,; i<>i»j»;r <>•-(•■* f)-,>;j| t\,.Wi.ifjir.... Min.-s f,> r Kti^aa.l ;" suvl th- Tii'kil l\i:i. fXjto.-tcl >-!i.rL.'y t'n isi Xfv,f;i.st!o \vii!«"«'.'als, -nil! ]..;ij with Mil mtii ijivs iVir iJur fctiii-' <i. stifiatiun.
Tin: J'.asi: an:* the Antii» hi:. -A la i s-val-Imvl a iia:ill ir-il l.'.iil t. Hi., frieiil.s v.vre v.- r y unic'i alarme-1 alftit it, aul !)'.-> f.t'h-T, that no nuaits misrht h<- sfarvl l>> navi- hi*-<].'ir!i:is; I. >v*h iif.-, t. ■ t jhi.u U:\hUi ton ,-iiir^.p. of >kill, •lir«»t:tit»ir his tm-j-r-'i'-^fr to t«:li hita the cireaiii-Aaiicr.s. au<l \»rj«: iiis cijuiii^ without ik lay. Thu .!o-t»r was foun'l, iicanl ihS (Ij^jail uU' ; -, iiiiil, wills ;i> iuiii-1; uinMiii/.-ni as he v.\nsM Hiiiiif.'st in a imi.so of •■<>mi:i'>:i hi-nil.vhe, ivrute tlic following lcply :-" Sir, don't alarm yuiirs.lf. If, ami- three \v.-..-!<m, the l>iil!.-t, ix not reiaov.-i, o-ive th«? li A' a <h-ir^c: ut" |(>-.v.i,-r.-Vuurx, ,<;c. l'.S. —JJ.jn't s!io<)t thu L>y at ;i!iyl!.«ly.'' This is much .-\kiii 1,1 the ia.'oni.- pr.--<Ti|itii,n (if t!i.;cc!cbra;-d Ai'-rrifthy. An frish'.-ian r-a]lt*c| in u'iv:tt h:ist<: iiji »v th>> "<locf..r, Ht'itiul^ that '' Be jnt«ors, my boy Tim has swallowird n inoas-:" "Then, Ik; jaleiv," wiid Aherualiy, ■" U;ll your hoy Tim to .swallow a cat.1'
JJuk(;i.\\i»v.—The vrry iitvl-oh** J>ur^tnj,Hi-s wl>l)in iiii-1 t!i<ir way into Knjan-!. Tim <t»antitv produce.', is liiult**], anl the French, who an.-cliomv in their wines, an*! appreciate cxeclle.iKv, tnkc trnv«l oiro t» keep tlji-in in their own country: in fact, there is not ciiou^h for thu supply of the I'ari-s in:irl;tt ali>n»:. Uo nut helicvo tiuit th<: Homani'o Conlf, or the icenuroiis ClmnilxTtitt, is U> 1)0 pun:i;;iM.>J in V.uxland, excfjit upi>n r;iro oeca<iotw. They nre srarce winos with tlie forcifrncr. We hsive by f.ivor drank thorn at Lyons, ami liavo only tin: nrmtjnhrann; <if Hiich v.i'it! todwdliipDii.— W'hicaitd Wine Countries By Charles Ti.v.ry.
' JrsTirF'.s' .1 ('stick. —If justices of tlio peace, unpaid, have their drolleries, chairmen of quarter rmhlohh have also sotit^timcH ;m element of inscrutability about tlioia. Yesterday, at the (teueial Sessions, a prisoner who did not plead " Guilty"' to a charge of .stealing a watch .and £-10 in money, hut wa:> e.mvieted on unmistakable evidence, wan let off with three months' imprisonment. Another prisoner, who pleaded "Guilty" to stc.ilinK only a i;un, was kcutPnced to two years' iinprisouinent. No previous olleii'-o wsi'j alleged ajrainst eithr-r jirisoner. The jud^c may lmvo been rlvjlit in giving eitflit times more punisluiieiit to the man who htole only ?i tiun and admitted his k'tiilt, thim was qivcm to tlio man who stole to the nine of about £;j6 and denied his guilt; but it is a. pity that the reasons which guided the judge were not explained to the vuljrar ear for the relief of the otherwise mystified public.— linltarnt Star, May 80.
Lead Onn. —A gentleman wriHng from Cape Jervis on July 1»>, says : -" 1 have this day seen wine very rich specimens of silver-lead ore discovered by two of Mi*. Hull's sons and another gentleman m this locality. They tell me they can trace the lode for more than a hundred yard*. If this continue*, we shall hope soon to rival Wallaroo."— S.A. Iteqisfer. Coi'fkb in Koxa, Hawaii.—We are permitted to make the following extract from a letter, received by a gentleman in Honolulu, from a Kona (Hawaii) correspondent:—" Since December 20, when we had the first shower for several montlis, Kona has been greatly favored with frequent rain-;, and the country is looking finely. Our crop of coffee will this year much exceed that of any previous one, and 1 think will foot iin not f:ir from 2. r>0,0()01b, So that it appears that our planters have received in the neighbourhood of JJO.OOOdoIs. —a pood deal of money to be scattered among- a population of 5,000, which is about the figure for North Kona. A great deal of young coffee is being set out in this rainy weather, and in two years'time our export will be ( doubled, should the blight, continue to liecreuse as it does at present." Polynesian.
"In choosing a Peruvian guano, the following points," says Dr. Anderson, "should I>o attended to • First, the jfiiano should lie liglit-eolouretl. If it is dark, the chances are that it has been damaged by water. Second, it should he dry; nnd when n'liandful is well squeezed to<jother, it should cohere very slightly. Thii-d, it should not have too powerful aa-ammoniacal flavour. Fourth, it should contain no lumpa which when broken appear of a ruder colour than the powdery part of the sample. Fifth, when rubbed between the fingers it should not be gritty. Sixth, a bushel of the guano should not weigh more tliaus6tot)olbs." ■ ~ h
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 209, 9 August 1862, Page 6
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1,537MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 209, 9 August 1862, Page 6
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