THE " PUREIbOY " IS BOISTEROUS. - ■ ' ■■ ■ & ■ ■ \ ',-•■'■■• - 1• ~~ '■ ■- -\ '-.■-■ White-Cross Cipsader Turns Cantiankeroiis. .■■■■'-..•'- '_% _______ -■;. I^VvV- ; \ AND PUBUCIJ PILLORIES THIS P_OUS jpNT.
■ ' ' ' As' tlie man who has no- pemies isn't | wWort* a grain of salt, liken®e u-ra pub- ] '•'■.•-'lie jbumal that devotes itsdlto the ex- | Aposuro of frauds, shams &W uhposjors •generally not worth the name of journal if itis not often damned afd, denounced as • a wretched, evil-spreadhte rag. This pop-lar pious print, hasp-quired the beastly b»bit, of weekly hitfng up against; humbugs and quacks, parffiularly^of the i "' seligious variety, and if some wrate-chok-. j ered, dirty^dickied and evU^meUingi soxedy pious' nuisance, does riot . dttfbunce "Truth for being '*filttiy muck" a^d a,;hbel-_iss-emiriating rag and everytSiing is vilß, arid, vicious, the paper, pfcctacaUy^peak- - ing, might commence tollhelieve shafts are only sent at Shdoni and never .'find their mark. Property speaking, we love a fight, and if we are not the -subject! of some violent outfieak we are very unhappy and even melancholy, and though the staff is iriorhl arid sober, it collectave- &_ ly evinces a burning r dMre to go straight; ": • 'oui? into ! this' '•■■ "wickedl f oria>taM'_ia and 1 drink and^ becomev shocking- ' examples at ' what respectability ., S repponsfths ;; for. However,- :we; have of ffte enjoyed- aa Mr- : most unparalleled inrcnu-ity 'l^bpiVvOUV rageous outbursts anep the „>awf_lness of "Truth," ' arid the latest to: break the ice is no less thaa thai?^detectable, dpllar'iaanting, mock-modesw• '„■ '"•;' ■--..- v RANTING, CANTING, SNUFFLEBUSTtNG|HUMBUG, v Ri.;i__ W. Bligh; .Wirte Cross ; Crusader, whose object' m. ■ life;; ' whose profession, trade or mode of li^elihbod is speak to boys only, andlnarangue thdm with : what the Rev. J . '••' /J^ North might appropriately describe as|i"filthv sexual stuff.' In a word, Blighi?PK Blight; - representing himself as a _r_sader of some' League, or other called th@White Cross;. ' is. exploiting New; Zealand; and- talking to boys and bald-heads bri subjects that are exceedingly blue. "W Bligh is : really ,a Blight, because riot; so. very long-ago it, was this paper's Exceedingly ; painful, but very public, dutyotb chronicle- certain Police Court pfoceelirigs, wherein a men- ' ■tally-afflicted and|physi»3ally perverted ahd morally depiraveif young man- was found to have attempted indecent' ' arid nameless ■ liberties i wlth : some -innocent-minded lads, and who, by poking; as a Bligh ;;. apostle, sought tp attaui^his dirty - arid unmention-r able< ends. We'l'do. 'riot know / whether Bligh's lewd ahO^ , blue 'pilgrimage through the Dbminion . has effected any great and; evetrlastirilg^goofi) ■■' biift 'we dp k^.pw' -that : m bne 1 instance,^t lea-t', it has accomplish■- ■ ed that which ithe blighting \ bounder says he is earnestly striving to obviate. Some men ariythifig bht hard and honest .toil;! for a livelihopiL Religion "and its many branches offersfto the humbug arid howl-, ing hypocritesjrhe source of a comfortable living. Religiori manufactures para-' . sites, who rieffher , : tbil nor-*« they spin, but whose sole stock-in-trade is ■ a .ready tongue. We have heard of Bligh in ' Australia and W have also heard of the White Cross^League; but we certainly have not h__rd who, 'the Leaguers are;Bligh is the! ; League's mouthpiece, and. it looks, on tfife face; of "matters,' that -the? Blue Blightfhas invented a brarich of rd-.| ligion all oh his owri', and as : -a "paying; branch,_ on4f which affords a lucrativetliving, without causing one drop of , sweat ' to ooze fropi the'pores of the skin of his !>fow, Bligfi! the Blue is certainly to be complimented on having solved -ttie great i:y , nrobl^m. olliyingj v w|tiput. w.o^ng, , . ; -/"! ■ ./ OR BRIGHT,; OR r PLIGHT ,; '■ has for some, years, and still is, successfuLly working the Pure ' Boy dodge m New Zealand, He is a peripatetic pilgrhn, who, if we are not mistaken, has been supplied with a free pass on our railways. He has been subsidised to the extent of £250 per annum, more or less; by the Hon. Geo.. Fowlds* Mary Ann Aitken and a Hawke's Bay Apglicap. ■■ cleric. "Truth" therefore presumes - that, these political wowsers' and the prelate have the . greatest faith ih Bligh'j*. and, judging from ;■■■ the number wf purity lectures that Bligh has delivered, the ;mpral state of our schoolboys is m a very parlous '•■ state. Safe to say, however, that' tiie average schoolboy m :'the Dbminion, after hearing Bligh and his i purity- muck, have learned , more than was wholesome for them, and as Bligh has bn mote' than one occasion delivered his "eloquent" lecture to boys . belonging to secular schools; "Truth" -wante to know the reason Why an outsider; and- a comparative stranger m the Poininion is allowed to practically break and enter colleges and ' m his ignorant and ill-dressed and ill-concealed language, address' boys on ' a -Subject which scbool- , .masters, if anybody at all, should subtly, ; '.-.' instil into their wax-mpiuld-like minds. Bligh is an insolent and impu-* dept ;. impostor. . He is v living on the , pure-boy game, and tlie marvel is that we have* not had a crop of boy "Purist?" who,- perceiving the good wicket V Bligh , is on; have-not also had a cut at this . 'methotl of livelihood. This' Bligh actually:, has the- audacity, because "Wowser" Fowlds has taken him under /his haberdashery wlhg, to pose as a sofrt of GovBftunerit pure-boy. agent, and "Truth" , t'tust6 that SSr J oseph , Ward will prompt- ; . ly disclaim, any responsibility. Bligh is Blighty ,and he and , his pure-boy muck - bhght to be firmly suppresse.di;' ' ''Truth" believes, arid the bpiriion >'; is • shared by many- mothers and fathers, that their offspring is more blissful m his' ignorance than m, hayirig served up to jhiin, steaming hot, facts and conclusions (Bligh's conclusions) that have a result that is far ;frpm pleasant. .: MTruth," for its part, is ready to, admit that there . y. ARE 'JviCIOUSrMINDED LADS ; who : will; ■ easily Corrupt; and . lead • astray others; more iririocent 'and wdaker iri riiind, but ft must be -conceded that .tJi'e • average^ New Zesv-^ ■^^Aeftll boy .is A bright^ sturdy specimenr'bi young humanity. Tliere i Ss rnoj^a boy .whose mind is licit wrapped>Up m some atlilctic sport and %yho irisfihetively kno** .that Jto be- sound inj>pfly and m liiribhe -must avoi^ any jas£ liable to Undermine his constitution^ A boy's riiind on the average isf-pure, but after listening to the illTCOhfieialed sexual filth that Bligh, m the role of teligious ranter, pours out to him> , ttfat bbv is liable to think arid perhaps act. JSfbwi this paper has .not concealed m anjr Wwfty its contempt for Bligh the /Blighter. It has ridiculedj-hirii. as ahum- ' /bug and a religious quack, and .it has . /pointed out that if New /Zealand , lads /want, saving from ' themselves there y are pleaty of doctors m the community ,whb WBjuld be only too /Willing to issue that Yarning (if it is necessary) m a .discreet a*hd tactful way, Bligh is a ranter ol Xha tiib-thamp ing order.; - He has little /iclicacyi ho tact, *Hb is ignorarit arid Vgoes bald-headed into ; his unsavory sub- . J jeetev to the unutterable wonder of the / small boy, but to the secret joy of the / bald-head, who, attracted by the notice I "for boys, and young men only," roll upin grea") force and pay. (ori fhe plate) 1 quite cheerfully to learn, ere it becomes too late, the lessons^ of a pure life. vs"Trutli" ha« remarKe^ . the unholy humbug, this, ranter and? 'canter! and, ecpno-mically-speakirig, loa^si:,: and parasite, has been peregrtnatlrig and we are riot at all surprised, m view pi the subjects Bligh treats, that • he has ••.-. had large audiences. Evidently tbe abound-" r ,er has felt, as; we intended they shorild be, the censure and exposure "Truth" directed x ut. him,/ dnd moreover, it is. not surprising to find that m addition to his mahy rea«cn« and argumen.* - f_t a pure
(life, thevboundibg Webob N ba_ attributed, to "Truth" a l*ig part A IN THE. SHEADING OF EVIL m the Dominion. This is what the "Marlborough Herald" . repbrts Bligh of having said at. Blenheim, last Sunday evening week concerning^ whati-%^ .presume, is ."Tnith'?:— 'y-,: , -'^n^ ' -V . ' .'• '.'' • '.;■• He referred, m .scathing fepas^tQ one publication ih New Zealand whiSi^seUs a* tiireepenoe' pet copy, and circt__<tes thrbhghoirli the..'- length v,_i*d x breadth Ofthe land poisonings. and -corrupting; the minds of the young men. He had ap-; t proached the /Minister of Education on ,the matter, ahd 'the Minister, while admitting (the evil, said it was verydiffii 'cult to deal with it. , "The best way to ..cfEectivel^ suppress it," , said Mr Bligh, -and his,, statement was loudly applaud-; ed, *?is for everyone to ; refuse to; buy such filthy muck." \ ■•■;; '; flif 'th'e'.vfiidß' 'tot. these assertions, Bligh thof Blight' c^- hardly v complain .when' we de- • cl.ate . that ; ■••/■'in' • Stating that ' 'Truth • poisr, 'oris r.'-i—i corrupts' the mindsbf young men,--ißv.^;'isS'a.!._tof < :nbt; an ordinary; bot the common potato-patch or fish. liar',, but a' dltrty, brutal, y.bldckguardly, beastly- liar,; who eVety time he utters such, a state-; ! m-ent,;,^stands . ih deadly pfiril of being 1 struck dead by his Maker. Nbw,,w.e'Uf:o»> |give Bli^ifor the assertion that. f. "Truth'?/ is' threepence 'per , copy. We hope. 'he; buys, jit arid.;; -besn't 'borrow' - his neighbor's.; [Moreover,'; advertisers are jinvited to* note that We ~. circulate „< throughout' "the le_gt]i and breadth, of the land. Now, ,we know that r Wowser Minister for Education Fowlds- regards -"Tru^i" as an evil, arid;, if "Truths is an evit '"-ft is., a very neefcs-j sary evil; ;, while.., bby-blighteris ; of the?. ■"Bligh; type are on; the. face of the eartijiMozeover,': it is interestihg to note th^t^ the MiriistM ;,;. feels'- it; is' difficult to . d^.l; with tbe evil; ; but the, aforesaid evU'-'fiU-. hot find it very difficult to deal Wfth* Mister Fowlds when it comes to him.' u to gire ah ' acconnjfc of his stewardship; t6 his electors^ Mister; FowldV might find \i it; damned difficult to 'explain /away his.unChrist|an like attitude m relatiori to $he suffering ' : inmates of the Te, Oranga,.,Hoipe, and it is strange to. relate t^at sopar Pure Boy" and Gfirl Bligh hasn't let bhnself loose on ' .- c•, .■■,-'>'•;.■ -^;;" r ; , THE POWER OF \vUMAJNIHOOBa* at -the '"said Honie. ■> Hair-cutting \{and strapping is a bitterv enough puriishnifint; biit < God save the poor ' misguided innfiites torn Bligh the Blue. As for that ter's advice^ amidst loud applause, tp.-evf erybody ,l tb refuse to buy such iilthy muck,".'. '''iSuth'.'Vcari only smile and r re>inark that 'they aU buy it. Apart, ;hbwr ever, : from the .; big advertisement given *'Truth," this 'paper, which has dorie;arid is doing more .good; than Bligh and^ bis Blue Cross League has or ever will/.accomplishi as a 'parting' shot, hereby advises Bligh to be wary and care-; ■ful' of what he says concerning , •Truthi" otherwise, he will rouse our' anger and; >ye shall be very cross with him';, and ;we niight add, if Bligh feels disposed to'refer to.. us m scathing terms; 'he might <quote "Truth's" opinion of him } and the j'uestionable manner m" which he is •earh'v irig '-a, crust. '
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Bibliographic details
NZ Truth, Issue 159, 4 July 1908, Page 5
Word Count
1,782BLIGH THE BLIGHTER. NZ Truth, Issue 159, 4 July 1908, Page 5
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