~'B'^^rovmTf'rSi'V'.' (2T;"!ftoihep7ohn ; Bronarcl, Nicholas, (2) : Bruce, John ; Buchanan, C. ; Buck, Joseph, (2) ; Burr. Jesse .-"Bullock. Duncan ; Buriey,_ ""Jontiston7W"rßu"i:ns r,"Williaui :'TTiirnell,"~vVilliam ; Bvers, Robert, (2) : Byrne,Daiiiel. ■'*<v—Calhnan, John ; Camtny, : Speer ; Campy, Hciiry ; Cameron, Alexander ; Campy, U. (2) ; Campbell, William.; Campbell, Archibald ; Casey, Christopher ; Carey, Matthew, (2) : Carpenter, Thomas ; Carr, William : Caulfield, William ; Charman, Mr. ; Chard, W. : Chambers, Geo. ; Chester, John ; Chisholm, Duncan, (2) ; Clayton, Henry ; Clecson, 1 Danici ; Clingan, Thomas ;" Clifford, , Win. A. ; Cluness. George ; Cochran. Alex. S. ; Coghlan, Thos. ; Cogan, John : 1.-olqiihoun, John ; Collesou, F. ; Coleman, I!.. ; Collins, Connor, (2) ; Coleman, Geo. ; Conlan, Tiiomaa ; Condon, Patrick ; Connoly, Peter : Connor, James ; Cooper, Herbert ; Cook, ■Sampson ; Cooke, W.H. ; Corbel, Francis ;. C'ovicklang, Thomas ; Coulsworth, John ; Coupland, Mr. ; Coultie, John ; Cowan, S. M. : Cox, John ; Cox, Joseph Brew, (2) : Crawford Paul ; Crawford, .Jas. ; Croatian, John ; Crowcher, Joseph, (2) ; Cnim, Martin.
•• D-^Dalton, Charles; Dal ton, Win.'; Daly, Michael ; Daley, John ; Darrity, Thos. 11. ; Dawson, James (2) : Dawson, John :*Dealey, Michael; Deloree and Brown ; Delaney, Henry ; 'Desserrataz, Mrs. Marie ; Diamond, Patrick ; Dinnes, John ; Disney, J. S. ; Doneeri;-William', senr. ; Donelly. James (2); Dossett, R. T. : Douglas, James; Douglas; John ; Dove, Henry; Drayton, Samuel; Duff, Paterson; ■Daggett, Mr. ; Duin, Lawrence ; Dunn, Hugh : Dungey, J. ; Dunn, James; Dunn, Lawrence ; Duncan, James; Duncan, A. .. ■
E—Kasson, Peter IC. ; Ellington, Robert (-2) ; Edmonds, W. : Eewin, Thomas ; Elder, John ; Elliott, Mr. ; Elliott, T. 13. ; Ennis, Henry; Entwistle, Henry; Envin, Thomas; Evans, David. F—Faden, W ; Fahey, Patrick ; Fairweathor, ..C. ; Falon, John; Farley, John; Farrel, John; Feeham, Michael (2) ; Feighara, Joseph; Fell, John ; Fenley. William; Fergreson, James; Ferguson, Richard; Ferguson, James. (2); Finey, Jolih (2>; F'nilev, William (2); Finegan, John ; Firbank", Thos."; Fish, James ; Fisher, William • Fitch, Isaac; Flovd, Patrick; Flanders, George; Fletcher, Archibald;* Foley. W. T. ; Fordyce, T.; Fornby, Robt.; Francks, Wm. ; Francis, Henry, (2); Free, .Wm.; Frost, Richard; Fulshar, Mr. •'G- Gabbeney, Mr. ; GalFney, W. T.; Gallagher, Denis; Gannon, Richard; ilardner, Edwd. (2) ; Gavin, Martin; Geary, William (5); Gibson, John Walker; Gilchrist, Frederick; Gilbert, H. J. ; .Glynn,-Michael; Godbehear, W. T._<3); Goldsmid, Henry; Goodwin, Joseph ; Goss, William ; Gough, Geo.; Graham, John Shaw; Gray, Robt. (2); Gray, Alexander (2) ; Graeic, Hugh (2); Green, Israel (3); Greathead, Geo. (2); Griffiths, Benjamin ; Groves, Thomas; Guilfaye, Philip; - Gtiiriovieh, Mariano ; Guive, James.
ll—Hauman, Henry; Hague, Samuel; Halls, Albert (2) ; Hall, John; Hall, Henry A. ; Hall, Samuel ; Hammond, W. C. ; Hamilton, John ; Handcock, Richard; Harkison, J. ; Hargreaves, Joseph; Hardwadge, Andrew; Hardiman, Hugh ; Hardy, John (2); Hardwicke, Andrew; Hare, Thomas; Hardofels, Otto ; Harris, Richard G. ; Hartley; William ; Hauleston, Adam ; Hawkins, W. H. ; Hnyes, Geo. W. ; Hayes, James : Hern, John : Hebditcii, Geo. ; Heir, James (2): ' Henry, J. G. ; Henwood E. ; Henniges, Fritz ; Henwood, Chas. ; Herget, Mr. ; Herrich, P. ; Hessel, Thomas ; Hetlierington, J. Little; Hewlett, C. H. ; Hickey, Thomas; Higgans, John; Hill, Lott; Hissock, W ; Hogan, Thomas; Hoig, Andrew; Hblway, John ; Hooper,. Thomas ; Hopcraft, Joseph ; Howell, Geo. ; Howe, Patrick (2) ; Howard, James ; Howard, William ; Hubbard, Edwd. (2); Hudson, J. ; Hughes, John ; Hughes, Martin ; Humphries, John (2) ; Hunter, W.*E. (2); Hunter, Robert; Hurley, John ; Hurley, Matthew.
I and J—lnglis, Robt. B. ; Irwin, Martin ; Johnston, Christian ; Johnston, Erick ; Johnston, Daniel ; Johnson, Arthur (2) ; Johnson, Mr. ; Joice Mr.; Jones, John (2) ; Jones, J. B. ; Jones, Danl. P. ; Jones, J. John ; Jones, Frederick. K—Kay, Robert : Keating, Michael (2); Kearney, Edwin; Kean, John; Keasey, Maurice; Kelly, James (2) ; Keliy, R. ; Kembro, Edwin John ; Kennedy, Daniel ; Kenny, Patrick ; Kirkpatrick, Robfc.; Kilroy, James ; Kilkenny, James; Kinshelle, Con. ; Kirkwood, Mr. ; Kitchen, Mr. : Knight, Geo. W. (4): Knight, Kirk; Krause, Edward;'Kroon, J. C. L—Laing, Geo. ; Lamont, Kenneth : Lamb, James; Lam.ate, Mr. ; Lang, Francis : Lane, Geo. ; Lawton, James: Lawson, William (2); Lawrence, James ; Lawrence, John : Learey, Timothy ; Lee, Robert; Lees, James; Lee, William; Lei, Lorany P. ;. Leishman, Robert; Leitch, Walter : Lemp.itre, Charles (2) ; Lennox, Adam S. ; Lett, C. ; Lewis, Thomas M. ; Lewis, Thomas; Living, Thos. Joseph; Lock, James : Longford, William : Longmire, Thomas ; Low, James; Loveless, Wm. ; Lucia, F. ; Lutherman, Francis ; Lyons, Alexander (4) ; Lynch, Geo.
M—Maher, Patrick ; Maher, Martin ; Mais, Winchester : Maitland, J. P. (3) ; Manley, Thomas; Manton, Mr. ; Martin, Wm. ; Martin, Patrick ; Martin, Henry ; Martin, R. ;" Martin, D. C. ; Martin. Archibald : Massey, John (3) ; Mastermin, Alfre 1 : Masters, W. ;.. Mathews, John James; Mathaman, G. ; Mathews, J. ; Manger, Charles; Meat in, James : Melvin, Wm. ; Mentiplay, Wm. (3); Menan, James; Milton, Wm. : Missen, Geo. ; Mitchell. James Moir ; Mitchell, David ; Mitchell. Hugh ; Mitchell, Richard ; Morgan, Joseph ; Moscript, Robert: Mulquing, Edmond; Murray, William ; Murphy) John ; Murray, Joseph ; Murphy, Daniel. Mc—MeArthy, A.; McClean, G. ; McCole, John; McDonald, M. R. ; McDonald, John ; McDowell, Robt.; McGettrick, Thomas; McGuinness, Joseph ; McGuinness, Louis; McGrath, Francis; Mcllardy, J.;. Mcllrath, James; Mclnnes, John; McThtyre, Colin; McKay, James; McKay, William; McKee, Hugh; McKenzie, George; McKenzie.. John; McKewen, James; McLean, Alexander; McLean, Niel; McLeod. William ; McLeod, Roderick ; McLeod, Donald ; MeManes, Jolm : McMillan, Wm. ; McMillan. Duncan ; McNaught, Duncan ; MeNeish, Archibald ; MePhee, Wm. ; McPherson, Neil; McQueen, Angus; Mcßae, John; McPhe, Finlay ; McNamara, P. N & O—Nelson, William ; Newton, J. R. ; Nextlent, Writer; Nicholson, Roderick; Nicholson, Robert; Nicholas, Thomas; Nishon, Pat.; O'Brien, Owen ; O'Brien, Simon; O'Connor, Terence; O'Connor, D.; O'Donoghuo, James; O'Hobrien, B.; Oliver, Misv Elizabeth; Osborne, Henry; O'Sullivan, Patrick ; O'Shaanessy, Michael ; Ou'tram, John. P—Parsons, Robt.; Patridge, Geo., Patterson,,Wm.; Paxton, Edwin; Peapell, Joseph; Peacock, William; Pearce, John ; Peol, George ; Pemberton, John ; Perry, T. R.; Pescot, N. R.; Petterson, Chas.; Peters. Thomas; Philp, Robert; Philips, Thomas, (2); Pluruiuer, George ; Pollard, Thomas; Potter, Abraham; Pugg, Joseph ; Pywell, Mr, ; Pugh, Edward; Purdy, Robert, (3). Q —Qankermis, Josh; Quinn, James; Quinlioau, Pr.trick.
R—Ramsdale, Joseph ; Raine, John ; Rainshurry, Thomas ; Rainbow, George ; Head, Sam. ; Reed, Wm. Archer; Reed, James; Redmond, James; Redin, Patrick; Rennison, Robert; Rerrigan, John; Revian, John ; Reycraft, Joseph ; Richar is, David ; Rikaids, A. ; Risk, William ; Robertson, John; Robb, William; Robertson, Magnus; Roberts, Alexr. ; Roberts, Thomas; Robinson, Charles; Rodgers, Andrew R. ; Roguson, Thomas; Rogers, Antony; Rondelson, Thomas; Ross, David; Ross, Thomas : Ramsey, Henry ; Ryan, Denis. S—Safe, James; Sanders, William ; Saudwith, Samuel: Saunders, John; Scott, Joseph ; Scott, Alexander; Schlam, Hurman ; Scoles, John ; Sciiver, .John W. ; Seamer, James; Seton, II.; Senling, Jacob; Sliae, Timothy; Strannon, John ; Shields, John ; Shannold, Henwood P. ; Sompton, Isaac; Sinclair, Charles; Sinclair, John, (2); Sirguntinic, M. ; Sitlington, Geo. D. ; Skey, W. R., (3); Skitch, John ; Slinge, Isaac, (2); Small, D.; Small, Westwater ; Small, W. T. ; Smart, Jolm W. ; Smith, Charles; Smith, lidward ; Smith, John R.> (2); Liuith, Jonas; Smith, S. P.; Smith, William; Soister, J. B. ; Southerland, Hugh; Sowlter, James; Spaulding, Mr. ; Spelman, Pat. ; Spencer, Alexander ; Spolander, John; Spolander, J. IL; Stewart, Charles; . Stewart, Alexander; Stephens, Edward; Steenholdt, Fens L. (2); Steel, John; Stewart, John; Stevens, Mr, ; Stoker, John; Stoker, John J.; Strong, R. ; Stuart, Charles; Sullivan, Jeremiah ; Sullivan, Danl. M-organ (2); Sutherland, William ; Swift, Lawrence.
T—Taylor, Mr. ; Taylor, Daniel; Tearney, Phill; Tennaitty, R. ; Temruter, Julius ; Thredgold, A. ; Thomson, Alexander; Thomson, Thomas; Thorp, John W. ; Thorp, David ; Thomas, Evans ; Thomas, David; Tippet, Thomas (2) ; Tim-.ns, George ; Ticehurst, Edward ; Tod, John ; Trevaskis, .Humphrey ; Tredale, Edwin ; Turner, Richard. V—Valentine, John ; Valentine, James Thomas; Vennik, Peter; Veal, James S. ; Virrell, John; Vorter, Geo.
W—Wade, Joseph (2); Walker, John ; Walsh Martin ; Walton, Henry ; Walker, ' John ; Walter, F. ; Ward, John; Watson, Robinson; Watkins, John (2) ; Watson, John ; Watson, William ; Watson, David; Watson, Charles ; Watterson, Mark; Webb, George (2); Weir, Thomas ; Weir, Joseph; Wey, John) White, Luke: Whitaker, Henry; Whittingdon, Leonard; Whitehead, Robert; Whit-, bourne, James; Wiggins, Thomas; Wilde, G. W. ; Wilson, Andrew (3); Williams, Reuben; Wilson, -Gabriel; Williams; John ; Willison, John ;. .W.»ham*pn. Jobn;.WjJsop, John: ,A\ling,.-,Gha&- M^-'.Jm«-i ovevH-;',- t«&mahV^-rr"\V6rtri'ingl(3>, A l*fS&»L. WRglit;* William ;" Wriglrt; John; Wftght- ;ftrj<F "" Y-.' Yates," James; Y^&m^lQ^mi Youe,-p£ Th0ma5.*..,',.....»' •..„... „ r :' vT.~.'"",",". /•U.^.tk.'j K., mT fi.\'~ry-* rJ*:tri;.*'tfßD.- '.hjawk'Jns, ~"."."'.?."'.? v'r"r:."'."r:.rr ",.%' Postmaster. ■ 'x^\m^^iMtfU±i^-.: i*h ";'- '---• --'--' Applicantsfor the above are requested: -to- ask ififc.' .y»*e».ot-thesP4s6^^c«> %V&i&<tmnc% «f iatdciimcdi 4ett©r«,^i^d^^n«^*ftii^--for*th'emi^regßlii»l»tiA>: ■ sfe^vlie^th§st-MpeaS4«tt«*S;fWißJ'?a£id jtaiAlyAi aijjj '•lafwiiSifcle**vv-Sieh)ii*y4eild^t*^reife^san3iuiiiie(!es-. '- ■•' '■• .^i'Jjm&MiX&Z* A .u-jitt iiu.*^:- j« -v.-" s. f.:.-, ■ -. ;... •-.. H-.-^..;-»'*-«vt'ii-?.-*-.-'•:.-- j; ■»>•■-.-■ .£«ir«ir S»vatK4rt'j*sKCftiVve, ;;•„ ■■■ . '--ji-^w «i ?i •-■<:"•— '--■> Vtf "i ,"I--.'.:. ;•.:... .-..■,-/"•? ..SI '■ ,'V.''--,.J.,'!..«
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 76, 12 February 1862, Page 3
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1,274Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 76, 12 February 1862, Page 3
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