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A MatrtmoniaTi Skttlf.mi'.kt. —In the Divorce Court, on Saturday week, the daughter of a farmer nuiuoil V.'rir^htson "applied for a judicial separation from Eiish-i Denliam, formerly an attorney's clerk, living at Kir by Moorside, Yorkshire, en the ground of desertion. The courtship between them lasted for some twenty years. Towards the end of 1858 she came into possession of £250, .and lie asked to barrow it. She consented to lend it upon his giving the personal security of marrying her. In January, ISo'J, lie accordingly wrote to the superintendent registrar at Wivitby to risk his advice as to the necessary steps to be taken to contract a marriage, addressing him as a "joiner," and dwirhig him to tarnish an estimate of the amount required to complete the job according to the specification. In the same month the parties appeared before the registrar and were married, in the course of the proceedings there was .some questio.i raised about a ring, and Denb. an said he had made up his mind not to have arinir, trivin.T tills reason —" I have two piys at home, and, as they have never been run?, I will not ring a woman." (Laughter.) After the niai-ria^o they dined together, an-.l Den'nam went home alone, leaving his wife to return to her relatives. She went several times to hi,i house, which contained neither chair, table, nor bed, and offered to stay with him, but he ret used to have anything to do with her. He was then pressed to make her an allowance, and at last he propose! this arrangement:—" I will give you four p;ir vent, per annum interest upon the £'-'50 you have lens me, but that is only to !a-t ?.s long as the capital last*. But T. must deduct a guinea for the expense I •was pn I to iii svtiin™ married to you from the first £10." (Laughter.) lie accordingly paid her iB 10s. Ke had <-:nc.J refused to give her "any assistance, ami she had applied to tie i';irish. The petitioner was o'ls'bftho witnesses called to prove the facts stated by th? learned counsel. She was so deaf that the questions had to be put to her in vriting. Auerheiriuir her evU.Hiee, his lordship decreed a judicial separation, V itll COSts. Fingl't-ap, C'hargk A'JAiysT a Xoi-li:ma:.\ —On Frl-.'iay Viscount Tvfilion, eldest son of Karl Fiuwilliam vi-iu- charged, at the Marlborouqji-street Police-court, ■with atteoi'.ting to obtain a pair of valuable ear-rings bp a tV.I.-e pretence. It appeared Ihit on the previous day, acv; aaptnied by a female, he went to the shop of - s- pa-viibroker in Golden-square, and asked, to f.:'o a

vair of eav-rin?s. wh'cJi bid been plc-dircd ihtre. The J t/.v: rings wtu-esliown, an\i htMiirected that t!iey*h:;uld j lie i:ikcn in the eve a 5 as to the house of Madam? i E.u-hel. in New Bond-street, where h>; would redeem thorn. They were taken there, and tlie vUc-vjnt put them into h's pec et, oftorirej; for them a check fur I £'il<X> on tlio London and Wcittui'ister Bank. Thi> was roiv.scd, and the Viscount would not invo up the tsir-riugr-j. A constable wis sent for. and to hi:u the Vu; :ount, lianded theeav-v:?.ss, no^wlt 'sttuiuißg wSiieh ' he w:is «iveii in chir^o. Fur the defence it was st.ited that th;: env-rincs, which v.oiv plodfrc-d for £f.-~. had bivn fraudulently obtained from a" la*iy by .Madnuie Eaol'.e 1.. «lio deals in ?cent-s, :in-l'lkss' faces! that Viscount Miltcn wished to deposit the earriiii;; at iJif i.\ili'e s-alion iii oraer to secure tlieui ; ami thnt ho never coritempiatetl stea'in.^ <<r fraudule:itiy appropriating them. iTi:e inrihov inv-.stifni.iou of t!;j e.'i^e v:a^-. ivirandcd fora week, and !iie Viscount VsTus a-irahU'd to bail t'):- £100 o*i hi> o;va rc-iii z-meeSj aud he inimed-iately left tho court. -Loail'j Pa,:, /•. Died or I'takvatiox.—A weaver died in ?p;t:i!fie"'ds !a--t v. oc-1: of exhausiion ;ri:i want of suiH-.-i'nt nen-'shracnt. At tli-iiuuust the v.klow «»id thrt her hti'baiid ay.d herfolf occiijiie'l ono small i\.q-o, aiit! thnt their .pint onniinj! on'y p.nio»'.nted to i- i:d. ;,cr week, out of which they had to pny rent r,r ; 'l piuchuse l>ot}. and ti: in.l.', lie latterly couki only <!o n little at tbeiorii. a-yi'ihc work w^'v^ry 1 a ily pud fur. T!;0 d--r:e;isel h.-^! a drrad «.f the wei-klu-nsc. On Ihe .•ifiernoon ot Vt'^lne^day la: t -.h-3 d :ce.-i.s.--l was left in the room at his ken, .-nd wht-n th- ".•'■fo returned s::o fiiind him le.]';::g a^ainit or.j of ihj upright post^. She a>ked the ear.s^, asA he wid he w.u-s so we k that he could not do any work, lie v.v.i'a upon', r.e iloor ivoiii weakness, and with assi.^.a-jce i'voui n lotlger he was placed on a mattress, but he expired fchort! y afre r wari i :s. Mr. John Smith, a bcw>keeper, of Kin^-tcwn, hw <iied from the ti?i ct> of a kick intentionally administered by his son, v,•:'■■■ i- in fiisforjy. Terms. —The vem'ors of qu»tl: medicines and ccsmefc'V-.-; aye awnra of the power of Greek nomenclature r.nd apparently nib. iuize scholars of Koine ki;.d cr other to supply tlieni with the article. A sort of shivir.o; soup used frequently to be advertist-d under a title which whs r.s coruplexly ad):i&tc«! a pioce of mo --.nic work as the .^•.;:>lo;":isti ; or the eciieholo^ktsever tiirned out. But p-^-haps t'ne confid-jnc-^ ia the protective po-ftvr r,f <frf-oV desi'znations has just ;:t this nKimert reacre! its eli:nax, in an attempt to s-ave thieves from ] ui,;.ilir-ent by cjd[incc them kleptomaniacs. The Boo!: liunftr, <tr. li-j John Hill Bu.rlcn. THE :.'E\V RATES OF POSTAGE. T*"e publish for general iaforraation, tie New H.itos of Postage in forct- from an;l alter Awil 1, lS'Ji ;— NX \Y ZKA L A X*D . KATES OF POSTAGE CHARGEABLE OX LKTTKR?. NEWSPAPERS, AND BOOKPACKETS POSTED IX THE COLONY.

LETTERS. 1. —Inland Lktteiis. Not exceeding Aoz ... ... .. ... 2d. L'xceediiiir -i o^.. and not exceeding 1 oz. . . 4<l ~ 1 vz.', _„ „ 2 oz. ... Bd. Ar.d so on, increasing fourpence for every additional ounce tr fraction of an ounce. 2. —To tee United Kisg&oji. Ey Southampton or by direct .vhip— ! Not'exct^d-'njj.i 0z... .. .. .. fid. | Exceeding A oz'.. and not exceeding 1 oz. ... is. | „ 1 oz., „ ~ 2oz. ... 2s. Arid wo on, inereas3n» one shilling- for every additional ounce or fraction of ait ounce. By Marseilles— Not exceedlua |oz ... .. .. ... <M. Exceeding .} oz., and not exceeding /, oz. ... In. „ io>., „ „ " %i<z. Is. fid. j) 4 g;z-j jj ~ 1 oz. ... 2s. And so on, being an addition to the ordinary postage. at tl>e of threepence pir quarter ounce. 3. To BUTTIU C'oLON'IEo AXI> FoKKIGX CuUNTftIKS '■ xceeuing h 02., and not exceeding 1 oz. .. Is.. v i '^-, „ ~ 2 oz. .. 2s. And so on, increasing one.'luiiing for every additional funce or fraction of an £>>-Except in the following cases, wliere special rates are paya!.■!«. 4.—To the Continent op Europe via Tiuestk. Not exceeding \ oz .. .. .. 3s. (id. Exceeding \ oz.. und net exceeding 1 oz. .. J3s. 1 oz., „ ..2 oz. .. <k. An-1 .«■> on, increasing three shillings for every additi*aal ounce or f.-action of an ounce' ' 0. —To Syria aki> Turkey. ; Letters will be forwarded via Alexandria and Jaffa unices marked fcr tran.smi.ssiou v'm the United i Kingdom), and \viil be charged as foliouFs : — Not excettiiiig h oz. ... ... lid. Exceeding | oz . and not exceeding 1 oz. Is. lOd. Al-1 so on, increasing one shilling and tenpence for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. 6.—To CniKA. AND THK EASTERN A RCJIIPKLAGO. Letters adriressed to Hongkong, Penang, Singapore, or ony part of China ov Jap-<n, the Phillipine Islands, java, Buinfctra, Borneo, Labuan, the Moluccas, and Siani, are chargeable aa follows ;— Not exceeding h oz. ...j . .. .. ..Is Exceeding -^ oz- :1-n'^ not exceeding 1 oz. .. & And so on, increasing two shilling for every addiional oi.inee or fraction of an ounce. 7. —To Naval Officers on Foreign Stations. Letters addressed to Oincers serving on board any of Her Majesty's ships on a foreign station, when sent through the United Kbujdom, are chargeable as follows :— _ Not exceeding tpz ... ... ... Is Exceeding A 02., and not exceeding 1 oz. ... 2a, . „ I oz., ~ ~ 2 oz. ... 4s. And so on, inert.. *ifig two shillings for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. B.—To Naval Seamen and Soldiers.

Letters sent to or by Seamen and Soldiers in Her Majesty's service wili be transmitted vithin the Colony, and between the Colony and any Post Office in the British dominions, at a chargeoort r One Fenny, provided tluit the following regulations are observed :— 1. Er*ch letter must not exceed half an ounce in weight. 2. It must bo superscribed with the name of the writer, his description or clas.s in the vessel or regiment, and signed by the officer at the me in command S. The postage must he pre-paid. Every letter of this description, posted or received in this Colony not in accordance with the foregoing regulation, will be treated as an ordinary letter. 9.—"Free Letters. Letters on the public service of Her Majesty's Naval and ..ilikiry Forces, are exempted from the payment of postage,- if bearing the words " On Her Majesty's Service," an 1 the signature of the officer in command of the force on the service of which the letter is despatched. But such letters cannot be transmitted by any irregular route, or oue entailing additional expense on the Colonial Government. Letters on the public service of the General Government of tlui Colony are transmitted free by post, if h aring the words, " On the Public Service only,'' aud the signature of some officer of the General Government authorised to frank official letters. t

10.—Registered Letters. Legr>:tr.,tio,' Fe?, ... ... .. ... Is : In a-ldiilo-. t■_> the ordinary postage ohar-reable on any < letter. Except ia special casujj a^ exhibited in table • we uubjoiiied. ; NEWSPAPKJW. 1. To any pnrfc of the Colo \y, if published '. ia the Colony, and posted wituin seven days from publication .. .. Free- . If nut published inthe Colony, or not posted within seven days from publication, en cli .. .. .. .. Id. . 2. To the Unite! Kingdon, via Southampton, or by direct ship .. .. •• Free. To the United Kingdom, vie Marseilles, each .. .. .. ..3d. 3. To the Continent of Europe, via Trieste, each 2d. 4. To tfyria and Turkey (not through the United Kingdom), not exceeding two ounces ... ... ... ... Ids And so on, at the rat f one penny for ever addi tional two ounces. Note.- For tlie Postage chargeable on Newspapers, forwarded to other countries, through the United Kingdom, see table (A) subjoined. BOOK PACKETS. 1. To any part of the Colony, f.r t - the United Kingdom, via Southampton Not exceeding 4oz ... ... ... 4d Exceeding 4 oi/.., and not exceedingß 0z... Bd. j „ "8 oz., „ ~ 10 0z... Is. id. j And so on, increasing eight pence f<>r every addi- j tianal half-pound, or fraathm of lnli'-;v-puimd. * | 2. To the following British Colonies— j Ascension lonian Itlnnda i Bermuda Natal [ British West Indies New lirunsvr":'k ; Canada Newfoi:i;il!;i,nl | I Cape of Good Hope* Nova :».v.)i':a j | Falkland Islands Princ-j I'M ward Island i Gambia j?t. Hekna j Gold Coast Siena I.c-oue j Heligoland Vancouver.-; k;!und j Not exwaiins;-1 oz. ... ... ... 7d ! Exceeding 4 oz., and not exceed in i' H •>>.. ... Is. 21 t Soz.. ~ ~ ll> <>::. ... is. 4d. ; and so o'i, meriting one shilliistr and two pence for ' every hu'i'-pouad, or fraction «f!i.i!i';i-|ii■un-.i. j PRKI'AYMKM JSY STAMi'S. All letters, packets, and newspaj.-rs ported in New Zf.'i!;*n 1, must be prepaid by nuViinv; p-tit.'t^o j labels u^eykuy liffcU-li-jiclit V.dlji.-. | LOOSE LKTTEU3. j All letters received i'ivimi b-.'yuiid s?a.".,\t, any P<wt • Oiliee in this Cci.ny, which haw \,:>i I :-c;>. regularly ! po-U'.i vX tiio ji'-j-.-o <-f d-^p.-.teli (! • -i.,e ktter:>i, \ are chargeable ■% =.'11*i full (►;. L:p;, arciriitu^ to the ! rate* established by tin; forc.'-i:t;; tables, uuk-s tlioy ; are 'letter.; which \'j is not compulsory by l,iv to Mi:d ' by, in which case they are cbur_;'ju!)!« with tiie '■ inLt.<i rute t>f post:u;j only. i J'-XUI-'riOiUNT i'AVJiK.Vr. I I. Ueirf "ilvl 5 ::eket.~-i lhbk' t-i Urr.i- L':-:-»:l Olio rat* <;f '■ \tf*Uvx, ana ;..; -m-.| to p:;n-i's v.iii.m <1.-i (J..!'>..; , I ! «>r tn th*.' I'niw-j Kii.-^-IwtP. it !.-.-.-ri.-.- ~ K;;;,tn sii:-/,;e ; j r,t;<-, wili b-j f\*"-..-iii--l_ul ;;.? i i;tLur::oi .vitli ii.c |iost.iUL* ' j df;fl'.:ii"Mi, aii'i another hiiii;!:: i;.U> ;: a ;\uf. Li-.'.U-i'.-i ' and {■■.i;.--:c.t- ;■» ;;M r .— ;• I. j-:,d :^;:r:u.; I■■<, «li:in a j j sii.;rlf ran- at \>'.y*Uvi"., :vid nil k-lf,.r.i and pa":i' »s , ot!:v; m•. ■■: ;v,t lr-.!.>.'d, IK a ii'..;:.rii:'.r tic f;'l j >i>.-,ut^,-j 1 chan: .;IK\ wi'l b;.- tk:t.a • v.a a::i ujunh.4 n the j s-;2iikr in. nil'-in1.; \vb?r<": pnivti- ;!.'■.-. l\--w.--:::]<(-v.i, ■ if fit>»thd ■■vit'ioijt piep. iVinent t,i' li-.f f-;!: ;:,) lint of • p^SLn.^e;:i-!i.-, can iseith-•;• bi: i' •;•'.. ::.-ilni fu lliclr ; ' ticsiii'iitian nor ivHirriii'd to O'j- :-,-<i li:v ; but •\\]\ \>--i ' I delivfcrci or funvrirdji to ius }~.t.s.i-i u.l.h't'sseii, an i aj>[i!ic;ilri'i;, v •:>il:i -ix litom',^. :it tite ■•Ili.-c where I s:r.;,-- ::■■. i\ }■■'*'.> I, ;ii;d \>i\, .i-nt vf <.\.c d'jri>;;e!it ! K.-t::;,-o .u^....ips. * i J!Ki;iS':HAT:'-.X. i A>:y jM-r-on cm h:»vi? n li-ri r i-.".>-!:f■•/ed by aHhiritr lon it by "• i», of th.: |i;vrier !ab U'in aiiNumt of tlr- I i;"!; fl-e. ia ;i;.',.'iti.:.:i to the [>!•.;;■<■■.■ j»n-«'a^i', ;\yA : I p:v-:j?itiller it af a IV.-1 Ojn.?o d»riii o ' iiilicc jiouin, ■ I ainl :it !t,a.-.t oin-hour h-ln-::-. tfx: (■.'(.■>i;;u;' ut fli<* ltt'iii by ; j which it U (!'--i:-i'd to be t;\*ii-;ii>if!<'■!. Ilvt-rv jin.'- ] cautiriii will !.••■? u.iopted !<> t-ii«iiir«! \\a: -.'if'c delivery of ■ a rf^^ft-r.-'d letter, liy i.nU'iiuir it oa tin1 letter biii.-, ; and u:;.':iiiiiii^ ai-i-Cfi|)t for t!i< ■:■■.)■-,,• ndilivery. Astlte ; l'<Nt Oib'fi-, however i> nut rfsj»u:i-i^iie f;«r tice los-; <■! ': fi.iy It.■■ffcr, vhtllier rt;rf.-ti:ivd (u1 ntberwi--*, per-on^ : semlh:g baiih notes or ilraits : v>: ndvis>'d '.o take the : nui;ib»rrs :::::', ant! t.. c-".t tiit; umn-s or ', driifls in ii.tives, i.nd to >:i-iA tb;;n by tlitibn.ut po.-t'J. " \ j;k-D! itKcrioN. ; Lettrr^. newspapers, a; id p-i. ]<.<-. r.» "i! hr r- f!irv:i«"d from one Post O'jicc to .^.otln ;• i-a t'n" written instruct iuas of the p»:r-<;n r.'!:lre s.t!. ln:t i>d r. -liirectirm are^tlabli; v.'itli a nc-v and dt-tinct ruti: of postajj;e, to Ixi jj.sid on d^iiwrv. I'KNAJ.TIKS. Any ])P!*>i.-n ;vs exiinj) 1 '.' p'^'n^r- k-t(.i:is not liiib!'.1 !•): X! i.ijitiiHi, o;1 cue!.■,<in^r a cuiun'.wiic::tion in *!■;:.• nature (if a k-ttf- ;•., ai:y ncv.-.-juper or buok-pucket, it liablr t.) .1 j^i:,■■.':;,' i-\ j.'jlj. m/.:: axi> v. jNo b<*ok-;if'.i"k.'i <n- \ ■;.■'-;i rot new^ti.-irif r« will lie. | received, nor wiil any l'< itnia-(er !« r> quired to receive any ietter iii: exceed two liel in 'eii-.:tl:, miy lwt in width or tlf.-jdJi, or tin«-c jxuniits in weight. E'.ioK-rAf'K::TS to hk 'U'k:< in: i:; ■!•■■ .iii.v. Every l>'H,k-pad:et sliuli lie s.-nt oj>. v nr the cuds or >ide>, niiii iliiie .siiall be no em-!o• u:-e .-e;ui.'{( <<r otlienvi.-e do<'_<i ;ii;-;iin--t 3ri-- -etioti ser:t in or with such packet, nor any thing printed or \u-Iru-u iv the I nature ofa letter. | (.■o:;ti:xt.<. | With the above limitaiion-;, a p.c'.ft-book tnny contain any ri' of ;-(-:iurafe bouks, mr isrints, or pl]fitt.'irr.t|M(S, and any (juantify of \<:» l ,'.v, veiiam, or pniTb.inent, c-itber pri:ite<l, written -m, t>.- piiibi, (exclusive of anytliing1 in the nature of a leiter whether sealed or open,) with the biutli:.^, eitverin^, or mounting .'ittachc-d or Itelonirinp: i<» such Iwik, pri,.t, inaj>, or photograph, and all t'ui.'u'.-; hg-iti-uiately a}ij)ert: >.mmgp to or nrce^.'iry fjr t!ie tritu^-niis-ion of any enclosed literary or liiti'ti • matter, hut exclusive nf^lasß in any ftnn. T!«i. Tijurifb and address of the sendrr may ;u)[iai' m th-- ;■ iVcr. ovi:Ku:.i» <:,<uunic i.. j No PfHtuwi.^tcT will he rccjuin.t fi v.-r-'-ivt; any ! book-jiacket ibr transmission by an ovir'.-.n.-i liiru'l, i; irom it-; weight or any other cause tin; packet appear calculated to retard the farrier. OIiOaBIE WARD, IWrnask-r-fJeueral.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 201, 31 July 1862, Page 6

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ENGLISH EXTRACTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 201, 31 July 1862, Page 6

ENGLISH EXTRACTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 201, 31 July 1862, Page 6


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