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HAVE JUST LANDING, Ex b.b. • Aotea, our New Seasons supply CLOVER SEEDS. Samples a d Quotations on application, oi WHITE CLOVER, Super Colonial WHITE CLOVER, Choice Imported C.)WGRASS, Colonial and Imported ALft tKE LUCERNE, Trefoil RAPE, Broad Leaf Essex RYEGRASS, Perennial, Heavy Shotty Seed RYEGRASS, Ital COCKSFOOT, Peninßular and Local We have also for Sale— SEED WHEAT, OATS, and BARLEY CLARKE'S CARBOLISED WHEAT PROIEOTOR. ROCK SALT AGRICULTURAL SALT WIRE NETTING, or Turnip Feeding FENCING WIRE, Plain, and Barbed. Fencing Standards Punched to any Gauge General Station and Farm Requisiteß. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited). W. H. ROSE, Manager. CLARK "O ROTH ER S» MAHENO. 0 AMARU. WE beg to advise that, at tho request of our Numerous Friends in Town and Country, we have Opened a PRODUCE STORE in Humber street, adjoining M'Callum and Co's Timber Yards, where all orders will receive prompt attention. We have for sale a large stock of Chaft, Baled Straw, Crushed Oats, Wheat, Potatoes, Flour, Bran, Pollard, Hay, etc: OATS CRUSHED ON THE PREMISES. All orders to be addressed— CLARK BROS., Humber Street, Oamaru. Chaffcutters and Threshing Machine Owners. gHAW • SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, Ltd. 'J HE S. S. MAORI, 5200 Tons, Moffat, Commander, Will be Despatched from Wellington about 17th NOVEMBER, 1898, and should reaoh London for the JANUARY WOOL SALES. Cargo now being received at Messrs John Mill and Co."a Stores, Oamaru. Marly application for space necessary. National mortgage & agency COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMATED). Agents. vV. H. ROSE, Manager. H. M" a ® son and C O, IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY FOR DEPOSING OF PROPERTIES. We invite particulars from Landowners desirous of disposing of their Farms or Pastoral Properties, and would call their attention to the fact that Wm Makb No Chargh foe Advertising, Commission on the Lowest Soalh, And No Charges unless Salrs Made bv Oorsklvjjs. We keep a perfect record of all placeß entrusted to ua for sale, and ous personal knowledge of the various districts, good and foreign agents, and being continually in touch with all classes of the community, places us in a position to effect Bales quickly and to secure the highest prices. ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. THE HUB OF STOCK RALES. We shall be pleased to receive entries of all classes of Stock from any part of New Zealand at this centre. Every consignment to us receives especia attention, being classed by experts under personal supervision. The arrangements of our staff at largo saleß like this is rather unique, and although three or four saleß are in course of procedure at the same time, we have it so arranged that a member of the firm is in charge of each department. In this way our clients' interests are well looked after and no lob is sacrificed under market rates. Account sales and cheques paid on day of sale. We undertake sales of SHEEP SKINS at either Belfast or Islington. For References apply Union Bank. H. MATSON AND CO., 164, Caßhel street, OHRISTCHURCJg. pOIS 0 N E D " A report comes from the distriot of Wagunyah, N.S.W., of a Bettler and his family exhibiting very serious symptoms of poisoning after partaking of their evening meal. In searching for the cause, suspicion fell on the tea they had used. Asample taken from a one-pound tin in use was analysed and found to contain strong traces of MURIATtC ACID, the presence of which is caused by the use of spirits of salts in welding the parts of tin together. Tho analyst warns consumers that tea paoked in small tins, owing to its very absorbent) nature, is very liable to become impregnated with this acid, and therefore dangerous for human consumption, and advißes that the very safest package to purchase is that paoked in lead with an inside lining of vegetable parchment. style of packet is quite impervious to the air, and the tea so packed has been known to retain all its aroma and strength for a period of five years." NOTE.—KOZIE TEA is paoked in lead with an inside Lining of Vegetable Parchment. JAPANESE SPLASH SCREENS and Lacquered Trays, Doulton's Carbon Filters 2x3 gallon, Pasteur's Filters 3 gallon, Dmner Ware, Several Patterns China Tea sets, large selection, at W. H. Coetrell's. WHY Suffer from Headache, when i can be easily dispelled by using Stearns' Headache Cure, also a relief in Neuralgia. Is 6d, at Sewell's. OAMARU —Leading the maroh and blazing the way. HONDAI TEAS continue to promote the disuse of the infer handrolled Teas of China and Japan ABRIGHOD Spot on a Dark Night 1— Norris' Family Recipes, carefully prepared from purest imported drugs.— Norman Rbid (late Otago Drug Store), Manager.
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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7349, 25 October 1898, Page 3
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775Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7349, 25 October 1898, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7349, 25 October 1898, Page 3
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