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lAllfCEl tCI *^ S har^y contains a ifflP^^^^^^iiL lir lypipj |y more distressing com- jjg If ."■'■■■". ffl plaint than Neuritis. fflf \^^. 1 S Thousands suffer its |^^&^^^^K^9\ \ §T fl agonizing pain m a A " a *^ \£% \ lH »9 at*# VI 4%. <fe 4* 43k sf* aft V* laOfiCt sO V* ' *lri #1 16, \ 111 P A ttf ■■ Ifl Urn. I%? 9 3 1. . »| ™ i\ c* ity \ l^*'^^^^' m degree. And it; is of 11 W^|w r k \»a^ "m no use to tinker with *mt (o^m/-^ A^ Sph fl it. Get rid of it at once ' «*^^^B mgf\ pe/yW>f /LJ and for ever by means ||§||k jMtKMy Wggk_ COl9plexi^ffl| of Dr - Cass 6ll ' 8 Tablets. , '^R^^^^W^ ■nIJnJIL-1 ' I mnrai™ '*"", n «" e^» rd > Sorher/e^ ' Eng", V//ff//J^kj>Sj^: P ; j.V.j''. — l^—aWTlflWlliy^a^B etateß : _- For e^ yeare I suffered from ////// ///IWV^BF^aHSW/ neuritis, which suddenly at^efced my / /// /// / RM\\ Wml/M / W~c.tf7Lw.i-*.:* U-.:« right leV I suffered continual pain, 'J'JH JIfIWWWW ///iW///////////// ffcSi XilC.Cll 1C Hall ■ which at times was agonising. I could . — , . V P -I- ' neither sit down nor lie m bed, and for TAKE TWO AT BED-TIME Curlers. *■*■ iw , sseeP«.i eeP « . b»t i m « .up™ wot v my knew. Thatwas the only position m how r«fresh«d and fit yorTfe^l m which I could get any ease, ana matiters ■■ the 4: moininig. J^m^S^S^ —^dicine and pliers did no gc,od/ n MS? "^fficL VSHbß^^^kP^^^^^^Sa and Dr. Cassell s Tablets were the only Neuritu Headaoha Children* fwHSß^^^^®^^^k^^Sfewßra\ +Viin<» which helned me When' I took IMigestlm . Anaemia Weakness lßßMSlE%mg®Mffiißimmmmßßaß\ thing wnicn neipea me. vvnen l took weejHessneM Palpitation Wasting mßg^^^^mm^Bß^i t hem X e °\r l6f Te l and th °y •pt^aHV V.luAI. for H^n X Mother, «« T6 com P lete^ cured me. During tha Critleal Period* of Ufa. »1T « r it , Bold by.> al) CheaaisU and Store*. A«k diittaeilr . M mJB Wt SB m Wil B T^CT W&Ve lOUr H&ir I far pr. cassp-i/s tablets. * ■■* *M JBiay JbL^^ TJVkjr Yourself m Ten Minutes! _ n*cr r./^rvm JUST try this easy way of waving KOllTv^ H^^T ¥^^I^T^ hair. See how simple and quick it is. M~P^*Jr \*Jr M \mJF JLJr ML ML JL ,No heat! No electric curVeht re- „ _ _ .^—^ - — - rm/\«aT iimm/ntTAn quired! Just slip the hair into a West "ff^fc tB J^** r T§P\ FROM WORKSHOP Electric Hair Curler: Then m ten R H ■ ftjp KA H H or fifteen minutes you Have a beauti- B Bf N BP^. M V ffl TO THF WFAPFR ful wave such as you wouid eicpect '-„ «^ «» A>^-^la^ ' J& 1U illLi f T J-i AIVLiIX only from an expert hairdresser. ' 4«t|» ta wy\sy m. t 13 • : The West Electric Hair Curler is J . pAVIINV* #/P tO 10/- €i JrailV magnetic. It can't burn, '.;• cut, break, . : — \ — *■*- or catch the hair.- It is made of elec- TW^««»-»«s* <»•«««> M « Ae^ i«« <ianfl«lotiAc trifled, steel, nickeiied, highly polished Wewest ana smartest m »a!*aaiettes smooth as silk all over. Simplicity it- '.. i^ From self, and guaranteed to last a lifetime. jMg^j&r mntrttiifak' It%IC Ladies' Glace Hide', M.S. — 19/6 , f Just try this wonderful curler. We tfSggS§^i»ii?^ 1«//D Ladies' Patent Colt, M-S.— - 22/6 refund money cheerfully if you are not fflMffl^VHEl Ladies' Black Suede, M.S. — 25/---satisfled. But we know that once you WCT^SJJ|l_jk Tnrli*"*' fhW '"«!iH»n*p MS 25/. see tor yourself how simply and beau- Wmfflfo*fflLzZ~ma^ ,J M , ey , S ", e> „.. : .- „■*' ■ tifully the Weat Electrio' waves' hair m^lSSSß&^Mß&fes*^ Ladies' Black Glace Kid, will never be without them.- slIWi ' 2d/6 \ ]t% Obtainable at leading - //% XIIWHIMBIB ™ Hft Ladies> White Snobuck, M.S;- 22/6. 1 In-. Chemists and lln - ;< : ' ", -- ' ' — r, — */ w or Post , Free, i^rom */ v Fashionable Broad .Bar! with ( ACHrODTI n ATTrM ' Antique ■ Buckle. h An outdoor From '^•S&Kt A9IIII UKU DA 1 1 JLM shoe with every durable quality. ■■•. ■ I'C/C jSgg3B»jaai|^L P.O. Box 1341 :: WELLINGTON Ladies' Glace Hide, M.S.— - 16/6 ' lv/U J^^ffi^mßaWW^i CHILDREN AND GIRLS DEPARTMENT. ' F^^^LISH \s^" ||S^SMMKfEM»BmFBH^a^^> girls footwear. Every attention has Jkl kPOURPENCE IS .-■."...• J6| ' IS ,1 Style 501. Sizes, Childrens 7, 8, 9 Dura-h!.le 10/6 Patent Colt, 13/6 SI 4RSf*§£f3i' |§ ! V' Sizes, Girls 10, 11, 12 Dura-hide 12 3 Patent Colt, 16/- . m : Id ■ Sizes, Girls 13, 1, 2 Dura-hide 14/6 Patent Colt, 18/IKI " ■■^^ — ~~j&fyjl v :. Iff Sizes, Maids 3, 4, 5 Dura-hide 16/6 Patent Colt, 20/6 Jgl SEVENPENCE I* .State --if .feet are medium or wide. 3[Sl iC3^^^^^|^^\ -■ /ff> : All the Shoes; are for Outdoor Wedr. The uppers are cut from tne 3j)\ [aK|fifetsgj|jlSgdKl] i&tS finest materials" procurable. All Suedes are guaranteed best calf s«\ a^j, -^2&lbj I9R< suedes.^ All patent, is. warranted STERLING COLT. 'Best Eng>ss\« ». "" '"^ppr .J /p[J\ lish soles. .The lasts, and patterns are of special design, the work--■VjKa rtM P^CTiTTi ki V" /vli\S manship is equal to the best imported shoes, and superior to most. jv^^ wrißi ami..i.iniu postage paid. — - — -money back on request. O7^^ r/AeM^^^^ pnUliv"» WELLINGTON. /yVZoy^^^^^^^^ft«S£wci») Send For Illustrated Catalogue., G. SCOTT, Manager. It was REAL FUN Learning at Home to Make MY OWN DRESSES By Val er > c Ashton. "For year* I had yearned to be able to make my ' ; > i *'''^^^^^sv. ' ■% • own clothes, but being situated that I .could not join a /^'^"^ 1 * > V'^^ir^ personal class, T despaired of ever learning. It was j£s^P§^*"^^Nl^»r"V with pleasure, then, that I heard of the ease with , .fr^^^^^^^^^^^kv «M which dressmaking could be mastered by a wonder- A^^^^^^^^S^mWv ful new plan, m spare tlime, at home. ' . , /jS^^^^^^^^^^*~ > ww "I immediately wrote for full information, and was * V^th Jlfrcin^ •o convinced with the particulars I received, that I J^Stst/ determined, there and then, to become a member. /b^HB V '^llta^JaWaL^'''^ "My progress was really. surprising; m fact, it was 1^ real fun learning at home to make my own dresses. , ''^^^L*g^** Jfe£§7zLjfc*L )' Within a few weeks I made myself a charming ' , " ; k^^ft \&£%%zF^\W' costume that had been the admiration and envy of my . \Jrhj "~ friends, who' cannot believe that I made it myself, t-^^l»_ ; and lam sure they really do think that I had it made .-.■'. A. . i" ; by the. big city firm that I used to patronise. They'd . l^^^v^iw' *». ridicule the idea that it only cost me 35/- for, the + \s*Xr7lk material, and that I therefore saved more than £3 '' - if lr> C3 & >X>^ S^^^s^ t "The i dress that I have oh ii» one that I made, and '/■'■' r** 1 . fared £2 on, and this is only one of five that I've / .' 'f**^ s.^, \r^\ i\ made this season. I bought new material for- three, . • j Uu '< \'\ and the others coat me practically nothing, for I made xxrm i ' "M"^- •W"*S ' ' them but of last year's dresses— all m the very latest AAr ©11 tCSLCH H ■MB "* H style, of course, and better made than any I could .;, ..-.. , ij -R^ H"^ K B^ buy. I saved such a lot, too, oh little Winnie's clothes, yOU tO ItlfilKC H ' MT%k H «H T • and she is much more tastefully dressed than if I had . i „ aSL bought her clothes ready made. yOlir HatS "Students of this wonderful Associated System, I -\''- ■ '•;'.^ : WeVWill"give'-a. full'co.urse.. of 'home .instruction m •m told; include city women and country woriieni Millinery to 1,000 ladies,' FßEE OF CHARGE. This home women, business women, girls at school and wonderful offer is made to suitably commemorate our college, and girls employed at home and m shops and . enrolment of 25,000 students of the ASSOCIATED '." offices. • You 1 see, it is no disadvantage if you . are SYSTEM., Write at once for full 'particulars. '' employed all day Or have household duties that mmmm^m^ammmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^tmmm^mmmi^mmtoccupy,you at home, because you can devote as much fr^ c particulars of this marvellous Associated „or as litde time as you lxkean^ so make profitable Stem , B< T t hat you, too, may learn what it can do use or any odd. moments, and still quickly learn how , 7 _.. ' ■ . to make your own dresses, blouses, and underclothes, ' °\JL '„ A l j -»c nnn lL • i j end charming dainty little garments for children. What Mrs. Ashton and 25,000 other girls _ and f . ,;~ -- nnn j • i t n ' j • women have done, you also can do. And by writing Over 25,000 women and girls of all ages^and m now you will have an opportunity of learning Millinery ,- all circumstances have, m this simple way, learned FREE OF CHARGE. All you have tb do is to sit ;■ : dre»«making millinery and how to save money. down NQW> an< j Bend (yo ,, r nme an d address. Be ,'■:. And more,. I have^seen thousands of letters from grate- ,ure to mention "N.Z. Truth" and state whether, *ul .tudentv and a great many, of them spoke .of you are Mrs. or Miss. You will receive all particulars tavmg entered busme« for themselves, and. that they o f t K e wonderful Associated System by return post. had been s successful. 1 know that the j Associated p<) thi , at once a , otherwise you .may leave it till System has solved .thjr problem of my independence to<j j ate and j OBe the chance of a lifetime. SEND NO and if anything should happen to dear Jack I. could MONEY with your application for full particulars: • a ™ ™ ore tfcan enough to keep myself and little J,m . , Bend ame and addreM TO -DAY to the •nd Winnie m comfort. * J * "I have told quite a lot of my friends about it, and ASSOCIATED SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING ■e^y/eX!? 8 * 0 * them are just as enthusiastic as I am. Dept 474. 284-5 Cast! er eagh St., Cnr. Liverpool ,J J***}* «ehn*e jpwa, daar reader^ aUo-t*-wrUe for t ho . ■ ■ • -. ,St w SYPNEY. -

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Bibliographic details

NZ Truth, Issue 998, 10 January 1925, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 998, 10 January 1925, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 998, 10 January 1925, Page 14


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