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(Peh Press Association.) WF.I.LIXOToX. March It.. Cabin.•! has decided t., locate il dairy s. hool ill the North ls!;iml :it ralniiTM.ui Xorth on the hind olloied l.y the Ma.i.u watu Agriciiltinal and Pastoral Asro. iatinn ill ils show ground. 'J his canes with it 40 acres presented l.y tli.' borough :is .in cn.lnwiii.'iit. and iiii'.l li'i'r endowni.-.-it from which some i.'.UUO has .0 - <■iiimilatcd. is 9U mil's at Waimate |Taianaki). Tli.- school will he in char-,' of Mi Singh-ton. A.■till- Dairv Commission, r. (Uhoi- uitos considered Wore tllo.M- at ll.i-w.-ra. Stratford. l'oiKlinjjr. and l.i-vin. l'almeistou's ii.-ipssiliility and I In- la. I that ac.ouimodation for pupils will be availahh- in town weighed with t hi- Co. vornmeni in making th.-ir choice. A tram following another Innii Kar..ii ran into tin- front rat yesterday aftiTiiooii through brakes, it is said, tailing to act. and knocked some of tin- passenges about. Class now about, and half a down people wore injiiri-d. A link- girl named l.y burg sustained concussion of the brain. Mr Cilbert Andeisnn, formerly .1" I he Christchurch Meat Company, imd ii.hv in London, has been appointed to ri'jifi'hcsil Xow Zealand at the Freezing In Paris. Mr (iialiam (low has presented a re. port to the ('ovorumont staling thai there .i.i an lniiiimstioniiblv good market for New Zealand unit ton in' 'Western Canada. The long cold winter makes sheep-rawing in Canada impossible, and importers prefer Xow Zealand mutton to Australian. In Toronto he found there were main enquiries for Xow Zealand wools. Ile'.on. siilers that there is a market for e.mne.l meats, jams and fruits in the Yukon territory if Xow Zealand, can me.-l the of tin' I'niti-il States anil Kaslorn Canada, lint, lie found Canadians had an impression that whenever Ihey asked for a quotation in Xow Zealand it was made as high as possible. Cabinet has decided to establish a number of scholarships for the eiieoiir.'igenieul of research in connection with the staple industries in the Dominion, such as sawmiliing, flnxniilling. moat.freezing, etc Tiie employees of the Manawatu Railway Company are to be admitted to superannuation on the conditions laid down In the Act. The Company has «»r 1 to contribute tho sum which is necessary to compound for back contributions to* the fund. As a result of a recent eonforeiKo I.e. Iwoi-n tlm Managing Director of the Cnioii Company (Sir .lames Mills) and delegates of the 1 institute of .Marine Knginceiy;. several important proposals wore discussed. Eventually an agreement was drawn, up to he submitted to the Institute for ratification. The principal foattucs of the concession are that in future chief engineers of tho. Company's fleet, will receive £2l to £SO per mouth, according to the (lass of the vessel's trade; second engineers, £l6 to £2O; third, £l4 to £l6: fourth, £l2 to £l3. Victualling allowances when engineers are awaiting orders ashore will he placed on a more liberal scale. It was agreed to give sick pay to enginei-is incapacitated through illness. Chief and second engineers engaged in specially strenuous trades have been pro. misod double the present holidays. A satisfactory schedule of pay has l'loen arranged for all engineers working ashore for the Company when the ships are laid up. Free transit has been granted for the family's effects of engineers who are desirous of moving their homes when transferred from one trade to another. A scheme has been arranged for relieving cliief engineer from turning out at all the stopping places in the Wellington, Picton and Nelson service, which involved ex. ceedingly unsettled hours' rest for the cliief engineers. The promotion of juniors has been placed upon a systematic basis. It is estimated that the engineers obtained concessions involving increased pay. ment of £SOOO yearly by the Company. ' At a sitting of the Arbitration Court to-day, the Levin Meat Company, for a hreach of the preference clause of the award, was fined £5. (I, Rowell, for paying less than the rates stipulated in the

drivers' award, was lined JJS. mid Toohcy . , tlio in.m etnplovcd, 10.s. 11. fielder and I C>. \v;is liiii.-d i_'.. lor employing ti j lit less (lull tin- iiiiiiiiiiiini wage. ;iud .1 j similar lino was imposed <>n tin- Welling | t<ni Woodwir*' Co. i»r employing an nn ; indentured lad. W. Kay and C. .1. .lolm j sum vveic cad, land J.:. I'm' cinpiowugj in.ii_iiuiiini.stfi. 1 ficdori, k Tin K>r. a voiing man win, attempted t<> ...imiiii sun ido l.y jumping i int.. 111.. harbor, when .barged in Curl to.lav. said thai lie lia.l Ik,■ : I,a 1!J nnmtlis and li.-ni .Iriv.-n *!.. liv a n.-vv disappointment. He vva, •■ u ■ vi. le.l and ili.chaiged. and ..r.1.-icd In pay Al CM.AND. Mil. li In. i .lust :i.s tin' steamer Ken •■! Ilullivcn ; was lea villi: Suva il vv.u. i-ep..i1..l llial .. ! sin-ar plainer li.ul In'''" niurdcied by a .oolie with a knife. The name ..f the j mnrdeied mall cannot lie dclinil.-lv as.-,. Mined, lint lie is said lo reseinl.le llnw lev. , '

Ileum.-.> owned bv Ml C01e... and Il pied bv Mr M.11.01i.l flelllillg. Was lol.lllv deslioved bv lire on Sniiiiday. It was insured lor J-..11U in "lie Sun <Mli< c. 'I lie luiiiituie was uniiiMiivd. A liie n'-d eallv on Siindav morning al the i esi.l.-n. e of Mr las, Mvcrs. occupied by Mi- .1. Mrls, Colle.tcr o| Customs, The hi igade ..m liu.d the lire lo the from poilioii ol He house in we,e stored a ipianlily of .-ood.s belonging to Mi and Mr., M.-veis, st.ii-e.l prior l" lii-ir depallnie p., Km.-. |-,r.d. The .himage is estimated at J_L'UM. The house was iusilied tor U2WU and I h ■ luiuiturc was also ins.iied, boll, in lbAlliamc Dili, e. Waller .10.-cph Kular. wine and son,l merchant, died sn.ldelllv. aged .',7 veals. \ voilii-- man iiann-,1 David finest forest, aged 10 veals, eoiiliu it ted sin- ale at MavlicTd in a v.-rv deteiuiilied manner, foiest'. who was a ,nrpenter employed ..u the Cliel.ea Sugar Woiks, lell home ~lv ing that he was going lo sliooi a rabbil. Later his liroth.-r loiin.l a h-tter li-.ui David staling he was gone- -dolly ' and inlcndeil to put an end lo luinseli. He pro.-ccded with his mother lo I he spot indicated in tin- Idle,-, and loiind (he wilh a gun beside il. De.ea.M-,1 had ~,,. pa.entlv placed Ihe nni/zl ' I lie nun u, |,is mouth and pulled Ihe trigger. The head was ulterlv shalteie.l. forest had spent many 51e,p1,.,s inglii. and le.u ..f having lo un.|ei-_o an operation prey, d ~u bis mind. lIASTINCS. Mar, h In. The lion.-,. .1. Cm roll and .1. A. Millar were present ill 1 In- .uncial ..f 1'.,,,- |.- I a at Waipatll pah vesleldav. and luilv furopeans ami 7..U natives fioiii iill p..rls of Maori.lorn alien.led. Then- wc- ;,,, plcssive „l,s ~-s. pakeha and na.Tc niingling together HI the t\<'oeased. The visitine Maoln, were camp »m! ill il "mare" over which lloai.d a hall mast tattered in\ cusi.ii ben ing the in. scription: "Tc Tivili U Waitangi" in.,' 'lVeatv o| Waitllligll. pl-.5.-nted to the n., lives in IH-10 bv Cove. Ilor llobsoll. Ai, .-: the el,ids piesenl was the s I I.- 11. .1 lieu, thai line barbarian, the laid ol ii„~l,| heathen warriors who c.iihl n.alb.-, i.e eoerced or pel ,11 id,-d to -,g ■ l|e.,|;,. Mr Calloll lell bv Hail, and will join Ihe Pre -I al I'.lllllel:, I 1., Wai1:.,1...

XAI'II.II. M.n.h 1., N'.i|.i, r man :iri.i|..t n I. ii .l.n. " , ..,i,i \.il 1,,,1;, v un.l.-i ~,i,l,iim„. ~1 ;, j,r.,i ii.ilhit. , |li, Imwii i, ~.,«,1,.1 wild m . ton, iroin l',r ;n,.| i„ ,n. .in,l tin. wa11,,-,. ih.iu.jli .Inllv. i- tin. . All ll,r in.mi .sllo'll- .11,' -.111 V .1, r.,M I Willi hllllllll . 1111,1 a 1,-lllr.. |„ 0.01.s llir |..,1. li.-. 'II,,- olii,- ( al ~(.,■„,,,- I.„,l, ~i.„, ~1 11, ■ M.nin, I'aia.l,- i.„iiii.l;..'i.. 1,ii,l ~.■ <lt.'.-,ts uvi- .1, lix .i,,l hv llir 11,,, i. .1. A Millar ( M ii»i-t. 1- I'.ir l.i' ". 1 Ii- Ma'.,.;. Mr .1. Uiown. „ii,l ~tt„i-. Sul.-. i|ll,-llllv II l.llar M;i In,, ■■• .., h,.|,l oil 11,,- r, , i,. ,ii. ,n ,■ I. „i,.| .i l„.»; ill:' lolirnall). 11l 111 win, ll till'- II I ml.- ~, ,-,1j;|..M',l Was , Mlnni.'llrr.l. Tl„ lalt.r wil, run tor I iii-t-i. .las.,, iin.l will 1,,. 1.,11.,.v. I bv ]>aiis mat, 11,.-'. Tli,' 1.,,-,-, will 111 ii.,in'll 1., in.nrow ~i„l \V. .li,-,.1.n : ll„ ~■ is 1.. !„• .1 111.i1.,. ;; vi,ll;,.i ~|| |.'ii,l.i\. ii'l ,ilhl,'l|, -ala ~11 Sat,l,',las. i.w limning ~,, I ">»'"- .1,.,„.,„.„,5,,i|, ', Uoli.l.u. ~ .I„l • Inn's t,'l,' ~ii Tn,,-.i.iy. ;,n,l ;, vi,,i„l n,,!i \V,'.!ll,S,l;iV. All illtlTrslillj , O.'lllollV 1,, ,;, plan- ;,( Hi,. Call..- \.-M. ni.iv. «/,'.■„ t1,,.Ml battalion ~'1,,1;- «*.■!.. ..'H.'n into ll," Ml. rcl li.-,.|,il|.j ~1 I !;,■ . Imii. 1,. 'I li.t,. v.., n jiion.-Ui turn .ml ~| \.,lnnti'i n. ;iii'l 11,I■<t ■I ~ . „U,| 111,- ~'ITII|,„,> W.i 11,-, .1 |,1,|,:. 1:1 \ L'. I'AI..MI-:i:s'i'it\ ndii I'll. .Mai.-l, Im. 'lll,' ..I'iiiii:,..: -,-s.,iai. uf tin- Supi.'iiu' Omit op. i,, ,| hi-i,. i ...lav 1,,.f.,M. Mr .In.-,. tat (m,,|„T. His l|. 1...:.';1l ;,.|,l|,'V.luj ll:,' (ilallil .lurv. , miai at llialol ll mi, l| ~. liai'.itiv,. ai,M. f . i ini.. in tl.c .liai.,-1 'l'll,!'.. W.'.,' 111111,',-,! , halo's IV.. I',, (.•■■situs, line., mi' win, I, w.-i,' I" a . ~i,ii with nit,nil. ~i 1,,r liiimiij ~ni.i.,l 1.. ,ln, I,anil. ASHIUKIiIX. .Mil. h li,. At an iii,|ii,st h.'1.l mii Siiu.lav i.m, -1,,,.... Ill,' ,I,'IIIIM' MI 11,.111's <',,.1k1,.\.' who '.....■. iMiiml ,1,..i,l at Ins 1,mi,,.' ai Asliliiiilmii I'',,lis Mil Saliu-.lav. llir jiiia |, I'm,'-,I ~ ■■•'l li'l .li-all'l was .'.IIIM',I In I, all toll 111 ... Mr Davi.l 1.u51,. u.ll known hi il„. .j,.., tin I as ('lnk ..I' \Y,,rk„ |,,1- iiniiv iui|,.,il .ml (iiililir luiil.l.up, lid,'. ,1i.,l mi,1,1, ul, mii Saiiinlav as a r.'sull ~l' itK.i 1., 11 ■■ a l,l„„.l Y,4<'l. 11,',,',,50l was uiana'.l ..,, \Voli„.mluv la.-l. BLl'hT. Mai.ll 11,. Aiiiv,,]— I'imhi |liiii,..l,m. \\..i lim liMin M.'lh.u

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9790, 16 March 1908, Page 2

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TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9790, 16 March 1908, Page 2

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9790, 16 March 1908, Page 2


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