•Sub-Insreptor . v inith received a .letter thi.j mcrriug fiom ;• Air. James Bhek ; informing the p..liee that he found the skeleton of a iiiau yesterday on the Idaerewhemua, run, about six miles from the. station, and stating thai; the man appears to have been dead a considerable time. s. constable was despatched from town during the day for the purpose of recovering the skeleton, au making the lieocssary inquiries. At present no idea can be formed of its identity, but. the - keletou will pre.>abiy prove ,:o be that of a Idaori.
The leases of some municipal sections were offered for sale today at the Couiuii ehambers by -Mr. A. XI. Maude. Th-re was not a large attendance of buyers, and some of the sections were not disposed of. The lease for live years of sections 7 anc. S, block XXA"., being part of the market reserve, and subject to the right of .resumption by the Corporation, without compensation, on six months' notice, was bough;, l-.j .Mr. Thomas .-\ime s, at a rental of 1.7 each per annum —the upset- i rice. The leases ol the Other sections oiiercd ilid not meet wit!; an\ piu chasers.
We are informed by a gentleman win) ha. lately travelled over ;; considerable extent of country tha? the rainfalls which have occurred latch, have tended greatly t-.- improve the crops, and tliat they v. ill not l.v so poor as was anticipated dining the continued dry weather. <ur informant al.-o adds that the yields will not, however, be nearly so great as they have been an ;ei more favourable cireum.-_.tauces.
At the Resident llagistrate's C'nur: rhinioriiing, before 'J'. W. Parker, Jv-rp, K'.-U.. Kubert curt was charged v. il)i having deserted hi, wile and family at Timaiu othe lSlh instant. The aceu-ed d-i.icd the charge, bill admitted iliafc he was the pei>. u whose attendance at Timaru was rerjuitcd. Ills Worship remandedtheaeeused toTniiaii.. where he will be brought up to-moiTo\, morning. The hearing of a couple of unimportant civil eases formed the only oth, r business before the Court.
The quarterly summoned meeting of tb" Loyal Aif'red Lodge, 1.0.0. F., was held he.', evening in the Waitaki Hall, when the following cilice-bearers were elected f.-r the eiiMiing term of six months : —J\.C, Bro. Leaney : V. (_>., Bio. Blair: Secretary, Bio. Roulston ; Treasurer, Bro. Lane.
Those of our readers who aie desirous of attending the annual ball and supper of the Caledonian Society would do well to make early application for their tickets, as only a limited number arc to be disposed of. The 1 all will be held in the Volunteer Hail on New Year's night, and a list of those from whom tickets may be obtained appears in our advertising columns.
The letter of "Another Member'' has been crowded out of this issue. it will a, pear to-morrow. Consideration of an application from the residents of Duntronn for a new school was deferred by the Kdueation. Board at their last meeting.
Tho following is a list of tho successful tenderers for the supply and delivery of coal to the New Zealand railways : —Auckland : Taupiri Co. (Taupiri), at (is and 4s per ton : W U. Winstone (Newcastle), L2. Napier: J. H. Vim tier (Newcastle), 1.2. Wellington : .Brunncr Coal Co. (GreMitouth), LI 14s (id. Foxton : \V. 1!. Williams (< Weymouth), 1.2 7s. Wr.uganui : Cross and lirown (Greymouth), LI ias. New riymouth : Webster Bros. (Greymoutb), LI lu's lid. Picton : W. it. Williams (Greymouth), LI IDs <Jd. Nelson : James l-tropp (Greymouth), LI 14s o'd. Westport : Wellington Coal Co. (Waimangaroa), 19s (id. Christehureh : James Mills (Newcastle). LI 8s <M. Timaru: C. W. Turner (_\ewcas:le), LI l!>s Hid. Oamani ; C. W. Turner (Newcastle), LI l-'s H l il. iJum din : James .Mills (Zv.-w----eastl ), LI Sis 'Jd. [nvercargill : James Mills (Newcastle), LI i's Sid. It is worthy of notice ihit while tho suo.-essful tenderer (Mr. Turner, or Clirisichuich) is able to supply Xewea tie coal at Oani-.iru for 1,1 los 1(11 per too. he is only able to supply coal at 'i imam for LI 19s Hd. This fact is no d'-.u'-t :;rt'-ii tual'Je to the very superior
eargi" a: it tea- the .>eeurity of vease's, vver ib;.;uu. .••.i-ioi.her remarkable circumstance is thai while Nc--vc:.'..-tle coal eau be .~:li}' •!:-_-.! at l)uncdin ami. '.hristehiueh lor LI 8= 'Jd a ton, .the price required at Wellington was
L2 os : notwithstanding t't.V'. the '.nSb'r place possesses lauding accommodation e<pial, ii' not i-iiperior. to those of Duuedin and Christehureh. The Wellington coal merchants must look for a very great amount of profit.
Messrs. Brown, Sutton, and Co. sold today (through Mr. J. Stephenson, of Wright, Stephenson, and ;.\>.) upwards of 200 bales of wool, and about .",( OK skins. There was a large attendance, and bidding was spirited. Every lot was sold at satisfactory prices. The alphabetical cricket match, which waste have taken place la-.t Sa tird ,y, but did not come oil" owing to the unfavorable weather, will be played to-morrow niternoon on the new ground. Wickets will l.c pitched at -.HO p.m. sharp.
The following by-law iias been added to those already in force on the Xew Zealand railways:—l\"o peisou will be allowed to alight from or cot r any railway carriage or vehicle at any station, except at the platform side thereof, unless with the sanction of the oliicer in charge of such station or guard at stations or platforms where there are no oilicers in charge, under a penalty not exceeding I,M).
The drrii /'in,- Af/jus learns that the iTcmier will visit (Irey o.outh some time about the middle of January. Thcrj iS' me talk of taking advantage of the I'n'inc Minister';- presenc, and asking Sir < ienrg.: to formerly open (he < Ircyj'ioi'.t!' Coj.-paryV -•line, i-.'K 1 to no the foundation st .i.j o. the new Angliem < limvh a. .iiiuiiieuov/n. Our eonteiiipotarv add.-: thai, there woaid he ver\, great appropriateness in Sir (long Grey naugratiiig l.uih, ma, .-maca a-= ('• \, father to the d'striet.
The Aueklard .Star tells the follow!"; story:—"A Kuropeau who latch visile, the A'gatimauiapoto at Kav.i.ia in t l '• ',
terests of .Melbourne capitalists Mlbmu... d a novel proposa 1 to t'io "lalivcs. lie eairie.' witii him a ihig uuknowi- io oui ".-n ion,.: code which he ostentatiously displayed h the various villages. At \\ v!oa he reo'.ested tin: chiefs jo give him over 1 :.!';" million acres of !-md 01. coiidiiian that 'e should settle rhiropcaos iipon it w!." aiv hostile to the lb did: (iovernment. am! v, bo in the event of war between the l-hi''ope;.'::s and ihe M-iori.-: w.u.d take tile -ide i :' .!il latter. The wily l\g:t itnaniap, to ch;e ; .: listened l<> hi., rc-presc'tati-ns eno -_ ra-t.-nde.' io i;e c.inside, abb willLlvj scheme. Th ' re .1. ws, dc. , !.: ■-..: over a urn of \.'.)'■*> V. v.a ■>■ ..t adv. re. . the natives, I.ik ■ ccciv.- : <:■■■ :■ i r ' >■ ;■.;.€.' the pr.iba'alh;. i' m>. ' ic \.:i' n.v.v.e----r.ei,-e :\'>y. The -*.g,.ith .'l'd :\'*> -■■ a:.: i >.. tbiawd to be deceive. •. lae- .. • arliiie. . The husbands of Aleppo undergo a :ryirordeal I cfore tiiev obiai;: their b: hie.-.. < ;•- tarn ihiriiaby, author of •-. ilide u>i.h:>.., while in Asia recidly, iiad ihe eti\";a.:.;. described to him by a yor.ng !'• y -'io. Aleono. '-'A giv.! has, :-ay. three Vvcr.," -aid the l-.cy. ••>m-uikc. three :-il o: 11-:-charcoal ■Tom on. of ihe tire : gi- i'-g en \; oi her lovers a piece, telh, theei t" pi.,t .. : 'i the palms of -.heir hands. '! iie dr. '.■iimi.■sometime.', tile amen.ii-t gcitllemeu iii:' ri sSt 111! the fiesil hn> been bunt.. <o lo 1n.;..-, aiere "lie or two of then: g.;ieri!!\ ■ r,..-, nmo to the torture: the ma'- w!io iv-it-i- lie Lnge.-t win ilu b.dy." '" I/id Jin: f.v, ~ y ifr "No," sa.i'.l ihe !icy, laughing '■ I can get a wife without any trouble, so do not care abou;- burning my tingeis. We liurn our lingers .piiie soon in.O'g'n ;•!';. r
marriage a? it I*. We dip the fo'iov.iu-.;- iVv.i a coi'tomi- -- rary : —'• "! e < a -id-bury iiiiiic- ;>ie very strict v.ith rh'- l:ot..lkc'.-i>c!--= '.iiciv. an I iii. hliglitc.Si. rtiv. lgon-<- I'ioiii !;i ]'.'. is. \-.|. p. i; comes under tnc cr.-nisMi. e of :\ Ul'-in'v • o.
the force, in;.'ie the subject vi a 1 ti.t!-.-4-agaiust 1-110 •>ili. , ii'li g ru'.-iiem in the '■■ c;i
Court. Mo-day t'a liii.-: i<, as a 1 1 >-..<;■-,::- n- ,■ an aliiio.-t I'lihi.iid .■( tniog in t 'ln i -,o' ur ! and i.yiteltni. (.'ll Muu'day. tin- i>:-J:.- ,:•
of Lyttclfu met aid rgiwd ani-ng ■■ri.-ni-selves that, f••]• (lie future, ('ley w.r'..!.! ■•. 1 supply any purs'r:i wj.Ji Jirp-.r --n .Mm 'ay. lie tliey ei; In.r boarders or irav -li.-r s : -11!ject to a forfeit of I.id. An .-ign- -m- nt i.o that effect has been sig'ed. AiLlm. e.', the agreement was rigidly adhered I. • yr.-i.. I'd.y. yet there were many indications ■.■( individuals having imbibed too freely, piv-U'rii-dly of the stock that must have been l.'i-i ii. on the prev-ous evening.''
A funny mistake was recently made by aii ftalian fisherman, residing in Wellington (says the Pos!) through liis igmranee <>f on Post Oliice system. Tho story, a- it, cmii'- L<• us, is as follows : —Some time ."go a iivJe.--
man in tho Wairarapa sue 1 our Italia:' (••■■ a debt amounting to L<i. and tin- hu'vr ajr c to pay it at the rate of LI per week. *• miing tlie money by i'-sf Oiliee order, i'li-'-'ig'' 'ln cleik of the Court at i'e .thorsfon. Me wee., lebgivnsly to th- I'o-t Olrie .■■, and ioo:; out the orders for three successive weeks. Then he had a run of bad hick, and. the foe., to week lie was unable to pay. On the ili;li wick, however, he pa'd 1,2, and on the i.\t! the remainder of tin; money. 'The li-h'v man then rested on his our-, and sang a h\el' bu.rarroli; as he spread hi- i;ct>. But a!afor his calculation-, ii was not longbif.ire a judgment warrant v. as taken out again.-t hie. and liis horse and cart were seized. ' ur Italian remor.sti'a'-ed, threatened, and entreated, averring stoutly that he had paid the money. The clerk at L'catiiersloii astoutly protested that he liad not received it. whereupon the worthy descendant of St. Peter exclaimed —" But I have all receipts they did give me at the Tost Oiliee," and lie produced!, with a triumphant air, the l'i.-.t 'Mice e;de s I The poor ma:: was under {he imnre.-sion ih:;t il.' y Mere j::ereK rec-ep'.-
;d:;:md, and the mat:ei ive i:i..\l, bu' it «.■;.-[ him His., as the judgment warrant had been issued,
The M.-'l.n.nn.' y, . v ,v 7 ./, reports tin- lolj lowing distros- : :ig occurence.- A frightful j neciilcnt licfol a "man nanieil .lc hn Aiiilerson. in llio ShepnriNon lhstret lasi. week. j lie; was cngagcl in wii' kin;! a r. aping machine, when smhlenly a l.'ii;;.; iguana,
11 e:istirinsc live let in lem;..!i. spr.ii>)! I'mni till! J-lll'Hl' lieai'i] nil to AiIIIMSHI), l'llllllill;.' lip his ice en tn his ha. k. Amle,s.,n sprang
ti.mi his si.'.it in tivnl lif ihe yc pi-ngi. ssine. ma. hine, anil the large bono ami muscles <i|' his k',*i leg wei e .-. vi-iv.l just a'nvc the ankle, an.l the snail 1„ -,> mhl in,-vies of the
light kg we.e ei'i i" a -molar manner. Tin l.lll'i.'.'rnaie i.' VVils eo 1 c ■ eil til d'e
Mimrnii]'iia Hospital, wiicre he lay for seine dire hi hue heing iUtl n.K-.l In. I'ltimalely. Hiie nf his logs was amputated, lm. he is in -in h low oendiiioi. thai \rr\, shinier hopes are entertained of his recovery." Mr. !■'. '"nale-Kvans writes to (he 'l'iuu * from the \'erulain Chili. M. .la"•.■s.-i re. I : " .lust m-\v the papei- aie fuh of refei enees to ihe telephone : h.i.i, as I have nowhere seen it inlclligibK .lusei-1.e.1, pel haps the following simple de-eripii. a le.n he 0' in-lere-t :---The telephone e.n.sisis ~f asir.nm orilinai;v magnet, to iln- tv.o piles or v.ircmiiies ..,' v.liieh ale allaeh.-J properly in si.l .ted 11.1.-graph v. ires, .hi-; in . r.. in,' ihe (> i" ,he iiiairnei, Iheie is a ,'|,i,
,lal.e o.' ..',..1. ami in ,Y...u ef ,'ns ;e v hj, ■!„.,.,. is die 'H..,hhpi"c.' ni' :■ "]'ea':ie ■; .nhe. I'.y I'.is ia- . i.:ij"'.i.nn.N v.heh 11. i- ire,' I 1 .re. -mh. arc eoi'ei.,' aoe ~ .0'..! ,h a.,' .•il.i.ue. 'flies.' vihi-a.io. -.. in .he!. , 1..1. -, .'.-• he ~i ih > , v.'o \V lies eh .ile •■'"" ', '. v.hic!) em res), mi e>:;e.l\ •:, i.. .'.-■ vii rail,c iv,- : . ..ir,.., aiv. e." 'ni' tee v. i' '1 .- ■ i,li ■,:.• !ia. ..-■ ,■.■!..■•.!■;•,!., .: 1 call., he I: le.l .'..1- .!■ • i-l-.rp-. e. the •n.n.l en !••■ e.m - , 'i'.t..' to a'.; ili-la,,ee, rm.l, 1 • ;,r ivii:..; t ch.eir'lcsti- ai.iaii, arj •'..'prohnee.' In ; .." : " i.i-elv ..i'.iila. apoarai ul. Air. .nlv h s-e.ne Villi', lie; o: ..I'e 1,11 pine '. ' e •'1 ill. esse .ur.! ii;i ■ •".: r.j. ' nave -. nlev. •• •' ~. '','
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Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 518, 28 December 1877, Page 2
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2,085Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 518, 28 December 1877, Page 2
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