The Evening Mail. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1878.
The i>rcra!j.i!io for the forthcoming ?iorl Otago Turf Cu'b's race meeting will 1 found in another column. J total aiiioui to be given iu stakes is 0, being an Vcrease of Los on that for last year. 11 alterations in the programme consist of s addition of 1/!i> to t}is Handicap Hurd Race, and the infertioa ol i> felling H;u Hurdle Race of 30 sovs. TUo has deemed it advisable to mines the iii tances of many of the races, the object ben to induce owners to compete whose hor.are not equal to long distances, but whi( might have a good chance over a short course. The business transacted at the Reside] Magistrate's Court this morning, before ] V,*. J'arktr, Esq.. R.M., was not of an :i port:u:t jijiuzv. Silena ■ Leonard, cbargt with being driiiij- and disorderly in Thame street #4 an early licjir this morning, w; discharged with a caution, this being li first appearance. Duncan Kerr, for beii drauk end disorderly in Thames-street at £ earlv h«"s?r tjy's morning, was fined 55., v.-il the option or goiiig to gai.l, with haullabou for twenty-four hours. The Fuimwration Officer (Air. Jfalii.t iiiforins us that 71 immigrants arrived I the AVaitaki to-day, of which -- are domest servants, and 4!> agricultural labourers. A fiieet/ng of the Committee of the Norl Otago Tun Ci.nb was held last evening i the Empire Hotel, for the purpose of coi sidering the programme for the foi thcoi ing races. There weie present—Messr O'.Meagher, President (in the ehair), Suttoi JJntotr. IVjolcy. 'Thompson, Uiehatdsoi Lumsden, Greenfield, Patersou, Longfori and Grant (secretary). The minutes of tl last meeting having been read and coi tinned, a letter was read from Mr. 1 1 Robertson, tendering his resignation as | member of the Committee, which was & } edited. In reply to a question, the .Seer j tary stated that he had not received tl: | letter from the Hon. I'. Campbell, a eui | of which had been published in the paper The report of the Sub-Coinmittee appoiute to draw uj> the programme was then read an considered, and a programme adopted con prising the following events : —First daj - - Maideu Plate, L4O, 1J mile ; Selling Raci LSD, Jj mile; -North Otago Turf Clu Handicap, L2UO; 1? mile ; JTpye 1 Race, I miie; Ha*;k itaee, L2y, once round tli course; Tradesmen's Handicap, L6O, 1 mite. Second day—Handicap Hurdle Rae< L~~>, 2A miles; Selling Hack Hurdle Kac< 1.30, li niile; Publicans" Handicap, L 10( l.'i mile : Hospital Race, once round ill course; Flying Handicap, L 75, 1 mile ; Coi j a,;' at ion Handicap, L4O, 1-Jr mile. Tl; i names ci a number of gentlemen were pr< : posed to act as stewards, &c., subject t j their consent being obtained. Messrs \ (t'.Meagiier, Lintott, Sutton, Thompson, an ; Dooley were appointed a Sub-Committee t , canvass for subscriptions. i-iix new member j having been elected, the meeting terminate | with a vote of thanks to the chairman, i The adjournal quarterly inc-iing of tli Artillery Battery is appointed t take place evening, at 7 fl'piock, at tli Volueteer .Hail. The co.un£ry companies of 2Co. 3 Battalio Volunteers will for inspection as fo. lows -Hampden liiHes, ta-j!!orri>w (Wei; ne.-day). the 23rd inst., at 7-36 p ; tli Otepopu Ilitlea on Thursday, the i'4th inst. at 7-30 p.ui. We are informed (says the Jfttv Zcalam Ihruid> that the provincial district o Auckland jrill this year produce gr*in to th ralue of about L 60,000, which is a grea adrauce on former years. The amount re presents otdy about one-third the quantity of jvheat required for the annual consump tiiMi of Auckland provincial district; bui the progress agriculture is now making gives promise of a continued increase in tht local production, and a consequent decrease of imported as th« result of oui own self-supply. The growth of cattle and
sheep is also steadily increasing in Auckland provincial district, and although not in the same ratio of advance as the betterprovided Southern provinces display, yet at a rate which should give heart and hope to the people of this growing centre. The Melbourne Argus states that one of | the late breaks in the overland line was I caused by blacks, who cut the wire and destroyed a number of insulators. As a writer in the London Lc.ncet ss.ys, few people know the value of lemon juice. A piece of lemon bound upon a corn .will cure it in a few days ; it should be renewed night and morning. A free use of lemon, juice and sugar will always relieve a cough, ilpst people feel poorly in spring, hut if they "would eat a lemon before, breakfast every day for a week—with or without sugar, ] as they like—they would find it better than any medicine. Lemon juice used according to the following recipe will sometimes cure caßSUjijption :—Put a dozen lemons into cold water and slowly bring to a boil; boil slowly until the lemons a,re soft, but pot too soft; then squeeze until all the juice is extracted, sugar to your taste, and drink. In this way use one dozen lemons a day. If they cause pain, or any inconvenience, lessen the 1 quantity, and use only five or six a day until you are better, and then begin again with a dozen a day. After using five or six ; dozen, the patient will begin to gain flesh ; and enjoy food. Hold on to the lemons, and 5 still use them very freely several weeks more. Another us£ fit' lemons is fyr a re , freshing drink in summer, or in sickness at any time. Prepare as directed above, and ' add water and sxigar. But in order to have 1 this kpi-;) well, after boiling the lemons, squeeze liiein ana attain parefa }y i then to every half-pint of juice add one pound oi 1 loaf or crushed sugar ; boil and stir a few minutes more until the sugar is dissolved, skim carefully, and bottle. Tou will gel • more juice from the lemons by boiling them. ■ and t-:e preparation keeps better. Per- ons jviio have to dp jiitli telegram.' " should always bear in mijid that stops art h not inserted in messages in their delivem e forms, hov/eveF pjivefully they may hi it placed by the sender. Those vylip l?avi i. experience iu these matters are aware hov e much the sense is atl'octed by the absena n of these little points, and are fully alive ti !e the necessity for wording the message si k hat it cannot convey any other sense thai :e that vviiwh is intended. There is an oh s- story .of a- doctor being written to com ig and fitin a patient vh.o y/as dangerously n! :s Before he could s<ifc put the patient died h and one of the relatives'iKitel; *i" telegraphed to the doc or, 'Vin'c come—coo lu.e." Ihe messng- »•«.- delivered "Don't come too late." < >f cm so th - phj'siciau posted oft as fast as he could, i l somewhat similar mistake was made here I j few days ago. A gentleman in Aucklam s telegraphed to a W.aikato settler on a matte of business which neceusitatml the roeetin j a of the parties. The settler in reply sent oi [fr this message : " 111 come iirst opportunity. ° The Auckland man immediately packed u a carpet bag and ran down to see his fiieiul r but was ljis surprise on arrival to fm< that the good gentleman I; ad left for Auek laud by a train which had crossed that b; which he had travelled. CoiUS' temp* of thi - desorii'tiou are very likely to result froi: l '" carelessly-w»r«led telegrams.—S"tar. The ft;lhnvi;ig is a list of the newspaper which have been ajipointed by the (lovenio lt as advertising med.a for the publieati-.m o 1_ Government notifications which it was com pulsory bj- law to insert in Provincial Go vernment Gazettes while they were in ex '' istence :—Otfjo Doily Times, 2\'r>c Zcuhuu '* Herald, 'l'aranaki Herahl, ]lnuj;c's Jiu '' Herald, Kelson Colonist, Marlbornttt/h Ex 6 ores:!, L-i/UeUon Times, Grey Hirer Arya.;. iThe price of milk has Jjacu reduced t> a threepence per quart in lieeiton. Tliis, w believe, is inclusive of water. The licensed victuallers of Marton, in th< e Wellington Provincial district, have beei y prosecuted, at the instigation of My. Fox !■ for having tluir houses opened on Kev ;I Year's night, although iliey took no moiiei il for any liquor supplied. Mr. Fox heard tin l- cases, and fined the defendants each 40s - and costs. ' Mr. Moorliouse, M-H-Ti., in an address ti his constituents at Motueka. said "A mai t ■ on a iarui at a pound a week and his tuckci e was better off than a Civil Servant at L3O; 1 per annum." And that "In Canterbury ; ' man could go a day's march and meet witl ' nothing bigger than a tussock," e " Pegasus," the Dunedin Star'* authnritj - on racing matters, writes as follows ; —'■ Thi e removal of the disqualification from Fish ~ hook has excited a good deal of comment 0 and the Oamaiu papers have been floodei with correspondence bearing on the matter 1 The geiiCpd opinion is that the North Otag( u Turf Club have anted, on tjie y/hoie, wisely s in allowing Fishhook to again appear on tin I turf, for it will be remembered that the evi dence against U'Brien was anything but cou elusive, A writer in a contemporary thi: mornilit/ aisplays a lamentable amount o f) ignorance of the subject fill which lit treats. Ife says the original deuisior of the North Gtago Turf Club ' was ! nromutly endorsed by every Club in tht ' country.'" Tilts is usually taken bj • all ra-ing Clulks which eiuiorse % dj-=qualiii-B cation without inquiring into the merits of a ' i (,-aye. He next saj s that the ' case was a very glaring one: the horse was scratched I the first day for tUo big race.' Well, that f could huve nothing to do with & r&ep on the ; second day; and if every horse that is ; scratched tor a race in which he is entered • is to be disqualified, we should soon ■ have no racing at all. Tlisn. ' tlie stewards were particularly requested to ; watch Fishhook, as it was ruinoured ; that he was not meant for the race, They saw that he was clearly pulled, and the parties to this disgraceful swiudle were punished.' Perhaps the writer will tell us who warned th» upwards, for if anybody
did so it i« strange that they did not call the individual in to tell them how lie knew there was going to be a- swindle. This person must have been, able to give some interesting evidence. Then we are told that the Committee which reversed the decision was not 'the body which inflicted the punishment.' Considering, that a new committee is elected before each annual race meeting, it is not easy to see how it could be the sprite, but'that vthe-riew Committee : luid the \JdMdtenOe oHhe is shWn by being elected. Next he says that 'tlie original punishment was far too light,'although 'a little before -he said ' the parties were punished as far possible.' He eotinues that 'it is to ■be hoped that the Dunedin Club will refuse to remove this disqualification, as they did in the -Mabel case—a far loss flagrant case.' The Duue.iin Club wiil probably show its consistency by again following the action of the Oamaru Club ; while no one can compare Fishhook's case with the Mabel swindle. Nest earned this delicious sentence :—'' Wp should lilf.e to ask how manj of the public woiild like to see Fishhook, ridden by Derritt, start in the Duncdii: Cup ?" As the entries for tlie Dnnedifl Cut : closed over two months ago, it is ljard to set how Fishhook could run in it, Tho writei 1 winds up with a great deal of loud talk abou! • "the blow that will be inflicted upoi 1 racing" if Fishhook's disqualification is gene rally removed, but he eloes not show whai ' the effects of this blow will bo, Tho rivUtei seems yjie to lie one for tho Oanutni Clul to settle amongst themselves—they di?. epialifieel Fishhook, and surely if they pleasi 3 they can remove the elt-qualidcatioii. 1 > other clubs followed their 3 disquaiiticatjoii, piyst sKp'-c-iy 4ft so ii removing it," r " _ Tlie Rev. Samuel Edgar, who rejoices n j. always going on his ' own hook ' in religion matters, and is the representative in Auek lantl of tlie Christaeleiphiaus Calilhumpians or some sect with a similar-sounding title 8 presided at the of 4lr. Tlioma e Walker, the t;a:;ee m<-;dium, anil now figure on the platform as chairman at Mr. Charle L Briglit's unorthodox lectures, e _ . . Wo !»av fl bpisn shown by Mr. Msni.'hin, r lindewood, some heads of wheat, also som :G c grain fl'oill them, which had Lee,] grown b him in his gai-eie : from seed obtained froi Kussia. The heads have six or seven ear: I and Mr. Alinchin tells us that i'n-m one hea he obtained 138 grains, whil.-t from ! lie car f ; the ordinary wlinsit he got but SO. All I Ueael, ot cite L;iu ill ii speaks of th sample as a g<>od useful wheat. Mr. Miiwh' j kind, hut ye-y proliif.-, yjuuVug 1 : (3 grain ahead, • aeh lv ad Uv gn-wni from it, Mr. Minchii! lia> gr<iwu tho B>i-ed i a his garden at Inglewnod, and had made up { j snuvd sheai.' of 'the wheat to send to tl) Agricultural Society's Exhibition, but w;i too unwell at the time to bring it ill - % fuvanaki IJovM. ii • - " The following account of a trial of one i p Wood's reaping and binding machines i . ; Australia will, no doubt, prove interestin d ac the present time to our readers : '. t- very successful trial of Wood's reaper an iy hinder towk place on tho 20i.1i November, o i- the esiatcof Mr. Maeiiamara, Mounce Voml: in when the machine imported by Messrs James M'Ewan and Co , was subjected to very severe test. The machine (with a stron wind against it), working across the furrow: proved itself to be in aji respects a yaluabl addition to the labour-savim; machines in i- ° ported into the Colony. The machine eloc its work thoroughly ; the only care seen: ,/ higiy necessary is to got steady horses at customed to this class of work in the field ■y The reaping an el delivery of the sheaves i perfect. Tlie crop operated upon was heavy one, showing what the (effect of goomanuring will do oil land that has bee e cropped for hay nearly eighteen years. Tiier was a large i- r tte; of gentlemen in ie teresteel in agriculture on the ground, in n dueling the Secretary and most of thp mem bers of the National Board of Agriculture: iv There were itjso jivosg!)*: the limjs, J. A y Wallace and James Buchanan, Messrs e 15, Henfcy ( John Fiiilay, I', Gibson, am W. K, Thomson, nearly all lending agricul tural implement manufacturers, and a mini her of visitors from the aeljaeent Colonies o . n About 120 of these machines have he. n '.in ported into the jUojony, but a much large g number have gone to New Zealand."
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Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 538, 22 January 1878, Page 2
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2,530The Evening Mail. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1878. Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 538, 22 January 1878, Page 2
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