The School Committee Elections.
! A* »>' tuytttiotif l.» • - day.- ai£>>. the 1 r'u-xc ..£ S,;h'»>! C->[ntu:tti't-> mi'N-r the new «>t vforti'ttt Im." li"t Im;vH . jwrncuoki't with txiy scwwl «f inCervnt. In sf.tu*- iliitrietH there lia* liii'ii •>» to enstirc tlit* nmvvrtiaSlofv "t' r.'--- rw'it»tr««l miint)«r <■( t,» till »tl tW «>r cvrii »f ' nnny n. » > « fn-Jt n-f's.-i.-iry. I«rf iri: • .r.h* EU-- a-...11;i >.r 't r A c ' r [ •• \■ »:rKittm»ly Il»»w for '•» ndly ifrtf f''> «ri afw-'-iyv of pttf>lt«; i«terv»t iti the of r»«(iii[l.w, »r hw for rt tutf »X! r.lif ttvtrtr:'.! twilt. ot tßntltil'-ieilt >n. t"»rmot dclxnitiiw: '«tt wi•• !.£»► tli-tf t.i tiiU matter the I>vird fi nvt' chU district. in» Very fWiliy tuivrnuT. (or. wrful- Sttf tr»«!«;Cing<»»f h»inc' iv .['Urs -v eif I the ("Sect lost* Fuivr »frttly :«!*»• it* «l'»S a pt'* h tli North >. Hvtow w« a of the i';itidul.' , Sr> n 1 for they iuvc ri n.-. v >vnt t Wf: tv r- *ltv thc.u under ►livi.fii >tuvl li^vUni". rrntrt.s; rs;t» r.w f!«'>•.. Irt eEi*• (otl'twinsf tU><triet.">. ttic •■»£ till the ,«n':vr.s h:ijv»; liwb n»ini(i»C«<l. ati»l the only |.riH>«»-i-tinir t" r;v(;i;:i t.-. t»» tl'vlm* those t cliEtv (•[•■■••('.'vt: - • Hrtwru S>uf-!v Sjft!»•»■!.—Mrwts A. Ilftiry W SiniftKtot*. »n*l llervry Winslsy. £>u:iti'o'in >|. U«.>V. I*. ». »:i'l J|ys..i-.v C>nri^--*ll. Ji.'iuv !l:\.rv t 'y. Stnnjtr. TiiytMir. jvu'l'U »-I r p .-- ]: kt» Kf- F.» Tto>.-.. ctn' iwimtwr «»f canituKif' s fu.v»- in »hc folr,.r : m-vui.i.i'h Noi'fft S.-fiN...!, - .Mm Ami.ui'! F„ A. Affvttv-.'>t(. .Ijv*. Fitt«ttC">:i. TTi'.n. Kfnrvei'ty. Aiwlrvw MeMtm JiK >fir.i:hi--tr. livuj. K. 11. i'tk-lu-r. ,'v:nt Win. Sfc' (*nln''iu'i- I lnn'/c t'»x. J. Willim» TEio"'. |).'!irii<i 'ii. Af''*:vnfU;r fipmC.-lolm Fc.'vrici.-* .t.-.tinst'>tv. .John »«:•>. TTi'is. J.'.iii -s I;i.-Ti,iii■ .ti'E. firurv S.-hlrtN'r. »rt<l S,.nWlvi'x. VVm.isi.v Sofini il. - Jlciwr-' Wllti.i.iu. ll,'lit. V* iUf.V'lt -lottEt I*. "i - Mu'Fi.'irt Mivrisfict't. Tliofiu.t Iw-iniatnE M WtEEiirn ii .lipytt:. Xict • Wiltwttt :vmt Uit:h;vr»l Tivytor. S;h"u>L HihsHii, |>ivi.-l »;if.M.»rj. J».fm •». ||«>wtoii. iCofivsr. \V„ .sVß.krt, Fut'tti-y. A'ivtm f»os» v Wittlvru |{».fwblt. Arclvilni-i IW:ifo|i, Willi.-nn, ♦Xncwt'. »ll>l s.'!:,-.t. wilt. tiVuf-iv 11. Kirct.-iy. .1. filvclv,. Jusoph R. Cffwcut. ♦ W. EVf-i.f. I»!VTi.I A. Taylor. Wallitr. \ E-' VMl' U''V WAffi. Ml'l 111-Tu:> W'.rfs. ii'irj: ti'. vr >• lUfv.v Eu tin-' fo'-l'-'W S !VR ivii-iul'fv •' t:i 1 1! : i '.fh.r' » •■'•■'TV i : : 1 .rtli• n.iSi-'it fc> t'ori.<fifnf-' ("■ .tivHUf.ftv*. lli-H.. w J'i --» I'l.uc ] :L U W tIE f"-* dirty rUtf-cL »h 4 eUw liot(.-.«-h.wilt. ;i.l? ft:.' .'i!uiu.vt uifrfi'i.N o# Monday I'M-- (-1-!ti-it tip"!i. ■)■ I'T'V•• ••<,> I ..••!!•« f.i > hrin--' riv" nr> t" : • ■ Mi' .»-»«*•* ♦ (only noßuw-vftoo. si\ t»> »-tee* nt f.IIK IIU-'l-'ttlV'^). Hiii-pi ,p>k L—Ji|>.'s3rs> |ltt4'_'f. Ivi<-h.vnl {fernsi.. Vuefiofiv .p V . ;in«E Aiu'ua It- «.<, (SU H'WHWtal, o;i« r..-» ftt'c" tlu-' 111■ !* J-II V t'i ►MMITFKFS" UKP»»i;TS. fr.4 ov aWf th. ■ rlf-" tmt.ijEnifitr „f i:t-jj). ivfs of! r<fj> "Cf -" of I '.■ntuHtff.Wi tl'i-l.t ii,l.\r li. to its fof |vt(K. lir::ti,.n. in. ,'i,i:iti'.'i.|:«<.t!..rv of rFt:r ft (vo;i.«:'hol'U<r< : I'n. «u'>mistinij tur rirjt. vKfiort. »ti«| I m,Un,*..iir i.-nn.ov4fr;!.t.i«tt. yortr i-iminiirtVr f" tli-m[>. a.rvd mi. I't-rniM i. f.h'--:,:' ' pp:-. ' 1.1.r ;■ >: i of t-U>* killdtv tV-rfini-i wiih-b it't tfuM-' wh" At-t'-'i tiii.Mii-M-Uy it,-' tlie »t the .M-f.tVr't r..> . .r.t.irrt .1, Gill, l'v-n—■'■tf.-t n-hnol for ' tll»- 4i.«!-.n,-t.
r>'\n"nx tii'" v■:: 1 j.o ! ji; im-rurfve h-i. v.: Mil 1.'.; ni -i-rui the rtr*t forte I wing ftdly .Ji.!'.t'-ii'V"-'I. f"if. C'-n'iv Chi* tcril- fo;.u- members .•si .'i'.ihf-it a d«-*iw t» f"' relieved fr»>m rJit-'ir <■>!ri.-i• ,v.s rti" -tiof yoi;r corfimitt.c>" : h-:r.\ th-- 'iii'inrpi n( three; to ci >:i> 111. " all i it.T! the ten month* wlu-'h the- schwd |»,M Ixrrn open f-i'i>•- work of tnwhing fl».< been i very .-■.■><sfidty I-y Mi» {!"■? »-nt. of the scholars pre--ti-iir.»-1T for eiaminatton having passed. The U'ini.f"'!' «f pi'piN f rv the roll h.w tifrcwoi front -t. wtifa ttv i h»ot was first opened, r.n St At the prpswrvt time. with a gnod protp, r'. of thi* number being still further augmented tuff" re tntltf. As will fir- seen from the Instance-sheet, the receipt* t'mm alt ."inrnes are LTO 14* fM. The ft(n<*svti»n Izard's capitation allowance nil with .•» speci-d grant towards fencing of MA. represent* the total receipt* from the fToard. The tCTnnf .«s tl *i»e Imtancc of public subscription-*. subscribed, before yottr • ■uTvmir.Pi-i- was elected. for the' completion of the purchase «f the school ground. fencing, wl sro-rat *•{»•>"( purposes. The other re-ei-ipts require v,»> explanation. The total expenditure was !.»">- ISs, teavmg a credit Imbnee of L 7 Ife »L l'twt«r the furniture are included sewn tamps, window blind*. rotters, timings. a cfoefc tor tlv me of the school. »(i«t other »»n»tl articles, At a out of P.* S-t. The next t »ud fc»rsw»t it-cm of expenditure necessary to ri.-tVv to i« fencing »n«l tree-planting. l>ii.rinj V"ar I'ommitCee's term of otitee ehcj- h.ivc Vrcctsfl '_'E r ; chattij> of feneinjc »i»l pl.intsit -"'f* marrncnirpiii trees*, at a c«wt of Lit lost St.. Utiitec this heafting is also inclmteil one Uw an»l two smalt ones, cKxtinij in: .%It |/» l«v» W. A nuteh cheaper fence niijcht tw>v*e fieen ereeteft : l»at strength an. I itiini.f>Hi"y were »teeme»t essential feu fixer*, seeini tCie to.wiu«hip is subject to peri>n't.-:u nocCamtl visitation front at ray horses ,wi eattte. cvi.tcntly intent on testing t.ti.-. st.'ilitti;v of fences, gates, and other enclosures. Owing fn ttv extreme dryness of the sen.soa futty W per cevtt. of the trees have died; but" arrangements have heen made wtieref.v "he new Committee may get .mother sn-ppty Jit -V> per eent- "'T Che usual ppicc. White- this sttt>j«et. we Wg to respect fully suggest, to the new Committee fti-ii" ,i second tight fenco might with advantage be erected iitoug the north and a {>">reiort of Che west side* of the school ground H.r. ,% very sni.itt cost, jwi there ar»- some p<.ist» fi-nd wire reni.i>cruug stm-c the comptetion of Che other fence. *As the school stands in et'-n'c pi "\iiiuty t-c" the trees at these points, ;i> fenc:- of this ctescriptioH would vedttev to a, minimum, the p. issrhitity of d.cmau'c to the frees ft'i.'ii the inroads of Che school ehiEdteu itiiring Che pt.iy time. AniiCher very necessary item of expenditure was gvavetliug -nvd gorse enCting. A Wittk of Xg;<.|"vra grav et was made from the road !>.ro«fnt the school and teachers" residence, and all the gorse on the school ground* cut. grtthfied and hunted, the whole costing E.E 'id. W .VI If AO. Your foronuttee. in presenting their .nmn 1-1 report f. l r have t'» state that Che t 'ornmittee met during the year nine Cimes. when the- attendance was as follows: .V M*X«.iighti.>n '. I«»ttrie f. H. l>avis -I, J. S-am.Mv H. i'. Henderson -I. J. Treri* S, and U. Mortorn f. They commenced the year with a balance in luvri.t of -d. The receipts from the lldncation Ilourd and other sonrccs ainounted Co. L 33 .s« I>V{. and the expenditure to L 2-1 17* ltd. tsaving a balance in hand and in bank of L$ 10s lid. This will be sufficient at present t» provide fuel for winter and effect other imjitofctßents on the school grounds whkh arc greatly needed before the wet weather sets in. i The Christmas holidays extended from j the 19th IVcemhcr. 1530, to sth January, I IVJI. and the harvest holidays from 30th 1 January t'> - i3td February, 189 L
'Hie allocation of proceeds of concert for Iweifcs was : For Catholic children, L 3 12s ; and for l'rotestaiit children, L 4 7s, for which v..iir ("oiuinittec tender their best thanks to :i— |>ul>!;<: for their timely support. The ■>;' |,» t>i Od was also raised by atiir.criptinn on l>chalf of a picnic for the children. Tin- attendance throughout the year has E-- »-e» fair. ;he nimiiicr on the roll at beginnirr/ »f the year was ~U; presented for exnation 72. 'i t.v Inspector's report was considered very satisfactory, the school having passed a very %n'«\ examination. Two ['.uniii-js having left the district, the attendance of scholars has lieen reduced, the munl>er at iireaent on the roll being 65. Still an increase is expected shortly. Your Committee, therefore, trust that the prosjicrity of the school will I>e maintained.
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Bibliographic details
Oamaru Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 4953, 21 April 1891, Page 3
Word Count
1,322The School Committee Elections. Oamaru Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 4953, 21 April 1891, Page 3
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