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BUSINESS directory forge MOORCROFF. fainter. Paperhanger- and Graincr, Eden-street. 203 G ftTON ANT> E'o<'E t,IN<-TON\ K ftnnt and 11cut-{ [>[ ' r o'nnnfiwtnrers, Now Zealand Boot factory. : rl i am «»-»tr»«tV Oamaru. - J "TTiAAt AND KINO, Timber. Coal, and A Iroa Merchants. Builders' Ironmonkery- t!o< l UBt antl Uombor streets, ()nin»ru. not;,DON. Maker and Im\V porter of Boots and Shoes, Teeajtroot. "VP"*'' 0 I' ichardi'.on's Royal Hotel. ri W. D RAft: R, Seedsman, fruiterer, \X» Poulterer, &c., 'Thames-street.^ WHARtis BECKING3A I.E, Genial 1 , .storekeeper ami Provision Merchant. Otupoi"'. —— A" irOORKINDALE. Watchmaker aad m Jeweller, Gold and Sdveff ksmitu, r t; |,on-street. next Masonic Hall. F it. TOVVNSEN D. Kay, Chaff. Com. and General Produce Merchant, * Tync-street. TTiTiaßllAl'lH . AN!> CO.. Timber I / Merclianl.s, North Steam . lining, and* Mills, Thanuusitiiufc. I 'amai'U. » J. 3. Et.FiADI .AiH D. General Merchanty t. r'AlfdE AN t> HUMPHREY, Whoirr&l. 0 »ml Retail Merchants, Thames-street. 'fftKti&ND AND ESTHER, Wliolv*si? J, uud Retail Grocers. Wino auii Spirit SlurcliiUits, Thames-street. i'AAIES SCOTT, General Grocer. \\ i.;; J and Spirit Merchant, Teca-otreot. rC TUOMKV, Draper, Clothier, and Out. [J titter, Thames street. 'lUtiiN LEMON. Estate and Commiasioi. X agent. Tyue-struet, Dan,am. y ""j.. i> w a i; d_ , jj[« Chemist, next door to Martin, t iw-Tbames-stiotit, Oiuiuu?u, TAMH PUuubviV l} uulGaa Fitter. iUinw.. '• •• -• 1 • , u L '- IT, Sliai 1 ".r.ii ■ -.■iri.t ii■'»■", Vsasouik Hall, Oiuiiaru. fAAt B S r - ; A U!. H AM. l's Hot.-;, 'i (;.;••• ST'.- Oaiuar::. MA TM r t' Nl, At.r.i.\- 1 ' ' ' • . u. I "lT" FtKC 1 .i • ■ -..ak »» #/.. llotail Irui-M't.. . , t • •;• r* r-t is, (.'»i<-ur», l'l.!:•••<! • • "- V! - '<UAUI.ES J. HA!. BIS. i Pap. i-i I'.. ■!'. Gl.!-:vr. a Jo wri;..'", rBjH!! J««orator, VV:>n»->l>eck»Br.i evR Uamaru. n 1 UAi: l; ETT. S -m Wr;t. r. Uraifv-r. .u <! J. , (oli'irr, H:u'l)oui'-.;t.reeC, Me. li. U. Maude's. KEi.'.-. I'.i'V, I'air.s-r. :U -.'ier. £,: l'ai'erl:an ; ; o t I'd.-.v.■< t; u 1 . . I Ikinir.K-otnT.t, U;ir,uu'«. / I E. I' Ai.l;, Ua-rycM k »;..l CoulVe\Jf, tioiK-r. 'I l.;um*: ! -stre'. t, Gaif arti. 4>i PUBLIC CCsV:r r-tiicb LNSL'UArii'E «. Oil Wis \ I'M RE AM> MAUIiS. Cai'iTad, 0a«. iiM.i !(•;■! Sr:'t:u:««. U«tt<l Oflico- t'rvures-,-'U , ''*'i- > Übsouui LOSSES B* FIRE ID r> AllAIlio"; ON S i<'RES, UOUS.';? WAiIEItOUSES, &c„ AT 'CUiiUi'i.i'i HATES. The Company will aiao tal.,u risrlw en ml nil luml.-i ot MevehaailU", wi Ur.d or oi. i«; iiml either on valued or oj>en poiiaef nUie most rcaßouabl<: terms. I'.irtieii lar atlontiou is di-avva to tho t;u:» llui,hy ■ m'u'.'.oo in tlie artieloaoi urs will pascioipatu in tho prutita of the t'onniany, AiiWV *0» OAAUilff aUNHVA I T K E N / 1 OLO!N lAL IN RAN CM COiII'ANV V oil' NEW Z.KA.LAND. u EIUE AND MALvINE. I'lium FIUK .INSURANCES EFFECTED On iivcry description of landItifi', unit Merchandise, Farmers'_ Produce, Stkrks, Burns, Grapar.its, iingiues,, and 'llireshing MARINE KISKS Vln Vessels, Wool, Grain, and alt kinds oi IVulmju, to and from any t'ort in New tlie Cotoni< s, or United Kingdon A'L* LOWEST CU.RRENT iIATt'S. o£ 1.05.5-es Paid fromptly and Liberally. Agi?uts aliendy appointed for this district: D. SHAW & CO., Fapafcaio; J. HENDERSON. Kakariui ; T. H. Mr EKiNG, Dnntrt'on ; 'Uul JOSEIMt BOOTH, Ollices : Tyne-street, Oamant ; I 1 run: whom every information; can he for Fire and i!arine Insurance?. !)"(• '\f EW ZEALAND fNSUKANCE COJtPANY. Tho above Company is prepared to '•■SCEE GRAIN IN FIELD, TACK, OR STOKE: r > if rescued, froir. !'ield to b»ore, and "tika r.iaka on Thrashing Mills for Tinw or S':anon, at I.ow EJ.T CO RRJ [; ATl'jii. n „ GFiOKOK SUilPl'Kl!; A tent.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 992, 24 June 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 992, 24 June 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 992, 24 June 1879, Page 1


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