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Tho gymnasium hall' of the Middle | School simply beamed last evening with the smiling faces of anticipatory, children and the satisfied" expressions of proud mothers and a fewwhole makiugair that- monopolised every available seat, crowded the corners, and planted itself in inaccessible places that would, have been considered impossible oil less auspicious occasions; The object of. .the gathering war, the annual breaking-up ceremony and distribution of .prizes. . Mr' K; V. Lee (Chairiria'u of the School Committee) presided, and briefly •>'!- the children on the "hie of a cood start in life. He said that tlio Middle School .should fori very proud that night, for it had provided boy and girl ', at the A\ aitaki l^'.-- 1 Schools, tli" latter "beiug the of thb headmaster (Mr Karl). The* prices were distributed »y Mr Luc, with the exception' of the dux prizes, the honor of presenting whicl) devolved on Mr I'. A. Duncan The programme by tlie cluidren was as follows Chorus, The Flower Girls," girls: chorus, hight Little Mothers/' girls; Highland Fling, R. Jamii-soii; chorus (in costume), "Caller HcrrinV*. girl? ; dance. Phyllis Adamson : recitation, "The Rabies, infant -girls: chorus, The Crossing Sweepers," bovs; dialogue, Wnnted a General Servant/' girls; ebonises, "1 m Going Back -to Dixie," "Waiting for the Slav.""and "Flag Song, boys and

" JXr itiach proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the staff, and this was carricd bv acclamation. . Mr made special" mention of the work of the lady; teachers in preparing the children tortile entertainment. The proeedings closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The prize list is as follows: —Standard VI. —

Dux bov seltooj Croydon Lee. Dili girl of. school —ICathcrine SimAggregate marks —Croydon Lee 1, Katherine Siinkin 2, Ileet Burrv 3, Ernest Cunningham 4. . . "Reading—Fleet Burry 1, Croydon Lee 2, Winnie Gamble 3. Kathleen Milli-

{I s " 1 4Spelling and Dictation—l-leet Burry, Croydon Lee, and Ernest Cunningham (equal) 1, Katherine Simkin 4. Writing—Lucy Puttick 1, Mamie M'Murtrie 2, I-'lcet linrry 3, Maud Puttick 4. , t Arithmetic —Croydon Lee 1, Katherine Simkin 2, Ernest Cunningham 3, Fleet Burry .4. Geography —Croydon Lee 1, Kate Simkin 2, Fleet Burrv 3, Ernest Cunningham '4. Gra minar—Croydon Lee 1, Fleet' Burry 2, Kate Simkin 2, Ernest Cunningham 4: Drawing—Croydon Lee 1, AA r inijic Gamble 2, Maude Puttick 3, Daisy Wli it taker 4. '- "

Sewing—Katherine Simkin 1, Winnie Gamble 2, Kathleen Milligan 3, Lucy Puttick 4".

Cooking—Aland Puttick 1, Winnie Gamble 2 S Katherine Simkin 3, Kathleen Milligan 4. Attendance'' prizes—lst class: Robt. Jamiesojl .(8 years without absence), Croydon Lee, Jean Passmore, Aland Puttfc&i' Lucy' I'uttfck. 2nd class: Fleet Burir. Regular, attendance —Grace AMiittaker and Elaine North. Special prize for general excellence — Elaine North. Shooting—.John Gibson (winner oi school'challenge-rup> 1, Hugh" Robertson 2, -Ernest .Taylor 3, Croydon Lee 4, Sydney Hood 5. Drill—Best l , non-com. officer:' Col.Sergt. . Ernest Cunningham. Bestdrilled boy": Corpl. Fleet Burry (Air Buist's. medal). Judged by Staff Scrgt.Major Kibblewhite. Best kept home-work books (Standard V. and A'l.)—Croydon Lee 1, Kat'e 1 Simkin' '2.

Swimming-—Diving: Sydney Hood 1, Arthur. M'Murtrie 2. Twenty - five Yards Handicap: Sydney Hood 1, Arthur M'Murtrie 2. Fifty Yards Open: Robert Rosie. —Standard V. — Dux of class.—Boy: Hugh Robertson. Girl: Olive Watson. Aggregate marks —Hugh Robertson I. Olive Watson 2, Rcfibeu Dimick •!'. Win. King 4. Keating Robertson 2. Olive Wat::on ■!, Laurel ÜbHCIBV 4.

Spi3fing and Dictation —Olive Watson I. Hugh l.'obertsrjn 2. Ellen Dnunmond Unib'Mi Uimick and Wm. King (equal) I. Writing— William King J. Ivy Coatman 2. li.'iuic! Back-Icy 3. Harold Mnddigan 4_ Arithmetic—RciibcnDimick 1. Hugh Kobcrtson 2. Olive Watson 3, Ivy Coatman 4. ' < icography—Olive Watson I. Hugh Uobert.son 2. Ellen Drummond o, AVm. King 4. Grammar . ami composition Hugh Robertson" I, .Olive Watson 2. Reuben Diiaiek'3. Ivy (..oat in an 4.. Drawing— Win. King 1-. Nca Hood 2, Laurel Badeley 3. Winnie Smith 4. Sewing Fanny Brad field ]. Ivy Coatman 2. Ellen Drummonrl 3. Laurel Badeley 4. Special—Nea Hood. Cooking—Laurel Badeley . I, • Nea Hood 2, Barbara Patterson 3, Fanny Bradtield 4.

Attendance prizes—lst class: Reuben Dimick, A\"m. King (4 years without any absence). Hugh Robertson. Ellen Drummond, Hetty Taylor, Olive AVatsi'ii. Laurel Badeley. 2nd clas:-: Sydney Hood. Robert Rosie. Winnie Smith, Rose Cleverly, tjophia Chalmers, Fanny Bradtield. —Standard [V.— Reading—Phyllis Adamscn and F. King (equab, I, Wm. Spcid 2, Osmond S« indlry 3. Eva Kininv 4.

AVriting—Phyllis Adnmson 1. Ella Ttmpero 2, Florence King and John Gibbou (equal) 3. ' Spelling—Piiyllis Adamson and F. King (equal) 1, Ella Tcinperu 3, Mar-, gaiet Taylor", Elma. Falconer and Victoria Burns (equal) 4. Geography—Howard M'Muilan 1. Elma Falconer 2, Osmond Swindle;- 3, Ffla Tempero 4. Arjtiuj^etic —Margaret Taylor i, Mcarl way 2,_ ilelrn Young 3. !■'. King raiicl' Phylli;; Adamson (eqnal> t. Cnmpog!.t>o!i—Phyllis Adamson 1, Kl'a.'Melkle 2. Osmond S'.viudley Margaret l'si\|«>r.4. Drawing—Mn'riel Htitson, John Gibson; and Wm. Speid (equal) 1. Ethel Mitcjirir and ffownrd ' Iv.-eriti (equal) 4.

Sewing—Mea'rl ' Galloway 1. I'hyllio Ariamson 2, Irene riommerell 3, Elizabeth Bradtield 4.

Aggregate marks—Phyllis Arianioon 1, UnreiH-o King —. Osmond Swimlley 3, EUa Meikle .4.

Attendance.—lst class: Phyllis Adamson,..' Victoria Burns, Hilda- C'hilcott, £lla ;pvuin, Mearl Gaiioway. 2nd cJass: John-rSinciair. Ella Meiktc. Margaret Taylor. Nellie Youiig. 3rd class: Walter Whitrrker. • . ' Dfis'.of.Class—jyavis King. Agpr?.4-**i ' Marks—Mavis Kinj; 1, Eric Swinard'2. John Scott 3. William Harder}; ■ i A. - Swiiiard 1, Dorothy Booth 2;-May Falconer 3. Ada'Riach 4.

2. . William-Harper. 3,. Harold Gibson 4. Sivinard. -1. William Harper King 3, Ada Riach 4. ' Aritlimet Scott 1, Eric Swir>aVd2, Mavis King 3, Mary Taylor^.";

Corfiposition—.Eric Swinard 1. David 2. Elsie Booth 3, May Falconer 11 . •'

Geography—Mavis King 1, Harold CUbJon' -Rlsic' Booth 3, Eric Swinard

1 >niu iiig -*-Ktisr 'Booth 1, Jessie Colliugn iMid -2. John Scott 3, ' Alexander Kus.v-rll.'-l-.

Scwnng—fKlsje Booth 1. Lilian Dccui 2. King 3. Marv' Taylor '4. Class -Work—Howard' Sumptcr.

Special I iriprovcuient in Writing— Thomas - Smith. ' Home ' Work; —Mavis King, John Scott. - :

Attendance—lst class: Ronald Adamiotr. Wiliiani Deem. Alex. .Russelli John ScoEti' Lily Deem, Mavis Kibe <4 s ore.«CntV ■! Ada/ Riaeh; ; I dry -Taylor/ 2nd -class: David'Jenniiiuii.;- 4 . Regular Chalmers, --Harold G FbsoiiJ' Editli Hopley. —Standard "11. —'

Dux of-Class—Alice Slialders (special prize by. 3lr C'hilcott). Aggregate Marks— Alice_ Shaldcrs 1, Olive W'iniiic King 3, Olive Gordon -4.".- - , Attendancer—lst .class:. Dorothy Sinclair, -Myiile^lVl.'Murtrie, Eileen Chil-CQ^fc;-.-Olive'

Stanley "Chilcott", ' Alex; "Galloway. 2nd «:lass: Janet M'Mflldn, Ivy Beath, Winnie King, . Harvey Chalmers, ~ Clarence Grocott, John- Bradfield, Arthur M'Murtrie, Doris King. , Regular'Attendance —Annie Kennedy. Special for Neatest Home-work Book—Alice Slialders;'; Best* Kept ~ Plant ,ui Room (special prize)-^.Ta'he"l-Jl'Mullan; - Reading—Alice Slialders .1, Olive M'Leod 2, : Olive Gordon 3, AlexanderGalloway and ' Kenneth Hutchison (equal) 4. . Spelling—Alice Slialders 1, Janet M'Mullnn 2. Olive. Gordon and Kenneth ' Hutchison (rqual) 3. Doris King and M'Leod (equal.) 'J. " Arithmetic—Alice Slialders and Olive M'Leod (equal) 1. AVinnic King 2, AVm. Ruddick and Martin Rosie (equal) 3, Alexander Galloway and Kenneth Hutchison (equal) l. .. - Writing—Winnie King 1, Olive M'Leod 2. Alice Slialders 3, Doris King .-Hi'l Stanley C'-hilcott (equal) 4. Drawing—Olive Gordon -1,- Wm. Ruddied 2, Arthur Puttick 3, Hilda df Norville 4. Geography—Clarence Grocott J - AY m. Ritddick 2, Martin Rosie 3, Winnie Composition —Alice Slialders 1, Olive M'Leod 2, John Bradfield 3, Winnie KinT and Clarence Gror-ott (equal) i. S-nving—Myrtlo. M'Murtie 1, Chloris Alice Slialders '3, Annie Wilcocks 4. .' I —Standard I. ; — Dux of Class—George Gamble. Aggregate Marks—Gedrge Gamble 1, Enoch Hoplcy 2, Edith Granger 3. Cecil Maddigan 4. Reading—George Gamble 1, Mattel Mitchell 2, Mary Taylor and Lizzie . North (equal) 3, Isabella Ramsay 4. Spelling—George Gamble arid Enoch Hdpley (equal) 1, Stewart M'Neil 2, Albert King 3, Rosie Peterson 4. . Arithmetic —George Gamble 1, Edith Granger 2, Enoch Hopley* 3, Huia George S'linptor, and Eric Speid (equal) 4. _ Writing-—George Gamble .1, Leouarq Hensleigh 2, Huia ancl Edith Granger (equal) 3, Mary Taylor 4Drawing—George Gamble 1, Etlitli Gran-ier 2. Ivan Swinard 3, Cecil Maddigan 4. .... Sewing—Mavis 4 Mullan 1, TljOitu Grander 2, Ivy "Wilcocks 3, Nellie Gilclirist 4: . Attendance —Ist class: John RussOil, John Grocott, Huia M'Murtrie, Mary Tavlor. Lizzie North,' Ed[th Granger:' 2nd class: Stewart M'Neil, Albert King, Harold Parks. . . Regular Attendance^—Rita Morton, Violet Morton. —lnfant Department. — Attendance Prizes—lst class: Geo. Bradfield. Frances Meikle, Mabel lonkin, Stella Pygall. 2nd class: Jane •Russell. "Regular Attendnnce-^Frank Grocott, William M'Leod, Evelyn Sinclair, Bessie M'Fadgen. Olive Granger. ' —Merit Prizes^ Pre'paratorv Standard "I.—Boys: William M'Leod (dux boy) 1, Charles Johnstone." George Scott, and Edward Lane 2. ■ Robert Wilson. Ernest Gilchrist, Keith Cassels; and' Charles AVrav 3. Girls: Frances Meikle. (dux girl) 1, Rubv -Jaiuieson, Eflie Yoiing, Alice Rauclifte, Edna M'Jennet, Ivy Johnstone. Olive Tripp. : and Annie Smith 2. Class s—Bovs: Eric Adamson 1, William Chalmers 2, AVilliam Gilchrist' and Ronald Smith 3. Girls: Bessie MM'ad■£ni :.-j>d Mabel Tonkin 1, Linda Speid, Stella Pyjiall. Lily Passmore and I\l;'v Grander, Hazel Stewart. Edna Russell, June Russell, and Ivy Tripp 3. Class 4—George Bradfield and Snmptcr 1. Cedrir- Hastings and Alii"' Falconer 2. Girls.: Olive Granger and .fe:>!!iue liens 1. Marion King, Aland Wilson. Nellie Ramsay, and J'ocelyn 2. Evelvn Sinclair, Ethel Honlev. and Mabel Jopsou 3. Cass 3—Boys: Percy Deem,-Thomas Slialders, Roy Irvine, Stanley Riaeh, John Chilcott, James Gray. Girls: "Mavis More-ton. Ilazel M'Neill, Kath--1 lern Phllikctt.


The annual prize-giving and vacation ceremony in connection with Gam aru North Snlwol took nlace this afternoon, there • being a large attendance of parents and friends of the pupils.' Mr Jas. Mitchell (Chairman of the Committee) presided at the function, v.-hile the honor of presenting the prizes was distributed amongfct the members of the Committer: who were in attendance. Addresses were given by the Chairman, by Jiis Worship the Mayor (an expupil), and the Rev. Messrs Porter and Griffin, as conductors of the Scriptural classes

The following is the prize list - -—Preparatory Standard I. — Aggregate marks Boys: Douglas Meldrum 1, Donald Tarraiit 2, James M'Gliie and Cyril Smart (equal) 3. Girls: Janette Grave and Evelyn Barley (equal) 1, Rhoda Farquliar 2, Mollie Keith 3.

Drill —Edgar Miller (Miss Mollison s prize). Myrtle Amies (Mr E. A. Atkinson's prize). " Good Conduct and Perseverance — John Lamont (Mr Mollison'-s prize;. Attendance Certificates —2nd class: Ivan Broad, Robert Franklyn, Douglas Mcldrum, Louisa Farquhar, Marjoric Patterson. George Burnes. Long - distance Attendance Cyril Smart (Mr Jas. Mitchell's prize). —Standard I. — Aggregate Marks —Boys: AVestiand Ferens 1, Eric Hambleton 2, licdvers Snell 8. Girls: Myra Barley 1. Alice Farquhar 2. Binnic Denholm 3. Reading—Boys: AVestiand Ferens and Redvers SurJl (equal) 1, Eraser Jones 2, Thomas Glenn 3. Girls: Nocline Barrett and Myra Barley (equaj) 1, Alice Farquhar 2, Norma Millie 3. Recitation —Boys: Fraser Jones and Redvers Snell (equal) 1, Carl Ferris and AVestiand Ferens (equal) 2, John Peebles 3. Girls: Nocline Barrett and Freda Archibald (equal) I, Myra Barley 2, Norma Millie 3. Spelling—Boys: Elsdou Anderson 1, Westland Fereiis 2, Douglas Clarke and Redvers Snell (equal) 3. Girls: Alice Farquhar 1, Myra Barley 2, Freda Archibald 3.

Writing—Boys: Wcstlancl Ferens 1, Eric Hambleton 2, Douglas Clarke 3. Girls: Myra. Barley I, Beryl Robertson 2, Freda Archibald and Alice Farquhar (equal) 3. Arithmetic —Boys: Douglas Clarke 1, AVestiand Ferens 2. Thomas Glenn and Eric Hambleton (equal) 3. Girls: Binnio Denholm 1, Myra Barley and Alice Farquhar (equal) 2, Elsie Scoon and Evelyn Franklin (equal) 3. Drawing—Boys: Eric Hambleton 1, Lc.slie Smart 2, AVestiand.'Ferens 3. Girls:' Olive Piercy 1, Elsie Scoon and Myra Barley (equal) 2, Alice Farquhar and Evelyn Franklin (equal) 3. ' Long-distance Attendance (Mr--Mit-chell's prize)— Amelia Rusbatcli. Punctuality (Mr Gilliand's prize)— Evelyn Kibblcwhite. Diligence (Mr Lament's prize)— Donald M'Pherson.

Improvement (Mr Gilliaml's prize)— Douglas Johnston. Reading (Mr Stock's prize) —George Mackic.

Conduct (Mr R. Thompson's prize)— Hubert Ritsbatch. Brushwork (Mr R. J." MeldrntvTs prize)— Erie Hambleton and Elsie Sinclair. Drill —-Edward AVard. Sewiim — Myrtle- Roberts 1, Myra Barley 2. Attendance cerii!'calc.s —Ist class: Evelyn Kibblcwlu'tc, : ' Andrew •Raterson. 2nd class: Freda Archibald, Kate Austin, Myra Barley, Alice Farquhar, Fraser Jones. George Mackie. --Standard IT.—

Aggregate Marks —Boys: Kenneth Scoon 1. -Alexander ; Tait 2, Leslie Dalcleisli ■3. Girls: Clars Grey : 1, Editll Reynolds 2, Grace Jones 3. Reading—Boys: Kenneth Scoon 1, Alexander Tait 2, "William Peebles 3. 'Girls: Clara Grey 1, Nellie Knight 2, Let.; Dunn 3. ...

Recitation —Boys: Alexander'Tait 1. Girls: Ivv Franklin 1, Edith Reynolds 2, Clara Grev 3.

Spelling—Boys: John Hubbard 1," Jolui- Robertson 2, Kenneth Scoon 3. Girls: Leta Dunii 1, Clara Grey 2, Grace Jones 3. Writing—Boys: Gregg Milne 1, Kenneth Scoon .2, L.. Dalgleish and A. Tait feoual) 3. Girls: Grace Jones nnd Edith Revnolds (equal"' 1. Berthn Metcalfe and Rose Amies (equal) 2, Rita Martin 3.

Arithmetic —Bovs: Kenneth Scoon 1. Alexander Tait 2. John Robertson 3. Girls: Edith Reynolds 1. Clara Grey and Grace Jones (equal) 2, Rose Amies and Ivv Frankliu (equal) 3.

Composition—Boys: Alexander Ti<it 1, Keimcth Scoon 2, John Robertson 3. Girl 3: Clara Greyand ' Rose/ArtieS' .Ceqitnl)' 1, RusbateTv 2, Eljzibeth" TattersMS.' ' .. ' ; s DMwipij—: :

Gregg • 'Miluid ■%,' Leslie" T>algleish; "a rid' John Robertson (equal; 3. Girls: Clara ■Grey 1, Ivy Franklin 2, Edith Reynolds 3. ;

Good Work (Mrs Maurice's prize) ; — Richard Farrant. ,

Drill—George M'Kcnzie. Improvement (Mr Geo. Mitchell's prize)— Arthur Kibblewliite. ■ Diligence (Mr. Wra. M'Kenzie's prize) —Gordon Pbn?.;-J " . . Brush-wort"' "(Mr J : . H. "Milligan-s» prize)— Linda Jones. ' Good Conduct (Mr AV. M'Diarmid's prize)— Rose Amies:'' Good Conduct (Mr D. Gillies' - prize)— Grace Jones. Good Attendance' (Mr Mitchell s prize) —Mabel Rusbatch. Sewing—Rita Martin-1. Annie Foster 2. Attendance Certificates —Ist class: Elizabeth Patterson, Arthur Kibble-, white. 2nd class: Clara Grey, Phyllis #utton, Annie Foster,' Savinia Foster, Grace Jones, John Robertson, John Dickson. George M'Kenzie, Gregg Milne, Gordon Pow, Alec, iergusson, AVilliam Peebles,' Steven Rusbateli. _

—Standard 111. — . Marks Boys: AV alter James 1, Horace Ruffell 2, Jack; Meldritm_ 3. Girls: Nellie Williams 1, Marion Meldrum 2. Ruth Robertson 3:_ ; Reading and Recitation— Boys: Walter James 1, Horace Ruffell 2, Gow Harvey 3. Girls: May Turvey 1, Winnie: Amies and Nellie Williams (equal) 2, Maggie Denliolm 3. Spelling-Boys;' Gow Harvey 1, Jack Meldrum 2, Walter James-3. Girls. Ruth Robertson 1, Nellie Williams and May Ruffell (equal) 2, Annie Dalgliesh 3 ' Writing—Boys: Jack Meldrum 1, Tack Young 2, Bruce Robertson ana Jas. Nimmo (equal) 3. Girls: Katliie Metcalfe 1, Marion Meldrum and sie Steele (equal) 2, Mary Turvey and Jean Farquhar (equal) 3. . Arithmetic- —Boys: IN elson Stew art I, Jack Young 2, Clifford Bain 3 Girls: Rutlr Robertson 1, Marion Meldrum £, Nellie Williams 3. , - - • ' Composition —Boys: Walter James 4, Clifford Bain 2, Ray Cross 3 Girls: Nellie Williams 1, Zoo Godfrey A, Marion Meldrum 3. Drawing—Boys: Walter James 1, Arthur Robins 2, Arthur Sinclair 6. Girls: Jeaii Farquhar 1, Zoe Godfrey Marion Meldrum 3. Sewing—Marion Meldrum 1, Mary Rusbatch 2. • Drill—Jack Meldrum General .Excellence —-Albert liobeitson (Mr W. F. Mackenzie's'prize). Conduct —Allies Jones (Mrs Dnnnc s Work—Fred Farquhar (Mr J. Gilliand's prize). , Attendance —Malcolm Johnston (i\lr Mitchell's prize). Diligence Marjone lorke Dunne's prize). - . Attendance Certificates —Ist class: Raymond Cross, Zoe Godfrey. 2nd class: Jessie Steele, Agnes Jones, Clarence Caldwell, Daniel _De ■ Courcey,' jlenry De Courcey, Walter James, Arthur Robins. —Standard IV. — Ac'Tegatc Marks Boys: A\ llliani Williams 1, Stanley Martin 2, Joseph Rusbatch 3. Glirls: Elsie Moscrop 1, Ivv Johnston 2, Olive Meldrum 3 Readin"- and Recitation—Boys: William Williams 1, Joseph Rusbatch 2, Edward M'Murtrie and Robert Keith (equal) 3; Girls: Elsie Moscrop 1; Ivy Glvnn.2, Ivy Jolmston 3. Spelling—Boys: William Williams 1, Albert Latimer 2, Harold Cross Robert Smart (equal) 3. Girls: Olive Meldrum 1-, Elsie Moscrop and Jessie Gilliand (equal) 2, Ivy Glynn 3*;.,. Writing—Bovs:: Stanley Martin 1, William Williams and Albert- Latimer (equal) 2. Harold Gross 3. Girls: Elsie Moscrop 1, Olive Meldrum and Beryl M'Gliie 2, Ivy Johnston 3. Arithmetic—Boys: William Williams 1, Stanley Taylor 2, Joseph Rusbatch 3 Girls: Elsie Moscrop 1, Ivy-Johnston 2, Prideaux Jewell' 3. Composition—Boys-. William Williams 1. Albert Latimer 2, Sydney Taylor 3. Girls: Elsie Moscrop 1, Ivy Johnston 2, Kate Allan 3, Drawing—Bovs: Stanley Martin 1, Harold Cross 2,. William Williams 3. Girls: Elsie Moscrop 1, Beryl M'Gliie 2, Juanita Clarke 3. Sewin^ —Olive Meldrum 1, Kate Allan 2, Madge Grave (Miss Sumpter's

prize) 3. Drill —William A\ llletts. Design—Leila Benson (Mr T. M'Kenzie's prize). Drill—Hugh Rankin (Mr J. M'Kcnzie's prize). Steadiness, Improvement, and Conduct— lua Hartley (Mrs Familtou's prize). General Excellence —Malcolm 3l Lcod (Mr W. Aikenhead's prize). General Merit. —Robert Wilson - (Mr W. Aikenhead's prize), Madge. Grave (Mr A. Webster's prize). Attendance Certificates —Ist class: Edward M'Murtrie, Harold Cross. _ '2nd class: Svdncv Tavlor, Robert Keith, Hugh Rankin, Edith Guthrie. Ivate Allan, Elsie Moscrop. —Standard V. —

Aggregate Marks —Boys 'Lawrence Dunn I,' James Blyth 2, AVm. Austin 3. Girls: Ivy Amies 1, Ellen Reynolds 2,- Margaret' Whillans 3. Reading and Recitation —Boys: James Blyth 1, Lawrence Dunn 2, Charles Kibblcwhite 3. Girls: Margaret Whillans, Ellen Reynolds. Ivy Amies (equal) 1, Nellie Bruce 2, Frances Aeheson and Janette Young (equal) 3. Spoiling—Boys: Wm. Miller, James Blyth, AVm. Austin (equal) 1, Lawrence Dunn 2, Charles Kibblcwhite 3. Girls: Ivy Amies 1, Linda Cross 2, Edith Aeheson 3. Writing—Boys: Lawrence Dunn 1, AVm. Austin and James Blyth (equal) 2, Albert Hamilton 3. Girls: E. Reynolds and Linda Cross (equal) 1, Edith Aeheson and Lizzie Collet (equal) 2, Mary Russell and Margaret AVliillans (equal) 3. . - Arithmetic —Boys: Lawrence Dunn I, William Austin and ' Charles Kibblewhite (equal) 2, Herbert . Whyte and James Blyth (equal) 3. Girls': Ivy Amies 1, Editli Aeheson 2, Nellie Reynolds 3.

Composition—Boys : Lawrence Dunn and James Blyth (equal) 1, Wm. Austin 2, Herbert Wliyte"3. Girls : Janette Young and Edith Aclieson (equal) 1, Frances . Aeheson and Nellie Bruce (equal) 2, Ellen Reynolds 3. Geography-—Boys : Lawrence Dunn 1, Albert Hamilton'2, Herbert Wliyte 3. Girls: Edith Aclieson and Mabel Dotigr las (equal) 1, Nellie Reynolds 2, Frances Aclieson, Ivy Amies, Margaret AVliillans (equal) 3. Drawing—Boys: James AViHiams 1, Lawrence Dunn 2, James Blytli and Albert Hamilton (equal) 3. Girls: M. AVliillans 1, E. Collett 2, J. Moir, N. Bruce and I. Amies (equal) 3. Cooking—Janette. Young 1, Margaret Whillans 2.

. Sewing—Margaret AVliillans 1, Ellen Reynolds 2.

Conduct Boys: James • Robertson (Mrs Familton's prize). Girls: Maria Gilliand (Mrs Billing's prize). Drill —Boys: Albert Hamilton 1, Jolui Russell (Mr "Mollison's prize) 2. Attendance Certificates—Boys (2nd class): Win. Austin. James Blytli, Law. rence Dunn, Wm. Miller, James Robertson, Herbert Whyte. Girls: Ellen Reynolds, Nellie Bruce. —Standard' VI. —

Aggregate Marks —Boys: Cecil Tait 1, Ernest Davis 2, James Allan 3. Girls: Thorn-. Mar wick 1, Vera Rankin 2, Lily Godfrey 3. " Reading and Recitation—Boys: Cecil Tait 1, James'-Allan and John Familton (equal) 2. Thomas Jones 3. Girls: Vera Rankin 1, Ethel Miller 2, Thora Marwick 3.

Spelling—-Boys : Ernest" Davis 1, "C. Irvine, T. : Jones; C. Tait (equal)- 2, James Allan 3. Girls: Vera Rankin and Thora Marwick (equal) 1, Marjory Muir 2, Lily Godfrey 3. Writing Boys: Ernest Davis 1, James Allan 2, Thomas Jones 3. Girls: Vera Rankin 1, Lily Godfrey and Thora Marwick (equal) 2, Elsie Taylor 3. Arithmetic —Boys: James Kibblewhite 1, Cecil Tait 2, -James Allan 3. Girls: Thora' Marwick 1-,* Mary: Ward 2, Vera Rankin 3.

Composition—Bo'ys: - Ernest Davis 1, James Allan 2, Cecil Tait 3. Girls: Thora Marwick 1, Vera Rankin. .2, Mary WS'rd! arid-Mildred Yorke- : (equal) 3. "~

Geography—Boys.: James Kibblewhite .1. Ernest Davis 2," Cecil Tait 3. Girls: Thora : ;Mapvrick:sind Lily. Godfrey.(equal) 1, Miary Ward" 2, Ve-ra Rankin 3. Drawing—rßoys: ; James Allan 1, S. Branthwaitc 2, Tbos. Johnston and C. Irvine (equal) 3. Girls: T. M. Muir, "Mi Reiuvick,?E.-Taylor (equal) 1, G. Scoular and L. Godfrey (equal) 2, V. Rankin 3. ; ' "

Conducts-Boys: ;Cecil Tait v @frs. Billing's ■ pri?is). Girls: Isabella Farrant (Mrs Farquhar's prize), .

£?. prize).' | Attendance Certificates —Ist class: James Allan, Thomas Jones, Cecil Tait, -Lilian.:'Godfrey. .2nd-class. Thora Marwickj -Vera Rankin,-- Coral Robertson. Diligence Boys: Edgar Guthrie (Hon. T. Y. Duncan's prize). Girls: Louie James (Hon. T. Y. Duncans prize). ; Politeness and Manhers- t'oys: I'-rn-est Abbott. Girls: Irene Cunningham (Mr AV. G. Grave's prize). _ : -Ambulance—James Allan (Mr K. Riisbatch's/-;prize). ~ Essay—Annie Thompson and laij Godfrey. (Mr Smyth's, prize). Shooting—-James Gordon (Mr Eraser s Pr SewiTig—Elsie Taylor ' (Mrs R. C. Young's prize) 1, Gladys 5 2 ' r Cooking—Annie Archibald (Mrs J.. Herron's prize) 1, Marples Steele (Ml P. Sinclair's prize) -2v T ■ Progress^—Coral Robertson (Mrs \V. F. Meldrum's prize). Progress —rAnnie--Thompson, Lindsay Memorial Prize-^-l'oys: brr.est Davis. Girls: Vera Rankin. Dux medals were donated by ins \\ 01ship the Mayor and Mr Albert Grave. Gifts for A, B. and C Classes were dbnated by Mrs Jardine.

AVAITAKI GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. Thread the Needle Race. —I. Clark and A r . Barley. Egg and Spoon Race.— E AA T ebber. Decorated Bicycle. —i!.. Thomas. Three-legged Race. .EThomas and K. M'Neil. Book-walking Race (middle and junior).—G. Tayloi and G. Yorke; senior, M. Allan. Bicycle Club Race—L. Hunter. Bicycle Tortoise. —D. Daviess Children Visitors' Race —E. Barley and M. Barley: Edith M'Adam; M. Hewat. Tie Race: —G. Yorke. Potato Basket Race. —A. Burnett. Ex-girls Thieelegged Race. —Misses G. and A. J?ipcr.

ARDGOAVAN SCHOOL. The breaking-up of-this • school for the Christmas holidays'took place yesterday. A large number of the parents and " friends of the children were present-. The usual picnic and sports were held in a paddock kindly lent tor the occasion by Mr Henderson, where everyone seemed pleased to se ® children enjoying themselves. llien, after partaking of afternoon tea, tor which an ample supply of cakes, mut, etc., had been kindly provided by tlie ladies of the district, an adjournment was made to the school for the purpose of distributing the prizes to the children Mr-R. -Douglass occupied the chair, and called on Air Hamilton to present the prizes. Before doing so, Mr Hamilton congratulated Mr Mac--arthur, who has been relieving teacher at the Ardgowtin Scliol for the past six . months, --on the excellent manner in which he had carried out his duties, ,which had left nothing to be desired, and the hope that he might soon be appointed to another school, feeling sure that if this were so he would be able ; to give perfect satisfaction. The prizes were then handed out to the children according to the following list: — Standard VI. General Proficiency—Margaret Martin, Margaret Douglass, Frances Fodie. Standard V. Arithmetic —Mabel Mills. English —Mary Scott. Standard 111Arithmetic —James M'Cone. Standard. II. :

Writing—Ellon M'All ley. Arithmetic —-Gilbert Macn rtlmr. Standard 1. AVritinii —Julm M'Cone. Arithmetic —Thomas M'Cone 1, A. G. Moearthui- 2. Reading—Kathleen M'Auley. Preparatory. Figures —John Mills. Reading—rThomas Mills Writing—David M'Conc. Diligence —Neil M'Cone, Florence M'Auley, James Macartliur. Most Popular Girl —-Margaret Douglass. Most Popular Boy—John M'Cone. Attendance —Frances I'odie 1, John M'Cone 2, David M'Cone 3. Votes of thanks were accorded by acclamation to all "who contributed so liberally to the priez fund, to the ladies who so kindly provided the cakes for tlia picnic, "to Mr Henderson, who kindly gave the use of his paddock for the sports, and to all who assisted in .making the gathering such a success. Mr Macartliur then proposed a vote of thanks to the Commissioners of 'the school, and expressed the hope that should he be appointed to another school he might receive the same kindly treatment "that had been accorded to him since he took charge at Ardgowan. The usual vote of thanks to the chair terminated the proceedings, which had been most enjoyable throughout.

TEANERAJvI SCHOOL. _ The Teaneraki Public School broke up yesterday afternoon for the summer vacation. According to custom, the Committee presented each pupil with a book. Owing to the liberality of .the friends of the school, the following special prizes were awarded : Composition (Mr Young's medal) Gladys Standring. . Sewing (Mr Fraseifs prize)— Marion Taylor ; (Mrs Campbell s prize)—A. Do vie. . Gardening (Mr Brown's prize)—.if. Buzan; (Mr S. Reid's prize)—C. Cornick. / After the prizes were distributed the children gave three cheers for the staff and also for the Committee. On leaving each child received a present of lollies, the gift of Mr Campbell. The Committee wish to thank the donor;; of special prizes.

DUNTROON. The breaking-up ceremony took place at Duntroon School yesterday afternoon. There was a large number of parents and friends present. Mr W. Yardley, the chairman, in a few opening remarks said he was very pleased to say .it was one of the best years in tlxe record of the school, the reports being of the highest order and the children were making goo dprogress under the present teaching staff. Mr Yardley, Rev. P. S. Hay, and airs -Hay presented the prizes. The Rev. I?. S. Hay delivered an address suitable to the occasion. The following is the prize list: — Attendance —Ist class: L. B. Bell, M. Milling T. Bell, Sinclair Hamilton, C. Hamilton, A. Fyfe, S. Neil, V. Langley, F. Fyfe. R. Bell, G. Bell. 2nd class: G. Sutherland, C. Sutherland, D. Sutherland, J. Pringle, M. O'Connor, J. Gibson, A. Bell, A. Neil, Stanley Hamilton. (Lily B. Bell, eight certificates, and Thos. Bell, seven, have never missed half a day's attendance.) Class- Prizes —Preparatory III.: Stanley Hamilton and Ellen Wilson. Standard I.: Margaret Hamilton and Nicholas O'Connor. Standard II.: Bes"sic Beck 1, Annie Bell 2. Standard III.: Alexander Fyfe and Annie Wilson (equal).- Standard-IV.: Sinclair Hamilton and Jessie Gibson (equal). Standard VI: Olive Beck. Dux of school —Maggie Millin (Mr Hood's medal) and Oswald Orr (equal). Special Prizes —Composition: Jessie Gibson (Mr Fraser's prize). Improvement in Writing: - Ivy Phillips. Best Writing: Annie Carswell. Sewing: Standard 1., Marie Carling: Standard 11., Maggie Smith; Standard 111., Elsie JohnstonStandard IV., Lily M. Bell; Standard V., Olive Beck; Standard VI., Maggie Millin. Gardening (prizes awarded by Mr Howie) : Girls — L. B. Bell 1, M. O'Connor and K. Wise (equal) 2; boys—M. Johnston and O. Orr (equal) 1, C. Sutherland 2. , Infant Room (awarded by Mr Howie) ' —Writing: Standard I:, James Beck; Preparatory 111., Ray Jardine; Preparatory II., ; .•Myrtle Beck.; Drawing: Standard 1., Constance Hiixford; Preparatory 111., Selina Manley; Preparatory 11.,- Owen Tallentire, Myrtle Beck. Most Popular Pupils: Infants, May Wise and Robert Bell (Mr Howie's prizes); senior, Olive Beck and Chas. Sutherland (Miss Falconer!s medals). ' NGAPARA SCHOOL. The annual distribution of prizes to .the children attending the above school took place in the Public Hall yesterday afternoon; As usual, ' a considerable * number of parents attended to view the "various physical exercises which formed a feature of the function. The singing, recitiitionsV and physical exercises were exceptionally good, and the Chairman of the Committee (Mr M'Culloeh) said he had driven to Oiimaru to aii :enter■tainmorit of less-merit than that given jby the children. The list of prise winners'is' as-foJlows:— . Standard VI. 1

jVTarks—Leslie Jftcol, <Jus': Ju&f Bonjlj

2, Tlios." Black and- Dorothy ; Keen (equal). Writing—Amy. Bond and Dorothy Keen (equal) , Drawing—AVallace Little 1, Amy Bond 2. , Recitation —Amy Bond 1, Thos. Black 2. Sewing—Amy Bond 1. Darning, etc. —Amy Bond 1. Standard A r . Marks—Capt. Nim'mo 1, John Paterson 2, Mabel Hewton 3: AVriting—Eric Watson ly John Paterson 2. Drawing—Annie .Hall 1, Mabel Hewton 2. Recitation—Capt. Nimmo 1, Janet Nimmo 2. Sewing—Mabel Hewton. Darning, etc. —Ethel AA 7 ardle. Standard IV.

Marks —John Beck and Pearl Latto (equal) 1, Elspetli Holmes and AVilliam Bond (equal) 2, Sinclair Sutherland 3. AVriting—Sinclair Sutherland .1, Elspetli Holmes 2. Drawing—Sinclair Sutherland 1, Elspetli Holmes 2. Recitation —Daniel M'Culloeh. Sewing—Elspetli Holmes. Darning, etc —Elspetli Holmes. Standard 111.

Marks —Jas. Robbie 1, Kenneth Webber 2, George Orr 3. Writing—Jas. Robbie 1, Thos. Johnstone 2. Drawing—George Orr 1, Elizabeth Blair 2. E/eeitation —Elizabeth Blair. Brush work—Elizabeth Blair, Kenneth AVebber 2. Sewing—Elizabeth Blair. Standard 11.

Marks —Nathaniel Black and Arthur Patersou 1, Thos. Direen 2. AVriting—Nathaniel Black 1, Arthur Paterson 2. Drawing—Jas. Halkett 1, Nathaniel Black 2. Recitation —Nathaniel Black. Standard I.

Marks —Fanny Holmes 1, Albart Blair, Leonora Wardle and Stella AVeaber (equal) 2. AVriting—Fanny Holmes 1, Alice AVatson 2.

Drawing—Margaret Beck 1, Fanny Holmes 2.

Recitation —Leonora AVardle 1, Stella. AVebber 2. Sewing—Fanny Holmes. Infants.

Special prize? for physical exercises—"Robin Little, Ivy llobbie, and AVilliam M'Culloeh. Attendance Certificates.

First-class—Arthur Paterson, Olive AVardle, Sylvia AVright, Leslie Nicol, John Paterson, Kenneth AVebber, and Edith AVardle. Second-class—Albeit Blair, Margaret Beck, Leonore AVardle, Stella AVebber, Capt. Nimmo, AVilliam Bond, John Beck, Robert Black, Elizabeth Blair, Fletcher Kydd, Dorothy Keen. Cadet Shooting Medals. Tlios. Black 1, AVallace Little 2, Henry AVebber 3.

After the prizes were awarded the Chairman wished the children all sorts of good times for their holidays. Then, after hearty cheers for the teachers and the singing of tlie National Anthem, a farewell was said to school and school work for 1009.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIV, Issue 10330, 17 December 1909, Page 6

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SCHOOL VACATIONS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIV, Issue 10330, 17 December 1909, Page 6

SCHOOL VACATIONS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIV, Issue 10330, 17 December 1909, Page 6


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