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The Oamaru Mail. The Only Paper in North Otago subscribing to the Complete Cable Service. Daily Circulation, 1750. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1898.

Mr A M Pearson has been appointed a deputy Registrar of Marriages and of Birthß and lJeaths for Oamaru

The resignation if Mr Richird Capstick as a trustee of the Waimate Volunteer i rill i-hed has b?en accepted, ani LieutenantUolo el Moo'e and Accing-Captain < oltman have been apj oiDted additional trustees. A Gaz tte just to hand contains a notifies tion of the confirmation of the forfeiture of a number of leases in i'tago. Jnc nded in the list are the following in 'his distuco :~ M. E. Melands, Becr.ion 17s, Teaneraki Village Settlement; Wm. M'Aughtrie, section 6 of 23, small grazing run, Kurow. '! he Otepopo b ziar was a great succes3, although the weather was inclement. The proce ds were over L7l.

The banks at Kurow will observe Thursday next as a holiday. A meeting of the Committee of the Horticul'ural Society was held in the Coffee Rooms last evening, when there present— Messrs Brown'ee (chair). Bradbury, Clarke, M Uoinbe, Mitchell, Ungley, Mephens, and Gebbie (Hon. .-ecretary). Action 25, class B, was aliered to read ' 12 delphiniums, not leas than three varieties," and section 70, class F, to read "6 delphiniums, not than two varieties." A number of details in connection with the forthcoming summer sh< w were dealt wi'h. 1 he re>ignaii in «>f Mr Fraer as a member of the Committee was accepted, and Mr G. M. Gardiner was appoinied to fill the vacancy. The monthly meeting of the Benevolent Tru?tees was held last nighr, there being pesent—Messrs < 'agney (chair), Mollison, tfinch. Fleming, Mi ligan, Kennedy, Fiaser, and Familtou. I i was decided, in view of certain appl cation=, to draw attention to the rule oi t-he socie y thai persons possessed of freehold property could only obtain relief by giving a lien over their property to the Trustee?. Correspondence re a dietary scale fir the Home was referred to the Committee. The case of a tersoa in indigent circumstances, the sister-in-law of a gen leman in independent circumstances, came up for consideration, opinions differing as to whether it waa a sniiabie case for admission to i he Home, t-ome I rustees favored her admission on conideration that her friends made a donation to the Hone, wlile others were opposed t • ber admission as being against the public interest nnd the case not being one of those for which the Home was intended. The voting beiog eveu, the Chairman gave his casong vo e ia favor of the adm'esion. Mr Black havng died, it was notified that his property had come into t he possession « f the society. It was decided to get more assistance for the Victoria and Did People's Home. A requisition on the Charitable did Board for LJ2O was passed, had accounts were passed for payment. Messrs Finch and Kennedy were app<.iuted a visiting committee for the mouth. Tenders for the supply of coal were not opened it being found that they had been called under a misapprehensi >n, and that the recent arrangement had still some time to run. The usual monthly me3ting of the Committee of the Athenseum was held last night, there being present-Messrs Gran' (chair), H. Lee, Headland, Rose, Lang, M' i.oaald, Mitchell, and Archdeacon i:.ould. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. '1 ha Librarian i eported that books were being returned with th-j leaves wi fully turned down and othi rwise damag- d and defaced. It was resolved that in future the rults—that books so damaged may be rep'aced atthe offender's expense—be strictly enforced. It was resolve t that when the invoice of a new set of books is received the Librarian post a copy of ij on the notice board. Mr H. Mitchell moved hi 3 notice of motion that the resolution to purchase a fresh Bet cf Waverley novels be rescinded. In support of the motion he submitted that it had been carried at a small meeting of thß Committee when the merrbers present were mostly >'cotch ; that the present set was clean and sufficient for all the Ufe demanded of it, there having been on'y 35 issues of the 28 vo umes in two years, 15 of which wete of one took, and most of the books not having been out at a.l during that period ; that the expanse was a luxury and not justified wh ie so much contriving had to be done for the purchase of new books. He intimated thut ha intended to move, if the resolution were rescinded, to purchase six volumes with a view of seeing if this increased the i sue of tcott; if it did so, he would be in favor of purcha.-ing a com pie e set. Jt was urged against the motion that the present set was not pleasant to read, the volumes being too small, and that as a consequence the actual issue did not represent the demand for Scott. On a division the motion was lost by to 4, Mr Grant exercising both a deliberative and a casting vote, and explaining his unusual action by stating that it was iuduced by Mr Mi'chell's ■ reference to the Scotch element on the Com- I mitfcee. Accounts amounting to LlB 10a 6d I wero pa#««4 for p»yw»nt. |

The final result of the Oamaru Christ, church chess telegraphio match is w s" for Christohurch by 10 games to 8 As a result of the departmental inquirv Constables Cotter and Connell are i 0 h transferi ed to Christohurch.

The sale of Mrs Brown's stock, etc. Mr R. Blair, begins at 1 o'clock to-morrow instead of at 12 hs previously announced 1 A mare belonging to Mr John Hunt found its way int> the County Council yard at Waimate about noon yetterday, and * tome poisoned grain. Almost immediate v after it took convulsions and died in hours.

The annual pirade under thn vispicea of the Waimate Agricultural and P a ," tori 1 Association was held at the sh ground, Waimate, on Saturday lust. tin| T a small number of farmers wjre present Nine entries came forward, and appeared to be a useful oUt-s of ho sea t > huU the requirements <'f all classes of breeders. At a meeting of the Utago School Cnn. missinners a memorandum was received from the Commissione- of Crown I anda, lag a complai t from Mr William Aberdeen' lessee of Bection 2 of block 2, Oamnru dij! trior, re obstruction to his right-of-way The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of Sanger Atkinson's report! to Mr Ab«. deen.

We have received from Mr A. Eraser & copy of " Mountain, City, and F»re«t New Zeiland." This is a little brochure pub ished by th<i Christohurch Engraving Company, and giving in handy form excellent views of the principal cities and scenic views of New Zealand. As an apprnpri,t 9 Christ mis Card to read Home it ia impossi. ble to devise a better medium. The views are comprehensive aud excellently depicted and convey an admirable impression of out civic and scenic beauties. For this roa-on alone there is sure to be a go id demand for the publication, which may be obtained at Mr Fraser'a.

f hipping business is exefding'y duH at Dunedin Two days last wetk thou,p !t harbor presented a deserted appearance inhere being ouiy on f-hip lyinn ai th- whaif. A Maori woman, Mrs Msnthi wlio hia resided at Kaiapoi fur 78 yeais havl g beoa born there, di d at the M<ioii pa o i Krclay, She was about 17 years of age when To R,iu', parnhi raided the South island, and she pertonally assisted in the defence of the iVgaitahu pa. The pigeon "Gordon," belonging to Mr Bamsbottom. of Hlackburn, w.ib found in his iofo on th* lit,h August, having takeu eevt-n weeks to fly 630 miles from Bordeaux. The tn-i j irity of the other birds liberated on Juno 28 by the f* ationil Fiying Club uro still missing. "Gordon" has flown 200 miles further than any bird whi 'h hns yet arrived. "Gordon," which hold the Rcnncsto IVackburn record having done that journey in a day, was jumped from Bournemouth to tforileaux, a diatanc of over 400 miles.

At the Magistrate's Court) this morniDg, before Major Keddell, S.M., Joseph Kench, alias Woods, on n. charge of drunkenntis, was convicted and Hoed 12s, in d> fault 48 hours' imprisonment. Iho same accused, on a charge of commuting a groisly indecent act, was convicted and Bentetocd to 30 days' imprisonment. >exD Wednesday (says the Post's Homo 0 a nieeunij is to be h-ld for the pui poae of considering t'ie quea ion of assessing damage to New Zealand rruat, >ome fu ther id*a may be ga'hered of tho magnitude of interest there is iu this to colonial shippers if 1 g ve an insanco that was broughD under my notice yes^.eriluy. 1 uc of a p vrcel of 3800 CLreases going into meat stoie, claims were Bent in for 3000, the average being 4d per lb. 'I hoao re> s-ponsib'e for the carcases ati iliia end maintain that not more th in 100 were damaged, and then the mischief was s> trifling us io amount to no more than perhaps brokiißhiuikg or soiled wruppe" 1 . twelve thousand other sheep came fiom the fame >hip and tho eamo hold, were transhipped under timi'ar cmditions. went as diHtaoces, a d of these oaly 50 were claimed to be damiued. So id is evident at there 18 something wrong somewhere. Mr homai Mackenzie ha 3 lieca busying liimself night atidday in the matter, and it i< at his iusiance that tho meeting ling been called. He does n"t, however, expect much goud to come from if., and he ho'dß th*t the whole system of as ossment for damage must be abandoned. To-day we have opened up a nice lot of new millinery (both trimmed and untrimmed), exceed ng'V choice goods, veiy becoming and cheap We have a large variety of Blouse Printp and v oyle's Wathing Priuts, for children's wen', 4|l per y.ird. Pknkosk's Drapery Establishment, next Mr Macdonald's, 'thames street If yon are b»nt upon buying boots don't overlook the fact that tbe purchasing power of your money is from 25s to 30a in tho £ if expended with Mksshs M'Don»ld and M'Diarmid during the progress of their Hie ale. Think of thiß theße hard iiimei— Advfc.

Country Orders.—The success which has attended the fxecu ion of Countiy Orders by the Propri tors of standard House jus tides ihem in drawing the special attintion of Country R-Bidents to this departmuut, und asking them to give it a trial. No muttir what your ord>-r, if it is the most out-of-th u -way article, wo will supply it, if procurable. Close actention to O'dersnnd prompt dispatch wo recognise to be the two important points, and these we observe. Dressmaking, Tailo-ing, and Milliuery.— CLvyro.v, Gakdinkr, and Co. Keep you." oyo ou Clayton, Gardiner and Co.'b advertisement over bh« leader, it chnnges often.

Spring and Summer gliding by bring delights to eery eye. There is b aufcy in the budding hedgerows, in the blossom on the trees and the singing of the birds; and at this sweet Beason of the year man emulates nature, a n d puts forth dow fashions, bright and joyous as tecmes the tpriugtime. We cordially invite the publto of Uamaru to call and inßpeot our new season's shipments, comprising every requisite for the bright, warm summ-r days. N w Prints new muslins, Hress Materials, Millinery. Flowers, Lacta, Ribbons, Gloves, etc., in great p ofu>ion. All tha loading novelties in Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuds, the new Zola Bel', Chiffons, and Frilling. In our Dress 1 epaitment we are showing! choice assortment of the new Covert Forges, French Vigoreaux, Ancona Cloths, French All-woo' Co duroys, etc. Dresses made up on the pr<mi-es under the ohargo of Mis' ' tevei son in the very latest fashions. Fit, etyle and fiuish guart>ntenr>. Our Mill'nory Department embraos all the latest novelties in Untrimmed v traws, Infants' Millinery—and we will be pleased to Bhow you our stock, »nd think you will bu suited. f*o one pressed to buy. An oarly call will bo welcomed at the Polytechnic—the favorite Ready - money L'rapers, 'J hames street. [a DVT.]

Tuhpcts FtTGtr, and how rapid its fl : ght Scarcely have the last echoes of the pf' season died away, and the new season dawni upon us with its new hopes, itß new demands, its new responsibilities. TfMPOS Fug it, and again 7 ime proves tho result of a year's conscien'ious labor ! Aijain it u our privilege to b:ing our announcement of a vast salection of novelties before you. Tempos Fcgit, and yet again wo are able to make the time-honored claim, as wellounded a3 of yore, that the new collection in all its divisions and sub divisions is onoe more in advance of all its predecessors that it has kept pace with flying time, that Immense Variety, Wide Range, and Absolute Novelty, coupled with rare beauty and high finish, are more than ever the distinguishing characteristics of our Spring Show. We will make good the claim. JmmenßO Variety and Wide' Bangs are certainl embodied in our collection. New washing materials, new stuff materials, new milH 11 " ery, new ribbons and laces, » ew straw hatß, new everything John Bollhid and Cj. Universal Providers. Great clearing sale of boots and shoes a» the New Zealand Boot SurPLY Co.'s Branch, Thames street. We have decided upon the above as our great movement for he end of July and the month August) With .us to will is to do. We save no means untried to prove the qualify of our goods. This great clearing sale will demonstrate to your satisfaction the claims we make on your custom. Gentlemen's Boots, the well-known K.G. Brand, were 22«, no* 16« 6d. LftdiM* araning shoe* in

variety at the lowest quotations ever seen lace and strap shoes 10 per cent over cost price. Dozens of odd pairs of evening shoes at bargain prices. Children's toots, shoes, and slippers at astonishing prices. Gents' canvas shoes were 6s 6d, now 4s 9<L Great variety of evening shots t 2s lid ; Men's and Women's strong co'onial-made boots and shoes at wholesale rices. See tickets in the windows and at the door. School Boots—A si g e pair a the wholesale price. Women's slippers from s per pair j Children's slippers from 9d. We expect our Spring and Summer Goods within a month, and mnst reduce etock. Remember this great clearing sale will last for one month only. Come early, as many of the lines are limited in quantity. Be member tne address—N'-W Zk> land Boo" j-jjpp, y Co , opposite Post Office.—Colin Sievwright, .Manager.

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7331, 4 October 1898, Page 2

Word Count

The Oamaru Mail. The Only Paper in North Otago subscribing to the Complete Cable Service. Daily Circulation, 1750. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1898. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7331, 4 October 1898, Page 2

The Oamaru Mail. The Only Paper in North Otago subscribing to the Complete Cable Service. Daily Circulation, 1750. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1898. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7331, 4 October 1898, Page 2


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