AUCIIOSEKRV EEPORT. Me. George Greenfield reports that he held a sola of faroitctre, Ac., oa the promisea, Ritbte-strset, yesterday. The attendanco waa moderate, and the bidding very slack. Mr. A. H. Mande reports the sale by auction yesterday, on account of Mr. Win. Smith, 0* section 7, Mock 83, Oamarn town, with a small four-roomed house thereon, for LIKS; also section 6, Meek 83, on account 08 Sir. J. Ilollmder. with a oneroomed cottage, for LD9. The terms in both coses were equal to cash on the fall of the hammer. Messrs. Connell and Clowes report the sale to-day of properties, milling wheat, fowls' feed, &(?. There was a very large attendance, hat biddings not reaching vendors' limits, several lots were passed in. That farm known as t>o«ts\ at Maheno, comprising 39 acres or thereabouts, was disposed of at LI2 7s fj<l per acre. Fowls' feed fetched 3i» 2d per bushel. THK LABOR MARKKT. Mr. Ifcnry Macintosh reports for the weelh ending 25tb October, as follows: Basilicas has not improved much during the week, th® bad times having still an etfeet on the demand for labor. Numbers are arriving from the sister eolontes for the shearing this season, and they, along: with the great increase ftom the Mother Country of immigrants, tend to glut the markets in the meantime. The depression in business is still great, causing numbers that would keep servants to do without them, and others to reduce their number. There is still a great number of servants of all classes out of employment. Rates of wages as per last quotation. I>l;nkdin. [by 'I'SIUIiRAFtt.} October 24. Wheat, 4a Wto Ss; fowls* wheat, 3» ed to 3» 9d i miffing, firm at present prices ; oats, 28 to> 2S» Id: barley, to 5» *Td ; feed, 3s to 3a 6d; potatoes, 15 to 15 l(te; kidney seed potatoes, 16; round white potatoes, L 5 to 15 tOs : hay. 14 ; chaff, 14 to 14 Sa ; straw, 12 ss; bran, 15 5s : pollard, 1510 st Hour, large sacks. 11l 10s to 112; oatmeal, Lt- lf)s ; peart barley. !2t»: onions. 20f» : cheese, 8d ; hacon, rolled, S-Sd : prime fat beef, 30s ; mutton, -it to 2^l. INl*KEU'Ai:«llLf„ |6Y ' RArrr.] October 21. Wheat, 43 o<l to jm ; fpwts* fsed. 3S : tin nr. lit 10» to- 112; bran. L>: pollard. Lfi; oats. Is 9d to' 2s 3(t: oatmeal. LI3 ; l«rtey. C» ffd to 5s ; potatoes, 18. A fair business has been done in imported goods daring the week. CKRISTCFtCRCif. [by October 21. There is a revival at least in eommer«ta! circles. The general rise in sugar, grain. &c., recently eaMett has had a beneficial effect, and this week's commercial reports are quite cheering compared with what they have been for some months past. AFiSTRAMAX ♦ 'OMMKRCIAL. [BY fABt.K.} S-2 October 24. Ifennesay'* brandy, 33s; iHsvoe's kerosene Is ttHd; 9d ; New Zeaf.ind oats,. 2S 3't per 40tiis : maize, 2s 8d per «>tt>s. Other tines unchanged.. Amt.t Att'E. October 24. "Wheat, 3s lOd ; tfonr. 112 10s to ll'3 IPs.
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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1098, 25 October 1879, Page 2
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500COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 1098, 25 October 1879, Page 2
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