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Oamaru Borough Council.

The following were present at last night's meeting of the. Council:—-His Worship the Mavor, Councillors Taylor, Brown, Frith, Mitchell. Keys, Grave, M'Adam, Snadden,. Clarke, and jlahan. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretaa-y of the Technical' Classes Association made application for the annual grant towards the maintenance of the classes. —The same sum as last year, £2O, was voted. Mr S. B. Patersorc, Awamoa, wrote again requesting that the drain, running through his property be attended to. Ashe was unwililimg to have litigation over the matter he would adhere to bis former offer—viz., that the Council supply the pipesand he would straiglrton the ditch and put them in. Mr Paterson also asked if gas would bo available for lighting purposes' for a cottage he was building at Awamoa.— Councillor Taylor moved that the Council vote £2O for the drainage work.—Seconded bv Councillor Brown,, and carried.—Councillor Clarke moved that the matter of the gas supply be referred again to the Gas Committee for consideration and report. —• Carried. ilr J. Welsh gave notice that he no longer intended to pay rates on section 17. block 71, as he did not receive "a, penny a year value from it.'' Section 15, block 7l", was also at £1 per year, while it was only worth 10s. He asked the Council if they would not reduce the rent of this section, and fence it. In reference to the above the Borough Valuer reported that section 17, block 71, was the property of an unknown absentee owner. For some years it had been, included in a ring fence of sections owned and leased by -Mr Welsh as occupier under the Act, and he was primarily liable for all rates falling due while his name appear ed on the rate l>ook. Referred to the Reserves Committee with power to act. The secretary of the Oamaru Garrison Band wrote asking that the Council wound take into favorable consideration the question of .granting an annual sum for music to be supplied to the public. The letter pointed out that such a course was adopted in a large number of the towns in Now I Zea'fcmd. ami was widely adopted in the (fid Country and elsewhere, a. fixed-amount being paid for a definite numlier of free pel formances in public places. The Band also asked for permission to play in the Gardens on Sunday., 29th, iu place of the 22ud. —Referred to the Finance Committee for favorable consideration. Permission to plav in the Gardens on 29th granted.

A letter was received from the Prime Minister's office in reference to an application from the Council for certain- leasing powers over part section 8, block xcv, town of Oamaru, and recommending that the Council draft a short bill dealing with the matter, and get the memlicr for the district to introduce it during the coming session. The Government would not disapprove of such action.—Councßllor Grave thought it would be advisable to include in the Bill all '"public utility" sections. It was decided that ste]*> be taken to draft the necessary Hill. A sub-committee consisting of his Worship and Councillor Grave was appointed to carry this into effect. The Westport Coal Company asked to be released of their occupation, at the termination of the present period, of the Esplanade section; it being of no further use to them.—Referred to the Reserves Committee, wit.h power to act. The General Manager of Railways (Mr T. Honayne) wrote, under date March 9th, as follows : —'"With reference to your letter respecting the question of the removal of the old Council Chambers from off the railway reserve, I have the honor to inform you that I Tegret. after giving your representations the fullest consideration I cannot, in the interest of public safety, see my way to waive the request that has already been made to you respecting theremoval of the buildings from off the railway reserve. With regard to your statement that the tender for the lease was accepted on the Ist; Xovember, and before Teeeipt of my memo of 12t,h idem, I would again direct your attention: to the fact that on the 21st January, 1907, ten months l>efore the site was, leased, I wrote asking what your council intended to do with the buildings on completion of your new offices. I then jiointed out that the buildings encroached on the railway land, obscuring to a great extent the view of the Thames street- crossing, and expressed the ho[*e that on the removal of the Council to the new municipal offices it would- see its way to have the old buildings removed, altogether. This letter was acknowledged bv you on the 28th January. 1907. My letter of 12th XovemlxT directed your attention to the communication of 21st January, and merely .asked, to lie advised as to the position. Seeing that the tenders were not accepted by your Council until Ist Xovember and licit 1 Ifad previously directed attention to the fact that the removal of the old buildings was advisable, the fact of my second Jet-tor being dated 12th Xovember does not materially affect the position, 1 regret that the l.)e|xirtment cannot- agree to allow the matter to remain in abeyanoo until the present tenancy expires. According to your letter of 17th Xovember last the site Ikis I.m?c.ii let for a ]ierio-:l of 12months with a right of renewal for a further term. The lease will, therefore, have at- least 18 months to run, and during th's time the safety of the public is being interfered with by- the encroachment of the old Council offices on railway land."—His Worship explained that the right of renewal was at the Council's pleasure.—Councillor Grave moved that at the expiration of the first 12 months the tenancy of the building should not be renewed.—Councillor M"Adam said it was ridiculous to say that the old Borough Council Lha-meers were so dangerous as to necessitate leinoval. The little building opposite, helonging to the Department caused almost as much danger. He seconded Coim?;I----lor Grave's motion which was earned

Messrs Alexander Bean eft, J. (!. H. Sumpter and K. L. Rule the value.s appointed for the .purpose, reported'.ha\ji:g inspected the improvements on sections 6, block 3, Jield under lease, and valued them at £450. fixing the annual rental at £S.—• Received. Mr Robert Blair applied for rebate on section 18, block: 24, and on sect on 10, block 27. these having been unoccupied since-August 12. 1907,' and June 17 :HO7, respectively.—Referred to the valuer to inquire. Mr James Enislie complained o' the entrance to his property situated on the West Town Belt, the only entrance to which was a make-shift gate through the reserve. He asked that the fence that is across the street be taken down and a bridge put across the creek, so that free access m-ght be Jiad. —Referred to the Works Commiriee for report. Mr Geo. Manley applied for a water service trough supply on piece of land in Is is street. —Referred to the Waterworks Committee, with power to act. Mr James M'Laren asked that the wotlc .connected with putting in order the footpath at the south side of Stour street be put in bond as early as possible, as in wet weather it got into a deplorable state.--To be attended to hy the Jyngsneer. Mr G. H. Greiifell, gasworks manager, rejKirted a. complaint by the lamplighter that, the street lamps were being continually lit and extinguished by some one unauthorised. The gas l thus consumed ivouid■be unaccountable. —The cleric was dsked to notify the police. The. " Inspector of Nuisances (Mr H. Mathias) reported with reference to a house situated on section 3, block 67, Yore street, occupied by Mr A. Millen. and condemned some time ago by the District Health Officer. The report stated that the house was "filthy, and in very bad condition. The floor was giving way in some places, and some of the doors were absolutely rotten. The house was a most -mihealthy one in!its present state for.its in-. mates." and for various reasons seriously depreciated the letting value of adjacent properties. Millen was in the liabit of skinning and removing carcases from different- places, keeping portions of the same, and allowing the "bones,: etc., to remain shout the and create a nuisance. He had also built a hut on wheels on the street line in front of the house." He (the inspector) liad given him notice to clean .the place at once.—Referred to the Health Committee with power to consult the bolicitor and take action according to his adMr J. M. Forrester advised that Messrs H.. Winslov and Sons were entitled,to-.£494 4s Ittlartee due on contract and "£3SQ-for extras in connection with the Town; Hall, this being the 16th certificate, making" a total of £BISO 4s .certified-for.—Passed. Mr A. M. Arthurleomplained thai, sew'a,"e from Tvne street drained on to h.s property, and' he offered to pay., lus. proportion* of the cost if the street werevcha.nneiled.—Work to be done. . - Two-.of .the Council's casual employees asked,'for a,rise in wages to .7s 6d a day.— Referred to-'the Finance Committee. W J. - Clarke was granted permission to erect workroom in stone and glass m

Kibble street. —Councillor Frith said that this, was in accordance with the bye-Haws, but the time would come when the Council! would have to insist on uniformity in the buildings erected' on main streets. Councillor Frith moved that the Bye-laws Committee take into consideration the ad- < visability of framing a bye-law with a view to securing uniformity of buildings in main streets. —Seconded by Councillor M'Adam, and agreed to. Councillor Grave moved that the Finance Committee together with the chairmen of the different committees prepare and submit to the next meeting of the Council am estimate of the proposed expenditure of the Council for, the period commencing on the Ist day of April 1908, and ending on the 31st March, 1909. such estimate to comply with the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act.—Seconded by Councillor M'Adam, and carried. Tenders for gas coal were referred to the Mayor, the chairman of the Gas Commit--te, "and the Gas Manager. The Gas Committee reported recommending that the tender of Mr W. O'Leary for street lamp-light in ir for 12 months ending 28th February, 1909, for the sum of £l4O 14s be accepted ; allso that tenders be called far supplv of.coal (sav 800 tons), tenders •to be iii. by noon of 29th inst.—Report adopted. The Works and Reserves Committee reported recommending (1) that tenders be willed for fencing at baths, to be in by next Council meeting; (2) that the recutting of zig-zag in Nen street from Reed street to Aln street be 'left with the Engineer to act: (3) that the Engineer attend to Mr lltiddiek's letter with reference to Yare street: (4) that Mr Holding's letter re footpath, etc., in 'lyne street be left with the Engineer for attention: ((5) that tenders. tol>e. in by next Council meeting be called on night* soil contract for coming rear. —Report adopted. "' Accounts amounting to £459 18s 4d were presented by the l ? inance Committee, aind

were passed for payment. The Waterworks Committee reported (1) recommending that Mr Fraser be instructed to proceed with the work of bridge crossings over races, the Council to coiv sidcr the question of liability of owners of 'land adjoining for past maintenance; (2) that the charge to Messrs H. Brown and' Co. for motive supply for one-horse power for three hours a dav be at schedule rates. (3) The report also stated that Mr Fraser liad requested the Council' to consider the question' of wages to casual laborers cmpfoved on the race.—The first part of the report was referred back to the Committee for further information. The second part of the report was adopted and the Council acquiesced in the request named in the third portion of the report, raising the

wages to 7s 6d' per day. The tender of Messrs .7. Ogilvie and Son to erect a w.c. in the vicinity of the urinal at the Thames street bridge for £ls Ids, was accepted. Two tenders for the supply of coal for ws manufacture for the ensuing year were referred io the Mayor and Chairman of the Gas Committee to accept one. One tender for the removal of night soil and house refuse during the ensuing year was opened and was referred to the Works Committee, the Finance Committee In consider the advisability of paying the cost of the services out of rates. Councilor Brown introduced the subject of the entry to pit and stalls of the new theatre'. fie said he had been assured bv both ladies and gentlemen that the crowding there was such that they would not again attempt to enter the place. He did not wish to rellcct on the architect or on the Town 11 all Committee, hut it would seem that the construction of the entrance was very awkward, and he would like the committee to take into consideration the question of improving the existing conditions; lie moved in that direction Councillor Clarke, in seconding the motion, said that similar complaint,* had been made to him, and one gentleman of cx|icnence- had formulated a scheme to obviate the difficulty. JTis Worship said that the architect had followed out the latest ideas in the const met ion of the entrance, which was adapted for the queue system. Councillor Frith thought the managers of the various companies e.oukl relieve the pressure by opening the doors earlier. Councillor Mitchell said that the crowdins arose from the fact that the people were not educated up to the system. Thoy were not used to discipline; and included in their number too many ••.rushers." Councillor Clarke said lie would like the committee to ascertain who was responsible in the event, of over-crowding in the theatre.

Councillor M'Adam said that no maJln how wide the entrance, there would still be? crushing, .and in his experience there a.iw tys luid l»oii pushing and crushing at. ike doors o£ theatres. The matter was referred to til? Town IfaFl C-oinmittee for wwside.ra.lion. Councillor Mitchell -asked; that the Councillors .grace the ceremony of. tlte presenta.lion of the South Island Cadet Khoolhu; Shield to the Xorth School Cadets. Councilllor M'Adam moved that tlio question of plac-ins* elderberry on, the second schedule of tlie Noxious Weeds Act lie stent to the Kv-laws Committee. —Carried. Councillor Crave movo.l that the Knsinecr l>e instructed to repair the lootiiath near .the-railway crotsin." in Thames street. —Carried. Tli« Council rose, at 9.55 p.m.

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9795, 21 March 1908, Page 4

Word Count

Oamaru Borough Council. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9795, 21 March 1908, Page 4

Oamaru Borough Council. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9795, 21 March 1908, Page 4


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