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PUBLIC COMPANIES N EW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AND MARINE, Capital £1,000,000 Ftrk Depabtment.—lnsurances granted at Lowest Current Kates on Buildings, Mills, Breweries, Stocks, Furniture, Farm Pro. duce, Stacks, <fcc. Marias Depabtment—l. Hulls insured, on the voyage or time. 2. Merchandise Goods, Freight, &a The above C ompany being the first Inlurance Company atablished in New Zeaand, has prior claim to the patronage o ?few Zealand Colonists and being A LOCAL INSTITUTION, the whole of the funds are a vested in the Colony. Age>t fob Oamabtt : GROKGK SUMPTKR. N ORTB. OX AGO PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIBS/. FRESTDEhT : Mr. A. J. S. Headland. COmnTTEE 07 MANAGEMENT : Mr. H. Aitken Mr. T. Fairley Mr. John Thomson M. W. C. Baudintt Mr. R. West Mr. T. Procter Mr. T>. Miller Mr. A. Clarko Mr. Robert vVilson. TREASURES Z Mr. W. G. Filleul. SECRETARY : Mr. G. Sumpter. solicitors: Messrs. Juliuß and Balmer. The above Society is prepared to issue £26 Debentures, at Eight per cent, per unnnm, epayable at any time on three months notice. For further particular and information, apply to GEORGE SUMPTER, 828 Secretary. A USTRALIANMUTUALPROVIDENT JA. SOCIETY. Established 1549, FOR LIFE ASSURANCE ON THE MUTUAL PRINCIPAL. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. Custom House Quay, Wellihgtou. Revenue exceed £622,000 Accumulated Funds exceed ... 2,600,000 Result of late Quinquennial Investigation : Total Surplus of Quinquennium... £565,260 Of which is set apart for Distribution amongst the members ... 504,352 Yielding Reversionary Bonus Additions amounting to 1,020,985 Those about to assure are particularly requested to note that the Australian Mutual Provident Society, at ?.0 years of age, stands before the world 33 a life restitution that has achieved unparalleled success. For stability itis unsurpassed, for the profit it has realised and divided it is unexcelled, and for the liberality of its business arrangements it is matchless. No other Life Assurance Society in any part of the world has had at the end of 50 years 35,21S policies in force, assuring £13,592,121, an accumulated fund of £2,61)6,053, and an annual revenue of £622,000, of which it could be said that {he ratio of expenses to premium income has been less, the rate of interest on the funds higher, the premiums charged lower, the reserves for the liabilities higher, or'the bonuses allotted to it 3 members larger than those of this Society. Prospectuses and proposal forms may be had (or will be sent post free) on application to the Branch Office, or to any of the Society's agents. EDWARD W. LOWE, Residential Secretary. Agent for Oamaru — GEORGE SUMPTER. 501

COLONIAL INSURANCE COMPANY J OF NEW ZEALAND. FERE AND MAPJNE. Capital .. ... ... ... £2,000,000. FIRE INSURANCES EFFECTED On every description of Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise, Farmers' Produce, Stacks, Barns, Grararies, Engines, and Threshing Machines. MARINE BISKS On Vessels, Wool, Grain, and all binds of Produce, to and from any Port in New Zealand, the Colonics, or United Kingdom AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Settlement of Losses Paid Promptly and Liberally. * Agents alleady appointed for this district: GRUAR AND LEITH, Ngapara; D. SHAW & CO., Papakaio; J. HENDERSON, Kakanui ; From whom every information can be obtained for Fire and Marine Insurances. First oamaru permanent BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1876. OmcEa: Wear-street and Thames-street, Oamaru. Bankers: National Bank, Oamaru. Solicitobs : Hislop and Creagh. The Society receives deposits of from £IC to £2OOO, on the following terms : At call 6 per cent, „ One month's notice 7 » >» „ Three months' „ 8 „ „ Lenders have all the advantages and (uxurity of Bank Depositors, and interest for every day on which their money may be in he hands of the Society. " S. GIBBS, Chairman. JOHN HABDY, Secretary. AMARU FOUNDRY. *VM. FRASER AND CO., Evcnrcxfig, Blacksmiths, aud Lkoh Foubdmws. All kinds of Catting* in Brass ancl Iron. And JOSEPH BOOTH, Offices : Tvne-street, Oamaru ;

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 12 October 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 12 October 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 12 October 1880, Page 1


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