Royal and West's Pictures.
Easily first am,:>ng a choice selection of moving pictures this week is a cleverly constructed sentimental drama woven around the epoch of the Napoleonic wars, the film being entitled "The Price of Victory." "Hero or Coward" is another dramatic representation, m which Ned and Jack are school-fel-lows, grow up, and eventually "love the same sweet maid" ; a tinge of melodrama is thrown into the piece towards its . , conclusion when Jack courageously rescues Ned from r a flooded mine. Comedy is illustrated m "Aspirations of Gerald and Percy." Many other pictures which make up a good programme which is screened to the tuneful, refrains of the Lyric Orchestra. A prize matinee will be held to-day (Saturday), and there will < be a change of programme on Monday.
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NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 7
Word Count
NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 7