'"'■•':,■-■■'■.', "'■'■ ■'■ " . ■■"' ;'"|!^A~ "Province ) :' "' '"■"• ' ''"' " .'■'•:-'.".'uJ ■•■'■'. o f .'( " ■■:■•■•■■■■• :.-... .-I . ..i l« Jl.Jj»» 'Cantefbury^'y ■';•-,> '."•';.'.:..- '■['.'.' ' " ?"i jj'i'v A i"'>iJj ;■■'■ "' 'LICENSE TO deCUPT TOUTS'IJLTSI.JpB'jfc^ ;r-WiifeßEis' ■;-'' -1 of' •".'"'-; h'atb:l*eii< ] fllti^de- ■ aretirthe:'tiiirchpser' for thes«m! oi'i:'•'■? t'i"vpttvM, ■•". <.:&ss i tghillincsyiandt >•■ •ianu liatli:this "day paid'tb "&'■'■'* ■•'ja:?tli*'3'pensi(ieilf pf^ne Waste Lands Board «f the Province »t CantWitlry. the said fnlrn'otrETAllDlpouildg. shillings, and Ji:).r-;!;pencej the receipt whereof » hereby *ckno-w----l ledged, Wow know *^l. x*Kriis*Nß! {CJnt»»
\viTKtut^,<^atcWej^in^^Uniiaiie(.- of tin; powers vostc<l in us as Commissioners of tlw airfWaste Lands Hoard, do hcrcliy autiioriss and empoivorMes'nidi* 't I ■.'his* heir*1."1- aksfgns. Sny tfme utyji the (late herefore, to enter upon all that section of land* situated in street. i« the town of marked. No. in tlis anthenticnted map of the said totfjrlm* fne'Crftwh Kinds Oiftik! iirui cbiitaininjr , acres, or thereabouts, b'jing the soction of and purchasprhaS raforfe*ritl';*and'rtO h'oloanu1 eujoy the .xtune for his and their absolute use and benefit Given under our hands<atfthe" sitting of the Waste Lands Board held day or i■. *' •■•• x - ;% '■ " SfcflEDitthj'B'.* ■" " '■ I Province ) '. ~;,0£,, ~ 1,-;.. : i: W .•:.,.. ..... .•,,:.,:-. ~> .» . A Canterbury,.)^ .-^ :.:■:.. /z£\Z'' : _;,.u %,..■./.' -ti- ! LICENSE TO OCCUifXiRURAf.'I.AVT).'-''"'-'- ----'-■^ 'Dr J' -r liatli been duly d<^- ! dared the purchaser for the sum of *-K*l , v :-- shillinsa,4i!wi;. r.. , pence,, of the sectionitherWastS Lhifd.*s\ the-Crown lfereitia'tterdea-i-Ml 1 '"'H .dW liaid f° V'" '■•'' "the. rn-easure?pf:Bj« Waste; Lands 1 Board of tire Province of Cat'ito^Hry* i the said sum of pounds,. shiUini&'aruf -^■r i:"'perfftS;"tftfc-rec&!p>t-%iiei-&)fis hereby acknowledged, Now KNOW ALT.- MliN 4t&'»—xil-HSE niESHSTS. jyitoes's, that We, "ill piftjiiauce oF&x ■pQß'ei^yyestcdJiU Us .'as...Commissioners !otV.ttie. idhi j Y^te&mjls Bpand", do;lici-eby\autliotise,iind«mp64-eic t the said ' his heiis or assigns, at anytime afi'cS j theila.teJlOKoof^tDieute)>. upomaHAihat section of land ■situate and bounded as hereinafter'described!, ttiai^Sko isav.'uvT r«nd.t6.hold..aHd-to~enjov;iirei«amei?or " ; lnjuntf flijeli' itwjliice'ivs^iiiia nelwi. ! th^*jess vt6-tiic, Rfe£ntiatMts!>Sw' '-iiL'ibrce .for' "tlie sKK lett*m'^ilispoait,';!i!td:.~(iccifp^tii>fi; of* Qiiryv*^«iXilaiS1 ,of the e}^w'ai'\H{iri»Jt!re<| >f'6yiifce."Gf CahterWry." '"*'"' Glvenv'nntfer oili* uhVtds' ar Vlio Witting .? of the Waste Lamb Boaitl, held ..._* it*. .k -cats-.* iU- on the- t'^i :K^:;r jj,~L«r^:-.- .»>{ *. wcdayiolj^.Y.-■?;.;.:.:.- v ; ;-;;18:>vi:.n ii SCH^BCfcE C. Province *~ )•> ■ lJ '■ ' U Canterbury. ) •*••'>.* «,^*« . XI.CENBK XO-DJiPASTU-UB -STOCK.' Whereas * \ *"qi 1'1, ;■* '' liath'been duly decKimMo^b^'eiftftJe* t»Ti ;.Hceh% to* depifsrer^ ;*&&* upon tlio Waste,Lfl!ilsiofitfe<Si<o\vn the ProyinjßS.o£.Caiiterh"ui'j/fi i£p6ii- tl?e rtwavs -iaiHl?'lipbii;tlil? conditions' hereiiiaftcy we^tiouxid :I Now therefore We, in pursuance ofJJic.p^veiy.yciilcdiiu^us as Co:niiiii sionets of the Waste Lands Board to tile said Pro vince, ; dojier r ej)yjgrant tq. tiie'snid-.^as A i , c.S the exclusive' HeeuseyjVdiit.ana attoi^ffle date hereof, until the first day of May- nextj to depasture stock upon the land sUuate, pji'd, bounded as heivinufter described^tliat^..(3?sijjr—. u ;,.; „;,. v llan«lcontaining ■ acr§s,,px thjeri!iiDoVit^; 4 :>.Bubjeet Jieverthelessto all the niwsiona and ftjiidit^nA^ijijfcyjuiiK hv:tri'Cwaste,lauds'llegulati(Jusnbw"in focceiwiSiiL tH^li^^^^^w-y:'';^l^;^,^;^ (Jiv^rfuiufer.Qtii'-iKtiicls ai, clie'sittihcj""!".f"'.'. "-•-^vii ":L of ilie WiwteXauds'-Bppa^hel*! " ' 'J-. '. .• "^-j , Endorsemenx,,,:.^;.;'""" " I, the witliin-nained ' lor yalagble consideration to." me ;paid by of ' "" : dflj Ju;itli.S transferto the said' ' the within wfittfca Pasturage License,' and all,my estate and interest therein, i^' '"".". " WitnesTmy hanil this H'y'ot 18 Witness ■ , ; - . ..APPENDIX . Clauses' 35 rind 43, wfiich were repealed by the Waste Lands lici/iilationx Aiiumdmant Ordinance, Sess: Vll.',' ,No. 2, 1856, originally •' ; stood as follows :— '; . . 35. No section of rural landshall b6 sold containing less than twenty acres j..-provided- that -any section so limited by tiwitage lines or private lands as to contain less than twenty acres may be sold by auction at the upset price of forty shillings per acre; the time and place of sale, and the mode of sale 'and payment of pui'chase money to be-as nearly :as may be in accordance with the regulations.rhercin contained^ applicable to the sale of Tp^yn Land.:. ... .-.- ---43. If any person shall at any.time have madeg^n^ completeidat Ins own cost any public road or bridgi. or any public main drain, or any part of such ; ro/id, bridge;-or drain,- suclfperson'shallj upon'applieStfon to tlw Waste Lands Board, be entitled to a irdiojra'ni ofrurallatid in such situation as1 he shall selepr,-."suui ject ■to > the ■ conditions tis to form' and'; frontagb" m these' regulations contained, to such -'an 'iextgsft Board.shall adjudge] not exceeding^one acrCtS-eVwy four pounds sterling which he shall proWto the satisfaction oftlic Waste Lands Board that-he-shall have jictually expended 4n the- constructi(Sh..!o¥-such roadjbridgßjror drain. ■: > ■-! : ' d"',?"~ "7, . ProviV:!, always that it shall be ptteW tattne satisfaction of the Board that thc:money.s6,'exp*e*uded by theapplicantrlins'been beneficially Hip^WeiX^tor lie-use and advantage of .the: public:'- -^r<ii\-idßa^alrj hat no application for less than' twerftyiJacriSftiffill be ireceivod iihder;thisl-clausej .but'th'atiWh^ro"ailv amount of: compensation awarded by .'fife .'tfSaßl^slmD be of a less amount :thant twenty; acifefjp'^lanffj.rifie party/entitledmay pay the balance iif£/:asr'up'o\i^£lJe same" terms; as .other applicants';toi'pnlrelinse ruM lands under these regulations.-; I ■.ttii- >v * u~4- ,y£. Clauses 67 and 68, which were repealed by prdcut~ motion of the Governor, dated \&th Ajiniist, zlßs6j:published in the Prdvin&ft'Gowriwteiit teinber, 1000, orujtnuuy stood as Jollows: — 67. Holders of pasturage licenses .with pre-emptive right in .connection 7 with puriSuttseVf faU"l!/.whether under the Cro*k, shall be entitled to claim: pastmftM^fcen^'pv'ertfie lands included therein upon tile*1 te^ij^ o^^h'esfi'i^dlationsj with a pre-emptive'fight "6tep"siDfeh taiffiflo be exercised subject to T these jjeg-i^ations as regards notice of application, paynigjs ipVs<B>'Ssit and purchase money,* price of land r- iffl}y.j size and shape of blocks. T If "the, land,: coviregjjW: Rug,h BSfe-cnlpttve right' shall beincluded .wnhn^flieilimitji o.f ; fl,Jun yby by license under clauses pff aafl. tiytvtofc on paying.reirit for tlie sarn/>>* nijiy, jtMft-crptlJtjbyjh* amount'paid 'b'yhim; in jj^pecjt.jpF jljin^cßt^roAlby such'pre-emptive'ii'Mit. . ■ • - .aaiiiisij^ .6J. Noihing.Jn,Jhese-Rcg^tion^§haJJ.,bft-jntßrs preted to affect the" legal; ri^nfeW yqnltaifle*ji6lftracts made by the- Canterbiify i2tssaSiatibTifc ot ;>tlle!itiqYia-rf>-ment with holderad£lMipEtj^agjt'-fi^fieTOeßi'.ButS. anypersonholding.SsJ*een^ft«p3iea tHeiefflaerbury Association ',h,pr;; theritQpsejnmfijiift gHalliivolmihu-il resign the same .toi.tHeji^oyfirntneijtj l i&isb^lifie-erf' titled to receive aj lifienai© uij.deikihfiie Jti^gnlatiohfc and shall from the date of.fiw;}i : K*ciijilige.-JiQJ(i,lusasiui at the rate and oji^tlw if specified in these Regulations. ; : Clauses Nos. 3»5g%;:<5K6j5' (BfflVStfkich*^ ■ Amcnd»iiih# uGpdindniy;' J&M'*lgspftG- jr. 6riffindll§ istt3(Sdht^'f6Uin6^:^~ '-. 83. Immediately on the. payment of the purclnißl money in fuft, yQie'TOrcliifeer iis3iair receive from the Commissioners a '*xicieiise''W'Ocoupyi," in the form set forthin:SitPßcW^.fia*<A.hereto^.annexed,, which.he shall retuni aggjn ft? ths' Comimssipjers iis-hen^ Ite shall receive the' Crown Grant of the Land. J^gft " License ,toi," f gpoHPv."; v s|a!J bg,ta-a^%B^jle by endorsement, m'thgfcragseg; &sgmjfne Schedule. 51. The fei^jajT-siiEaig to the Treasurer of the Waste.L^{pißf3aj;ft;ic ?i<TFJii5; cSrj.jS advance; for the first yearronrthe issue-.of-jhexljce«se, fQc\tbe second-Sh^^e^Subse^htiJte'ap'W-tli? •fiftt'te £ May;;^anVi%vi3ryl.^astuAg<si'Hceiise!i!i'iSt ■*BHewea tbs payment'oMHe-'jieqHiceu fee'; otf HhpfirstyJii'jt'Af *fts shall/tmleife gboil tmdm^r^rf^isiisj^cP. the adtafaetroM d^he 1 W&te"'*Baflaiiß(iffa.-a ) Hl3e*«S)fiik dered'ii»%aßdfo*ea.'*'J »^;» ■**■*?•s^^ti^m u~; r-.lS&Oßfety |«^tyfaS* iteeifeeS'isl^flte^mHijUSM set forth" in the Schedule C herein %ittß6xed? StfiiiSall be?transfbi^le-by*n^iß«^tr:mt^^ortri!&t-%-th inifta'SeliediaS!; ai^va^t^rititlg^tl^hoMeia-Bfltt& exclusive ri^^oiipi^i^ge^feiQfelßuto^spdHMlfi iai(^B,iUßQßji* tgrjlsja^ve^ta^llirjjiiiM^dW fcj»at gU%tt<"e i W<i^Ui*ibe^^'^bte,Aojn^yefeßjo xc* until - the land" sp ecified-therehj^ sliay gTaßtcd^iftrMseasiiW^ffcr tthese -Seguiaiions: and rfSB/^nSipredi. tf)6FdS eflj?» te,lßMiact..9f .^icb li(»ilses:'shiul^alibß-.m",toWi't^tii'the*^irt--of;-M^ XWds SuCh Jiceh^e 'aplKfeiye no"*rMit^fo t^ie%pi-|z to the^im^»to#Mftan«ihiHftdiaWgii«etiS»ninc S4e any land -which mtf^ *be«pnW>hjised, granted, or reBervWliUnd^these'BegiJtetiQjitfHw^reto^atiieirt^fit of way shall be allowed lSntoj^h all pasturage runs. 6o.^«e-i'a^pJfcaa*"*r'*Wyf»jruf»l in ■fal^jreieteptlyeMg** BJi^l*t»^ w^tb^eafefirer ?f %licVWa^*'W|wß B^jtt^jiiriit^aWito^cpfer***} 6J'«ie j>^ch^i*^ey^^4^*^j>qn«^ ShWJ dot* *f lji«-ittpj»licntiijfe Iwvngtgrstjttiai o^*Mi«ijs»cli«dj]^)B|t''-! B^cfi^^pG^lf however, Bhaß»iJe^ii»ni6dißt«rjtnetuwa«d ©ft-d&wswC "ii'theiholdeF of">tl(eiipiie-*mptiy« vighV^^l p&iMase any portion of the land applied fed^u^isM. iioijj mat ■'- 66. If^ghpld^^^^^^^jg^ decide nponpnrchasmg fata'poi*ion&vtW and applied for, ■fie shall forthwith?!p ta^ ito*tK*fTfrtSsurer of the Waste Lands Board a deposit of-4s,^per acre of the purchase *°n|y <»f sush iPrtigi; an* if stall ant vAhursifc weeks thereafternave paid the remainder of the jSuI--71. All paymefeiaStsJttißcdßia&slAf pasturage run shall in future be madnaniihe first uy «f May, at the Xi^i^^ijftiifihrJatfltojijfeiM^tJtoi^asta Lands Board shall sif at tbatpia«eibr the Treasure
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 162, 23 May 1862, Page 7
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1,183SCHEDULES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 162, 23 May 1862, Page 7
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