The story of the re-organisation of the Humber factories under the erstwhile expert, of the great Mercedes f-rin, Mr Burford, and the consequent advancement of the Humber car from the ruck to the first rank of British automobiles is too long to tell.- It is sufficient t,o say that the Humber car to-ony is occupying the position that the Humber bicycle has occupied for long years past. The 12-20 h.p. torpedo body Humber car now to be seen at Messrs Adams Limited's garage, is M^ply a revelation m beauty of bodywork and magnificence of mechanical finish. Enamelled m dark green, with hi«h iluaV, sides and curved dash-board, iiT • «nes 'have all the prace and daintiness of a racing yacht. Its wheels are easily detachable, interchangeable, and of a newand handsome wire-spoke design. The engine is tremendously powerful, yet absolutely silent. It is, par excellence, the car of the day. The London price is £345, and with the addition of importation charges, the j»ame price rules' m New Zealand. Call at the garage and see the finest ISnerlish car of the year. Adams Limited, Sole New Zealand Agents for "Humber" cars. Oarage, Tuam Vtrcet, Christchurch.
NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 7