flv&.WKK—tUkttKfi,.— On the HOtb Pccemfccr. at St.. Stephen's f'htwb. Richmond. Melliowrnw, hf the Rev. (".. .1. IVrfcs. IVitjanitn B'atmer. sottwitor. *>.»«k«w. »no r>l the late Benjamin* Btennerhaasett italcner. Beaumont Scjiwre. London, to Kmtly. eldest daughter ol Robert Sargent Rainier, Sandhurst. Victoria.
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Bibliographic details
Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 856, 13 January 1879, Page 2
Word Count
41MARRIAGE. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 856, 13 January 1879, Page 2
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