WoKt»-tttti«hin!r». iimln. ilcop of ink t:\Wnvs tvpon a tllouyhtmny proiln«u r-lu*6 which ehrmsivnds tlhrnlt."
Ms»*r!*. JSpßiww jhul Kw invito t(-n(tev» ti«>r tfta wncfeunt *■>*' * stable. Pai'tucularw will \c i found iu our advertising uof.u.nmi*. It will he st-m t>y iu'v+'i-tiio-t-'mßtttl in •awtTwr ««huim tha-K 6'.vi> Had ifoiu'tb■»&ru wanted t'.»e fcliw Qtakmmo? SkdimsL 'V\w oufoviw avo £ t7-"> iuid Tfi» watt*! monthly mc.'tmj <vf tin; •f Wttito&l Not Itlf, lU\, wiK to M«t at I efctoek this «vsnmjf.
I In view of the opening'of the branch raili way to Wairnatc a Comroi ttcc of 20 ha 3 fleen appointed to make a'Tangements to signalise the opening by a public demonstration. The members of the County Council are inelnded in the Committee. The resident* *»f Trotter's Creek, Kartigi, Ii»v« detorrniacd to have a day's racing on the f»»Sh Man-h A considerable sum of money bast already been s«i>?cril)ed f and the programme will appear in a few days. At Milton a dull a few years old pushed a pieces of §!.»*■>■ nearly an indi and a halt h>ng «l>wn the- threat of a baby aged four months. The glass ft he head of a bottle) wu taken from the little one"* throat with considerable dithenlty, having remained there for nearly an hortr and a half. The lirurr tt<rM reports the death of a tittle-girt, the daughter of Mr. Marryatt. of Mitton. through a nnwber of boards whieh were piled «p in the garden falling upon Ik:t. ThediiM never stpohe after the accident, and di -d in an h >«r and a half. Her Sfhntt is it. Auekbnd. where he ha* received a wwh:onte that hh nm.-deal ability ruddy di-serv**. He w spoken of aa the most able ian in thu Australia*, and his oettny whistle performanetM have created extaek-a. He secriw to be at the head of a dramatic company, whieh i* a new r>'b for flur Sehotft. The Aitektnnd papery have evidently set their minds* upon cajoling him. if ptvwibte. t--» remain in Auckland. We reckon hint too good a judge to comply. Mr. J. tr. S. fJrant. of Dtmolin. has retired from-eh.? office of bonk-s-'thir. arut haa apparently bt't hb mantle to Mr. John t'iraham. >%'» longer wiil hi.-* (inn tread wear out thr pavement in front of Max Me-ndvivdiuttW.-.. The b>4a of hi.* light literature wilt be saverdy felt by ttn.we whr» haw during the past twefve no-nth- penned hia pleasantries with ddiijht. We trn-d that ' Mr. f.rabam wilt in ;ome inea.-rtre eotnpen-i-i ito for t-tnj toss ?rt'.tainrd by ttve peopt'"-o; j t>an-din by tonEinvttitr;;- tin: i*w ot hh* j reada! la public i-tioat. In our opinion no J h'.ni.-H'! sih.iuW: in- a packet of th»-rn. \V-- team I'ruai a f 'hri.dehureh eontetnpo. ! rai-y that a ne.v reapine; and Ending nn>d»;r.e I ba? o'-i:-.v triv-ii- in t'.viterhury with u-veat "t:" i-e a. Ft ; « calculated to save *'>■>. per aw re it. rli- coaf. <'f Eai.or. tuid -!'-:)• elbaet eondderabhin t'.v.- Lj-i-vi'.'. v -'hi'-''i ; * tied up mwh d'eaucr t'l.'-u ii'i'a tan do it- 'E he granger be r, w- r-oMu: ad .itl«n to bte It i, intcn.Ld. a* -;-.-.n - p-> J -i' £■*• '» '«- •,n->v.- t!u r>ui;i.'.l u Saprerue t'ortrt tttJ-d-L.^ , U S|, th-j vi.-.v of .-i-'Ui-ing the fi'-tiv on ~.h;i;h tb.-y Pli-'-n I :'"r tho uj.- oj the b'au'.vs;. ilypartmont. arvi a r -> - for ttvo e\t.'f--ton «-f th-j pn.wiit g'-id ;.ut nv:nodat:on. In the ab,;«'::oe of Mr. U'iElianttf he■'-'■>*»••/'"-'■; ay,.;) th-r 5 to <- * - <'"g' M'i.ean dtsa in b>;-a tn.-v. i'..nrE hoi;.-?!?, but i: H *dt but d't-l'inite'y r»-.-<olved r.!,-it tlu! h;v'Lot tUo l>t-.. L'r.-iitidat Cuitnetl wt f in tiH-rw be aip'b-d trtJ'ttprwirslVnrr ! pnrpo:,.-,. Th- pr..-io»t Huprarw iVitft ff I s ., r; V i.. ■;..-,.-.-., ttu- tia--! ;-nd; the iCr-ttway ! Station. ; a.- t';-tr i ■ a of a-.-vmiioY-i elation -•'■•"i- < i' dv t';dt rtt b-dh the"* e:.tatJr.-h----m.nit-.. the ap : of the bind be-two-en therrt will prove a praeti.-at |.-t:'-lic oon', t-niefi'-'t'. \rcs,». Fa-rott. deM:rLb,>d in J „nr ad\vrti.4ng eotumn-i -| pian and bi-b t.'V-n.e iiat:.-. V.-eati't.-". aiut i rv;,,, i: ,,V op,-* ~t tin- Ha« ttii--* j ,-voi:iM.cin fh.-ir original f ? " «Vir»d ! a:,d i.ii-rt,<." and I'a-ron ar.r i Y,,y hLddy:: t .okeuof bythel^t.eri»vlV.>*. bavin- ha.l 3 n->-r .«ir,v,-.-.d'itt at ti»- <-, t ::onVTi..-;vt.v. Tb.-yc-orne nith a biuu-diu bnf al-» «rth on • ! fr,,!,, M.-:botivu. ! and.Sj.!m-v. in wht.;u E-ta-^ ; , tlu-y i;av,- h.-en will b- a, ; i.;t-Mt by a mirj-.t-.T of th- tv- -in-U-rs* of tlv fat,- bydla Ib-uard- «>pera-!'-..,ffv Troupe The foll-oA-dn-A eir-.ped from tbe A""'' , "- !,<„,!■ n, ,:,<!•;:* .-p. .-lid r-povt of tt«- .-rh-ket „ 1;l! ,.:, at Vv\.-ttin : ,'«on i, too «,-d t» b- b.>^. oth.T thiti!".- he .-.ay.-> i -■"'Tne ar- ' - n-rtd. f, thnn a' Ami.b'ul rompatvjtively b;w w.-re present, a great many prvt.-i-rntg to stMMt ..•» the .dope., e:-t,i'h-, N-ol; .-Ver oh-- trnee." Trnty. rvoKsrLabh- tine arru-g ■• m-.-ut... and a p-rd,. with (?-.-::>• •«>"!.-. for vrif k- r. a- for evi-ryth'Tig el--. Tlv A-'ohaMtiv-Uoi the Air..khn.l Fro vinee) - pah at Omaha, ar-d a pb;b,t i* kept on the b-k -mt *•=. tv,»ma*«M-< h;v the Waii-ou river a o>m-i-:.>'m.irtit *'f tiie V'/V-'/-.<■ •' »{-"•.*•*'■"'' - -» native mvmrd: Mnn:a^rT.^abo Jk t in at? d.e -lory «■: tV u;-.i.'or s -.. , » the Miorttand Ka'b-v V,;- t'urp'.anf'k talk* boteu"ua r -'y a? o.ttt war and bh»,"t, H «d. The .-.-..Re e.>rre-f,.r-dent fi.vte-s tba." tte- bud upon tvhieh JiiUy Kowe awl others hc*>. rmu! their longing ( eyes, b some of thrf vhoiesst In the di*t:kt. M«aawUa« the hwstile party of Ohiocsjuri
are constructing a pah akfhe junction of the Ohinemttri and Waihou rivers, and are gathering peaches nndcr the ver}' guns of the Te Arolia pah, for sale in Shortland. Whether these two parties of doughty warriors will come to a tug of war remains to he seen, but it is probable that the present demonstration will end in smoke. Kay, it is conceivable that a secret understanding t\i.:s between the hostile camps, with the view of extorting another wiudfall from the pakcha. [We doubt very much whether ifc will even end in smoke. It may be relied upon that the guns of the pah will not go off. The partial stoppage of the lavi.-h native expintli.urc conejinitant with the "sugar and Hour policy" Lai actuatsd the cm:nii g natives to adopt this means of extortion.— Ko. E. -V.] During the last week a number of the men engaged inside the cylinder of the Ealclut h railway bridge, now being sunk, were more or Its* affected with paralysis of the h:nbs. Fear was entertained by their friends as to their recover}-; but after a clay or two o.T work the men rcgainad the ure of their tmt3c!c3. Owing to the symptoms of paralv.*.is .-.inontr the workmen the work has been suspended, and a communication sent to the Colonial Engineer. Further progress of the work awaits his reply. The silt or sand below the cylinder now is only !."> feet from tin: r.wk. Can a lady be a Freemason ''. This question, according to the Knglish organ of the craft, i-f agitating members of the fraternity on the Continent. The Countess Jladicli having been initiated into a bulge subordinate to tin- Grand Orient of Hungary, the latter has issued a declaration pronouncing the initiation null and void, as ;i woman is d[>qH:;l:iL>-.l from bein'c a Fre;::::.K-oii. -As the »'ott»tv-s v/,.3 r-g-darly received, the »|U( .-Hon n>«w i -Can her lodge keep her „:it? It it dors, and the Ma-ouie body thus repudiate.* her. i* she not thereby absolved ! t'j-otn b:v ortt'i of s-.c:v>y. and may she not ! dtvtdg.- it for tho beuehc or uoniankiud •; »v rally, who w..u!d "give .".■.ytking'' to ktiow it '. Mr. St.Ti.'iM:it Cox received a 1J -soil in !av. | at the Middlesex Sessions. T.on '.mi, from a run named Fev.ids. wiio was tried and ! fennd entity of :-n attempt to steal a purse j ;ut t mo:i.-y. Th • I a:!tc 1 Sergeant sentenced \ tUs pn .•>[!■•! t-> five y. ,-i,•.-," |en 1 .'ervisudc. j e. ';'-r«!tij>vn U.' e:;. l.iisaed. "• W!::»t '. bV'_f ■::!■ ;ir t .".*>TitT»E ': it ortghf to I: IV: bee!! tv.V j v\t--." -No rtot'.r- was taken of h!< protest, ' .-.r..i If • v.*- s t.t to th- .-e!l; beb.v.- : but >r.'>i --eoeeai'v he v.a< ordered to be again paced [ ;n tit > rl»ck. v. h n Mr. Scrgoant Cox said he [ ■..-.'. i uederthe i:np:-c-:.e.i>:i thai the prisoner j I'.z-l 1 e::i convicted "I" .'Lealing. instead of a!: i .ett« v :r!r,t t.. : '":•■(, and f her-ofoj c he found t h:lt .;■: had no power to t .■:; n a M.-nteuce ••! in"le : ,n t-.vo year./ imprisonment 'ifio-'i him f« r f!s:t ofrV!'e>. The prisoner—'• 1 told you so, bat t?f t" = getting '•■> ihr.-c year.,." I At", itr-itranrc ag":ii infuini if. </?r>»v i ll.i'f.h that on looking over i'io tables of i.\ ■ ■ I iiti- he Mind on examining toe | dtfetmi amud-ies ta'o'.e and the immediate atmuit'e* ta*"!e. that in one the female-: were ! at a higher rate than the male.;, and | tft;it iit chi; other the autntity on payment of | t'f!'» v.a-!e s than the amount received by fe; male- on prtyuvnt oi' a like sum. -As, he «n h:.-i cxperivnee fem:des do not live a- ' toit^'a.-* msii't.Bii'lst he considers an insurance on the life of .-. female a bnd risk, he f>»«id ti> t ;,c«ount ;'■•!• tStedi/iereiiee CNCCJitby , • ttt ;--i:i;.' that tin- fu-ntrr.nce Companies left | a t';tir ntii.i'giu. owing to the impossibility of I L'-jtting a t-'.dy to k-1! her exact .-igfj. lie -;:ys ih«.t ••margin" »s abfiut four years. ["rti'tiT fhe heading "the Karly I'ird :uid the Wrong Worm" an Ki.glidi Medical journal im-nthm-: a very curious fast* recently leparlc:! frer.i St. M-;y'.. I'.spiral, which Htav *t rve rts a vahiabie cnniioii to early and N> eotise«e:itioi:s publican'-. Thi-> :r;a». a iiad conijdotely lost tlie «.>•«» of Fits upper t.\fremith-< while his voice j r,,u ir.h.e.-d to the mere-t whisper. On f being oiie-tionoii. he stated that, as he j kr.i: t,!lv i'r.Mi '.'vl his work jnst as tin- publie- : houses opened, he aiwaya had the first glass f„? b ror gin ih'.t was s?rve:l hi the lnorn- | i;t--: that is to say. the liquor which re- \ mair.fd all nig'.it in t!r: drawpinc in contact ' with ib" h-'d. Hi' gams srto'.veri the well- ! k::>.wn (due Jute indicative of ie.-td-pnisr.-ning I ar.d the confirmatory sy!r,]!toms existed ; whir U i:w-l r.'it I e detailed Ikiv. Some of fh-" wfiieli hfdian:vc»xry iiK-rning having i-.een otm -ntc-' an. l te ted. gave i.-!o"th of a I -n:::» [n-r Ihihl ounce. Jfe was ultimately tritred bv she c c °f iodine of jio{ns:iiini and ; r.:at-..;.f>i ; - 't.i-h--.
i ,\ reiv.ark.ible nnval aiK'tinn is shortly Ito bo luhl "If t!"- Irish coast. TiiChiitiJr.n j ivi.iichid Vanyaarrl. the tops of wlio&o [ ma?*.* are vlvlbl-.;, will be s-.»kl *o the highest bidder,
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Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 261, 22 February 1877, Page 2
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1,774THE EVENING MAIL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1877. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 261, 22 February 1877, Page 2
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