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Business directory GEOROEMOORCROFT ; hanger, and Grainer, Lrten-atreet. -03 Ti OUGHTON AND POC'KLINGTON, tv Wholesale Boot anil Boot-Upper Manufacturers, New Zealand Boot Factory, Thames-street, Oamaru. Adam AND KING, Timber, Coal, and Iron Merchants. Builders* Ironnwagery. Coquet and H umber streets, Oamaru. WILLIAM GORDON, Maker and Importer of Boots and Shoes, Tees#<wst, opposite Richardson s Royal Hotel. w DRAPi'.K, Seedsman, Fruiterer, (jC, ' Poulterer, &c., Thamea-atreet. General \j Storekeeper and Provision Merchant, Otepopo. AM'CORKINDALB, Watchmaker and m . .. „ . , t a:t - O m l+ti Jeweller, Gotd and Sdver Smith, Itohen-street, next Masonic Hall--11. TOWNSEND, Kay, Chaff, Corn, »iirt General Produco Merchant, Tyne-atreet. F COALBKAITH AND CO., Timber Mercnants, North, Otago Steam Saw, Planing, and Moulding Mills, Thamesitr«et, Oamaru. - ~ j7 sl HEADLAND, General Mer- " chant, TTaiMK AND HUMPHREY. Wholesale JL> and Retail Merchants, Thamea-atreet. 1" Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Thames-street. AMES SCOTT, General Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Tees-street. TOOHEY, Draper, Clothier, and Out. titter, Thames-street. s D .jjHN LEMON, Eatate and Commission J ' Ty ? Yj- ~£~ EDWAIt DS, H . Chemist, next door to Martin, Ph.j Strapher, Thmm»-»trpet, Oamaru. Jft irTi:S~OGI L VIE. Plumber, Tinsmith tndGaa Fitter, Thames-street, Oamaru, H LO n (Ti OR D. Star and Garter Hotel, Haaomc tfldl, Oamaru. "x"A M E~S MARKKA M, (J Queen's Hotel, Thames-street, Oamaru. ATII E W GRA NT, Aixiascb Ho-rat, Oamaru. JG. FINCH & CO., Wholesale anil , Retail Ironmongers. ejTlmpojtcTss of rils, Colours, Plated Stoves, «.c. /ThAULf7sjTHARRIS, Painter, Glazier, Paperhanjjer, Thamej-street, Oamaru. __ B~LA.RKIN', Painter, Ulasier, Sign J» writer, Paper tumgt-r. and House Decorator, Wansbeck-stteet Oamaru. IT* BAKUF.TT, Sign Writer, Grainsr. and JL . Gilder, Karbour-streot, opposite Mr. A. H. Maude's. T KENNEDY, Painter, Glazier, and • Paperhanger, t&f opposite Post-office, Thames-street, Oamaru. ______ E. FARR, i'aatryeovk. and Cotiftctioner, Thames-street, Oamaru. -151 (x PUBLIC COMPANIES STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AND MARINE. Caktal, Osh. Mttxios Swrusq. Hpad Office- -Princea-strnot, Duncdin. LOSSES BY FIRE INSURED AGAINST ON DWELLING-HOUSES WAREHOUSES, &c„ AT CURRKNT RATES. Pe Company will also take risks on Wcot iul kinds of Merchandise, on land or on aoa •, 'an4 either on valued or open policies oi th» most Reasonable terms. Particular attention ia drawn to the fact Sat by provision in the articles of association surcrs will participate in the profits of the Company. Agxnt *or Oamarc HENRY AITKEN. (Colonial insurance company J OF NEW ZEALAND, PIKE AND MARINE. Capital ... £2,000,000. FIRE INSURANCES EFFECTED On every description of Buildings, Furnituro. and Merchandise, Farmers' Produce, Stacks, Barns, Graoaries, Engines, and Threshing Machines. RISKS Ott Vessels, Wool, Grain, and all of Produce, to and from any Port ia New Zealand, the Colonics, »r United Kingdom AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. iltUMxnent of Losses Paid Promptly and Liberally. ; Agents already appointed £or this district: D. S HAW £ CO., Fapaiaio; J. HENDERSON, Kakanui ; T. H. M EE-KING, Duntroon; And JOSEPH BOOTH, Officer r Tyne-street, Oamaru ; From whom every information, can be obtained for Fire and Marine Insurance?. \TEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COM i> FANY. The above Company is prepared to GRAIN IN FIELD, TACK, OR STORE; Or, If requited, from Fiold to &>.ore, and " tako Risks oa Thrashing Mills for Time or Season, at LOWEST CURRENT RATES. GEORGE SUMPTEK 110 Agent.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 978, 7 June 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 978, 7 June 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 978, 7 June 1879, Page 1


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