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And a Breach of Etiquette.
As a cheap sneer at Andrew Fisher, the Australian Labor ' Prime Minister, it was cabled last week that he had appeared m civil attire at the unveiling of the Victoria Memorial. What a gross breach of "sassiety" etiquette", to be sure ! But it shows the man. Andrew Fisher is no sycophant— no tuft-hunting > toady. In that simple action, Mr Fisher stood true to the principles of his class, for it is not so many years since he daily walked to work without a coat, sleeves rolled up, and billy-can m hand. In 1885, at the age of 23, Andy, a braw, Scottish new chum, landed at the Burrum, an insignificant Queensland coalfield. He was engaged as engineer. After a while a strike of coal-miners occurred, and, although there was no need for Fisher to take part, he threw m his lot with the men, and subsequently suffered for his pains. Boycotted from employment, he went to Gympie and obtained work at engine-driving. He identified himself with the miners' union, eventually became selected as the first Labor candidate for Gympie, and, m 1893, was elected to Parliament at the first time of asking. Too honest and generous, at the next election he treated the usual Opposition campaign, canards with contempt, deeming it unnecessary to reply to lies, and was defeated. Back to the engine and billy-can he went, and worked on the mines till the general election came round. Not only was he elected again, but also carried m a second Labor man to keep him company. From, the State Parliament he was returned to the first House of Representatives of the Commonwealth m 1901 as member for Wide Bay, which included the Gympie electorace. He held a portfolio m Chris. Watson's first Commonwealth Labor Ministry, and three years ago formed the Fisher Ministry, which soon after was defeated by the Deakin fusion. Last April Labor swept the polls and Andrew Fisher became Prime Minister for the second time. It is said that several intriguers are at work m the Federal Labor Party endeavoring to depose Fisher, and put Attorney-General Hughes m his place, but it is doubtful whether little Billie would resist the temptation of donning Court dress or a nail-can cady at a Royal function. The cheap sneer of the plute press at Fisher's breach of etiquette is an advertisement that may save Andrew the Prime Ministership for many a long day.
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NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 4
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410ANDREW FISHER. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 4
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ANDREW FISHER. NZ Truth, Issue 309, 27 May 1911, Page 4
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