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The advent of the New Year was welcomed with the customary tokens of rejoicing. Fireworks were let off in every direction ; bells were rung, and young and old, the sober-minded man of business and the "hoodlurm," each greeted thenew year with marks of rejoicing their positions. Many, apparently determined to see as much of the first portion of the first day of the year as possible, patrolled the streets long after daybreak, shouting, and letting off fireworks, but no disturbances took place to mar the rejoicings. Yesterday was, of course, observed as a closed holiday, and various means of spending the day were afforded. Picnics, trips into the country, and outings of all kinds were freely indulged in. Many residents went to Dunedin to be present at the Metropolitan Caledonian Gathering, and others proceeded to Waimate to attend the races at that place; but in return for these hundreds of people flocked into Oamaru by every train, and, as may fairly be imagined, the streets were thronged with people from all parts of the country. The steamer Hawea, from Dunedin, which arrived with a load of excursionists about one o'clock, also added her quota to the number of visitors. The weather during the early part of the morning, was delightful, but about two o'clock a pretty heavy shower of rain fell, and was followed by several others during the afternoon. The rain was not sufficient, however, to deter nearly everyone from participating in the enjoyments of the season, though a few were prevented from doing so.

THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL GATHERING. FIRST DAY. This was the chief attraction of the day. Long before the advertised time for commencing the sports people began to flock to the Agricultural and Pastoral Associations Ground, the Caledonian Band playing through the streets leading to the trysting ground. Here every arrangement possible for the convenience of the public had been made by the Society. A spacious and substantial-looking tempo-

rary grand stand had been erected by Mr. Rolland, and artistically decorated with boughs, &c., by Mr. Simpson, who is deserving of the greatest credit for having produced such a fine effect. A large ring had been roped in, and every arrangement made for carrying on the sports in a successful manner. The Caledonian Brass Band was stationed in the centre of the ring, and throughout the day discoursed a number of airs very creditably. The creature comforts of the spectators were well provided for by Mr. Markham, of the Queen's Hotel, who had a couple of publican's booths, Mr. Pratt, with a similar number of temperance booths, and Mr. Brown, who had another booth of a like kind. A large number of policeman, under Sub-Inspector Smith and Sergeant Beattie, were in attendance, but their services were not in great requisition, for the utmost good humor prevailed, though a number of lads, great and small, persisted in discharging fireworks amongst the crowd. Before proceeding to speak of the sports themselves we must not omit to mention that Mr. W. Sutherland, the Society's piper, and several other pipers, discoursed a considerable portion of the national music of Scotland on Scotia's national instruments. A large number of Highlanders in full costume were on the ground, and their presence lent a charm to the appearance of the gathering. The various officers of the Society worked in a most business-like manner to make things pass off satisfactorily, and were successful to an eminent degree. The sports were witnessed by a large concourse of people of all classes, and during the afternoon there must have been about 6000 persons present. The following is a necessarily brief account of the different events :

Quoiting—First prize, L 3 ; second, L2 ; third, LI. Ten competed for the prizes given in this event, which resulted as follows :—Thomas Little, 1 ; R. Lindsay, 2 ; A. Cooke, 2. Heavy Hammer (no swinging)— First prize, L 3 ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. For this there were four entries, the result being that J. Smith took the first prize with a throw of 80ft 9|in ; D. Chalmers (78ft 3in) being second, and J. Shaw (71ft l£in) third. 220 Yards Handicap Race (in heats)— First prize, L2 10s ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. This was hotly contested. In the first heat four started, J. M'Donald being first, M. Quin second, and \V. Craig third. In the second heat, A. Dalgleish was first, J. Dalgleish second, and Fraser third. In running off the final heat, A. Dalgleish, M'Donald, and Fraser were the only competitors, and finished in the order named.

Putting Heavy Ball—First prize, L 3 ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. Five entered the list for this event, and after some fair throwing, D. Chalmers carried off the first prize with a throw of 34ft 2in ; J. Shaw (33ft 6in), second ; and W. Robertson (32ft Hin), third. Hop, Step, and Jump—First prize, L2; second, LI ; third, 10s. This event brought out six competitors, and a close competition took place, the result being— J. Fraser (39ft lOin), 1; W. Craig (38ft 9in), 2 ; J. Telfer (38ft sin), 3. Bagpipe Music (strathspeys and reels, in Highland costume) —First prize, L 3 ; second, L2 ; third, LI. J. Stevens was the only competitor. David Brown, another piper, was on the ground, but had left his kilt behind him by mistake, thus disqualifying himself to compete, a circumstance which is to be regretted, as he is an exceedingly good piper, and has been successful in carrying off honors elsewhere. Best Dressed Boy (in Highland costume) —First prize, LI 10s ; second, 15s ; third, 10s. Master G. A. Sutherland was the only competitor, and carried off first prize. Highland Reel (in costume) —First prize, LI 10s ; second, 15s ; third, 10s. Four competitors took part in this event, and the dancing was very good. J. S. Murray obtained the first prize, D. Buchanan, the second ; and J. Watson, the third. Youths' Handicap Race (220 yds., under 16 years)— First prize, LI 10s ; second, 15s ; 3rd, 10s. For this event there were ten entries, and a capital race took place, resulting as follows :—Hanning, 1 ; Peattie, 2 ; Shea, 3. Tossing Caber—First prize, L2 10s; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. Five competed. It was some time before any of them succeeded in turning the caber, which had to be reduced in length. Shaw was first to successfully toss the caber, and was followed by D. Chalmers. None of the others were successful until the o aber had again been shortened, when S. Smith turned it. Shaw, 1 ; Chalmers, 2 ; Smith, 3. Mile Walking Match—First prize, L 3 ; second, LI; third, 15s. For this event the entries were—Clark (scratch), Paisley (scratch), J. Fraser (10 yds.), A. Adams (30 yds.), M'Fadyen (40 yds.), D. Church (50 yds). Paisley did not put in an appearance, and M'Fadyen, who walked in a very indifferent manner, soon fell out. The others walked very well, but it was soon apparent Clark, who walked admirably, would prove the winner. On the third time round he succeeded in passing all but Adams, who had maintained the lead for some time. On the fourth round, Clark put an a spurt and took the lead, with Adams a few yards behind him, Fraser coming next, Gray and Church some distance in the rear. On the sixth round Fraser began to gain upon Adams, but the latter shook him off. Clark had in the meantime increased his lead, and won easily. When nearing the winning post Fraser put on a spurt and passed Adcams, the result being— Clark, 1; Fraser, 2 ; Adams, 3. Highland Fling (in costume) First prize, L 3 ; second, LI 10s; third, 15s. The competitors were Watson, Buchanan, Murray, and Calder, and after some very nice dancing the result was given as follows : —Murray, 1 ; Watson, 3 ; Buchanan, 3. Vaulting With Pole (men) —First prize, L 3; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. Four competed for the prizes in this event. A start was made at 7ft Gin. At Bft 6in Craig failed, and Telfer failed at Bft llin. The bar was then raised to Oft 2in, when Black and Fraser cleared it. At Oft oin Fraser failed, and the result was therefore—Black, 1 ; Fraser, 2 ; Telfer, 3.

Wrestling (Cumberland style) First prize, L 3; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. For this event eight competed. Telfer threw O'Brien, and after a great loss of time in getting hold, M'Donough threw Goodall. Fleming threw Robertson easily, and Lane served Stewart similarly after some loss of time in getting a hold. In throwing off the ties, Telfer ohtained a throw with M'Donough, and Lane threw Fleming. Telfer threw Lane, and obtained the first prize, Lane taking the second. No third prize was awarded. 440 Yards Flat Race (handicap)— First prize, L 3 ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. Six faced the starter for this event, and a capital race ensued. J. Dalgleish cut out the running, and lead until within 100 yards of the finish, when M'DonaJd came with a rush, and won a grand race, J. Dalgleish being second, and A. Dalgleish third. Sword Dance (in costume) —First prize, L 3 ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. Four competed, Murray obtaining the first prize, Buchanan the second, and Calder the third. Boys' Vaulting (under 16 years)— First prize, LI 10s ; second, LI ; third, 10s. Five lads competed, and some very creditable vaulting took place, the result being —l, A, Richardson (9ft) ; 2, J. Ogilvie (Bft). The third prize was divided between Hook, Frame, and Headland. Standing High Leap—First prize, L 3; second, LI. Only three competed in this event. Telfer and. Black, having each

jumped 4ft lin., divided the first %JBt second prizes. EB Irish Jig—First prize, L 3 ; second, ]Jj» 10s ; third, 15s. For this event six Ctyfiß peted. Buchanan was awarded the s]Jw prize, Murray the second, and WillajHß the third. JB Half-mile Handicap Race—First pndffiffl| L 4 ; second, LI 10s ; third, 15s. This »M§ a very unsatisfactory event, owing to Wnjiß mistake on the part of the competitors Five started, and a capital race took plaDfjjfc but the whole of the »<Afl| up when one lap had to be run i«, plete the distance. Henderson tljjH| finished first, some few yards in front A. Dalgleish, J. Dalgleish being tHinJS On the mistake being made known, tjffll two Dalgleishes started off again, anlffl finishing the distance, claimed the prizegß but tVe judges would not agree to thiiSß and decided that the event should bo nJH over again.- After a short rest thofrJM competitors ag* m faced the starter, tuJK again a mistake occurred, the brotheJH Dalgleish pulbng uj, o ne round shorlS Henderson, who was V>ading by a fe|B yards, finished the and Tr<JS easily. M'Donald, the only other cogJK petitor who completed the half-mfte, placed second. Wm Tilting—First prize, L 3 ; second, Ls|bS third, LI. Seven entered for tins everaM T. Little obtained the first prize, jjjlßj Little the second, and J. Hendersons (Ngapara) the third. p§| SECOND DAT. "3 The second day's sports to-day w<>. -M again well patronised, though the attoj M dance, as might be imagined, was not ( '-jl large as yesterday. Long before the tinl|l for starting people began to gather ontilfH ground, and the number was greatly &\||a mented during the afternoon. Each tra||ffi arriving in town brought its quota MM visitors, and when at its height the attdgH dance must have been fully 2500. WM arrangements were again very completßH and the sports were carried through wJn spirit. The following is a brief of the different events : i||l Quoiting (handicap)— First prize, "iSsm second, LI. On this occasion there we || nine entries, the result being—A. Dj m gleish, 1 ; Cooke, 2 ; Rawlin, 3. M Light Hammer (no swinging)—Fm ip prize, L2 10s; second, LI 10s; thir p 15s. Four men competed. J. Snu is* (92ft 3£in), 1; Chalmers (87ft llin),! «'j J. Puller (83ft sin), 3. 'J Bagpipe Music, in Highland Costut jj (Pibroch and Marches) —First prize, L, J second, L2 ; third, LI. Only two co^y ■ petitors came forward. J. Puller, 1, SSg Brown, 2. No second prize was awardJH Reel of Tulloch (in Costume)—FiS • prize, L 3; second, LI 10s ; third, l||B Four entries. Buchanan, 1; Murray,M ; Jas. Watson, 3. In thiß reel all danjflS ■ well, so closely indeed that it was diffiaj§H ? to decide between the first and second, f jffl

120 Yards Race—First prize, L2 lftl second, LI ; third, 10s. Twelve entail for this event, which was run in heats,jja the first of which J. Dalgleish was fii£| and Craig second. In the second the result was M'Donald, first; m Dalgleish, second. The third heat resulti|| in J. Fraser being first and Loudejj second. The final heat was an excesl ingly closely contested event, the whi of the competitors finishing in a cluiti The result was —A. Dalgleish (4yds),l J. Dalgleish (6yds), 2 ; M'Donald (2ydi 3. M'Donald got a wretched Btart, or would, according to his running, fe| proved the winner. Youths' Walking Match (handicap) \ mile, under 16 yeani—Firat prize, 1 second, 10s. Six started for this evei but only two walked fairly. .. A. Smi obtained the first prize, and W. Smil the second. Shea, Ogilvie, and Maj were disqualified for unfair walking. Putting Light Ball—First prize, 1 10s ; second, LI; third, 10s. Foure* peted. D. Chalmers (38ft Bin), 1; Smith (38ft 7*in), 2 ; J. Pullor (S 3in), 3. Running Long Leap—First prise, L! second, LI; third, 10s. Ten competifo came forward for this event, the real being—M'Auly (18ft 4in), 1; S. Smi (18ft l|in), 2 ; J. Fraser (18ft iin), 3. Seauntreus (in costume)— First pri L2 ; second, LI ; third, 10s. There t< four competitors. Murray, 1; Buchtw 2 ; Calder, 3. Wrestling Match (Cornish Btyle—cat as you can) —First prize, L2 10s ; secoi LI; third, 10s. Four entries. In t first pair, Telfer scored two throws again Lane. Sincock threw Waugh _ja«i Telfer, after several attempts, them tained two throws against Sincock, i took the first prize, Sincock being sccoi and Lane third. Single Sticks—First prize, L 8 1 second, 15s ; third, ss. Throe. «cuup*' and after some very good. pjayi, "' obtained the first prise j Lane to second, and Mitchell thirdBoys' Race (under 12 years), entrai free—First prize, 10s ; second, 5s ; thi 2s 6d. This race was run in heats, al) thirty competing. Everitt was first, I the two Hannigans second and third. 440 Yards Hurdle Race, over 8 flig —First prize, L2 10s ; second, LI J third, 15s. For this race there were entries, with very good running, all oo petitors taking the hurdles very * resulting as follows :—A. Dalgleish, M'Donald, 2 ; Conner, 3. Sailor's Hornpipe—First prize, L2II second, LI; third, 10s. Twelve onte for this event, the music being supplied Mr. Cook, violinist. The result wi Buchanan, 1; Murray, 2 ; Watson, Frith recommended for a 4th prize. Running High Leap—First prize v second, LI ; third, 10s. For this ev there were six competitors, the re being—P. Frayer, sft 2in, 1; P. Sin 2 ; J. Frayer, 3. Three-legged Race —First prize, 1 second, 10s ; third, ss. There were o two entries. M'Bratnay and Shepp came in first, Madden and Monlove b« awarded third prize. About forty youngsters entered fo special race for boys, the result of wl was that M. Hannigan obtained the f prize of 7s 6d ; C. Johnßton the sec prize of 5s ; and H. Henton the third pi of2s6d..

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 847, 2 January 1879, Page 2

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NEW YEAR'S DAY. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 847, 2 January 1879, Page 2

NEW YEAR'S DAY. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 847, 2 January 1879, Page 2


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