SALES BY AUCTION TUESDAY, ISih MARCH. At Mesar*. T. TTarJy and Co.'b Stores. At 12 o'clock. AH. M~ AU D E • has received instructions to sell by y';\>Vk aucttea, at above time and place—- ! A». ENTITY OF FURNITURE. \V::F*out Reserve. j A. H. MAUDE, 1535 Auctioneer. TO FARMERS, CAPITALISTS, ice. TUESDAY, 22.n0 APRIL. At his Rooms, Harbor-street. At 2 o'clock. ... A U D E ■• has received instructions from John Borton, Esq., to sell by public auction, at above time and place— About 4000 Acres of MAGNIFICENT AGRICULTURAL LAND, I Being the pick of the far-famed Macrewhenua Estate. 1 be above land is subdivided into suitable farm*, moat of it in English grass, well watered, and r.o part is more than two miles from the railway line. Such an opportunity of obtaining farms not to be surpassed in the Colony has rarely, if ever, been offered to the public in this district, and so well is the quality of the above land knova and appreciated, that the Auctioneer fcela further remark would be superfluous. Terms easy. Plans and full particulars can be obtained from A. 11. MAUDE, 3Sfi Auctioneer. SATURDAY, 22sd MARCH. At 12 o'clock. GREAT CLEARING SALE OP SAWN TIMBER. G< R. FR E E MAN AND CO. have received instructions from Messrs. Robertson Bros, and Martin to snbmit to public auction, on the ground a little below Hayes' Milt, Main Bush Road, Waimate, at the above time and place— The whole of their stock of SAWN T I M B E R, Consisting of—--100,000 Feet Sawn Timber, comprising Boards and Scantling, Black Pine, and Toiara, in junk 50 0 Sawn Stakes (black pine and totara 4000 Sawn Manuka Stakes ?<WO Sawn Palings, 4x6 and 5 feet 1000 Sawn Post*, G x 6, 6 x 3 SO9O Split Posts 54)0 Straining and Stockyard Posts 3000 Split Stakes (black pine and totara) 1000 Split Manuka Stakes 3WO Split and Round Rails 40*! 1 Cords of superior Firewood {black pine and tntxed). 100 Cords of the abovo on the edge of the Main Road. In catting the attention of contractors and the public in general to the above sale, we beg to state that a finer lot of timber is seldom or ever offered for competition without the slightest reserve. Terms at sale. Luncheon provided. (',. R. FREEMAN k CO., jj<4 Auctioneers. THURSDAY, 2i>rif, asp FRIDAY, 21sr MARCH, 1579. At 12 o'clock. At Windsor, Park, near Oamarti. First Annual Sale of Mr. Edward Menlovc'a Pure Clydesdale Entires, Brood Mares, Geldings and Fillies, Thoroughbred Horse*, and Ltncoln Sheep. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON, k CO. have received instructions from Edward Menlovc, Esq., to sell by auction, at Windsor Park, on Thursday and Friday, 20th and 21st March respectively, each day at 12 o'clock— FIRST DAY: PURE CLYDESDALE STOCK, Consisting of—--4 Pure Clydesdale Entire Horses, viz., Prince Albert, Lord Clyde, Rising Star, and Lord Bcaconstield. 41 Magnificent Brood Marcs, all served by the renowned sire 3 Prince Charlie, Prince Albert, and Lord Bcaconstield. 5 Very Superior Two-year-old Fillies, by Crown Prince and Prince Albert. 25 Grand Geldings, from three years old and upwards. THOROUGHBRED STOCK, &c. The well-known Racing Mare Mabel, served by Mr. Dodson's Cassivelaunus; also, three of her progeny, by Cassivelannus and Pertabe. C Superior Hacks, and 2 Shetland Ponies. SECOND DAY": LINCOLN SHEEP. 10 Pore-bred Lincoln Rams, bred by Messrs. Kirkham and Dudding, the celebrated English breeders, and imported by Mr. Mcnlove. 20 Pure-bred Lincoln Ewes, from the same breeders, and also imported. 150 Purc-brcd Lincoln Rams, the progeny of the above. 30 Fare-bred Lincoln Ewes, the progeny of the above. 1000 Wcil-bred Lincoln Ewe 3, in lots to suit purchasers. The Auctioneers have much pleasure in calling the attention of studmasters, breeders, and others to this, Mr. Mcnlove's FIRST ANNUAL SALE OF PUREBRED STOCK. The stud now about tobedisposed of issecond to none in New Zealand, and it is a wellknown fact, both in regard to horsesand sheep, that Mr. Mcnlove has spared neither expense nor time in securing the very purest blood procurable from the most celebrated breeders, both at Home and in New Zealand. The Stock to be sold are in healthy condition, and do honor alike to their sires and dams. Terms at Sale. Luncheon provided. Arrangements have been made with the Railway Department for a train to leave at 10.45 a.m., returning the same evening. Catalogues on application to the Auctioneers. 641 ÜBBUCK'S PURE COLZA OIL on s at J. S. Ahdmmoh's. 105
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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 909, 15 March 1879, Page 3
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743Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 909, 15 March 1879, Page 3
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