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Although the Swimming Club did not vesterdav include n tragedy in their aquatic ' sports programme, still "I'r.ifessor liaggiano's" c.vhibitioii of the "hag trick" was more than sullii icin ly dramati. to induce thrills in those spectators titled up with merely human nerve i oiniecl ion... The "bag trick." which, it may be mentioned, is by no means new, ((insists in "tying'" the'performer in a weighted bag aiid dropping him into the water, the knot being; tied in such maimer as. although deceiving to the eyes of the onlookers, will enable the ei.rd or rope to be sliimed when once out of sight. lie "I'rofesor" was duly "bagged" and thrown, hut as lie did not make his reappearance above the level of the water in less time than it lakes to drown a kitten, two expert divers weni to his assistance, and ill a true brought linn I" the surface, still as em dually hugged as when pin in. the rope .losing the mouth having failed to ad. lty this tunc the spectators, a very huge proportion ol whom were ladies, were considerably over strung, and it was with evident relict thai thev beheld the "Professor" able to make his'wav to the dressing-room, and afterwards "to make his "bow" fully clothed. Manv times had he remained under water f.,r a much longer interval than lie was allowed to do v.stcidav. but then thole is a great dilferciuc',\,cll being all en. tin lv tree a-, ill undci the .in imislaiicand'heiiig tied ill a hag much alter 11, ■ method adopted when drowning an undesirable dog. The item whhh was designed to entertain merely served to urn discount for many the pleasine of the afternoon. . ,

There is yet hope lor Russia. Xolwith standim' the. threats of the autocracy lha' due calamity would result il the lluuia rfused to pais the vote tor the con.-.tnieiioii ol battleships, its Itcleu. <■ and Uude.ei Committees have rejected it. This shew:, that, spile of hectoring and cruel punish menu, the spirit of inde|vndcurv has ».t i.eeil killed. We may. however, well bear of another d.adlo, k, ol the di-solutioit ol the Duma, and the' sh<. aiau a.'.i I impiis-m----mrllt of oil. miens. (11l Monday next the Otago Tennis Club's team will play a match on the street recalls, the game co lelldllg earlv in the morning. The visitors' team will* be: Bundle. Ham hop. Sinclair. Kwen. and Sise. Misses Holmes. • la.kson. Ham-Imp, and S.olt. lied street's team will he Waul. Sultou. DuCi.v.. I-:. F. AiniMr-.n-i. dome, and Sump ler. Misses Tavlor and Gilchrist. Mis Sutton, and Miss'lV<ui. k. Mr F. .1. Dul'icx. who has hc-n associated with the ofli.c of Messrs Da!eetv and I.e. for the pa.-t six or sc\eu "\e.cVs. has be.n not Hied of hi,- impending translation within the course- ot the tie.\t 1. w weeks to Coie. where he is to man age the linn's business. We . ..ngiat ul.ile Mr DuCioz upon the promotion, but i<■counise that his removal will 0., .is.on a distinct hiatus both ill'athietic and so> :.d circles.

Tiie Committee .'f the .Allilet i-- Football Club m.-t in tin- club-room hist night, Mr 1-1. Glass occupviug the .hair. '1 lie reports of tlio -North dtago Kugbv I'iikh. and tin' Footballers' Insurance Fund w.i,received. Messrs K. P. I'urran. .1. -A. Mullin. .1. Bennett, ami secretary werw appointed delegates to tin- X.iiHi (Hag.. Ini.ui. It was agreed to present f.,0t1.a1l clips, lit till' ('11(1 of till' Season, to the senior and junior .ajitains. 'lll.- meeting decided that iiisi vein- junior ineinher:, he admitted at 2s 0.1. half tho annua] sui.s. ri]ition; alro that tin- Committer ilf their best to forward tin- movement for a. third-grade competition. '1 he captain was authorised to appoint the junior coach. It was agreed to secure last year's clubrooin. Thursday and Friday nights in laset apart for .social evenings. The secretary was instructed to procure any new material rt'ipiii-od. The opening match \va» iixoil for .April 2nd. am! training is to start on Monday. April sth. Tin- following new members were proposed and elected :--'!'. t'ootiev. A. t'oatman. F. ("•natulan. W. Kc< les. C. (irnppelaar, (i. Patterson, 'l.'. Curran. J. Po-vnolds, - Bond, (i. dubbins, 11. .). M'Kcnzie. .1. Mcikle, anil A. Ma.kie. At the meeting of the Kduc.itiou Hoard ve.-.terilav, the' veaililiatioll of Miss 'i-lva 11. '(iiinii, Kiin-w, was ;ic, -Miss ,)aix> .Marwiek wan api)niute<l to Liwng.stoue, and Mr .1. H. .Sargison wn.s sele, ted to Kiici-ivil Mr l'.ain as iiiv-t assistant at the Oamaru .Middle School. The Oainaru Boating Club will have a creditable representation at the Port Chalmers regatta, which takes place on Moit<iav next. 25rd inst. (Anniversarv Hay). In'the .Maiden Fours the Club's representatives will be J. Smith, K. .1. Hinklev, R. K. Ireland, and M. M'Comhie, and in the Maiden Pairs, .1. Smith and K. .1. Jlinklev. The .Junior Fours will be competed for bv M-. K. .M'Cullougli. 11. de Laniliert, It'. K. Ireland, M. .M'Comhie, and the .Juniors Pairs bv _\l. K. M'Culloiigh and ]i. de Lambert. The crews ieave for Dunediu by the second express to-morrow.

Our Waimate correspondent writes: — The Executive of the Wailaki Temperance Reform Union met yesterday afternoon to discuss matters in connection with the campaign for this year. The President '(Mr Thomas J. Brown) occupied the chair, anil both the town and country people were well represented. The .secretary read correspondence from F.ngland from Mr Smedley re his proposed visit, to New Zealand. It was decided to place on record a vote of appreciation and thanks to Mr and Mrs Smedley and -Miss Bouham for their excellent offer to come out and work the \Vaitak ; and Oamaru electorates in the intercut of the No-license Party free of any charge whatever. A committee was appointed to make arrangement:; for the reception of these Home workers. The procuring of a home for the visitors while in this locality was left in the hands of the town Executive.

The largest meeting on record of the Masonic Lodge was held in the lodgement on Thursday night for the purpose of installing the Hev. M'Kenzie Gibson ;ui W.M. of Lodge St. Augustine No. 99 (says our Waimato correspondent). The ceremony was performed by M.W. the Pro. G.M. Brother V. C. Binns, assisted by the Grand Lodge oflieers. At the conclusion of the business for the evening a banquet was held, when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honored.

The following .letter, forwarded by the Cloniinissioiiipr of Police to lhe I,icenoc;i Victuallers' Union of Employers at -Auckiiand, has been the subject of protects by the Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Auckland Prohibition league as likely to unduly interfere with the independence of inspectors of police.—"Sir,—l have the honour to Acknowledge your loiter of the 14th inst., addressed to the Hon. the Minister of Justice, eomplaininjr of the action of Inspector Mitchell in ex pre. 1 simp; his views to the Press in respect of the No-license movement at Invercargill, and in reply to inform you, by direction, that it appears the inspector, whilst in conversation with .a reporter at the Police Ofiice in iMvercargilJ, casually made use of the words complained of whilst talking shout the orderly behavior of frequenters of the .streets, but he alleges he had no suspicion at the time- that any use-would bo made of his utterances. I can only say I much re-

o-jri. t-ho i»si>cctor's iiinlihci'Ctioii. :i-s poll i- ;n l,.it ioic; |nv>\-.i<l<' ;i.i;;vint>t .'my I' n,lllU'vli«.l Willi 111- .l.'paltm-nt '"'I"". >""' nmnir.m.l I.) ]>i-v.,1..,; \; it antlioritv. ami,'orniaUo.i -if th- ..■.-up lion imhralttl shoiil.l i».n I- .1 iv i.Ki.-l ,-r an opinion l.y a puii- oil""', un-l-i ih.' eirruinstaii—s. ' '■ Wlii-ii tin- sl-ain-r Innron aim,,l -M l-'rciii.-iiil il<- fmin Siti«.ip..rf i—ntly. I."■ ~,,'M'U,,' „[ rlnu.'M. was susp.str.l. tun !-; H oi-.... s «'i"-'ii i."i'-i '" "'\''' ll "", pirs.'ii—. SiiUsi'i|ti.'iitly wli-ii, ll"' \''«''' ivturii-,1 I" Imriil.lton. .1 I luursr «.-i:. -M'. ir.,tnl. ami as h- iml pn*- H'" '" l » ration trst. I.r was srntrnrnl I.; ll.nv ,„„ u ,l,s- i„,prisnn,m-u t . ami onl.-r-.l t.. |- .irpork-d. la )iii'M'i mini: -mpm h's. mCustoms .illii.T -snn.r -iy inlv,r:,l im; <lis,ovrr,rs. An ,n-M-.rat m,. v..'.ii,,t nn,dr a.s in whnr I"' >■"»,■ "■'"''• '' w;is disom-ml ihul In' Iminl.-l thr r1...r..n .it. Sin-npon-. jmwl willi I' •»l li.-■- »llin.v—who .U-sinsl to Uml in .Wi.ili.i »as -■•"• rn„l,-<l .himiif the win.•.•voyns;.' ... 11,.'1n',-.'.;-~,,,1,.,. thr niirim- room Hour. ... r.Mi<iuri> rruinpul poMlioiis. ll wa.-. ;ils.i l-aru-.l ,!,;,( All Willi lim,l |ui.l ll'O .1 ..- to Hi Chin.isr liiviiu-u lo takr Inn. on ~,,.,r,1. ami till,! liilll !. lining pln-i. lull wliat ll Hi' ' ilmv pai'l Ikis not l>->» niii'l" Known. "n thr vovii.".' .1 urn lln' liri' naiii-nl Ah Wan io'.'iil .ill' l'.i" l'i'- li'''- s " ,lul '" wonhl lmvr no .lifliniltv in la.mli. ;;4at I'i" nianll.-. 'Hi.' Martini-.liwovrry was tln'.i niii<le thai Ah Willi's tl.r.'i' .'onipiiiu ■<:,- who wi'iv roiiri'iil.yl will. Inin hal s.i.'r.'-s ftillv rv;,<hvl lln' CiiMoins olli-r.- -iii.l Willi', mili-. 1.11,1 ,'ll,'rli.l 11. 11..:.1i.."4 ..1 I'lvmiu.llr. Ah Willi was not ..hi,' to -.'l on will Ihriii. lint il wa.s ai-iiinui'il h,' wa.s I niak" ii limil lo lan.l <liir,ii : ;' tin' losl ! niuln <»f tin' vrs.M'l's -lav in llial poll wlirn 111.*.- woulil 1... ;, iii.nil.rr ..I' fliiii.v Irim'in."' ahoiil to t>e" lli'iir I'li.'ii-N "ii ■•"»=»■>»» ■\li Wiin. howrvrr. w.-.s too ill io mill;,' lh, all.Miilit, ii.i'l lukl I" Mint on lln' ivlmi iniiriicv with 11.,' K'Mill «liil."l. ' Thr' 1 ,.»5M1,i1.1.v of ",■ ,'oniiiiu ".o. l!». l'iiii",'" in thr virinilv m lln-' 1.n1..,i. (iol'.'r Lv thr A,-, ■i.iniat I.- .'.I ioi SIK'U-IV lilM liii.olit. Iml lII,' Mil.j,', t irlaps, I into ixTsonal inici'.li.l.' iwv. lh" 1.>«1.-lt..i J Tim.*.) 'l'll,' int'inU'i' who kikl tliiM ii s I hiwl Ih','ll M'rii 'i.ur tl.,' raiiLM'. was , m I i.luilirallv of o|.inioii (hut tin' i,n.i,i..i h.i. i ~.„( h(.'ii'ii ,l,'-i'. "A sl.r- won I nil. < ! fn-e with von wliui VOII ill.' aslr,'|.. ~..'

,:lm«o Vim." he sii«l. -mixl th.' man that told nl.' nl I it g"l •> i.tmlil.' high:. |)i- Mo.ii' r.-pm-.l .i in.'!'. I"' l<i" «' 1,.„ d N-ei; M'i'v i.iii.Oi ■ "uln "y .-, ml deer n.'ur tin- fiiiiu"-. and "" I'i-t-.ilit.-:. it. aw:«v h:ul awav Jul., tin- hush w tli II hlldt' '4IIU. "lie- lIHIM ll.'M' hccn ■■' l-'i'l.' ..-,,k1 shot,' .'lildod til'' dolor. "I' f I I"' •■•'"•■. Fhll-.t U|l lIll'IV ll'M V-aSoll «■"' I"" 1,I 1 1 . which had Halicied against its imtst liiiv,' hen Hi.' same stag. ' l»r M"i , ton ,\nde,„„„ m.kl tint vcl d. ei thai I" I hccll hand reared Lecaiue vi v hniii'iir willi human heiugs. for "ham ""> 1i.i.1 .. .„,,.( ol contempt. Will!..- h- I'-'-l I'"'" " the Waira.iapa ree-nlly a. pr.uu..s;u;g er.'hi pointer l, ; „l st.IU.I ..'.'l . "ivy. I li.m ... ,sW quarters, as if .it -I>l .ml .'.'>■" «li" I" Willi ••Wuiil.l vim haM'.sln.t it '. iii'|iiir. a a meinhcr. -Not l"f I't't.v p-'""ds swer.'d Hr Anderson. ■ Nothing is ([into c, good in hiotichili.and chronic cough in. Steams' Wine. Indelirious t.u-.t.- inakus ii,. i-viil.ii- iin' a |,l,,i,stii'..-, and it a. ti- as a mat. hi.',,, an.l hody-huilder. F.,r tin- lii'.-t tun.- in II"' hisl-my "t ih 1..,i-.,iinli tin I-- an- n.. appeal,, a_■ "I llm valuation list. Therefore tin' .-• 111111 '. <il lh. \ssr„SIIlelll I'-iiiit. which w.i„ l.» l-'l..- I'l-'- " ~„ l-'ridav li.M. will 11..1 now e\.-u • ■ Tin- valuation K.N ha.s 1 ,m idii'd 1..* <hMartial.' nisi it i.- now c '«>■)•'• ' ''- NmIV is tin- tilll" to .hi ymf "Ii .I'l"":. a' I'enrose's. F.vrv alli.-l" in lh" I'll 'l' inai'ki'il at low pines. ■: 1 vain.' to l„ had in dress inat.'li.'il.-. \.-he|ce,r. hli.u.c Flannel an.l Kl a iiill. 11..-. Sil.-i.i. "''I(lllilts. Ithlllki'ls. Sh.'.t Call. <i.'|.. M."I 1,..1 Flannelette. Shirtings. I lan,asks, ami ~|| |.i,„.„ C.H.ils. Men's Miirts. Suits. 5.,-' ,||.. Tweed Trousers. S.nks. r.ra.i's. ml ,|,,th.'ll.n. II.all!, Ilil's. 11....1' Sl.|.. ~,1.1 all kind,, .'l' Showr ii C Is. Ni :■■ auction sal.'. S.itiii'.lav. :.'(,h M.n.h. I'KN'ltilSr.'S Ihapi'iv l-'.,|.il,lislim, nl. D.M't.ii's hills i-av.-l l,y t..l:ini: l'.'iii,."i'' ri'ir'rtl-Clll.oU f.n- in.liimsti.m. 'ill i.'lii'inist.s. an.l ir.. iiiiilati.Hi ..; .cltain nit.'i- lakin,: I'l-.ns.n.. i>i-:rT(t-ciii.(H:. All .liiuhms. i-, ::•, <-i anti 4s. (' l'i „,-... 1... U. I'.ISV 'l'd lII,'. Hi in...i l».-rioa-iis. .v.ii'th tit.,-.. i''..iii,.ii.\. l'„,aiis,. I ISSICIIIA is -... i.l .-ii tlir.iugh, ami il-'s imt ".nt .m any hann fnl in-inln-lit. n .an 1..- its- )■ 1.1 -.11 1,„.|,11„.|S ..I lh.' f.iinilv t '.r.ll|.l|.a|..|l|.. paii'iits. an.l . liil-livn an.l ~l« ly - ,1- ■ i'...i«l. ■•

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9794, 20 March 1908, Page 2

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Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9794, 20 March 1908, Page 2

Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9794, 20 March 1908, Page 2


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