of'ttie Show been jlookedfiipon as the'oide possessing the greatest attraction. This is greatly attributable to the fact that on the second day th^-dranght-horses are Exhibited, the sight presented being one which, cannot be excelled in the Colony. In addition to this the whole of the prize animals of the first day are compelled to te on the ground on the second day, thus affording the public an opportunity of inspecting the whole of the prize stock in one day. The second day of -the fourteenth anuual exhibition of the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association was no exception to the general rule. From an early hour in the morning people begin to gather on the ground, and about mid-day there was almost a rush of visitors. Each of the trains from north and south were crowded with passengers, and it is certainly not far wide of the mark to say that the different trains brought into town about 1000 people—men, women, and children. The result was that during the afternoon a concourse of people were gathered together unequalled by anything previously seen here on a similar occasion. 0 Altogether there must have been fully 4000 on the ground by 3 o'clock. The day, although not so bright as yesterday, was still very well suited for out-door amusements. The work of judging the remaining classes was commenced about 11 o'clock, and was pushed along with great expedition, the whole being completed by o'clock. As usual, the show of draught horses was simply grand, and it would undoubtedly be impossible to get together in auy portion of the Colony eo many really excellent animals as were exhibited he--e to-day. Amongst the entries of any age the competition was very keen, especially b.-tween last j y tar's prize taker, l-.'entrew Jock, and the imported horse The Banker. After a careful examination the J.idges decided in favor of The Banker—a decision which did not appear to please the owner of Renfrew Jock, who not only became somewhat wrathful, but actually refused to obey the orders of the stewards and to take the second prize ticket awarded to his horse. Ic may to some extent be natural for Mr. M'Millan to feel annoyed at finding the hitherto champion heaten, but he should not make his feelings on the matter quite so public, and the next time he shows, we would advise him to bow respectfully to the decision of the Judges, and not indulge in disappointed rag •. We thoroughly agree with the decision of the Judges, our belief undoubtedly being that I he' Banker is the best entire ever shown in Oamaru. He is still a comparatively young horse, and although at present he appears in excellent condition, he has not been seen a his best. Should ha appear on the ground next year, we venture to predict that he will be far a>id away superior to what he is now. The mere fact of the Banker being placed before the previous champion, P.entrew Jock, shows him to be unapproachable iu the district, more especially when we take into account the additional fact that the third horse was a late Cuiterbury champion—Mr. Boag's Prince Charlie. '.I here was a capital display of tw< -ye;ir-old and one-year-old colts, Mr. John M'Farlane being the most successful exhibitor of the fornier, and the Hon. M. Holmes of the latter. The lot of brood and dry mares were magnificent, and the very equal merits of the different a-iimals was pretty fully dem -nstrated by the difficulty which the judges experienced in arriving at their decisions. There was also a splendid show of fillies, both as regards numbers and quality, Messrs. Fleming and Hedley and W. E. Menlove especially showing a large number of capital animals. A year old filly, shown by Fleming and Hedley, being particularly noteworthy. Throughout the whole of the sections for draught horses the competition was of the keenest description, and it may certainly be said that the winners of prizes had little to boast about, for in many instances the decision of the judges turned upon some minor point. There was also a capital show of gildings, all ages. The show of short-horned cattle was perhaps not quite so good as has been seen on the ground in form r years, but still there was a very good display. Mr. Threlkeld's Canterbury Champion bull Commander-in-Chief was the admired of all admirers, and carried off the gold medal with comparative ease, though Mr. Menlove showed a good two-year oJd bull, which took the prize in the two-year old secuon. In one-year-old bulls, Mr. Craig was the only exhibitor with three very promising youngsters, one of which, a white one, was greatly admired. Iu cows and heifers Mr. Craig had the affair pretty nearly to himself, though Messrs. Menlove and Fleming and Hedley each showed a capital cow of three years of age. Mr. Crag's cattle were really an excellent lot.
The trial of sheep dogs took plnce early this morning, but was not a complete su -cess. Only four of those entered competed, and none of these succeeded in penning the sheep, thoi gh they drove them to the pen. PRIZE LIST. The following is the t>r Z3 list for to-day's show, together with the conclusion <>f the list for yesterday, which was unavoidably crowded out of our last issue : Cups. Draught Horses—Fleming and Hedley. Thoroughbred Horse-t—A. Katerson. Shorthorn Cattle—W. Craig. Ayrshire Cattle—Fleming and Hedley. General Cattle—T. Y. Duncan. Merino Sheep—Oakden and Browne. Leicester Sheep—Gillies and Street. Lincoln Sheep—Hon M. Holmes. Romney Marsh Sheep —Dr. Webster. Dairy Produce—Miss Piobertson. Implements—Jack, Steel, and Hendry. Flour, Grain, Seed 3, Boots, &c. —John Falconer. Draught Horses. Judges —Messrs. -lames Stark, Christchurch ; Samuel Young, Taieri; Kennedy Ferguson, Bhie&k'in. Attending Members— Messrs. Morton, Duncan, Swanson, Gillespie, and Mitchell. Prizes —In this class the prizes given were—'J he largest prize-taker, a Piece of Plate or Silver Cup of the value of Twenty Guineas ; the best Entire Horse of any age, a Gold Medal of the value of Ten Guinea i; the best are, a Gold Medal of the of value r'ive Guineas ; and the best Mare or Filly in the yard, a Gold Medal, of the va ue of Five Guineas; in other classes, Silver and Bronze Medals will be given as prizes.
Entire Horse ot any age ; seven entries— Jock"D J OSazeldean and Sir William Wallace, did not put in an appearance. John Donaldson (The Banker), 1 ; John M'Millan (Renfrew Jock), 2; William Boag (Prince Charlie), 3; James Fowler (Heather Jock), highly commended. Entire Horse, three years old ; two entries—William Craig (Waimotu Jock), 1; Fleming and Hedley, 2. Entire Colt, two years old ; seven entries— John M'Farlane, 1 ; Fleming and Hedley, 2; Thomas Dent, 3. Entire Colt one year old ; ten entries— Hon. M. Holme 3, 1; E. Menlove, 2; A. Aikenhead, 3. The Owners of 1 Draught Entires gave the following Prizes for One year-old Colts : Prize, £l. Eight competitors entered for these prizes, which were awarded as follows :—Hon. Al. Holmes, 1; E. Menlove, 2; A. Aikenhead, 3. Brood Mare in foal or with foal at foot; eleven en'ries— P. Orr, 1 ; Fleming and Hedley, 2; W. Smillie, 3. Dry Mare, three years and upwards ; nine entries—E Menlove, 1 ; J. Goldie, 2; Hon. M. Holmes, 3; E. Menlove, commended. Filly, three years old ; ten entries —E. Menlove, 1 ; T. Raii.forth, 2 ; E. Menlove, 3. Filly, two years old ; twelve entries— Thomas Dent, 1 ; Fleming and Hedley, 2; E. Menlove, 3. Filly, one year old ; eight entries—Fleming and Hedley, 1 and 2; E. Menlove, 3. The Owners of Draught Entire 3 gave the following Prizes for One - Year - Old Fillies -.—lst Prize, £3 ; 2nd Prize, £2 ; 3rd Prize, £l. For these five entered, the result being as follows :—Fleming and Hedley, 1 and 2 ; E. Menlove 3.
Gelding three years old ; five entriesFleming and Hedley, Ist, 2n 1, and 3rd. Gelding, any age ; seven entries —K. Menlove, 1 ; George I'ratt, 2 ; i" leming and Hedley, 3. Pair of Mares or Geldings (for work pur-p-ses only); live entries —E. Menlove, 1 ; 1 leming and Hedley, 2 and 3. Mr. P. H. Russell, Saddler, gave a Hunting Crop (value U 10s.) for Best Draught Mare or Gelding, in Cart Harness. For this prize the only competitor was Mr. George Pratt, who obtained the prize. Mare, with two of her progeny; nine entries—Menlove, 1; Fleming aud Hedley, 2 and 3. Best Mare or Fdly in the Yard; four entries—K. Menlove (Heather Bell). 1 ; Fleming and Hedley (year old filly), highly commended. Hacks. Judges— Messr*. A. W. Money, Ohrist--3hur-.h ; James Hastie. Taieri; and J. Snow, Mosgiel. Attending Members -Messrs. Morton, Duncan, Swanson, Gillespie, and Mitchell. Prizes—Silver and Bronze Medals as Ist and 2nd. Hack (excluding horses that have won pnblie race money), to jump 3 feet hurdles (three trials) ; fourteen entries—H. H. Coggins (Blackhoy). 1 ; L>r. De Lautour, 2 ; T. Shalders, highly commended. Mr. J. T. Smith, saddler, gave a lady's riding bridle for the lady riding the best hack, to jump 3 feet hurdles. J'our entered for this event, but none of the ladies put in an appearance. Hack, to jump 4 feet hurdles (three trials); twelve entries Charles Homershaw, 1 ; H. H. Coggins, 2; J. and H. Fry, 3. , , Lady's Hack, to be ridden by a lady ; twelve entries—H. 11. Coggins, 1; E. Harding, 2. Mr. Thomas Morris saddler, gave a Silvermounted Lad\ 's Whip for Best Horsewoman Several ladies entered inco competition for this prize, which was awarded to Miss Wilson. Weight-carrying Hack ; eight entriesJames Spence, 1; J. and H. Fry, 2; John Dooley, 3. Pony, under 13 hands; A. M'Master (Tarn o' Rhanter). I ; W. Swanson, 2. Light-harness Horse or Mare ; seven entries—Fleming and Hedley, 1 aud 2; John M'Kav, 3. Horse suitable for express or spring cart; seven entries —M. G. Allen, 1 ; A. Aikenhead, 2; H. Meek, 3. Mr. It. Richardson, Tioyal Hotel, gave a Prize of £3 3s. for Best Heavy Trap Horse, owned by a Farmer in the County of Waitaki. Six entered for this event, the prize being awarded to Mr. A. Aikenhead. Pair of Buggy Horses or Mares, in harness ; three entries—P. Williams, 1 ; Dr. Garlaud, 2. Shorthorn Cattle. Judges— Messrs. John Gebbie, Lyttelton. and James Forrest, Taieri. Attending Members—Messrs. Honour and Easton. Prizt-9— ln this Class, the largest Prizetaker obtained a Piece of Plate or Silver Cup, of the value of Twenty Guineas; the Best Bull of any age, a Gold Modal (value, £5 55.); the Best Cow, three vears and upwards, a Gold Medal (valne, £5 55.); and the Best Animal in the Yard, a Gold Medal (valne, £5 r»s ) : Silver and Bronze Medals in other Classes, as Ist and 2nd. Bull of any age; two entries —P. C. Thelkeld (Commander-in-Chief), 1 ; Edward Menlove (Lord Macaulay), 2. Bull, two years old ; three entries—Fdward Menlove (Lord Macaulay). 1 ; Wm Craig (Prince of the Jessamimes), 2 Bull, one year old ; three entries—Mr. Craig was the only exhibitor, aud received first, second, and third honours. Cow, three years and upwards, in milk or with calf; seven entries —E. Menlove, 1 ; W. Cnii'. 2 ; Fleming and Hedley, 3. Heifer, two years old ; ihree entries—W. Craia: was the only exhibitor, and obtained first and second p: izes. Heifer, one year old ; four entries—ln this section Mr. C»-aig was the only exhibitor, and obtained first, tecond, and third prizes. Cow, with two of her progeny; two entries—Mr. Craig was the only competitor, and obtained a first prize with his cow Otago Jessamime.
Be3t Animal in the Yard ; three entries— P. C. ThelktJd (buli Commander-in-Chief), 1. Romnet Marsh Judges— Messrs. A. P. O'Callaghan, Christchurch ; John Kelland, Timaru ; and John B. Sutton, Southland. Attending Members— Messrs. Gardiner, D. Booth, and J. Donaldson.
———————^———^fc———i*> Prizes— ln this Class the largest Prize-take* received a Silver Cup of the value of ' Twenty Guineas ; the Best Bam in the Yard, a Gold Medal (value £6 5».)} the Best Ewe in the Yard, a Gold Medal (value, £5 65.) Silver Mid Bronte Medals in other classes, Ift and 2nd. Bam, four-tooth or upwards,—The only competitor in this section was Dr. Webster, who received a first prize. Two Rams, four-t*oth and upwards.—The only competitor in this section was Dr. Webster, who was awarded a first prize. Ram, two-tooth or yearling—Two entries. —1 >r. Webster was the only exhibitor, and got first and second prizes. Two Bams, two-tooth or yearlings—Two entries —Dr. Webster was the only exhibitor, and received fir-t and second prizes. Two Ewes, two-tooth or yearlings—Four entries. —Dr. Webster, being the only exhibitor, received first, second, and third prizes. Best Ram in the yard—Dr. Webster was the only exhibitor, and received the prize. Best Kwe in the yard.—Dr. Webster was again the only exhibitor, and received the prize. Shorn Sheep. Two Rams of any long-woollcd breed.— Mr. E. Menlove was the only exhibitor, and received the first prize. Two Ewes of any long-woolled breed.— Mr. E. Menlove was the only exhibitor in this event, and received the first prize. Ten Fat Half-bred Merino Wethers—Mr. I N. I ane was the only competitor, and got the first prize. Ten Fat Merino Wethers—Messrs. H. B. and J. K. Parker alone entered for this event aud received the first prize. Cuked Meats. Judges and Attending Members—Same as for Hairy Produce. Prizes—Silver and Bronze Medals in all « lasses, as Ist aud 2nd. Two Hams, cured by the Exhibitor ; eight entii s—P. Orr, 1 ; Herbert Honour, 2; A. Graham, commended. Bacon (two sides), cured by Exhibitor ; seven entries—P. Orr, 1 ; Herbert Honour, 2 ; D. Hiaw, highly commended. Two Rolls Bacon, cured by Exhibitor ; five entries—Herbert Honour, 1 ; Peter Orr, 2 ; James Fanulton, highly commended. Two Mutton Hams, cured by Exhibitor; four entries—Mo award. AG It ICU LTUK ALI Mr I.EM KNTS. Judges— Messrs. J. llennie, Doylcston; John Andrew. Taieri ; George How, Dunedin. Attending Members—TSloasn. Urr and Stevenson. Prize*—ln this Class, the largest Prize-taker, Piece of Plate or Silver t up of the value of T«n Guineas; the Combined Reaping and Binding Machine, subject to a satisfactory trial, Twenty Guinea* ; the Host Reaping Machine, a Gold Medal (value, £5 ,55.); the Best Horse-power Hodge Cutter, a Gold Modal (value, £lO 1<)».). Silver and Bronze Medals in other Classes, as Ist and 2nd. Single Plough—Mr. Win. McKcnaie, Kakanui, was the only exhibitor, and obtained a first prize. Double furrow Plough —Jack, Steel, and Hendry were the only exhibitors, and got a first piize. Plough, more than two-furrow -- Jack, Steel, and Hendry, with a three-furrow plough, were the only competitors, and obta ned a first prize. Harrows—(Not leas than three-leaf); thro*.* entries—Jack, Steel, aud Hendry, 1 ; M'Wab aud Aimers, 2. Drill Grubber—Jack, Steel, and Hendry were the only exhibitors, and got a first prize. Drill Plough—Mr. Win. McKcnzio was the only exhibitor, and got a first prize. Reaping Machine; four entries—Jack, Steel, and Hendry, 1 ; M'Kab and Aimers, 2. Combined Heaping and Binding Machine, subject to a satisfactory trial—'Die Hon. R. Campbell was the only competitor, and received the prize. Chaff-cutter, for steam or horse-power— Messrs. Jack. Steel, and Hendry M-ero the only exhibitors, and got a first prize. Horse-Cart, for farm purines —There was only one entry the exhibitors being Messrs. Jack, Steel, and Hendry, who obtained a first prize. Buggies and Haknbsm. Judges —Messrs. Joshua Pago, Christchurcn ; and J. Crnmond, Timarti. Attending Members —Messrs. Aikouhuad and A. Paterson. Prizes —S'lver and Bronzo Medals in all Classes, as Ist and 2nd.
Light Double Two horse Buggy—Mossr*. Brown, Sutton, and Co. were the only cx> hibitors, and obtained the iirst priao.
Single Biitfgy—Messrs. Brown, Sutton, and Co. only competed, and obtained the first prize. Ludy'H Side Saddlo—Mr. Thomas MorriH, with two exhibits, was the only competitor, and got the first and second prizes. Complete Set of Hiding fti.-ar—There wore only two exhibits in this class, both of thorn belonging to Mr. Thos. Morris, who got the first and second prizes. Complete Set of Cart-Harness—Mr. Thos. Morri< was the only competitor, with two exhibits, for which ho obtained first and second prizes. Complete Set of Plough-liar nous—Mr. Thos Morris was the only compet.tor, and received a fust prize. Bread. Judges— Mcsts. K. Sutherland, Christchinch; and Andrew M'Karlane, Dunedin. Attending Members— Messrs. James 800 and William Craig. Prizes—Silver and Bronze Medals in all Classes, as Ist and 2nd. Three 41b. I oaves (Provincial Flour; ten entries—M'Donald (Waimate), 1 ; It. Aitki'ii, 2 : David Cenge, 3. Six Plain (Jakes ; six entriesMrs. Alex. Graham, 1 ; Mrs. P. Orr, 2 ; Mrs. Bruco, 3. Wool. /uftyM—Messrs. J. T. Ford, Christchurch; Scott, Waikouaiti. Attending Members— Messrs. Jack and Little. Prize* —Silver and Bronze Medals for Ist and 2nd. One Bale Scoured Merino Wool; two entries—M 'Caskc 11 and Kooncy, 1. One Bale Scoured entries—M'Caskell and Roouey, 1. SiiEEr Doos. Judges— Messrs. Watson, Leostream, and James Hassell, Oamaru. Attending Members -Messrs. J. Spence, 11. Little, and A. Hedley.
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Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 484, 16 November 1877, Page 2
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2,819THE SHOW. Oamaru Mail, Volume II, Issue 484, 16 November 1877, Page 2
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