TO THE liJ)lT01(. Sik,—l am under obligation to Mr Thomas Meek for his assiduous diligence in searching the valuation roll, inasmuch as be rectifies an error made by myself in perpetuating a wron<r valuation set upon Mi Orr's coalvard by the valuator of the year upon -which Mr Orr entered the premises. I frankly admit my error in taking for granted that such valuation had been originally upon a basis of correspondence to rent paid. Mr Thomas Meek is to be commended for his anxiety that others should enjoy the privilege of augmenting the revenue of the Borough Council a privilege which, in its practical exercise, is so congenial to his generous mind. The Borough Council and ratepayers should be also grateful for his indicating that any valuator they may appoint should not be subject to tho liability to error—a liability common to all human kind, and one, moreover, from which even Mr Thomas Meek is not exempt. With regard to what Mr Meek in his evidence really did say, 1 must, accept' his declaration that he did qualify his assertions by expressions of want; of positive knowledge ; yet it is passing strange that others present wurn impressed with the belief that he was positive in his statements. The valuator who first valued Mr Orr's yard had evidently been also a "muddler," having practically listened to the "man in the street," who had fillod his mind with the story that only a mere nominal rent was paid for the use of tho ground. This impression like " giving a dog a bad name" had got fixed in the minds of his successors, for even Mr Roberts, well known for his habits of careful research and anxiety to raise values, repeated the erroneous valuation. I blame myself for not thoroughly ascertaining what rent was paid, but thanks to Mr Thomas Meek, it is nofc likely that the error will remain as a grievance to his conscientious susceptibilities. The luxury of paying in proportion to values is one which is so conspicuously indulged in by himself—under the pressure of an inexorable Court— that, it were a pity he should be deprived o! M. Mr Vernor's yard was, this year, first valued atL2O, bub was afterwards reduced to LlB on its being represented to rno that his rent had been lowered to Ll7 (luring the past year. Some one has " muddled," for no mention was ever made in Court of Gemmell's store, bub if he refers to Connell's store I take leave to inform Mr Thomas Meek that I never reduced it to LIOO, but the Court did when an appeal was made against Mr Roberts' valuation of Ll6O some three years since, and ib now stands at Ll4O. The reasons for the reduction made by the Court are wellknown to every business man in Tynestreet, and if Mr Thomas Meek is ignorant of tho facts in this case, ho only displays his want of "knowledge and abilities" as a critic. I do not notice his attempted aspersions upon my integrity and straightforwardness. The public are quite competent to decide upon whose side these virtues predominate. But will Mr Thomas Meek in his endeavors to make all things straight and square explain the "curious facts" connected with his coal yard which ho has somehow managed to get so reduced '! Is it not a fact that this despised yard, which he so generously rents to Manley and Daw.*"? 1 !. foE LlO, was previously let to Mr Townsond fur L 32 per annum, and that in his anxiety to become tho possessor of another " white elephant" in the shape of a yard without even the semblance of an office or shed thereon, he philanthropically forced upon Mr Townsend a bonus of L2O ?• But this altruistic sentiment ia so characteristic of Mr Thomas Meek that it need surprise no one. I shall take no further notioe of this matter.—l am, etc., The Town Valuatok. [This error was ours. —Ed. O.M-]
Oamaru Mail, Volume XIX, Issue 5895, 16 March 1894, Page 1
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