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Timber Merchants Just Arrived— JTBw SEASON'S PAPERHANOINGS, ' AT M' CALL IT M AND CO., XIMBBIK AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, WOODWARB MANuJr'Af L HERS. Direct importers from Best European and Americas Houses. Kunri Large and Select Stocks of Totar» fcriPine Black Pine White Pine Blue Gam Baltic Deal Cedar Clear Pine and American Shelving. Mouldings, Weatherboards, Floorings, Linings, Etc. Doors, bashes. Mantelpieces, Turnery, Glass, Paperhangings, Painters Brush ware. Paints(enamel, liquid, and dry),Oils<Co!orj, Glue, White and Red Lend, Turps, tujci Driers. »Orb" and " Helmet" Roofing Iron. FENCING MATERIAL, Including— Plain Wire, Barbed Wire, Staples, Hurdles, Hates, Wire Netting (Jtn to 4m mesh), Pickets, Posts (VTD.L. Btreh, and Broadleaf), Palings (V.D.L.) Undarils punched from best Bar Iron by oar Patented Automatic Feed Machine. ? Foil Stocks of Builders' and Contractors Requisites. Locks-Rim, D.8., Mortise, Pad, Chest, Cupboards, etc. Hinges—T Butt, Back Flap, Chest, Gate. Wire Nails, Floor Brads, Ewebank Nails, Roofing Nails, Peck Spikes, Axle Pull ies. Sash Fasteners Lifts, Line, Etc. Cement) Lime Firebricks 2iau Sheet Lead Spouting Ridging, Etc. Sole agents for Benhar Drainpipe Work*Revised Prices. Timber direct to customers from Our Own Sawmills. Midducmas'S PKOSTTS SAVED TO CcaroHKBS. Prices oo application. M'CALLUM AND CO SAWtttt.LEIU, TtXBER A.VO I«OS MeBCHASTS. WoOOWARit M.VSCTACTTTBEB3. Humber-street, CU.WARff.
J° HANMER PLAINSL LIE'S PASS HOTEL. E. IDLE, Proprietor. VISITORS to the Hsnmer Plains Hot Springs will find all the com/orta of a home at the above Hotel. The Produce used io the Hotel is obtained from the dairy and farm attached thereto. Free conveyances, including a covered coach, to and from the Springs Tvncn: a day. TABIFF * FIRST-CLASS, 8s per day. or L2 108 per week; Children under 12, HALF-PRICtv SECOND-CLASS, 23s per week. 611 Metropolitan family hotel (New Management?, CHRIBTCHURCH, Cashel-street. Home Comforts for Visitors; Baths: Hot, Cbtd, and Shower on each fioor. Telephone •Mi Private Letter Box 50. Night Porter fcnpt. Ttciut4 : 5» 6d and 6a per Bay. I 8» OTTO SCHNEIDER, Proprietor COX'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Mac LAorrAJt-STREET C» few doors above the Arcade), Proprietor.—This favorite and Temperance Hotel provides the beat accommodation and the best meals in the town. — Clean Bedding and Linen and Airy Rooms. " all- Charges : Boarders—By the week, i ri." Meats, 94 Bris,
YAKU. .v"•N's beg to mtinuto t° -Or. Oinre an-i dijtrict thv. :;-y. v,-.. ,> •■ eTo:ut« orders for ALI KINDS orcuAltob iUc shortest cotice. ORDERS left with F. Nemos H*ir drß*»*r, «n<l ah Sttinr* n»-T* to M»it Offin« FACIMUS VALDI FACTW, MUS." " WHAT WI DO, WS DO WXU. Joing nothing hut first-clam work, using only the beat material*, and charging moderate fees, has been oar success. Our chief orim is to give every patient tttnrfaction, aad we adhere to our former waouncements that—"We GURAANTEE success in the most difficult cases, and do not allow any artificial work to leave our •nrzory aniens the patient and ourselves are perfectly satisfied. a. MY E R~i AND CO., THB Dcshdct DENTAL. SCBOSST, OCTAGON", Corner of George-street (Over Mr B. Isaac's Octagon Drag Hail*. A Single Artificial Tooth ... 10s Sets equally moderate. The New Method of AMERICAN BRIDGE AND CROWN WORK Adopted were practicable. Specimens of artificial denture, made for Exhibition, on view in the showcase in Mr Bannister's window, are sufficient proof of our work is the mechanical department. „ NITROUS OXIDE GAS USED FOR PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH. llr Hyers having administered Nitrons (hide Gas almost daily for over eight years, wa with confidence recommend it as being perfectly safe and free from after bad effects. We alaa uae a local anseathetic, which in *" casea lessens, and sometimes completely iwviana pain during the extraction of teeth, is especially adapted for stomps and of teeth. Teeth Stopped in Gold, Phosphates, and Amalgam, artificial Teeth made by other Dentists Remodelled at small cost. AtL FEES STRICTLY MODERATE. S. MYERS AND CO., Tas Dtoxdis Dram. Sukosbt, . OCTAGON, 450 M
HOMfEPATHIC DISPENSARY. Ogpqsitß the Public Hall, Thame ssuperior strength and parity of a *® medicine# proved by tM ttxta effected *-*-■ ~fr— .^r l ' I?CtTOj39 'H»rt Dueue, n> res*imot)iala can r«wn. Advic# at tto Dwpenwry d»Oy Wft# P« TiondayX—R. Sa*MXß,Fiopi*tK
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Oamaru Mail, Volume XIX, Issue 5896, 17 March 1894, Page 1
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670Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume XIX, Issue 5896, 17 March 1894, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume XIX, Issue 5896, 17 March 1894, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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