Timber Merchants Just Arrived— SfEW SEASON'S PAPERHANGINGS, AT -•CALLUM AND CO., TIMBER AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, WQODWARB MANUFACTURERS. oirGct Importers from Beat European and American Houses. Large and Select Stocks of Red Pino Black Pino White- Pine Blue Gam Baltic Deal Cedar Clear Pine and American Shelving. Mouldings, Weatherboards, Floorings, Linings, Etc. Qlatsa, Paperhangings, Painters Brush ware. Paints (enamel, liquid, and dry). Oils, Colors, Glafl, White and Red Lead, Turps, and Driers. » Orb" and ** Helmet" Roofing Iron. SCI.NC MA Including— Plain Wire, Barbed Wire, Staples, Hurdles, Gates, Wire Netting (Jin to 4in mesh), -Pickets, Pottta (Y.D.L. Birch, and Broadleaf), Palings (Y.D.L.) taadarila punched fromi best R*r Iron by our Patented Automatic Feed Machine. Full Stocks of Builders' and Contractors Requisites. Locks-Rim, D.8., Mortise, Pad, Chest, Cupboards, etc. Hinges—T Butt, Back Flap, Cheat, Gate. Wire Nails, Floor Brads, Ewebank Nails, Rooting Nails, Deck Spikes, Axle Pulliss, Sash Fasteners Lifts, Line, Etc. Cement Lane Firebricks Zinu Sheet Lead Spouting Ridging, Etc. Sola agents for Benhar Drainpipe WorksRevised Prices. Timber direct to customers from Our Own Sawmills. Mmouaus'a F»ora» Saved to Customers. Prices on application. M'CALLUM AND CO Sawmiluhw, Timber ajsd Iros MERCHANTS, Wood-wars Mascj-actubers. Hamber-street, OXXt&RC. Public Notices !ECOND-HAND CTCI ) SEND FOR CATALOGUES. Safeties from LU>, on Easy Payments; Ordinary Bicycles from 20s. Immediate Delivery. ADAMS, CURTIES AND CO. 70 MaSCTCESTER-STREET. CHBJtSTCHCHCa. HANMER PLAINS. ."0L LIE'S PASS HOTEL. E. IDLE, Proprietor. VISITORS to the Hanmer Plains Hot Springs will find all the comforts of a home at the above Hotel. The Produce used in the Hotel is obtained from the dairy and farm attached thereto. Free conveyances, including a covered couch, to and from the Springs twice a day. TARIFF: FIRST-CLASS, 8a per day, or L2 10s per week ; Children under 12, HALF-PRICE. SECOND-CLASS, 23a per week. 611 NOTICE. kCG'IDENTAL TEMPERANCE " HOTEL, MANSE STREET (Near H gk-strset). DUNFDIN. Well-veu t uatcd Bedrooms and handsomelyfurnished Sitting-rooms, Piano in Smokingroom, where gentlemen can spend a pleasant evening. Open Sundays. Dinners from 1 to 2; Tea from sto 6.30. MRS OUTER HARRIS, 78 Proprietress L TOWN SEND • * Desires to Thank the Public for Past Favors, and beg to announce that he is PREPARED TO SUPPLY Allandale, Coalbrookdale, Newcastle, and Kaitangata COAL AND FIREWOOD AT LOWEST CURRENT RATE PRODUCE of All Descriptions Kept. Orders may be left with Ms George Lsstra, Bootmaker, Thames-street; and at Store and Coal Depot, Tyne-street. NEW COAL YARD. ' ►RtfCE AND SONS beg to intimate to ► the public of Oamaru and district th-»t they are prepared to execute orders for ALI KINDS or COAL oxs the shortest notice. ORDERS left! with F. Neubojt Hair draiiwr. »nd »* Stwre n«nrt! tio Msil Office JfORTH OTAGO FOUNDRY, THAMES-STREET, Oamarc. John jack, " EsGcnnat, Gbjteral. Blacksmith, ASX» WtTEELWIUOHT. Agricultural Implement and Machine Maker and Importer. 307 NEW BUTCHERING FIRM. AND J. RUSSEL T * * • (Late with Smith Bryce) * ' to Announce that they have started inesa aa, BUTCHERS in those old established 'Butchering Premises, known THE CITY BUTCHERY (Opposite the Globe Hotel) By only killing the Primeat of Stock, and &? strict attention to the requirements of &• Public, W. and J. R» trust to merit a Snare of public support Runusg Waited qs for Orders Datlt. FjMEMORIAM Cards, in great variety I and neat deai<pw. may be had U th* afl.Qffice
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Oamaru Mail, Volume XIX, Issue 5889, 9 March 1894, Page 1
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