TOUBS OF THE WAR ZONE. lam told that .:■ ■ ' List- companies »ttwagai; tour- >. i i.- ' 't zono (*ay» a writer in the I«,'l ■.. ' hrutueie-'J/aie propositi- ait iiic!n-."i- p- »i 100 guitttra* tu iwei .urf ,-.!•'-- ir-m -he-timer that the vi-iton Amiens until hearrive* b.ii.-' a,aiu a ■••-.-... later. ■ Comfortable ch.ltcau.v.. .r.Cc'UeHt tvXKL luxurious Fr.nch m-dot cats, experienced -uides. f.irmei-lv ..Inccr- ::• t", Allied armies, ami tret whits arc pc"-v eh <l- _-* be. tours' vai-v. but unuhly >f :■■ £•••■'- " lf " '*•'- •" visitor t.I spend hfs week h. th- Ib-i-t.-a j zone north ut the Sor.mie. ' l ' | ''"' -'- ■'-' to the American and the (• r»-in:ti itunt-. - i if a visitor {►■►•ls sp-ciully t uei .".'.iv he •:■ > hustk- through th- v-hule ti-ut u« «.■:••■ week. There is a fteFiu, ut sacrilege- at tue ifLe* of our battlefield- beuu v i.-ittitt » a tourist, "hut n«> <l'.-iil't w.i'M- parent- v ..! wish tu take advanU-e ut the jh.-i.(...-. -i arrangement tn urd«r to .-..e th-:r -•■''■■ graves. The- tenia-- -.'Lie ?" .ria.t :e-.. ... diately after the si-min-. . i t'n- -'■■i--Treuty. THE SEXTLNIE «.>F THE KAISER. We are suit-. William of Hehen/.etleiu. will not be condemned ti» the. H"' tk ''" :> til of a bullet, the electric chair, or the no--'-:*--of a sribbet. The likely decree wilt be lami-hrneut b?ome lonelv. unfrKipiented ro-k. far av.ay frt.m the stewn>:r fanes, his p'okta 'iinm-d. hi* prison barred asaiust id I people—sill his intercourse with_ human beiiit,* to' be confined- to hie warders. If the writer were tu prelum- to stu--est some fitting trimmin-.;- for his future, by would write" this in the venliot :-- -tt is hereby stipulated and decm-cl | that bis eanlers shall include one .v-Wier From each of the Allied nation;.. .-•> in--fivtured hv the war that the prisoner could never pa-s. o„.e v.ithoiit retm-m----b»- that hi* infamy cost 5.C00.000 live-. lEU household shall consist ..t one cook, she to be a ReLjiau moth~r who.-e daughters were defiled and wbo~'e =.,ns were stain; one servant boy. who shall # be a French tad whose rL-ht hami was cttt oh l.v tho soldiers of the Kaiser so be rntiht never raise a litle for k'r.uv > : one house keeper, she to be a t'auadi..u, woman whose husband was eruciried on a bant door at Vpres."— The Uklohoma •■Ui-tla-homan." DEFECT EVE AMERICAN SHELLS. Remarkable .■i.niv>:.rative te.-t.- h «ve been carried out bv British -unneiy i-sperts with the i:.\-plosi\e shell- u.-ed by roth sides in the war. Shells trout captured and Allied dumps were fired troiti thv euns for which they were made at speciallv i.rei-ared target... Th-.: otti. lat record of "duds." shell- v Id-h f.d!.-.l t-, explode, wa.-: - Vnited State.- -» P--Crerman'd nuk-- .. --op.c . French !-- Italian Ausf.rian .. -0 p-c British " !•••• SPKCIALESTS IX LAUi KXV. A recently convicted t'.i.-t who .-to'.' noth'm-j but" motor tars ba-l !ns counterpart some vears back in the man V.I-, stole nothing but billiard b.lls. -ay.- "Llov-l - Xev.s." He -ot ,\ with thous mils or nocno--worth of ball- all over th- kiu.d-m. if. the days nli.-n tb-s,- ma.!- invanai !y ..£ ivorv. arid f.-i. , .., r.-5 ; ..-n-!in.;ty '--inable. Another prot'.-s.-i-.ea! :lr-:. in. huanr .1 •■Mortuary Mike." -N-i- ::T-..iy- c.-irni httiims from iindertak.'i-.-. 'Hie "f>artm....|- Sht-phe-d'' -•oufines his attention.- .-ntiiely t-> chur.-ii offertory h-.xes. FASHIONS KILLED I.V I UtMF.S .Me--an.-e L-indru. th- French "ftlue-Va-ard." wears a be;:rd. t'.irh-iui- \:U-< c.p till now ha\e be.-n .--.uteut :-• car tlu-Trs are hastenin;.: to •_'►'£ ti'.-m'.-b;r-..-d --ff -.says an F.u,"lish paper). Similarly, veil.--. 1---:- b-.-.m-.- nn fashionable over th--r-- - in-- to a nutorio-;- miu-.b-rer. lamed Evraud havin-j; won. a pair at hi.- t.ial. "Mrs .Mainline,. h::n-_cd to b. i'J i'--r the murder "f her parai.i.eir. M'l Vno -.-. ••. .ut to lur doom in black silk. F.-i tiiwtth bl.i.-fc silk became no' --hh.l-.-l i . a'-.I re niaiiie.E -o foi riiiiov v.-ars. [Te.-ausc Thurtcll. wr-.. nmrri.i,.l W.-.-v----in tG2J. dn.v- a -.-. not. ...-K tb- v - hide. but the very nam- it-.-lf. I-am- tab.... SFA-ICKNr->s ■ t F Kb." Ac-orrbm: to Mi.;...- bir..™. a l;-t^\ States armv r . .—a.-ie : :.i.> - -aai be pn-ventcd. * He ha- jn-t r-f-irm d fr>m France after a. very n-u-h i.'.-.-a-_'e :vm s the Atlariti-. Til.-'.-t t 1-te --f a .-hio fid..f sea.-i,-k ~.ldiers. and p.-.-.-ibly hi- --wit sutTerin_-.-. imfnc.-d him to i'i.ik» a. -"fieii.-onslav-..;ht ..n the r'-'-bhtn. 'i he ~|.artbpoint, of hi- iriv.-sti-Mt.i.-n.- -...-.> the f-i.-t that the orpin of c.piilibrtuui i- situated in tin: ear. Then he rea.-.-m.-d that the ;■:..[.'- asaut eFtV-ts of the antics of th- .-hip in a, r-ei Ji sea ar.) caused l-y -en-atio...- in !i- car. After further pond-rim-,. \b-|.-r i.-m-m packe-l his ear.- with .=tcril- -,a'u/c -i-d induced other- b. try th- ►.-.p-rim ul. tin results bene: h:-hi\ sati; tact.-ry in a-evy case. JEWS - >rA>S.\CEU" I'lluTri-T. NEW li»l:K. \f.v L:». A milliun am' a halt N- ". V' -lews spent vc-terdav a- a dav »r for brethren i-. ".\-i- (€0 _:-..-.- ■- ,a--aid to have taken place in !'.'. md ar.d Rouniania dnrins t'-» 1a..:. -. - -r. ,\t -, ;'>t 15.CC0 men vv.,.a-u pa k -I in M.'.'h---..ii Stjuar- K-.rrl.-n h -F-f ■-•„. , r th- t.i.. t remarkaob- n.-t.-r, n- -: r -'v- t're cr-a; bllildiue; stalheriii- -|i.-per,ed a - ;•.;..:■ I'.- th ■ <Wa<l was -iiir,'. and ...-.-rlv . . -,-;. ~--..i-. present, inclndim: many Imm !---d ■ of soldiers, vve.e it. t.-ai <. l!i ■ wha.i- b-.i-|.! ing hein:{ lil!-l v.-l-.h th • ; ,-- .-.b f>'n}f. A i-auiphli-t ,!,..►• : 'Mt. d a.m---ttie audiv,-.-:■' tiM-u'cd !.ii.-:. m-.--. ■ t ii--mas. a-'-cs t-n.k phi--■ v. ;:.h 1.:..- ; - i-.v. .'► -I ;►■ and consent 01 the t'..'i h C-or.-m. ut. JEOt'NTAINFFr.IN'.: I-V 'FLANK. 1-F.NEYA. M,.. ia. Th- u-v.-st Al t i;- ■ .p..:-:. : m in-j in 1 ■■.; ;a,..■-. t. : --- ■■•■ .: > : -i -r ami Ib-ui-m-:-. e. th- -«•-;.. a.-:---. •:..: : ■:: frnm Than, kiuiui.-l th - . i.miu.;". - : .la:. frail and M:it.r,.-ih-.:n. ,-n-l . I h ; m u .a- peak, yesterday, lao-liu- - .:-h. at .- ■ -i A company i- about ;.. he f..-m- .', h •■• : tl'anspo-t. toarist- in p> ■-. ,•■ fo I ,:-■.-.!.;:■■- to vice 1.1, . Alp, t ah-- ■ . T'- .'■;■■ :. trips will he e M dv-. 1.-- -.! t .-. Ie Srad-ia.'iv h- M-dlie.-l.
thf. K.u-r-:r: .\ >t< i< man. F.UUS. Mav 21. Tl.' Kj!,.','- 1,-;.,.. i. :,,-..• ,;.>■:.,!";:. .-,:,-. t... ~-Me I. r: ;v..,n o:.a .V ■■>.:■.■ . ■ : bi.< erime, i„.« t!i.-t Hi. Al'i • ;-■>- >l ten; inml t.. ».:,,- 1.,n. t,, t..... ; .. A W-w-h d.,,-te- iml.i. i'l T-s.!.„■;. v!,., :. .-, m-n:..: i..i- |-.ii.:>!: ■ ; .i i ii.n.'j/t. ;.i Whirl,. I:,. rn.l.MNoiK- o. o ■■_ \ :\;,.; ;.■, ■ Kaiser «nr'r'e|.j n-mih p--.'•"fi.vl e:m,-e,| In |„..,.,..i:ta.-> .|, •■;-.•• ■:.. : , . ;,::d I•''I I I,'!-' ■'- th- tl, •..:,...:- ..., :,,:., M,. ..•...•,! tUein.-olvt-:, J.. I.e iiih'd !.; a. - : .-k eia.;. (" MoTi>t: i.\i:.>. D>.Nf)ON. Mav 2 : J. Mot...r ~ir- and h|,-. v ; .i,- m M" he -r: sal*- at e!iea |.. rate- -.litu'ety. Ab«.at JO-W? iTiot(ir-(h':\i'it i.-hiet.-s ..f :>i; kind- an- to be sutd iit t!.- Ajtvi.-ukund Halt by >m\- ,' of the tMiveninieiir. **[irplu- Oi-po-al Ronnl. Tin ..ib', !;,-£ i-ntil Atr.-ii.-t I',. Tlh- totiil Mitiie !■(' r.1..- •_-ii...u i> niv.-.; th;-.'. .tt.OCO.COO. Several m.,1..r i-rriv., salve.! iii 50..,! eo.i.lition ti-,.i0 Ft.M.S. Oti.irn.,. whieh iv,i< t..rpe<t I ..M tin* [ri.-li ..m-:. wilt be 5.,1.1. nm| th-jr- are n \.. t ~ 1.,,-,-Ilimiher of tnotur-e>rl«-.. ears, ati't autrcarriers for «fi?pi«*;il. Oft' OF THE Fit VIM; FAN. f-KNF.VA. Amir 2t. Tilt* Swis.4 for t9to ,ir.*'.< a lv.--oE tirarfy W.120.CC0. In »dditi.*n to .u. incrta-HO in iiiitiuiial Lix.'.r. tnivctlcr.j aial strangers will be to eotitrit.tite to tilt; !*>tiite to a. sreatur extent in tuture. A utimt)*?r of. royal and r-»ttr. from all jiaets of < Vntnd Firronart* at present payfri; tn:*istiifr;ant t;txo:= in proportiorr t" tltetv weattb. TV;- majority enteeeil Switzerland in order to .;>. rape the huavy taxation in tlwir own routt. tritfH. whilt- the bwi.-s tianks ar? frill of tlietr money and uerip.
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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13847, 28 August 1919, Page 2
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1,229NEWS FROM ABROAD. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13847, 28 August 1919, Page 2
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