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PUBLIC NOTICES c 0 A L S To Arrive, ex Estelle—--310 TONS BEST NEWCASTLE COAL, To be sold at VERY LOW PRICES While the vessel is discharging. 836 JOHN ORE, BOOTS. BOOTS. 30 PER CENT. CHEAPER Than any other house in town. ARRETT BROS., (Of Auckland,) Having taken those premises in THAMES- STREET, Between the New Zealand Clothing Factory and Menzie3 New Clothing Mart, Have much pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Oamaru and the surrounding districts that they will OPEN ON MONDAY, 19IH JULY, With a Large and Well-assorted STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Which will be sold FOR CASH ONLY At prices that will astonish the public. As G.B. are their own Tanners, Manufacturers, and Importers, it therefore enables them to give a firfet-class article at the price of the most inferior goods, as the following prices will show : Men's Waterfcights, own made, pegged, 14s Men's Bluchers, own make, pegged ... 10s Men's Balmorals, own make pegged ... 15s Men's Elastic, own make, pegged ... 16s Boys' Elastic, own make, pegged ... 9a6d The above goods are made at our Factory at Auckland of the best material and workmanship, and cannot be surpassed for double the price. The following are only the prices of a few lines of our large and well-assorted stock of Ladies' Boots : Ladies' Superior Kid Boots, from ... 7s 6d Ladies' Prunella, from 6s 6d Maids' Levant, 1 and 2 6s 6d All other goods at equally low prices. N.B.—NO INFERIOR GOODS KEPT IN STOCK. GARRETT BROS., TANNERS, LEATHER MANUFACTURERS, BOOT MANUFACTURERS, AND IMPORTERS, Wakefield-street, Auckland; Works ... Star Tannery, Whau. BRANCHES t Devon-street, New Plymouth; Gladstone-street, Gisborne ; Hasting-street, Napier; and THAMES-STREET, OAMARU. gEED WHEAT, OATS, & BARLEY Of all varieties, CAREFULLY SCREENED. 455 GEORGE SUMPTER, GLASGOW CLOTHING HOUSE, THAMES-STREET, (Next Alliance Hotel.) w M. W A D D E L L, TAILOR, CLOTHIER, AND GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTER, Respectfully intimates that he will OPEN The above premises ON SATURDAY, 17<H JULY, With a large and carefully selected stock of New Season's Gooils, suitable for a firstclass Tailoring and Trade, and hopes by strict attention to business, moderate charges, and the production of perfectfitting. stylish garments, to merit a share of pulbic patronage and support. Believing that QUALITY IS THE TRUE STANDARD OF CHEAPNESS, He has refrained from purchasing trashy goods merely for the sake of making low quotations ; and respectfully solicits a trial of hie FIVE GUINEA SUIT A>~D THIRTY SHILLING TROUSERS, Made to order, of best Scotch and Colonial Tweeds. Men's Hosiery, Mercery, Hats, Scarves, Braces, and Collars, all of good quality and at moderate prices. Men's, Youths', and Boys' Ready-made Clothing always in stock. WM. WADDELL, Glasgow Clothing House, Thames-street, Next Alliance Hotel. 831 NOTICE. A NY person found TRESPASSING on the farms of Messrs. Mitchell, Clarke or Williams, at Cave Valley, will be PROSECUTED. Oamaru April 10th 1880 893 NOTICE. NY person found TRESSPASSING in pursuit of game on the New Zealand and Australian Land Co.'s Totara and Ardgowan Estates will be PROSECUTED. JOH.ST MACPHERSON, 719 Manager. GENERAL CASH STORE. TEES STREET. ILLIAM GELDHOFF Begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has OPENED those premises latety erected by Mr. H. Marshall, Fruiterer, as a CASH GENERAL STORE, and trusts by keeping the Best of Articles, combined with civility and strict attention to business, to merit a fair share of public support. Note the Address, : Tees-street, Oamaru, Opposite Gordon's Hotel. 569 THE PLANTING SEASON, 1880. TREES I TREES!! TREES I! I In Large or Small Quantities. THE Undersigned respectfully informs his numerous patrons and the public generally, that he has FOR SALE many thousands of FRUIT and FOREST TREES, CALIFORNIAN PINES, CUPRESSUS, etc. Also choice, ornamental, evergreen, and deciduous flowering Trees and Shrubs, all having been carefully transplanted and prepared under my personal superintendence. I can confidently recommend them to intending planters. All orders for the same will receive prompt attention and be carefully packed, and: forwarded with dispatch by rail ar otherwise. J. S T E M S O N, MEADOW BANK NURSERY, . ' NORTH ROAD. ' N.B.—Hodson's 'Bus leaves the Railway Stbion-foftlfe Nursery Gxouudß every hour.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 17 July 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 17 July 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1319, 17 July 1880, Page 3


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