OvKUTitiimv of Tit!-. Coirxcir. or HKOKNcr, ami E.KiXirTiOX Of TilKliE MISISTGIIS. (From the Argus' own Correspondent.) | ' Shanghai, Nov. 25. We lieve been slartloil within Ihc hist few days v.iUi news from Pekin, iMinounciiifr the .seizure and execution of three Ministers umlnr ilie new rsiiims, ;is trail iva to theii1 kiivr ami country. From the nceouii's {.riven in the Ce/ctn Gti-tttc. of thy ailair, it would apne-.u- 'hat !h'.->e men, hiu-ii in autiiiirity, have been fieceivimv the Litf; Emperor, with repird to the relations of Allies towards iiis person and yoveninioiit, utter tiie occupation of the capital. Ilien Funjf was exceedi:i;;ly anxious to leavoliis frigid mountain retreat ami reiurn to Pokin. hut tlk-se Ministers deterred him i>ut;ing !;ij desires into effect, by gross sabtet'fu.ues, which his brother Prince Ktuig and his widowed Kmp^ss have found out ; and they attribute the deatii of the King- to tiie bitter coldness of the region where he breathed his last. Apparently the lady is of nioie. than ordinary spirit, ami she boldly accused them to her advisers ofiicctjlerriting the death of the Emperor, which, according to the lsiw.s of China, is treason, dealii—voluntary, by scli'-st.-ampliation with a silver cord, or involuntary by decapitation in pul.lic. Two of the delinquents had the felicity of i!■ >i.;g o:il of L'xisU'iiei- by !h.;ir own bunds, w!-,ii ■• :'-..-' 'iiird w:i > bt'.na.led at the place of public execution. ii.'iore this saiisruinjirv a<'i ofieiribuiivejustiee was pyr.'oruiod. the young- KnijKTor made a six <! ivs1 :!i-oi!res« j'ro;u Zil'.ol. tvhevc h\» father died, lo'i'i'liin, ihe roi-tiijc i:eiiig f'oildV'ed up by the i\m.dii-3 of Mian Fini.a. It. so happened that the chio.' traitor, [lie I'i;nce of Lsai-yuen, was in charge of the body of his late master, and on reaching the end of hi* journey he was seized by a squadron of TurUir cavairy. and incarcerated in the city. The otiier two obnoxious members ot Ihc Regency w-.-re .»eiit on a false mission into Pe-kin. lo make il;e necL'Ksary preparations for the instailiition of the i>oy Ivnjieror. Tiuy were also imprisoned in the city. The day afterwards the pfocession ent'jicd tiie anyidiit northern cai.'itnl of China, and the pe^p'e, i;i iheir quiet, snhdued ■o it;, cried. " Long iiv.; tile Emperor." On the following day the aliegjii traitors were tried by a sjieeiai coiirl of liumiry, and fi.und guilty, nf'ier uui' cvjiisideratioii 'i'lioir crimes {;ouhl only-be expiated by de.iili, so she .Princes -and i\Wiiii-l:iva, were pro.-(>:ued with silver cords to strangle tiiemsei-. i-s wivii, which they deliberately performed iii tVi;1 tlungeons, a;ni ti:e I'riiice of f.-i.'ti-yuon was dy.-iipiiaii'ii. On the seventh day a'Aer all this parguiimry hu;-.iiiess ti;e Prince Kun;;-, brother to llie la:e, and uncle to tiie pre-M'.-ntKmpt'i'or, wusderl'; cii IU-gerit—an announcement which liiiS g veil •-•atisKicfioii io id!, particularly as he I.-1; iiiiisr fVii.-niily io intercourse with foreign nations. On t!ie othoi1 hand, the disgiaced dead luomiiers of the la;.e C-zUiu-.i! of Ke-gi-nev were iiiir.'iig iliose who pertii-ivsiled vrea'.'l'.en)us pr:i?ce ling wlicn Mr. l\irkes ami others were :;iWa:u under a ilng of truce,an 1 then lortured, when several «li_tl iti f.lie most frightinl agony, anmng tlu:;) being Air. Bowlhy, tiie J'inms' eorrespoiv.ient. THE CAVOUM OF HUN'GAIIY. A letter from I'resburg- in the Piesxe gives the foliowii'.g sketch of K. Deak : — 3-Vaneoi-f I<eal-:, who was born in ll'O'i, ii the HiU of a I'ounirv i'-entiemiin ; his mothc-r died in e'nihiliC'.l, iuV tU:he;- very shortly after. It wa.s his broilier Aniouie, his senior by twenty year.', w!;o broi\_ht 1,-im up. lie displayed in i.-:trly yoitsii emuislcri.ble naturiil talent. His conversation wa . aniimtted ; of a rare jmrity of im'.UiK:,1?, lie ohscrved t'nc most delicate reserve when in liitj pi';.' of ladies, wititotit however ! carry-'iig it to t!:e extent of jirudery. His corpulency, which makes him appear shorter than he reaily is, his rough black hair, his Sow but ample brow, n short straight pointed nose, long I (.'lun, a thick nioiirtaciv:! almost wholly covering the )i;>, a:) 1 Ir.-j.'e aud ruddy cheeks, altogether give him a vulgar appearance. But when lie j speaks and is aniiiKitc-il his countenance becomes lighted up with :he :;;>.t;-I: of i:ite!!ige:iee, his eyes ure bright, m:J >■.!.•! ::u\':lj Li iroiiie;'.' hul" not bitter. At five o'clock in ilia morning I\l. Dt-ak is sure to be seen commend;:^ hU long walk, dressed witli scrupulous neatness, with ;i black coat and while waistcoat, aiid carrying a large cave. lie is a declared enemy to all unnecessary labor —a letter from him is :\s :rnv as it is precious. Hut it si only at interval■•• :'i.;r Ik1 indulges in th'n love of repose. In iSii mvi i 043 we havo sewi him at work iying on hi.; back, for ten hours oat of the twentv-fimr, drai.'.'j!i;r up lh.'criminal code, ami tliiit jjoingon wilhout res: from day to day. His evenings are ]>a:-:sed :v: the Cercle, smoking and delighting his friends by his briiiiant and animated conversation. in the Chamber, where he keeps himself aloof from parly intrigues, he .speaks little, hut never without producing a great sensation. It'attacked, he replies with bitterness and violence ! His ir.-gmnauts arc overpowering, lie doytj not amuse himself with flowers of rhetoric, and never quits the field until he has overpowered his enemy. His voice is not pleasing being harsh and somewhat husky. On these occasions he is cruelly positive and irresistible, lie is, howjver, afilteted with a real itiiirmily ; to listen to pl.itiiu.jj; even for a very xhort time gives him a fVighuul headache. One of the mos. noble traits iv bis character is his straightforwardness. Thus the people call him "ilie jiut one " —neither mnreuor less than Aristides. In 181-3 the Government determine 1 to defeat his election at any price ; his friends thought it right to use the same weapons, anda combat unequalled in Parliamentary annals followed. He came oil' with the honors of war, but soon afterwards resigned, as he would not sanction any corruption by his example. In 1348 he formed part of the Ministry of Count BaUhyaui, for the Department of, and the Diet deputed him, in company with the Count and the Bishop Souvasis, to go to the camp of Marshall Wiiuiisehgratz to attempt a last- arrangement with Austria. The l'rince did not receive them, as he would, not treat with rebels. Count Batlliyaiii was put under arrest, ami tiie two oilier deputies of the Diet under tiie surveillance of the police. Deak could not, therefore follow tha Hungarian Government to Debreeziti, and he remained at Postli during the War of Independence. At the time of tiie Bach Minislry fiiil powers were ofibred to lii-.n for the organisation of justice. Great embarraasnisnt existed between the abolished Hungarian laws and tiie unpopular Austrian code. Deak frankly refused to assist the foreign Administration, and continued to lead a solitary and retired lite at lteth on an annuity which *he received from Szechenyie family in payment for estates which he had sold to them. At liio present Diet, soina agents of the revolutionary parly, being jealous of an eloquence capable of cclip.iing even that of Kossuth, endeavoured to raisu a suspicion of his wish for n reconciliation with Austria at any price. The majority remained firm for v moment, but his first adJiv:.:;", disfigured by the Viv.ndy amendment, was unanimously re-established, and the second enthusiastically accepted, as you are aware.
iJ'J.f.uvGr.ixG i;.vfiusn. —There is an individual in Quiney Market, doing business,' who is down on customers who do not speak properly.
' Wlint's eggs this morning V says a customer, 'Eggs, of course,' says thu dealer. ' I mean — how tlo they go ?' ' Go ?—where ?' ' Sho !' says the customer, getting up his fury,' what for eggs ?' ' Money, money, sir ; or good endorsed credit !' says the (ie.iler. • Don't you understand the English language, .sir?'says the customer. ' Not us you mix smd mangle it, I don't!' responded tho ogg merchant. ' What —is—the— jii'iee—per—dozen—for—your—eggs ?' 'Ah ! now yon talk,' said the dealer. ' Sixteen cents per dozen is the price, sir.' They tradod. 1 Good hiws grow out of evil acts.
11RGULA T T O N S FOR TItH DISPOSAL, SALE, LETTING AND OCCUPATION 01' Til X WASTE LANDS OF THE CKOW>" tN THI3 PEOVINCI-: OF CANTiaiBUKY: AS AVKM'KB. 1. A LL "Regulations now in force in the I'roXX viiicu of Canterbury for the salo, lotting, disposal, ami oecui>ation of the Waste Lamb (if the Crown arc hereby repealed. 2. All such Waste Lands shall, from ami after t lir: day on which three: Regulations shall come into force, be'sold, let. disposed of, mid occupied according to these Regulations, and not otherwise. 3. Every Act. which the Superintendent is hereby authorised or required to perform lie shall perform! solely in accordance with tlie advice of his Executive Council for the time being, and such advice shall be recorded on the minutes of the Council. II. —THE WASTE LANDS liOAItl). 4. There shall he established a Board to be called the Waste Lands Board, to consist of one Chief Commissioner, and. of not loss than two nor more than five other Commissioners, all of whom (except such one as shall be appointed to act as Treasurer) shall he appointed and be removable by warrant under the hand of the Superintendent. 5. One member of the Waste Lands Board shall also he the Treasurer thereof, and such member shall be appointed and removable by the Governor. 6. The Waste Lands Board shall sit nt the principal Land Office of-the. Province, at certain stated time* to be determined by the Superintendent, and shall also sit for r.pepial .purposes fit .such places and at :-.uch times as the Superintendent shall direct; of which sittings due notice shall he given in the Provincial Government Gazette, and one or more newspapersl published in the Province. 7. The Chief Commissioner when present, and in his absence then some member selected by those present at any meeting of the Hoard, shall preside thereat, and sliall have" a casting vote in all questions comimr before the Board. 8. All questions coming- before the Board shall he decided by a majority of "the Commissioners present thereat. !). All mnetinss of the Board shall he attended by at least three Commissioners, and shall be open to the public. '. 10. All applications for Land and for Pasturage and for Tinibrr Lieensrs shall, nfter hearing evidence when necessary, be determined by the Board at some sittinjr then of. 11. The Koard shall have power to hoar and determine all disputes between the holders of Pintur-aa-e and Timber License's respecting the boundaries of vims anil ;;i;fri-.-N,. an.-.l °h:il! have and exercise all the iiiHver* which niiiy b.> Inwl'ts-'v ha-! ::n;! I'XerriwvJ by any CoVririsfiY'ic-r of Crown Lands, uiu'ior Hie provisions of the "Crown 1/iH'is Ordinance, Si-ss. X., No. 1 •" and the "fVimii Lauds Extension Ordinance, fc'wsvXL, ?;<). 10." 12. A'! !!'O Ron-hie buf-inoss of the Land Drriartmenf shall br- trai.SKCii'i! by flic Ciiiof Con;i.iis.-:uu:T, rubj"c( to sucli rr-;irati(K'-S as may he made liy ilie Bm'.r,! iijTlmi !>--lia-f. , '
V.\. A honk to he called the " /.pn'ientiou Bnok" Flihil be Vcj't open duilrtff ofn"e hours at 1I1" Land Oiiiei1. in which til" nnrue oi' evei-y pcrsr.ti ilesirinp; to Hiiikemii appieiilioii to lht- BoaVu siiall !.'• \v::ttEU ill or.'er I y iii:n=eiff.r c.i;y prnon rlitly riiithoiised on hit- b.-ha-f.' And the Coiiimis-ioners sl-.a'l, during t!:.e sittitm-of the liar.;:], ro i-;;!f r )!!>■•! I'^'nui!l-'1 nil :i'»>'i'■•xtions in ihiM»n'cv in ivh->'i thr-y f-ha'l npTirar in tlie ni^'icjitio'i luiok. rrovi:h-^ tliat- if any pr.-wn slial' mil apjiear hiinspif or by some ]i:-rson duly authorised on hi; hehr.'f !>•• fore the Hoar.i v.-hen ca"(-d in hip turn, his app.Oitfcm slinl! b"';ii=T.i:«i>d uvt-'l hi^ naree shall npni ar a::T|iu iv thu Book in order. Provi.'u-d also tlip't.'if'tV'ti' or more p<T-=ons shai! nyip'y nt (lie same tiitiu. to' write tin.:- natni-s in the Ari)!;caiii>ii
Book the Ci-i.'f Covinri^'ovier .chail hi-acki-f ti'ir names, and sl:a!l iiiitinl rhe lvacki'i : and when I'ny shall at>p-ai-h-fcri' the Uro;-!, t':e Board shall (leferminfi the priovVy'-I lii'ht. to be hard by lot. And it sliiill not be lewfii' tin- thr> Iterr" 'o hear any atu.'Meation except such as shall he made iv accordance with this rrcu'iitioii..
14. The lUuivil s!:a:' keep tuie n'\i' dftailrd minutes of a!) applications made to thu Br-avti. ami ail di-cis; oni! thereon, ami of all sums of money paid to the Tvi asurer, and pcneviiily of ;il! the pruci^i-i'ii-.L'S if the Board ; and i-ueh itiii'iutes shall be sigi "-d hy nil 1.1 H-1 Coimnissioners prefput nt any meeting. And siicii minutes shall he open to the inspection of ;.l! !"-r?<ms desiring to inspect, tiie same, nt all rop'WisiVe hours, on pa.yinent. of tlie sum of two shillings am: s-x-vnce for every sucli inspection. lII.—fit'UVKVS. I^. Then-s.!:ii:ilM'r. Chi"f Fti'.-vt'.vor who i-lnll be nppointt-d aui! reni:ivi:!!'e by Wnrvs'.nt uiidrr the hsiiid of the Sit]ierii:rrni!i-'>i', mill ii^ n:;n.\ ( "ti^tiUit Surveyors as shall V.c ii(_eei-,.!iry, who fhi'.'l o" aiipisiufcd bthl reu'Oveab'e by the Superintendi'iif upon iiv.' recoininendaiion nf the Chisf iSurvi.-yor. 16. Ail suiveys shall hi; conducted in such manner as the Board hy atiy reguJafious to he n:a;.!e in that behalf shall cHv'ecr. IV.—THK f.ANI) HEVESUE. 17. All pnymeuts to be made in reived oflriv! s'lali be made to file Trcasiiri'r oi'the lioaid iiuviKg t}n: sitting thereof, and the Treasurer shall liitsvupnii give receipts tor the fa:ue. . 18.—By the- 62: id clause of the Coustifiilion Act the Governor is ,l iiir)i<.riji.'d a::i! n qith-*;i; ti= r-.-y out. oi' the revenue a:-isin;r fiiiiu t>ie disposal of the Waste Lands of the: <.Vi.",vr. a!! ihe c.)-'ts, charges, a 1 id expenses incident to the co!!< efioii. mauasiviiicnf, and n ceipf thereof; and iilsniop.'.v nut oft iir-snii! revenues such sums a shuli h. eouie payable ui-.i'ier cerlaiu other provisions therein coi:faiii.'ii. The Tre.-isurer of the "Waste I amis Board shall, fhvrefo;-e, ;;;,;,■ oi.ri.-.r'al! the funds coir ing into his htitids un.-ler fin-se r:-g't:!a- I tions all such sums for the alnive-miined purpws, in such mant^er and to such ]i(-iisous us th.- Governor shall direct. . : V.— POBT.TC KESEUVK--. 10. KeseiT«'r for ihe uses of the Provincial Government find for I.tin r jmblic imi-pose^ may, upon the reeomuieiniaiivu.oi'ihe Proviiicial!, !)■• nia;l'' by the SiiperiMTcViiienf; aivl "h:ul nor be abVna'fd from the spi-ci'i-'c i'r.'i)o.=es to which they shn'l hnve been severally ilri'icHtrd, ?-x<-cpt un-!(-r th.' p.-cvis-iotK of an Act of the General As-i-mbly, cut if 11. -,l \Un " Public Hi:sci-ycs Act, 18/54:" nad n t'v.V an-' routplete desciiiitii;!! of every fitch reserve and of Hi--1 purposes to wiiicli it shall have been dr'rcated shall, as snon'as-po.ssiljif after if shfi)' hr.vt' b: en injiile, be published in tiie (jovernn. cut Gnzi'Ht u'^i'iw Province, and set forth on t-n.'-aisthunticated maps in the Land Office. Provided that the f-uperintenileuf may, if the Provincial Council be not then sitting, temporarily ref-erve laud ti.r Mu-h purposes uutii the next session of such Council. • .
. 20. Hcseuve/'.tbr public hi-rhways, iiri:l!o-pat!is, and foot-paths, shall in-ma^e by the Supwiutcu.-lent, and sliail lie.set i'v\th, on the a'uiJli-iiti.cated !iia)>s in the Land OiHc ■. The SiipeniUenilciit and rhe-J'rovinciai Council may .by Oniinanco a'r.'r zli-.r liiir of any surii liighw.ays, bridle-paths, aiid foot-paths, and dispose of the l:intl tlipi.'ijtofin-i.' lised for t)#- Mime.
21. The I t)!.(perinteu.lciit may ti'inpw.'irily reserve' any land for tin,1 preservation or Fa'e of the timber thereon; but sucli hind may at any time cease to be so reserved upon a resolution of Ihe Provincial Council. ■
22. The.Superintendent lvay, i:jjon the. recommendation of! the, Provincial Coiiiici!, by profilnuialioii in the Government Gazette, reserve from the opovntion of flume, retvu-'afions any tract ofcoN.nlry in \Wiieli the precious metals may be ibuiid to exist: and the land within'such tract of country sh;i!i be lit'i'ost'd of accortlinfr to rou'iilatious liereiifter to be issu.'d ;md phblisliett /in' thnt lieJialf; i:i i]v .smiie iiiiinncr and under the ■ same -authority ius these, present regulations. 1 ;l' ''!vr.—town uxiis. •. 23. The sites of tinvns shall be determi'led Hy, the Superintendent, upon Hie vßcuiuniMittiiiiion of the Provincial Coiuieil, and sliail be notified by proc'amntio(i ill fhe, Government (iiizntle. of l!iv i'njviniv. : 24. IVnyii Lands/sliall be sold by public nimti'iu, in sections, the sizo aud upset.price of .whiuli. i-!::i!! Tc.determined Jiy.the Siipi.-rintoudent and the Provincial ..Council;."ahJi'lhiivnifV been so defurmiueil, fur 'eacli town"sevbVni'y;;.-'nn!l ';r>t.a;f!'.iirbi' altered. ' . ;
25. The ,'hiii'iiiii! ;i!acr ofcvfiy iiiu'tion sale 'shn'S be nxed,l>y,;!i:-.,Siip'c riuivndeiif, and shall be notified in thu'ICoyflWi!iient Gnzi'ttf, n;id o;ie'or mo:v uewspapers of'the.. I'l'oviiiiii', at least thirty days before such sale slinlljtake place. " ~ 20. Np^ueh notification of any sale pi town lands .shall be, pubrlsbed until'a iriap ofthe town; si^md by , the ChiefJfiirvi-yor, shall h;:vi' bwn laid open for ' public inspection in the Lund OHice ; and suoli ni»]i ~ shall set <o;;fh,;■accurately . delineated, ail the town sections niiinbei-e.! conseeiilively, so far as laid out. showing tfij-'seiiliotis to be kubinitted for sale, and thr public reserves iii connection with them. 27. Town sections may be put up to auction, either by prder of t'i'J'Sii;ii'ri:ii'!:udcT!t, or upon the application of sorar person who shall, at the time of miikiup' such appHi.-i'tiwi, deposit ti-n per cent, of the upset price,>vith the' Tivasiirm- of the Waste Lands Board. fcueh depQ^iisshall, if no mivaui-e on the upset pviee . be'niiidq, beVeonniclcred as the deposit upon the sale at such pii!;!ic auction. -,'2B.','lf aViy section shall bu purchased by other than the orit'.in;i.r '.'ijip'icant, the. .lippow't money shall be forthwith returned on demand. . 29. Ten d.v.-s at least before any such auction sale, a list of all the sections about to ba oifcred for saJe ohall be puiilisiiec) in the Government Gnze.ttu, and one or more newspapers of tile Province. 30. Every auction sale of hnid shall bi> held by the ~p6ipnjissi6iiere.iu.<»pen 'Jcurt as hi-reiubefore pro--1 Tided. . • •'-' ; '31 'The person who s-inl! ln'; ile'^iroil t'lc hia'hest. bidder nt >-ii!-'i ancf:-" .«lm': :»<-■'■■ ■■:i»^ly pay a deposit often per cent, of lit); purchase money lv t-M irtasurer, and in default thereof, the section shall be again immediately put up to auction. _^—^i^.*^...4-i^i.iP>.o'Kjn,'nr in full within onf; week after
the day of saie; and. in default thereof, the purchase shall forfeit hi-i f'/jiosif money, and also all. ri^ht, or title lo the kind ; and the section may hi; wi.'d hi any prison .'ipplyhiir for the sams.for tlie price tit which it was knocked flown at tin; auction ; and, if not so sold, tin: sryiiou may ba again put up to auction, at ai;y_futurt; sale. 33. Upon payment of the purchase money in full, t!io purchaser shall receive, from the Commissioner a " License to Occupy," in the form set forth in Schedule A to the 'Waste Lands Ke.aulatkm.-i, and such License shall br; restored to the Commissioners upon receipt of a Crown Grant of the .'and purchased. vri.—HUllAli LAND. 34. All lands not included hi any off ho. foregoing regulations shall be open for sale as rural land, at an uniform price of forty shiJMutrs per acre. 35. Save a* hereinnfiiT provided, no section of Rural Land shall he Fold, containing less than twenty acres: but any section so "limited by frontage line:; or private lauds u» to contain Jess than twenty acres may be sold by auction at tiie upset price of forty sliilHujrs per acre; the time and place of sale, and the mode ot sale, and payment of purchase money to be as nearly as niav be iv accordance, with the regulations herein contained applicable to the sale of Town Laud. _ Provided nevertheless, that if any section so limited shall he inc'iided in a Pasturage Liceiue with Preemptive Hiu-ht. the holder of sucii License siiail be entitled to i-xe'rcise such Pre-emptive Ritrht under these "Regulations upon payment of the sum of forty pounds for such section. 36. Every section of rural land shall bo ! n one block, nnd/cxcepf as hereinafter provided, of a rectangular form, and if bounded by a frontage line, shall be of a depth of half a mile (or 40 chains) from such frontage. Note.—A frontage line shall be taken to mean the boundary of a road, river, or public reserve, or any stream or watercourse which shall have been declared by notification iv the Government Gazette to constitute a frontage for the purpose of selection. 37. Where, from the frontage not being- a straight line or from the interference of other frontage lines, natural features, or the boundaries of private 'lands, the above ruk'S in ropeet of form cannot be accurately observed, ihe form of the sec: ion shall be determined as uearlv in accordance with these rules as, iv the judinneiit of the Board, circumstances will admit. 38. In sections of lands not adjacent to or bounded by a frontage line, all the sides may be equal, but one side may not be less than one-third of the other; ami such section shall no.t be less than half a mile distant from a frontage line. 39. Any person possessing a section of land may at any fi:i;e" w:ect another adjacent thereto, of such ibnn that tli-; two together, being considered as one stction, rliall be in 'the furm required for a single section under the foregoing rules. 40. liiiii:e-'ki'e!y oil the payment, of the purchase money, the purchaser shall receive from the Commissioners a " License to Occupy," iuthe form set forth in the Schedule 13 hereunto annexed; and as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, the land shall be laid off by a Government Surveyor, as nem-Jy in accordance with the description given by the purchaser iv his ai'p'i-iition as these regulations will admit; provided'that whenever the lauds selected lie without the surveyed districts, the expense of the survey and oi'eoniK'ctii'.ir such sii'-vr-y with the existing purvey.' shall he home by the pureliaser, who shad lit tiie rime oi'pur.-iii'e deposit Hie amount, of the estimated cost of such -iiivr.-s with the Treasurer of the "Wa-te I-ani!:- Boai-.1. which shall be made as soon as pracliea'i!e, by order of the Chief Surveyor, Provided always/tha: should any r..el!on wiien suivoyud prove to diltlr in any r.-r-p-'ct fr.mi that intended by the purchaser, rhe'GownHivtir will not hs responsible for aJiv !.->?: or iuci-iivi-nienco w'.ieh the purchaser r.;;:'-(■>;>.■.■■•• ii;-'. in.r wii! the );i:ieiia;.' inoii'-j' lie ret't'iiefl.' Pcovirled aVo, liisil. if the Surveyor j-lia!! find that i:u: wlio'i- (xteiit. i.f land in tlie selccte:! locality fiiiis s'iovt of t'wi quantiiy paid for by tin. l-:urcha:ar, the Trpa^irov ''?:all repay •.•<! much of the I pun-iiiU-.1 iiioiicy af excce-ls tliP price of the land to h<I convey.-.!. Tii".. '■ Liceusi; to Occupy " s-hail, in any such CBSt1. he aniHiuii d by (lie Commissioners, in accorihiiic'witli il>e r. pod of the Surveyor, and the ! (i: ; -.[ii G;-;:r.t sii.dt lie maiie out iv .•:<eoi(!anee j.tlicr, will;; r.iiil the ''License" shall be returned to! ! tiie CoiMinis-iiont'i-M when tlw Clown Gi'isnt shull in. I issue.i. i 41. A'iv !',';■■'):! >!ial;i>i;.'- n iliieh and Imuk f'-nce to lam's aii;<'.ii-i:uu- Wash- Lauds o< the Cnnvi >M\ take out iif:-u'i-li 'aintF I::'.'.;' Ihs» land reijuii-id for the ;!i'eh and bai.U : provid.-d tlmt no ilircii or bank =.:i.l!; h<more tr.ii'.i ?:x f-et in wii'lii. vi li.—cuJivr.NfATiny i.asbs. 4± \V!i:.r-«s it is di+irable ti.;it private i!ei«.ons shoii'd hi- i-i.a;i'i.-J to receive pcrliuns of Wast'1 La;;;! in cxcli:rnu(- jiir p-.iwite lands taken for roads <■;■ lit;--otli.-- du'iiu- iiiirpo-es; if any p-rson shai! b.- enntled iCo ,-. c.::v. any eoiirieiwition in_r,'fnrc!- oi iand wliii:h .-! ali luive been taken }or the ;sui-pos-.-:_f,i a ruin! it i-i'a'ty o'.iie:- i>i:lii:c work. <•!' in n^ii.-ct of any j rini.iui-va i!u!'e to iii:: jnMjici-^y l,y iln- !;■•<:';•.•• ol'sut.i ' 1.-iii.'i jlir-ucli );iin:o>;-s. Mich )«• -va'-i slia'i, 11,11.1; :•.;•]>!]'- i cnii'Hi ro ihe' \V:;mi; La;ids Board, i> ei.tiil.j-1 ton j granl i.f lira! ip.ud in stu-h siiuaiiui! iis In'sliidi select, ! subjert <o tin- cdndiliori:-; as In foi-m a;ui frii;it;i;.V"- i" th.Ye refilllatioi,> eoi.tai:):'!1, to the exfi-n! of aw; acr:1 tor < very two pi.un.!:; ,-reriiuc o!' In- iruouiit of cmn- !'(■!■.■ af:in which t!i- applii'-init shall be .-s-.titScd to i'c.'iivi- i/i r.'.--).'i-cl c;f Vn- :ii>ul take:; lor r.iifif ] nrj;o.-i< or hi re-p'f-t of such ihuiei'j'e iis :;ro;v-:;:i'. 43. l/'any pciv;in shail contract with tlie ttii'lfuf to wake rind e< liij.ii t'\ within a given lime, i-i;y lub'U' n,j«!, In i::p: or di-iiiri, m- any pivt of ai;y Si!;*i> l-oii'i, if.i-l,Je, o: •iv:j;H. Midi security is* tin.- ri;i-'«.rii:tVjii\-;!l may ivijtihe ibv the i'.ki- co'.ii-)i|'-:i(ni of'V-uch fcntriifi, iinJ tha'l seit ct ••■ueii j.oi'tion lit' riifi.i l:i:.d a< !'•• siiall I>:' ">'. i):i;iL- to acc-j't l;y way of 1.-aviii-'i!' or co-.r.'i •u.-'-aMnn, o,- hv'V of |;ai-t p;iy-vy-ni r.v e'.in T i...i.>i.tiou for such w<'.rk ; it sha'l !v !»w----tifi !<•:■ t".:.- Sup.-rinti-nil rut to r.-.-sei-M; hic!i }><.ii-:i!ni of la-id ih.iii j'.uh i<; sal:: for biie'i tivtii :i'..i-: I tit l.c 10:.gc.-; iu-A -u-.'h pi ron :•!;;■.!!, <ni the '.■(> :>i;i:<-iioii oi' t-a-i'A .-o.iiiMct, !«• 1 litit j'ii ro a fi-en u-nmt of's.uch hind. <:r :(, -.!;.•!. ri^roi' a- the ii.Kird :-.ha:\ .-i.-iii:!!^.., _r...,;. I exei---..i-ii: oil!-' iiivr :'ur every V,M> j'tMiruis s:■ r'ii t'. wiiic': !:i.- .-iiiali cerU-'v !i: iir; Waste Lm.'s in be t.h- hnmi fdr vtiliic'dl" !h.: va.vk <o i!t;nr :iy -v.ali 'j.-rsiDi acc'.irdii.'jr to Ilie prir^f for work riT'c! :fh< i-':i:s':it the time of performing such contract chi-i'i-nl i:: fh'1 di-triet, Kverv -ui'l: iv^orvation of land fie.m puliMe w!r =h:il! he' )■ v jlisl!:!•.'. ill ilie Government Oczi'.i-' >-\ \\v Province, as (!ire;:leil iv clause I!) of lin^e Reiiina-ti-xis. Wo sue!' lvsr.-va'i'.in sliail ccntinii!! 111 \hnk'x i'ov :>. loiiiiei- ].i rioil than i\v< he calendar munrhs from tin<l,ilc on v.-hifih it shall h.W: h,;(;n niii.-le. No !iii:d -1 iii a l 3ii.s|iir:i;.vi' Licmsi-wisli Pne:np:ive i'i-.!:it sjia'!]. as ntvainst the, lioli'.er if Kieli l'ro-i :i:|--i;v;.! jjight, b<; so reserved or pTiiu'ci until ii:' sililli !i!:V:.' hHi.'l!- illlllWrd the option Of l)lil'l.:!:!!-'.i>lg such iaml in. rlie I'lanncr pre.sei-ibed iv c;au.-KS 04 ami (JO tn i!ii.-e IJ.-wbtious. Nm pi,.;iter 'amount of ianil than 25!) !ic:-c< slui'i1 iin.-ln-'the provision.? of this clhiish be resi;i-v.;il ov prauteil tn ai:y per.-oi) under any su<:h cotitrai1.!, 1111-I'-ss :u jiiiyriK tit oi' work for w'lich a vote has bi.v.i ] avi"i! hv ;!»> Fifiv:>:cia: Council. Nn Liviiicr aim nut of land than 100 ft acres in th>i:-.^:'! i>-a;r sl::i!!, in liny 0:11; year, iie res.-irved 1 r <"il iiiii'.er Ihe. pi-ovirioi^ oi' this clans.;, wiriua.i i.'i" -^w-cia: si!i:ctioii of the Provinci;..' I'ouucii. V'fov: '1 :l aV.ty.-; ;!iai J;very pai-ce! of laud :••(> .;■ r.uft d r-.iia!: !>.; ••i!hj"crei! to the same com:it ions »s to lor::) ::iul f's-iir:;;.!!1 as any rural laud soid uud..r I.JI <v lie-■.'■uliitii'-iis ; ];)'oii:!.''u also that i>o apiiiicatiou fir h^f- '; !mii 2fi ii-.i:-e.s slmiJ be ivceivot! under this cause, but that where any amount of compensation awarded by tin; ljoa:-i; siiail be oi'i'e.w extent than 20 acre.-; of iaud, the person entitled may pay the balance iv cash upon the Mime aj other i'pV.'icanfs for thn {jui-ciiusc of rural "lands under these 'Regulations. . IX.—SAVAt AKD MIIjITAIiy BOUSWKS. 44. Vi'lieivits tiie dtijieriufcnduiit and the Provincial Council and otj;:;r the inhabitants of Canterbury are ilesirnis to aid in making provision for the maivitenance of such pei-sous of Her Majesty's laud'and sea Ibices as tuny he discharged as unfir for furtheiservice i-i consei|Uence of wounds or loss of incurred iv the pres-.ent war with Russia, and also for the niaiii-enaiice of the widows of those who may be killed iv such war: —
Any stK-h pvi-son or widow shall, upon application :o the Wasti.1 J,a:ids Board, and upon the production uf >afisfa<;!o.'-y <-vii!( ;iw fiiiin tli!- proper autlioritics as tocuch di-'diaru"': or death, be entitled to receive a live si-iviJit no! excoi'diiifv 530 acres of the Waste Lands ! wiihfn'thii-Province, subject to the coaslitions as to form and n-oniajye conii'.hu'd in th< se He^-ulatioiis; provided sdwiiys tiiat such application sliall be made to tin' Vi:,..!.• i.ii;id> Board by i,uch peison or widow in person wit inn three years after such discharge or death. X.— VASTUUAHE. 40. Un'il t-oid, jiranted, or reserved tor public purposes as livi-.'iii provi'l-.'d, the W:ute Lands may be occupied for pas• ui-aire purposes by pcrt-ous holding licences from die Waste Lauds Boar;l to occu;>y the ,-ame. 4(1 Any person applying- for a pasturatre license shall stair to the ComnifeiiuniTS what, are the boimcliii'ies and. extent of the run applied for, and the number and description of the stock which he possesses, or will undertake to pi; c ■ upon the run within twelve months from tho date of the license.
-17. Tlit; extent of run allowed to each applicant ■■.hall be at tiic rate of 120 acres to every head of great, I'ntfl;', (md 20 acres to uvuvy head of small cattle. The words " great cattle" shall he construed to mean horned cattle, horses, mules, and asses, male anil female, with their oi&pring above six months of age ; and the words "small cattle" shall be construed to mean sheep, male and female, with their weaned offspring.' 48. Every pasturage run shall be in one block, and, as far as circumstances will admit, of a rectang-ular form: the fnmtajre, under-ordinary circums tanas, shall not be irvater than one-half the depth.
.49. The fee to be paid for the lieu'ifo shidl }><■ iit tin-followH'-'j'-rires :—Fur iv run coinahiri'c !<•.- = than 1000 ae:es. '«■ ntyshiiii.iji's forever;/ i:;ui (red iiiatij for every run containing 1000 awes, and nut !cs tiiau 5000 aei ss, two-pence pur acre lor the_ first thousand, and one penny per acre for every acre in addition.
one farthing per acre for tlicfirst and second years, one half-penny pir acre for the third and fourth years, three-farthings per acre for the fifth and every fiubse(jimnt year ; provided that tlie first, year shall be taken to be the time elapsing- fi-om the date of the original license to the first day of May next following. 50. No pasturaire license shall bo granted ibr a less annual fee than £210.;. 01. The foe shall Ijc paid to the Treasurer of the Waste Land Board every year, in advance; for the ?h\-t year on the i?.?ue of the license, and for the second and every subsequent year on any sitting1 day of the JJoai-il, b'etVi-i-vn the 201.1 i day of April ami tiie day oi' May, inclusive; and every pasturage license not renewed by payment of the required fee, on or before the first, day of May, shall, nnki.s good cmi;e to the contrary bo shown to the s;tt;.vhe!i->u of the Waste Laud? Board, be considered as abandoned. 52. Every pastnras-e license shall he in the form set forth hi theVchediile'C to the Waste Lands Regulations, and shall be transferable by endorsement in the form set forth in yuuh Schedule, and such trniwfir shall lie deemed to be complete upou notice thereof being duly given to the Waste Lands Hoard, and not before. A pasturage license shall entitle the holder thereof to the exclusive right of pasturage over the land specified therein upou tlie terms above stated. Such license shall be renewed by endorsement from year to year, until the land specified therein shall lie purchased, granted, or reserved under these regulations; and Ihe fee to be paid in respect of smell license shall not be altered until the Ist May, 1870. Such license sliall give no right to the soil or to the timber, and shall immediately determine over any land which may be purchased, granted, or reserved under these regulations. A reasonable right of way shall be allowed through all pasturage runs. i>:s. If at any time during-tlie first four yeais after the issue of the first licenseTtho quantity of stock for the run shall be less than that originally required, or during the next three years less than twice that amount, or during any subsequent period less than three times that amount^ the Waste Lands Board may declare the whole or a portion of such run to be forfeited; provided always that, with regard to runs granted prior to the issue of these Regulations such first period of four years shall commence from the date on which these Regulations shall come into operation : provided that one or more runs held by the .same individual or firm may for the purposes of this clause be considered as one run.
•54. In any case in which arunholder can provo to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that lie is precluded by arrangements entered into previous to the passing of these regulations fi-om actually, ibr a given period, placing-his "stock on his own run, it shall be sufficient if he prove to lho satisfaction of the Board that ho possesses within (he Province the requisite amount of stock, and will undertake to place the same on the run at tiie expiration of such peoiod.
55. Every holder of a license shrill, at any time, upon a written order from the Waste Lands Board to that effect, make a true and complete return of all the stock on his run; and if he shall wilfully and knowingly make :>ny false return, the Waste Lands Board shall immediately declare his licon.=e. to Ik.' forfeited. 50. Every run or porriou thereof which shall have been fw-ieit«'d, as above provided, shall be put up by the Lands Hoard to public, auction, after an advcrlitemeni in (he Government Gaz».iic. and one or more newspapers of th» Province. A license pranted after fbWeiiure s!;a!l !«.• rlecmi'd to bean original license Upon appeal fro in any pt.-r.-on who=o run h:is been ibriei'ied, within (HI days fi-oiu the date of sutili fovfeiture, it shall be lawful for the Superintendent to reserve or suspend such forfeiture either wholly or in part. 57. Every perron taking out a license for a run which is not stocked wiil Iv required to deposit, with the. Ti-ea- . urer flit! sum of ten shillings for every hundred acres included in the licma-, which will be wturnod without as sr.on a; Ik; shall have fu'fiilcd tlie conditions hi respt-et to t-tocking the run wiil in the jircicribcd pi-riott; bur ir'siicii cuiuiitions be not i'uiiiJk-d su.h denosits shrill br fnrf.-itml.
!>S. Tli.--- (1 h:)■.-<• j u'es in rpsjvpt to «-fo."'fMi»r a run. and to the !<»•!!. r,..-nt of ■'■;'po--il nioiicy with tli:' Tivauirer. shall not !m;ily to rn,,s cou:i:;iii:st;- less than 5000 acres. 50. Kvoi-v holder of a iicou-e n-nv be required at
iiiiv time fo]i.-:y for the aotim! cost 'of the survey of his*! uu at a 'rate not oxeccdhigiOs. for every tliou-iand acres.
00. Every holder of a pa-='uragf> ieeu.-o shail, upon appliciitio'i'to the Wasti: Limdt. Wir.u-i!, be entitled u> ;i i>ro-i'!rip;.'vti rigi'tt over portions of his run, »•■■ to'— 'ows:—l-'<ii- 11 inn oi'not ic-s fhiin 1,000 noresaud not i-.ioir liuiii ."i.t'Oli :ic.::r ovir a b'oek of land coiiiiris-
!:iir ii.i-! (rfs-i-umia-.'.:!:' li> his hi/^i'.-.'.sti-iid to tno exlcnt i.-i'S lv.'i- [•!■..! i-i'ilif' iic!Vi-.£c- of tlw! run. For a run of1 "),0i)('.! ;!(T(.-- and upward-:, over £- r)0 acros of land com-, ,ni.-.i ij>- a-!-.! -ri.-fsmij -. ■mt :o hiiho-.n- s-ctidor prhisipa! la icii. Aiiii ?(■!• a!l i v n:. ovi.t al' lauds (.ccupii'd by •■HIV "ilii:-::!1.:!;-;, eir-lo I;—?, ivaiitiitim.s, o.siltivafionr., •r ;ti:\ m:.'.! if!-..--i- ici-irovi'iiirnts as shall in tJw*.imStr!!i"n!oft!ii' \l*;!.<ti- Lai-.i'.-i lievvri 'o,- di-trued su'licicut -iii' the piirposi's of ?hi-i c ansc, !o!ii'th..-r with <iiry .!••!■. s cc.iiij.i-ii.iri'.-- aud i::rciiii!j!i-.1..-)il to tho lands so oe•!:]HV:' .-!• i-W0.y.'.1. (il. Tin- -(.i shal' »t tin: iin>n of hi!? application -o tin- !Vi:i--i: :.-iv.- :i df-ci'JiMidi! of'i'jie lands ovrr w.hioli h:". clr:uii snc-li pi-oi-mpiivu ri-^ht, tirthi.-l -.-itWiic.'i'iii of •)..■ ('.lioi' Su.-Tfvo;-. An-I rhc saMie , ■■iiali In- isiMkcii nii"on the authenticated Maps in the L.mi.l (.-m.'-i-. (>:\ '! !:>■ lands incliiih-d in sti.'ih prf-emjitivo rl^'ht ■i:av lie i.f' i'oi'/Ii as the applit-ajit shal'^'j i.-vi ii:iy !i:". 1 ].--.i.-cl-.i;--i-i! hy him in tin- pxf-rci.-v?of.-uch !">ria siifiii hi Kiiiij.vt t-i (lie :c;;'.i':a.!oiisa^ to form and (XX ''i'lii! Wa.t.- i'/i-ii'.s |!..v.,ril sl.-.ill not. receive nor i ;itcriii;i! a'iv f:pM;ic.iit:ou to pi:n-lia?t', frotn any [•.r«.vo!i o-lss'v -i.u'rho nr.i'iisldcr, tin) aibresaid block : ;-«ii!i:(i tin- !in!ni'.«'it'iiil or j.-i-IjLf?f]jji' station which docs :.nt siif-'iiiii' I hi- w'idj,'! o'^nch hicck. ',H. 'i'lic ritrhi i r" p:v- -:iip'i«i:\ li-rchv avvcit sh.-J! he x.-.civd w:!h;.i <:>.:■ w,-,-.k tor a!! liin.'j v/ithi'i twenty .■ii.'-s of tii- Lti-d C-til-i; ut ( >:iLNif;lii!rch_; and '.-'■;'!:.-;.1» i "i ji'-ii..2:"iwki-.'ii^r fVi'.m th<- da;e of -,'i-v:c;- ufa v.v.ltcii u-.iricc from tiu- W.-i.Mc i.a-.idr- ]} ;:!•.'-. .■:i--!Jiiir f.ifih :i copy of The ;*>>;> itTirlo:i iW: any <:f :» 'i:i-i !.'■ i i-.r!:!.£■- ' in fin: —inptive ric-ht. Such im'if:i-;i:av- bo s,!:-vi! i-i.i.i-r ]-i-i-.-imi;ily sm thi- rsinhoi.itr. (>!• by !t-iiviv:;v tin; n:i nr at hi< Ui> r-Uittiwn p!ii--t.- cfalrti!!!- wl-hi-.i'lh- Vri-vi--mf, o<- al the [iriuc'pal iniiiic.'-ii-ai'. or t-'JiMoii c-ti rli:1 iiia. i!"). Th;' i;;>:i:ii--i t: sbr i-.i'y l-.i'-tl 'nr.d i-iclndi-d in .if.y )iie-i inprivc r^-hi shal^ ;iv)!ti'.i!. witii til" Tici!:Uii-.'i-. ■ if'ilie V.'::-'i }.!:> (•• r.oa:ii a 1:1.1 ct;t:ii: ft; -is. p.-r acre . ■•f-.'lf iMlVf.:i;;:.(. iMnIiCV. lilili III" ri-:il,lilld<-r I"' Shilli I :>av AviCiii on.- w.-ek tVti-.n -h.-- date of iii-< a;ijii!caiioii j •ii !i ji' ■•'>' '"''•"'• "r ''"■!■■''' --lie.'i -iq> >-i ■ Hucii deposit, I 'lowt-V'.-r, sitid i;t- ii:im:n!iiite:v vi-turncd <n thiinais-l, j ■f thr ]ui)r.t r t t" liii- !)i-.v-;-:ii|,i.iv:- riiiht ; i:a'l s-ive notict; ! i;f \iU i.ii..-;tii'-ii !•> 'pure-la^-:' :u.y portioa of tito lautl | i:)]:ii..'.i for, .T.stl jiMv'tli!.' ivr-nisiSt- tisjiosit. CO if liif !::)!(!<!•• of t!i•• pr.--.-iii:>Mvi> l-iyht do-Mile iioi.ji jiiii-i-hiiyii-.i-- aiiv p.irdo.t of tiic land ujiplicd for, .in sh;!l! f;'ih pay 'to Cv; Tirasm-ci' of the AVaftn '.iUii!.-. H.'ar.! ,'. :!■;». ;:t oi' ■',■< p'!' a:'.r;! of the jmrchasr: •iio;ii.-y iii'mic.'i poi-riun ; a-i:!, h' !tc s!..a'l not within tix ,vf ■!;.': th-'!-ciijv i.T !-;iv!- ;>;:id Iho rcm:ii:idi'r of the iutr•■htw nio:i-y. It-- difi'l'lbrP-it such deposit,- to^etlier Ai-liiiM ri.i,u i-.r tiiic lo ill.; iaad. Il'rhc'io'-ltrcf.i-iy pro-fi!:!iti',-e rip-'ii: other than • h;m- «".-.iii- ! !-.y r :.l',-e UOuf ;;i.- Wa^t.- X.a:>. 3 Itctri!.;ii;orf, sj.aii i.rir.-;; or l-th-.- v; ;)i;tv!ia>c any portion !)'':hi i.i-u: i,| |;:i-'.: l'o;-, j.ii:-h portion shttii from aud i::riit'.li.|.'-:y :i!':< r .-m:ii ;i,-;.-!rci or rci'tiya' lie ri^i-ilA'd rVoiii ali i-i-fiii ->!' pr;;-"i)ipt;ou tir.d open to pasc'iai-o .in th- t. rn.s lifiiic-.e !i -j-.-uljitioii-^ as if the sa:i:e had -.;ol- lii-i"1 i ii-!;:.ini i.i any pr.:'-!!siipijvc vi;;'!tt. 07. IJ.-:.-.'!ii-.-i"Vl J.-:.-.'!ii-.-i"V LltJiiiKiis wii.h ih',-e;iin;ive ri-.fnt in ro .mc-.i.'U with piiroha.:cd hmtls, wiu-tfitr nnd;;.- IhcCaiti r.'iiiiy A:voci:it;ou i.r the Oi-nv.'i!, r-hisll, fro: a and :!!''■!■ tin- 'first day of Apri1, one thausaud ckci-.t Mii'iilvc-.i iind iif'.v-'-six, he taken and deemed to he j:a-tii:-aia-lic'iiise-! ,ovv'r Ilie ian.'s incitidcd therein, iip'in tlie tc-.-iiis of tiic*: Ri.-flilatioiis, with a pr"'-.-!i.pti'i<! rl'rh' over a-! -ti'.-ii hnr.l.'rti !«.- exerc.Ved sith- .:<■: to the-:: i;i^-u!a:iims ;ts i-eu-t!!-i!s notice <;f applieii■io'i p-ivi-i-'iil <f d(ipo?it, pnreiiast- moni'-v, |i:-iec of :i:»l, Smd .-;■-.;• ::i:d shiip:- of !>!o;;k.i If the. land cover'-il !jy stit-h ]!r<'-i-i-.)jiiin: :ii;ht shr.Jl lie inelu-lnl •:Vit!ihi tli'i iimi<-:-i of a run held hy license ui'.d-ir ::laitfesi Oil it.'tii 5:5, tin: holder thereof in pnyintr reiirfor the wiuii! i.'ssiy lake credit for ihe aniount jiaid :.y him in respect, of'iands covered hy such pre-emp-tive riuht. 08. Holders of pastiiraw licenses without preeuip:ive ]-:fcht s!i:tli lie- i-iiiitit-d to hsiM such licenses or 'o have tiiem rem-wed njou ths terniH of'their courra;:t with the Citt.ti-: int.-y A r-ociation or Hi;; Crown, as vise case may he; hilt it" any person holding-a 'k.-trne under the Crn-'-rbiivy- Associatioii or the
On:\v!i shall voluntarily resisrn the same, he shall be entitled to receive ;i license under Ri-guhitions, •in(! shall fi-oin tlie date ofsin-h exchange hold his run ,it the rate mill mi tin; conditions specified in these Resiiil.itioiis. (](). If any ]J■■ivon exehaujviiur his license sliiiil tor any period included in V,n> new'iicense have paid rent at a iiitt'liur rate than would be payable under sne:i license^ such overpayment shall be adjusted at the next payment of veur. 70. In MjHtv.'iit of improvements haying-been ei--I'eetcd by the licensee of a run on any land winch .Viiiil ]>c reseive.-l by t!'i- Onpi-al Government or by tiic Provincial Government under these Ke»ulations, tho licensee shail receive payment of the value of such improvement*, s-uuii value to be decided by arbitration uiiiler dircciion of the \\ aste Lands Boar.!, and to lie paid by the Treasurer of the Waste Lands. Board out ofth,- land fund. 71 A.-1 i-rtrn.pnfs on :ie(n»iint of pasturage runs sliail in future br n.a-S-' on or be for- the first day of Hay, in afforiUmc.:- with clause . r>], at tlie Limn Olheo. at Chri-<tel!ureh, and i.he V/'a.ste Lands Uoiird sliall sit :it that placo ibr the Treasurer to receive the same. 72 All pnvmeiifs to be made on account ot pasturage runs bcfoi'i!« fust day of May next onsuiiur shall be madu for the portion' of the year only which shall elapse between Mich day of payment and the said first day of Stay. 73. (n c.aifi:liit.i7m- tin- amount of die license i!;e and Hie stock rvfjuire-1. m '■■■<■ o;, liv; run, the y^ir comir...,ci.i:v : on !!:■•• mi:,l Ia- 1 Cuv .^'Z.i -V :■!;:; ! :,.::Im'.i\u-h \ to be tii'- saiu."•;,•( a:- iH r' Ibr.wlniiii such part pay- j uient shall have ueen ma !e. i 74. Notwitiistandinu- anylhinjj: witair.fd in these j regulations, it shall bc"lawlul tor !ho Ciovemor, uiion , jjjS-uaanmirinntlnt-iniiß'nf tlin SnnerintenUcnt and Pro 1 Coimil, at any time, mid from time to time, by proclamation in the Government Gazette, of the Province, to reserve for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, any lands within the Province, adjacent, to or in the neighbourhood of any town, now or which may hereafter'bo formed, and to declare that on and from a day to be named in such proclamation all depasturing licenses issued under these regulations, in respect of such reserved lauds, shall cease and be of 110 effect; on and from which day, all such licenses shall, as respects such lands, cease and be of no effect accordingly. And it shall be lawful for the Governor at any time, hereafter, by regulations to be issued in that, behalf, according to the provisions of the Wa-tu Lands Act, upon tin; lvcoimuendaiion of the Superintendent ami Provincial Council, to reyruiatr the occupation of tli'i Waste Land.-; of the Crown within such reserved districts. TTMBKR. 7/). If any tract of land shall have been reserved for the sale of i.iic timber thereon, such timber maybe sold by public auction at an upset price and subject to conditions to be feed by the Superintendent, and the purchaser shall agrco to remove the same Within a certain time ; and all the timber not removed_ within such time may ha again put up to public auction. 70. No person shall, without a license, cut or remove any limber from any "Waste Lands of the Crown (except timber which lie shall have purchased under the last tlsiiiise); and any perjons so cutting or removing timber sliall be liable to pay the cost, of such license" ibr one year together with the costs of recovering the amount of the same. 77. Every license for cutting or removing timber shall be issued for one month, or for one year, at the request of the person applying for the same; and a fee of 10s-. shall be paid upon every monthly license, and of £f> upon every yearly license. 78. A license shall entitle uo one but the person named therein to cut down standing timber, but it will authorise him to employ any number of persons, dining the term of the license, to saw, split, or remove the timber so cut.; and such license shall not be transferable. 79. A license to cut timber shall extend only to the district nnn'.ed therein. 80. If any person duly licensed shall have established a saw-pit: for the purpose of .s-iwim>- timber, 110 other person shall cut timber within 50 yards of such pit. without consent of the person first occupying such saw-pit; provided that if the person establishing such pit shall not use the same, and shall not cut timber within such distance as aforesaid from the pit for 28 consecutive days, it shall be lawful for any other holder of a license to enter thereupon, and to cut timber as though such pic had i:ot livcii established. 81." If any person shall, for the purpose of removing timber, have made :i road upon land hems the Waste Lands of the <#own and not being a highway, it shall not bf! lawful for any other person to use the same without tJ»' permission of the person making the same first, obtained ; prr.vii'ed that if such road shall not, be used at any time for f)0 consecutive days, it, shall be lawful for any bolder of a license at any time thereafter to use the same. B*2 if any person holding a timber licenrc shall be proved In-fore the Waste Lands Board to have otiende.l at.-aiust any rcgu'aiious herein contained respr'Ctinir timb'T, or'to have wilfully or negligently injured t.r destroyed by fire or otherwise any timber be'loi'.'rina: to the."Crown, sneh license shall be, and shall he immediately declared fo he forfeited, and it wi.ill be M the discretion oi't-ii- Board to refuse to issue another limber license to the same person. SCHIiDO L E S. SciIKDiJLK A. Pro cilice. ) 'if \ Ijlchxsx to uci'iirv town t.and.-s. WriKiiEAS of hath been daly ;le-c-Jarcd the purchaser for the sum of pounds, sliiiliuurs. ai;d pence, of the section of the Waste Land.-of Ihe Crown hereinafter described, ami hath this day paid ;o the Treasure!- of she Waste Lauds Hor.r.l of tinl Province of Omterbcry, the said sum of pounds. olaVuiigs ,-;ud pence, I he receipt whereof is hereby ;i<'ki:<<wledired, Now know 'a.m. mes axii ti;i:sk I'RKSKXTs «■•/rxKss. that We, in pnr-nauce oi ■'the pow<"'S vcs:cd in us as Commissioners oi' the .aid Waste Uuds Board, .lo hereby nulhoi-U! and e.upo.ver tiie said hU hi.-lrs or a'-.sigiH, at any time ;:ft'.T til-; dale hereof, toenlw 1:11011 aM that section of iaiid situated in .sSiv:!t, in the town of marked, No. in the a'.ith-viiic-atcd ii'an ol' the raid town i:i the Ci-owu La nth Of lice a:«' nmfaii-ing litres, or thoiraiiont.., being the si.rtio 1 of land so pui-rhiL-i'd as !-.i;ir.:.--iiid, iiii-.l to i.o'u and enjoy tli:; same fur hi:- mid liieir ab-o!ute use and benefit. Given 1111111 r out- hands at tiie sitting of tiia Waste Lands Board held af. on the day ot 18
Sumrnui-K 15,
»f [ Cunturbury. ) t.jcj;.\\-;i-. to (M'ctn-y i:i;kai. i.Axn. Wii!-:<r.A.-i of hath been duly di--e.iared the pisirii.-f-f-r fill- the sum oi' po:;i:ds. i .s!ni!im«, ttiid -pence, of the seel ion of Ihe V.'its-e ).:ii:i! of the Ci-oivi herei;iafVer descrHied, : itiit! iiarli t!iis iinv ]iaii- io ti-.H Ti-.!a.--.ui-i.T O:' the Wa-t:' f.ii-ids !?o;!i-J of the P-oviucc of Ca:!Ur!iu7 ; the ::i.tii ii.i:i or' pouiids. shilliua's. anii ji.'iice. the ye.-i ij.-t v/iitreoffe licri:hy aeli.^ow-iedu-ed. .VdW know ai.i. mk\ and tiiksu ]•;: i:.-v.nts WITN s<s, that We. in pursuance o:' the -.(i-.v.-'r- v.-sle-.l i-i ii= a.= (■'omnii-::ioliei'-5 of the said \V;i-t.! lands Jioard. do hereby authorise aud ;ri:row;'r the said his heirs or ;;S%ns. a! any lime .•l'V.-r th.; .d.ite hereof. To enter upon all t! at section of land s;.!ua:e aud !x;:u:ile.! a< h"r-'iii.if>( r de.;crii>''d. that is to stiv ; to hold find to enjoy the :-ame tor his ,-i'iil l!:i-:i- a!) oh te u-u- dud benefit, suhjee^ >:.-v;-i---li-,e'e-,s to tin: i{e;.Yi;'atioiis now in force tor the sa'e. l:-ttii:.L>-. tl-spo-al. ai.i occupaiion o!" tht: Wa-fe Lands of the Cvo'.vu witltin the Province of Cantci\;::ry. (iiven our b.-md.-T ;\t the (jiftirj;of the WitKti- l.tinds lloard, held ,-it on the ihiyof 18
Provhic.} ) "■'' ( Ciintvrhuri/. ) i.ic:i'.NS!-: r<> invi-AST'.Mn: .stock. o:' haMi iieen duly de-c-riveil h:-In- i-Sititl-.-d 1o a license to d.-pa-.tnre s-o;'k iip-.i-i ihi- W:r.!.: of lac Cii'ivn witi.iu th.- i'ro-v!i:c.-i)!'Caiiterlm;",'. uy.on tlie, ae,d upon Ih.-----coitdiiiot-.s lierciiiiifier me.iiioned : Now Ihererbiv \Ve, in pursuance oi't-!.-i.:.'.v-rs vesieil in us as Coiiinils- , s-oiurs oftJsc W:i«'.e Lnnd-s lionrd to tiie said Provine, do hereby uiant to the the exclusive iieeitse. from and after the date hereof, until the iii-st. tlay of next, to depasture stock ' ipjoii !.'!•:■ 'and siln.-ito and bounded as'ti r described, that is to say— and coutaiuinii; acri,-.-; or thereabouts. Subject ii:-y;:r-th"less to al! the provisions and tjondition' contained in the Waste Lands Recitations now in force within the Province of Canterbury. Given under our ha;;ds at, the silting of the Waste Lands Board, held n\ on the day of 18
R.v no it.-: EM EXT,
I the within-named for valuable consideration to me paid hy of do h.'7"hy transfi-r to tin- said the within written Pasturau-e License, and all my estate and interest therein." Witne.'-s my hand this day ot 18 WitneFS
APPENDIX T. Claitxe.-i 35 and 43, ichwli. wen; re.pmhd by the V/a.-iti: Lrtndx Regulation.* Amendment. Ordinance, ,s'iw. VII., No. 2, 18o(i, originally stood ax follows: — 35. No section of rural land shall be sold containing less than twenty acres ; provided that any section so limited by frontap; lines or private lauds as to contain le.'s f.'ian twenty iicres may be sold by auction at. the upset price of ibVty shil.'inirs per acre; the time and place of sale, end the mode of sale and payment of .purchase money to ii« as nearly as may 1)0 in accordance with the regulations herein contained, a[ip)ica!)!i' io ;l»! sale of Town Land. 4ii. if uiiy person shall at any time have made and compared ar his own cost any "public road or bridge or any ptiij'-ic main drain, or any part of such road, bridge, or drain, such person shall, upon application to tlie Waste Lauds Board, be entitled to a free grant, of rural, land in such .situation as he shall select, subject to the eomlivion..; as Io form and frontage in t!i;:se regulations contained, to such an extent as the Board shall adjud'j-o, not ex:vedir,«>- one acre for every four p')'i'»V- sU'/Mi'it v.hifh he tliull jnove ro the ! .-afi?fi!«ti(in c,t f;i<- wa^e Ln.iis jjoiird s.'mt lie S'liul . ■ |~,,,,. ~..- n !i- v - e-.-vei Id in the coiisa-.irio.i of siu h ■ road, brid.e, i.r drain. ! ProvW-i iuwiivs iliiit it a'iall be proved to tho 'satisfaction ..ft tie Hoard that, lije moinry so i xpendeil ; by the applicant has been beneficially expended lor
he use and v.lviii.tag.- of ih.? pi,!>:;>:. I'rovided ab,o hat no airuiii-mioii for i< ss tlian tnviity acres slmil be rcerivv'd undir f'cis ciausc, lint that where a--iy amount of Ci^iiiK'iiflrtririn awarded by the Hoard sludl taofalraraumit than fw;:nly i'.cvcs of laud, the party enlilled may p;:y tin- balance in ca;-!i \).:c:n t:«: same terms as other applicants to jiuvchrise nu::! lands under these ivguiiilions.
Cltiv-iim 07 and 03, u-hieh were repealed, hij proclamation, of the Gov.r.-ior, dated \\th AmjuH, l;\~>ii. pu'iilhshed in the Procineial Government, Vol. JIT., No. 17, p. C 3, -tf/i Septenther, 18;jfi, oriaiaaili/ aloud ti.tJ'oi'loiKit: —
07. Holdf.Tß o" liivnws with pre-emptive right in ronn.-iiiioii with puri:!);s.*-d lnn-J.<, wii^iher undtr tlie Canterbury Association or the Crown, shall be Miiillr.'d lo rjjsi'm pa-tiinige licenses over the hindr- im-'mled tlierein upon tin: terms of those regulations, with 11 pre-eni-rtivf; right over such land, to be exercised suiijict to these 'regulations as regnvds notice of application, payment, of di-posir. and purchase money, price of laud, and si>:e and shape of b'oeks. If'tlie laud covered by such pre-emptive right shall he, included within (hi: limits of a vun he':;! by license under c)ai:s'-s ■%' and £3, the holder thereof, on paying rciit for the same, may lake credit for the amount pud by him in respect of lands covered by such pre-emptive riglit. '08. Nothing in tiuse I?emulations shall be interpreted to ai'.'ecf. tlie leg"! rights or eijuit.-ible contracts niade by the Canterbury Association or the Government with holders of the pasturage licenses; but if any person holding a ile.'n-;e under the Canterbury Association or tlie Government, shall voluntarily resign the same to the Government, he sliall be entitled to receive a license under these Regulations, and shall from the date of such exchange hofd his run at, tlie rate and on the conditions specified in these lieg!i:atio2is.
Clauses Nun. 33, 51, 0-2, 05, (50, and 71, which were repealed by the " '• (tsfu Lands liny illation Amendment Ordinance, Sess. IX., No. I," or'uj'uutllij urood fin follow* : — OS. JniYii-jiiiiiteiy 011 the payment of the purchase money in full, the purchaser'snail receive from the Commi*,iou(;r:;'ii "Licensee fo Occupy," iv the form set forth in the Schedule A hereto annexed, which he siiaii return again lo the Commissioners when he shall receive the Crown Grant of the Land. Such '■'License to "Occupy" shall be transferable by endorsement, in the form set forth in the Schedule. 51. The fee shall be paid to the Treasurer lho a Waste Lauds Board every year, in advance; for the first year on the issue of the License, and for the second and every subsequent year on the first day of May; and every pasturage license not renewed by payment of the "required ice on tho first day of Marshall, unless good cause to the contrary be shown to the safisfiiciioii of the Waste Lauds Board, be considered us Ir.i-iilfo'jned.
52. Hviry ])i:.':tuiage license simll be in the form set for:!: >.:•' ,he Schedule C hereto annexed, and shut! be trais.-f-Kibio by endorsement in tiie form set ibnii in the Sciiciliiltij'anii shall entitle the holder to the exclusive right of pasturage over the lands specified therein, upou tiie terms above stated. It is intended that such be renewable from year to year until the laud specified therein shall be pureha.s.'d, granted, or reserved, under these Regulations ; and, if so renewed, the' ice to be paid m re.-pect of such licenses thai! V.ot be altered until the first of May, 1870. tjndi iiec:K-(.' shuil givi; no i-igiit to ihe soil or to the timber, and shall immediately determine over any 'and whii'h may be purchased, granted, or reservwl urnh.-i- these Itegulatiou:'. A reus:«iablo right of way shall bo allowed through all pasturage runs.
do. The appHcaut for any rural laud included in any pre-emp'five rio-iri shall deposit with the Treasurer of die Waste Lauds Board a sum equal to -Is. per acre of the pui-ciitisc money, and the remainder he shall pay within one week from the date of his application hein«-p.-ianlid, or foril-it such deposit. c;uch deposit, however, sluli ho immediately returned oh demand, if the hoY.iv of the pre-emptive rij>-iit shrdl purchase any tiovtioii of ;hc hiu-.t ::P;i,icd for. Co". If the holder of the pre-emptive ri<rht decide upon j;uiv:!!:--:.i<j-Hi.y poriioii of i\a: land applied for, he :.! ;i ]i forriuvitli pay to the Treasurer of the Waste Lands Hoard a il.-jxwft of 4s. per acre of the purchase money of sueii portion ; aud if he shall not within six weeks ihi.Ter.ncr have ])ai>l the remainder of the purchase moil;.-.', he shall forfeit such deposit tog-ether witn a:i i-iiiht or tit;e to the land.
71. Al!'imymiiut.-i on nccount of naMurage runs shall iiifiiiur;-be nii'.ile on the first, oay of May, at the Laud U!nc!', at Chi'H'eiuiicii, and ili-i Waste Lands }i;.ard siiall sir, at thai, place ibr the Treasurer to receive flu; s.ane.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 58, 22 January 1862, Page 1 (Supplement)
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9,066CHINA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 58, 22 January 1862, Page 1 (Supplement)
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