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; : ; ■»*" L Let ENO'S Help You Towards Success. *..•".'■■ ■...'■ \ •_■■.''•*,.'.• Is your progress m life hampered by minor ailments, which act • *. . _ as a brake on your energies? A dull morning headache, a touch of indigestion, or a sleepless night, may be robbing you of the power to succeed. Get fit and keep fit— if you want BKCS^ff^r^^SßH The. simplest way to maintain body and brain at concert pitch is to adopt ' ffii Nature's Golden* Rule of Health — first thing every morning drink a glass • jSSBBaiVBmM 9^l of water sparkling with a dash of Ba^JwWSfeM^ffi^ SJB Gently and safely ENO'S assists Nature to purify the system and the )*fjßnfli7raflrlWff''lHl blood stream. ENO'S contains no nauseous drastic mineral salts, and fcjTJiißiiW_T3ro consequently has no harmful lowering after-effects. Pleasantly, agreeably, EK<HIffiSKn!9WVHPR consistently, ENO'S restores health fitness, and with it the grip on life \ which leads to success. "ENO'S— for fifty odd years the world's standard . fo^BßSi*^i^f^SSniwl saline — -is sold by chemists and stores throughout the Dominion. 'iJttSiTk I .___________! Slß HANDY SlZE— Wdely ised by HOUSEHOLD SlZE— Besl . Bi Travellers, for office use and week- for family use, more economical, *E^'''j— 7_Si^H__i Hi "ifhe words "FRUIT SALT" and "ENO" are the registered trade Es§_S-!!*3M3£sl marks of J. C. ENO. LIMITED, London. .England. Safes Representatives. in Nei». Zealand. **' (^ WHHD W^Jf : / THE BRITISH HAROLD F.RITCHIE CO:. LTD. „- ; „ \ 20 Brandon Street ' ■ - - - WELLINGTON » . ■■'*• The toles that last . -^ jg\ ■ M^^ wv* - "wwr'*'" %* » the«™ofM™r '■oß'Tj^^'^ if WB/%§&B^m R U B BER S /^^^^ 3 M B Phillips Rubbers ndver seem to wear . /G^fiS, J^B^S Bj B V out. They save money on every step 1/ . °cv* /***"^ BR ■■ you t£ike ... . they save neecQess fatigue. yp%j. *y Sold ly all BB ~i. ''>•"'' Jsx^W^fo*. / {Bootmakers BP Endless Wear . . Ideal Comfort. J|ii|^ . 'I'b^Z'. iniinimiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiininiiiMiiiiimiiniuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin "t ' ' ■ -' ' ' ■ ' - • ■. - ■ . - ■ * ■■ * j "Gentlemen, you are mighty | j poor Business Men ! " | 1: , P This remark came out during a departmental conference m a | •^ wealthy company. : It helps to explain why executives are I | turning to the Alexander Hamilton Institute m larger num- | I -•' ;.' bers than ever before. ' f \4 ..*■ *-..-; • ""-.; •■:■*■:•_/ - ;ifv-i at 3j In tho quiet, almost luxurious, tive of the Alexander Hamilton In- it. In a single evening you can I § directors room, the department stitute visited that office, and every have the full facts. The booklet p W. heads of a certain large manufac- departmental head enrolled for the is called l| & -v.turing company were called toge- Modern Business Course, and Ser- np oro A 7 . a . Khi^aA m ■Riieiti/>ce" | ther by tho general manager. Vice ; fvrgwg.Anwam JJUSinesS | h One after another the production Tvr A _. + i,i,_ oa ftAft Tvr„««^««. Ifc win insplw you, it will cheer t? I manager, the purchasing agent, the MOTe than 24.0U0 Msn&gmg you, it will guide you; but do not f 5 head of the planning department- Directors Enrolled waste your time or ours unless you £ >J and the sales manager expressed ■*.* „ _ M1 T „ are ready to do your part We ask f % themselves. The -burden of each .■ "The Alexander Hamilton Insti- you to send for this* -book because I 1 man's excuse was the same: "If I tute was founded 14 years ago by a we want you to take the Alexander % \t had received proper co-operaUon Sroup of business^ leaders^ .who re- Hamilton Institute Modern Busi- | U from the other departments, we cognised that modern business was ncsa Course, and to benefit by its P i would have met our quota easily." te ?<? l PS to produce specialists service of guidance and tuition. We j| | The general manager spoke last, rather to develop executives, frankly state we have no desire to & | a keen aggressive man of 38, who Its appeal has been aljvays to „®J"™ c w "£ the curious" man g % had been brought m from outside/ successful men, to men of mature -^*r *4 . 7 aoße w °° interest us g 1 "Gentlemen, you have told me y« a « S who had alreadyjnade a fay- JJ« wlw m this can serve | I far more than you imagine." h e oqraile atert to thilr chosen line » f 'RV SrS.? '° n , W I i said. "It's perfectly clear what is ™£- . Mor « th « 1 jl 2 S 0 « 0 co^ny £d outfrS? mSSSSfv 0 *t? tOD I 1 the matter with this concern. You ead f ha^ enrolled with " d^ ,ns one ' of thi a ™ c lni» imi U y( "J I I mpn h-nvn foreottpn thnt it 1q h **ast 14 years, many of them S? OI ? e 01 /nis class, your copy of t Sness and^ot LtX a coHec- along with their most trusted as- "^'"B Ahead m Business" is • I 3 ousinesa ana not mereiy a conec- 80c -at es waiting yonr command at this very ? | tion o* departments. You are flrst- moment Write your mmfl & | class specialists, experts m your This is the significant thing, how- form provided. 1 gj own departments, but ( ever: m the past six months the / £ I "Oentlemen, you are mighty ff cIe I t s r «i?^ c "J 0 a , s m £ B „ r ££ r °%& ~ " 1 i | poor business men." ' at any similar period m its history; ALEXANDER HAMILTON IN 1 1 They were too stunned to answer. £ SW ) _,hi^ h TA em ' 01 : BTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA^ l | «Tll repeat it," the general man- ""fL£f n 8 Fn^SS^uHEi* LTD I 6 Affpr said "You— nil of you— are Position m business higher on the LIUi fe I Sor "SSlneJ m^S ° YoSe a avera^ e ever before « 42 Hunter Street, Sydney. | 5 group of stars, but you aren't a As never before, the leaders of »«; RTPppPowurmm^m B « team. Each of you knows his business enterprises are demanding n^^&rtuuSElsrrATlVE: s | own viewpoint; he knows his work better business training for them- w « DAVID McMILLAN, | s5 and knows it well. But you do not selves and for the men on whom Box 415 . Wpi i huatah I •^ know enough about each other's they most depend. natruiiNbiTON. S s problems to make this company an xtnn xr~.. o_ j *_• . ' cs*^* ___ -'«™ . I effective business unit Will YOU Spend an Evening Send. me Gorging Ahead ln fe i* "The sales department must know J .With the Facts ? Business," which I may keep | 3. more about production and ac- _. , without obligation. is % counting and costs; the production _ The about the Institute's | 4 department must think more m Course and Service are condensed vA\nn £ 3 terms of sales and credits— each into a booklet that aims to answer ■ w " a - auu «™ .««... .«..w.-.v g | one of you must get more vision of every question which a thoughtful, Busing P $ business as a whole, m all its varl- ambitious man is likely to raise. Address '■'■-' g 8® da " d Jnterrelated departments To promote a wider understand- .••••••*'••»•»»••»•••» | a hat s what this company needs, ing of its training its purposes and' Business C and it needs it badly." its results, the Institute offers^ a Position **....„„ % m The next day, at the general copy of this booklet to any reader yrn, * manager's invitation, a representa- of this publication who will request i AAAA watches given away ] SafeuS] S Wlffl TO OUR READERS \~ i r~-ir— . r — ' Gompetihon open to all! TSTlr^^^ m IB!fffffrrrm**^*T^ .» Owlnjr to the eaormous success, from an adver-' r | T |_- v __ «-«^ *»1| -.l-fc.^^ IBL llllllh '/Krah ■ i *tlsta«- point- of view resulUng from onr Previous ClOP<? I^W^S^lf^^m?ri^ Puole Competition, -which has brought us intd •*•*-■ ■- ** ■ ■'" ■-— r— f will****, j^^^lllll/lmh^ direct touch with thousands of country resident*, Xjf who being bo wen satiafled with our Watches; are JWJtiC* , *3&yK*lwlJlllllm^ now regular customers. We have decided, m order Tobacco habit banished. You will /""Via ft to Introduce, our Kew Cataloaue to further extend have no craving for Tobacco In any r (|lßf>»S*a K*'*+mflußß our Übetal offer, and Give Away Another Thousand form after you begin taking our treat- wsk-t\~Asfn '"WMf Watchei (Ladies end. gents), ment. Don't try to stop smoking un- \§M£&SbLJjß' •£!! alded. It is often a losing fight ' Ai^^y^ ,>u **^ £SlsTwiS^- ,£*> Our treatment is marvelously quick, OxR WXXXXXS AxE TxE BxxT BmJf easy taken, reliable and safe. Thm only , cond , Uon wa a^e i, that If your answer Ib comet jg/Bend stamped envelope for nartieu- 2L 0U Purchase one of our Warranted ChaJUuror Fashionable JL lars, Health Improvement Comnai.v ? ea , r ? N«*teta to wear with the Watch. The chains bo* , >^>g^ Box 396. Auckland. company neddets i are^ the, best quaUty. latest style, and give^ general . JfeS^^W ' ■ tvuw,v, " ,,u * BaUsfacUon to- all, both for quality and price* which Is amply WTaV* — (proved by the thousands of unsolicited testimonials we have re- Mf\ ■ / \,Ym , . -■- iceived from all parts of the Commonwealth, printed copies ot mL 111 l *^ — — St i pfb'cb « r « sent free to everyone answering thb advertisement, «T» mitt /l/ld CP^ •.'-^ C ll^ ' u11 «»»»« and address. The Watches are Solid Sliver or K~- JtWk M WZ Ol' V n > ia'^ffl/l ' E O,d * ,r, « e «'' and are given Absolutely Free for correct solutions. |f^\ "ftlfg B \«4<|trD7l l lfl I Enclose self -addressed envelope when wriUng, so that mn may RL V* fil ■1 1 rl■■ fl I Inform you whether your solution Is correct W fTs^Bfm .k^SJJ^S^^A^^V P ttktn * h «»W be addreued "COMPETITION No 2," Car. of P2®-SS-^fi^Li? WIWinTB'SCOLONULC«.,P!««BatI»«ntSti..SydiifF I *4^?nfr&^^&&2S£ -— -■ ; l\ I M^? l S fcfi,,illltUL J BOOKS From the Freich^^'^f^N^l^^T yI2 7l m^S^v?Slrket Bluo Grey, WlTnTHKffi Wbit « s,aVOB ot LondOD ' Zs° h? dy Joc &°?' 2ffi<wkofNatur* ■=1 '■ TmlliAM JSS Wffl Should Girla Bo ToW ' h0 Q{rK Weddo? l*v£^^ fWyMAw^ Tho Taint ° D 0 Nl s h^t ._.,,.» weuaou tjovo. %\ RHniH Tho Betrayal, > Bride of the First Night A _ ALQfiUE :I:\%LllsEWlßnr/iS Lr- List of Good Books Fro* GET AC AT AL OG UE Blkiliiifi ATLANTIC PUBLISHING CO. - • « Ehztbetk SL M elboßns

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NZ Truth, Issue 973, 19 July 1924, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 NZ Truth, Issue 973, 19 July 1924, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 NZ Truth, Issue 973, 19 July 1924, Page 13


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